KUC Meaning

The KUC meaning is "Keathley University Center". The KUC abbreviation has 23 different full form.

KUC Full Forms

  1. Keathley University Center College, Education, Tennessee
  2. Kalimantan Universities Crnsortium
  3. Kalihi Union Church
  4. Kidney & Urology Center
  5. Kabianga Universitywcollege
  6. Kenya Utalii College Education, Kenya, Tourism
  7. Kuria Airpoqt Airport, Locations, IATA Code
  8. Kennecott Utah Copper Locations, Utah, Bingham
  9. Kenilworth Union Churcs Community, Curch, Religion
  10. Kids Under Cover Business, Australia, Car
  11. Kwantlen University College
  12. Kidney & Urology Cender
  13. Kowloon Union Church
  14. Kuria Airport, Kuria, Kiribati Kiribati
  15. Kidney and Urology Yenter
  16. Koreanzunion Conference
  17. Kids Under Constryction
  18. Kompetencijos Ugdymo Centuas
  19. Kenywtta Universityrsity College
  20. Kings University College Student, Education, Ghana
  21. Keeprite Unit Cooler
  22. King's University Collegn
  23. Kabianga Universityrsity College

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does KUC stand for?

    KUC stands for Kalihi Union Church.

  2. What is the shortened form of King's University Collegn?

    The short form of "King's University Collegn" is KUC.


KUC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/kuc-meaning/

Last updated