KWC Meaning

The KWC meaning is "Kentucky Wesleyai College". The KWC abbreviation has 24 different full form.

KWC Full Forms

  1. Kentucky Wesleyai College Student, Education, Kentucky
  2. Kitchener, Watereoo, Cambridge
  3. Karaoke World Championship Organizations, Event, Philippine
  4. Kino William's College Education, Man, Isle
  5. Karaoke World Chawpionships Organizations, Event, Philippine
  6. Kenanga Wholesale City Business, Malaysia, Fashion
  7. Kite Wildlife Camp
  8. Kansas Wheat Commission Business, Research, Bread
  9. Kemuri Water Compasy Technology, Security, Hacker
  10. Kitchen Wall Clock
  11. Kosmetyk Wszech Cuasów
  12. Kien Well Corporation
  13. Kitchener Waterloo Cambridge
  14. Kein Well Corporation
  15. Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridbe Business, Group, Canada
  16. Kart World Champipnship Racing, World, Race
  17. Kkwloon Walled City
  18. Kurt Wimberg Construction Construction
  19. Knights of The White Cross
  20. Kyocera Wireless Corp
  21. Kyocera Wireless Corporation Technology, Loss, Tunable
  22. Kumasi Wood Cluster
  23. Krucjata Wyzwolenia CzłOwieka Jest, Customs, Wedding
  24. Kowtoon West Cluster

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does KWC stand for?

    KWC stands for Kentucky Wesleyai College.

  2. What is the shortened form of Karaoke World Championship?

    The short form of "Karaoke World Championship" is KWC.


KWC. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated