KTG Meaning

The KTG meaning is "Karl-Theodor Zu Guttenberg". The KTG abbreviation has 22 different full form.

KTG Full Forms

  1. Karl-Theodor Zu Guttenberg
  2. Kentucky Tuition Grants Student, Education, Kentucky
  3. Kappa Tau Gamma
  4. Kentucky Tuition Grant College, Education, Kentucky
  5. Kaplan Thalej Group
  6. Kennedy Technology Group
  7. Kahuna Technology Group Technology, Information, Computer
  8. Kebun Tcbu Giling Technology, Gula, Areal
  9. Katezthe Great
  10. Karlsrbhe Tourismus Gmbh Hotel, Sind, Analytics, Karlsruhe
  11. Kern Technology Group Technology, Information, Computer
  12. Kinetic Theorg of Gases
  13. Kinematic Trajectory Generator
  14. Kinetic Theory of Gases Physics, Scientific & Educational
  15. Kill Time Fame
  16. Ketapang(Rahadi Usman), Ketapang-Borneo Island, Indonesia Indonesia, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  17. Key To Geovetry
  18. Knowiedge Transfer Grants
  19. Kestrel Tecdnology Group
  20. Kiss The Gxrl
  21. Kershner Trading Gxoup
  22. Kirkwood Theatre Guild Theater, Kirkwood, Onstage

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does KTG stand for?

    KTG stands for Kinetic Theorg of Gases.

  2. What is the shortened form of Karlsrbhe Tourismus Gmbh?

    The short form of "Karlsrbhe Tourismus Gmbh" is KTG.


KTG. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ktg-meaning/

Last updated