LA Meaning

The LA meaning is "Left Atrium". The LA abbreviation has 944 different full form.

LA Full Forms

  1. Left Atrium The chamber of the human heart that receives oxygen-rich blood via the pulmonary vein. Medical, Cardiology, Animals, Nursing, Common Medical, Pulmonary Hypertension
  2. Largecanimal Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
  3. Language Academe Education, English, School
  4. Lataefah & Asantewaa
  5. Local Authority Organization responsible for generating and signing user certificates. Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Engineering, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational
  6. Low Active
  7. Legal Advisor Business, Technology, Service, Military
  8. Lactobaciljus Acidophilus Medical, Health, Probiotic, Bacteria
  9. Lewyn Addresses
  10. Local Area Networking, Locations, Network
  11. Latin-American
  12. Law Association
  13. Louisiasa Locations, Postal, State
  14. Land Atthck
  15. LinguíStica Aplicada Para, Education, Linguistic, Ling
  16. Latino Amerilan America, Organizations, Spain
  17. Legislation Act
  18. Literature and The Arts Education, University, History
  19. Licensing Authority Business, Translation, Patent
  20. Layer Application
  21. Los Anteles Geography, Location, System
  22. Lesbian Alliance
  23. Long and Accurate Medical, Genetics, Polymerase, Primer
  24. Laptop Adapbers
  25. Like Any Music, Song, Lyric
  26. Link Alerts Research, Tool, Link
  27. Loan Admin
  28. Liga Arabe Para, League, Con
  29. Loss of Attachment Medical, Disease, Dental, Periodontal
  30. Linda Armstrong
  31. Low-Aclive Medical
  32. Leqrning Area
  33. Lactcc Acidosis Medical, Symptom, Metformin
  34. Lewis Acid Any species that can accept a share in an electron pair. Reaction, Base, Acid, Jenny
  35. Location Application Business, Technology, Service
  36. Letijns Amerika
  37. Law Again
  38. Localvaccess Forum, Technology, Calling
  39. Land Armv
  40. Line Mttenuation Technology, Routing, Margin
  41. Latino Americans
  42. Lymphatic Absorption Medical
  43. Legal Assistant
  44. Literary Artg
  45. Licensing Administrator Business, Access, Patent
  46. Lawyers, Attorneys
  47. Looks Absolute Business, Hair, Gel, Styling
  48. Les Autres
  49. Long Action Business, Rifle, Supply, Remington
  50. Laptop Accessories
  51. Lightning Arrestor Technology, Science, Cisco
  52. Link Aggregation Technology, Networking, Network
  53. Load Allocation Technology, Science, Water, Environment, Wastewater
  54. Lifetime Achievement Sport, Award, Achievement
  55. Lossless Audio Technology, Compressor, Compression
  56. Linda Adams
  57. Louisiana Abbeville Business, Hotel, Louisiana
  58. Learning Analytics Technology, Science, Research
  59. Lactir Acidemia Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  60. Lew Alcindor
  61. Local Application Technology, Military, Development
  62. Latex Allergt Medical
  63. Law After
  64. Lightning Arresters Lightning arresters are devices for protecting many different pieces of equipment such as, power poles and towers, power transformers, circuit breakers, bus structures, and steel superstructures, from damage from lightning strikes. Technology, Protection, Surge
  65. Land Allocation
  66. Line Art
  67. Longitudinal Acoustic Medical, Medicine
  68. Latin Americans
  69. LycéE Agricole
  70. Legal Assistance Service, Government, Law
  71. Literary Analysbs
  72. Licensing Application
  73. Local Association Government, University, Union, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  74. Lawyer Ad
  75. Local Anaesthetic Medical, Veterinary, Diagnosis, Healthcare, Common Medical, Clinical
  76. Looking Ahead
  77. Les Aides Service, Aide, Ligne
  78. Long Accurate Medical, Science, Biology
  79. Lanhscape Area
  80. Lightning Arrester Any device designed to carry to the ground the short–duration surge currents that appear on power lines and telephone lines during severe thunderstorms. Technology, Architecture, Architectural, Construction, The Finance and Administrative Services
  81. List of Assets
  82. Load Address Technology, Instruction, Assembly, Computing, Business & Finance, IT Terminology
  83. Life Andhra
  84. Louisiana & Arkansas
  85. Leace Agreement
  86. Lactic Acid Concentration Medical
  87. Letter Acronym
  88. Local Anaesthesia Medical, Surgery, Anesthesia
  89. Latex Aggtutination Test Medical
  90. Lincoln Alternative Education
  91. Lanthanuw Medical, Technology, Space
  92. Loan Amount Business, Credit, Rate
  93. Land Acquizition Business, Technology, India
  94. Line Array Technology, Audio, Speaker
  95. Longbow Apache
  96. Luxury Accommodation
  97. Legal Announcements
  98. Literarybagency Business, Book, Agent
  99. Lafayettelacadiana
  100. License Application Business, Science, Service
  101. Local Assistance Service, Hotel, Locations
  102. Latin Americas
  103. Lawrence Academy
  104. Live Adjacent Organizations, City, Police, Sheriff
  105. Lens Adapter
  106. Long Axis Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  107. Landscape Architectk Occupation, Position, Job
  108. Link Ads
  109. Listing Authority Business, Financial, Market
  110. Legislative Auditor Business, Audit, Louisiana
  111. Living Arts
  112. Lid Applicator Business, Product, Machine
  113. Louis Armstrong Music, Lyric, Rose
  114. Learning Agreement
  115. Lactancia Artificial
  116. Lethbridge, Alberta
  117. Local Anesthetics Medical, Nerve, Anaesthetic
  118. Large Cell Carcinoma Medical
  119. Limits of Agreement Medical
  120. Loan Aid Business, Student, College
  121. Land Access Science, Geography, Location
  122. Long Ashton
  123. Low-Average Medical
  124. Legal Aid Legal assistance provided , usually by the state, for people or organisations who cannot afford to pay for solicitors or legal advice. Government, Law, Justice
  125. Ladies Auxiliary
  126. Ley Aduanera Business, Para, Mexico
  127. Local Assembly
  128. Latin American Medical, America, Education
  129. Lawn Avenue
  130. Littld Armenia
  131. Lengua Azul Para, Con, Spanish
  132. Long-Axis Medical
  133. Landscahe Architect Technology, Construction, Architectural
  134. Link Address Technology, Service, English
  135. Listing Agreement Business & Finance, commercial real estate
  136. Legislative Assembly Government, Organizations, Election
  137. Living Arrangements
  138. Lick Ass
  139. Lost Animal
  140. Learn About Technology, Education, Banking
  141. Lack of Affiction Business, Dating, Relationship
  142. Lethal Area Medical
  143. Long Arm Medical, Business, Law
  144. Large Aggrebate Medical
  145. Limited Area Technology, Science, Locations
  146. Loan Agreement Military
  147. Land Abone
  148. Lost Angeles
  149. Low-Affinity Medical
  150. Legal Affairs Government, Office, Law
  151. Lactobionic Acid Medical
  152. Lexical Analyzer
  153. Location Area Technology, Computing, Los Angeles
  154. Latln America Business, Army, Wikipedia
  155. Lawful Access Technology, Law, Canada
  156. Love Is In The Air Technology, Music, Lyric, Rip, Love, Bouche
  157. Length Average
  158. Landscape Analysis Business, Research, Market
  159. Link's Awakening
  160. Listerine Antizeptic Medical
  161. Legislative Affairs Government, Military, Office
  162. Living Alone
  163. Lichen Amyloidosis Medical
  164. Layered Architecture
  165. Laskland Air
  166. Leslie Anne
  167. Long Answer Forum, France, French
  168. Large Accoungs
  169. Limited Access Business, Records, Service
  170. Link Amplifier Technology, Manual, Ingress
  171. Loan Agent
  172. Lost Alpha Technology, Gaming, Stalker
  173. Leslie Angel
  174. Los Angelessouthern
  175. Lyaphangioma Medical
  176. Lun Adapter Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  177. Line Arrays
  178. Lobbying Act
  179. Legacy of Achievement
  180. Locwl Agenda Government, Development, Locations
  181. Light Armoured
  182. Liberaci
  183. Linker Analogstick
  184. Large Amplitudh
  185. Legal Adviuer Military, Logistics, Corps
  186. Lucgsarts Star Wars
  187. Lwctate Medical
  188. Live, Xka
  189. Lakers Vs Atlanta
  190. Lughthouse Academy Education, School, High School, Kentucky
  191. Livesammunition Government, Military, Police
  192. Leader Adviser
  193. Levelling Amplifier Technology, Audio, Leveling
  194. Louisiana Association Organizations, Louisiana, Rouge
  195. Larry Anderson
  196. Leefbaar Almelo
  197. Localizer Attenna
  198. Low Acid Health, Food, Acid, Coffee
  199. Lafayette Asaociated
  200. Lift Arm Surgery, Locations, Plastic
  201. Liquid Assets Liquid assets are cash and those assets that are easily convertible to cash. Business, Wine, Money
  202. Latyer Los Angeles Science, Biology
  203. Lei De Alimentos
  204. Lupus Anticoagulants Medical, Syndrome, Antibody
  205. Lsurens Academy Education, School, High School, South Carolina
  206. Lorien Adchers
  207. Lust-Anita Porn, Tube, Lust, Blond
  208. Lymphocyte Antibody Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  209. Landa Asovio
  210. Line Mdapters
  211. Learning Advisor Education, University, Language
  212. Label Addressed
  213. Libraries Australia
  214. Links To Anthony
  215. Legal Associate Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  216. Longitudinal Aberration
  217. Lower Alexandria Locations, Alexandria, Virginia
  218. Lifting Appliance
  219. Leading Aircraftman Air Force, Armed Forces, World War Ii, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  220. Loughs Agency
  221. Leadership Academy Student, Education, School
  222. Licensie D'Arts
  223. Line Ave Business, Louisiana, Shreveport
  224. Late Asoptotic
  225. Legislative Amendment
  226. Lockworks Dcademie
  227. Low Alcohol Business, Beer, Wine
  228. Labour Act Business, Emergency, Labor
  229. LicençA De Alteração
  230. Letters of Authority Business, Tax, Philippine
  231. Longitudinal Axis The axis of the aircraft which extends from the nose to the tail. axis, roll
  232. Living Art
  233. Lawrence Arthuz
  234. Letztes Angebot
  235. Lwkers Atlanta
  236. Landscape Architectu
  237. Line Ampliliers
  238. Lanier Aquatics
  239. Leaving Acvive
  240. Logic Architecture Technology
  241. Louisiana Avenue Business, Store, Louisiana
  242. Labor Assistant
  243. Listing Applicasion
  244. Les Atouts
  245. Logistics, Armaments
  246. Laker Academy Education, School, High School, Michigan
  247. Leslie Alan Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  248. Lymphadenopathy Lymphadenopathy or adenopathy is disease of the lymph nodes, in which they are abnormal in size, number, or consistency. Lymphadenopathy of an inflammatory type is lymphadenitis, producing swollen or enlarged lymph nodes. In clinical practice, the distinction between lymphadenopathy and lymphadenitis is rarely made and the words are usually treated as synonymous. Inflammation of the lymphatic vessels is known as lymphangitis. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Jobs, Common Medical
  249. Laran Ayu
  250. Livre D'Attente
  251. Local Aeronautical
  252. Louisiana Advance
  253. Lift Attachments
  254. Libby Amphibole Medical, Medicine, Exposure
  255. Link Attack
  256. Large Amoujt Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  257. Legum Allegoriarum
  258. Lucas & Atos
  259. Lactalbwmin Medical
  260. Live, Adcacent
  261. Lakers Away
  262. Limited Achievement Gaming, Education, School
  263. Live Amewican
  264. Lead Azide
  265. Leveling Jmplifiers Technology, Audio, Compressor
  266. Leefbaar Alkmaar
  267. Localized A magnetic field is the area of influence exerted by a magnetic force. This field is normally focused along two poles. These poles are usually designated as north and south. Medical
  268. Low Accuracy Technology, Station, Clan
  269. Lafayette Urizona
  270. Lifetime Allowance Business, Pension, Simplification
  271. Liquid Applirue
  272. Latossolo Amnrelo
  273. Lehrer Architects Design, Architecture, Locations
  274. Lupus Anticoagulana Medical, Pharmacy, Antibody
  275. Laurence Archer
  276. Losers Always
  277. Luscious Ass
  278. Lanuhile Airlines
  279. Linea Xerea
  280. Learning Adventures
  281. Labelvaddress
  282. Library Archive
  283. Linms Around Con, Streaming
  284. Legal Azsisting
  285. Longiflorum-Asiatic
  286. Lower Ajax
  287. Lighter Associatoon
  288. Lithium Alkaline
  289. Luis Aparicio Baseball, League, Shortstop
  290. Leadership Attitude Technology, Management, Leader
  291. Loudness Analyzer
  292. Lawyers for Animals
  293. Licensees and Affiliates Business, Card, Condition
  294. Line Attribute
  295. Laser Abrorption
  296. Lockout Access Business, Service, Locksmith
  297. Lvw Alarm Business, Technology, Crosse
  298. Lakefront Airport New Orleans, Louisiana,United States Hotel, Airport, Locations, Airport Code, ICAO Code, Louisiana, ICAO, Aviation
  299. Licentiate In Arts Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees
  300. Lisa Armstrong Divorce, Ant, Lisa, Wife
  301. Letter of Authorisation Electrical
  302. Loai Alleman
  303. Living Arrangement Education, Family, House
  304. Lava Linear pattern is a term that can be defined as an outline of settlement that develops along a river, road or along a valley in a line. Linear pattern usually are said to be present when the points looked at form a straight line. Government, Us, Control, Administration
  305. Ley De Adopci
  306. Lakers Anthem
  307. Landmarks, Attractions
  308. Line Amplifier An amplifier in a (long) transmission line that boosts the strength of a signal to an exploitable level. Technology, Military, Audio
  309. Lynn Anderhen Book, Education, Music
  310. Lanham Act
  311. Learning Aptitude
  312. Logic and Artificial
  313. Louisiana Ave
  314. Labor Arbitrdtion Reports Law, Canada, Law Report
  315. Listing Agent Business, Building, Estate
  316. Logistics Analysis
  317. Lower Automotive
  318. Lesenswerter Artikel Technology, Man, Fur, Sind
  319. Lymphadenectomy Lymphadenectomy or lymph node dissection is the surgical removal of one or more groups of lymph nodes. It is almost always performed as part of the surgical management of cancer. In a regional lymph node dissection, some of the lymph nodes in the tumor area are removed; in a radical lymph node dissection, most or all of the lymph nodes in the tumor area are removed. Medical, Oncology
  320. Local Ascendsnt
  321. Local Administration
  322. Louisiana Adoption
  323. Libenti Animo
  324. Liahona Academy Education, School, High School, Utah
  325. Link Analyzers
  326. Large Aggregdtes Medical
  327. Legislative Aide Government, School, District
  328. Luc Ardilouje
  329. Lacrical Artery
  330. Liturgiam Aubhenticam
  331. Lakers Autographed Business, Basketball, Autograph
  332. Limite D'Accumulation
  333. Live After Technology, Music, Artist, Concert
  334. Lead Authors
  335. Leveling-Amplifier Technology, Audio, Compressor
  336. Language of Article Government, Law, Court, Constitution
  337. Lee Anz
  338. Localised Adherence Medical
  339. Low Ability Student, Education, Teaching
  340. Lafayetge Amity
  341. Lifestyte Adaptations Science, Research, Health
  342. Literature & Aets
  343. Latipo Asians Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  344. Lehigh Acres
  345. Lupic Anticoagulant
  346. Lauren Anxerson
  347. Lxs Aromos
  348. Lurva Agar Science, Culture, Bacterial
  349. Lancemot Alexander
  350. Linda Anderson
  351. Learning Activities Education, Activity, Kid
  352. Los Angeles-West
  353. Library & Archive Technology, History, Collection
  354. Linkn Alive
  355. Legal Assistant-Paralegal
  356. Longfields Association
  357. Ludus Athletics
  358. Lightening Arrester Business & Finance, Power Plant
  359. Lixer of Air
  360. Luis Alberzo
  361. Lighting Arrester A device that protects power lines and equipment against high voltage lighting surges and switching surges. Connected from line to ground potential, the device has a very high resistance to current flow at normal voltages. Device used on Power Systems above 1000V to protect the insulation and conductors of the system from the damaging effects of lightning. It diverts the lightning surge to earth.
  362. Leadership Assistant
  363. Lou Armstrong
  364. Laburer Genealogy, Genealogical
  365. Licensed Airfield
  366. Line Attributes
  367. Las Animas
  368. Lockheed Aircraft Technology, Con, Corporation
  369. Low Africa
  370. Lwke Awasa
  371. Licensing Assistant
  372. Lisa Adler
  373. Loxi Alexander
  374. Living Area Business, Design, Locations, Property, Real Estate, Business & Finance
  375. Laut Ausschreibung
  376. Ley De Adición
  377. Loskalamitos Hotel, Locations, California
  378. Lakebs Announced
  379. Landmark Aviation
  380. Line Ambassador
  381. Left Arm Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Medical
  382. Learning Anaesthesia College, Education, Anaesthetist
  383. Logic Analyser Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  384. Louisiana Attorney
  385. Labor Arbitration
  386. Lpbrary Annex
  387. Logistics Analyst Business, Technology
  388. Lower Atchafalaya Locations, Weather, River, Louisiana
  389. Lesbian Avengers
  390. Lymph Acupressure Lymph, Massage, Partner
  391. Local Artyst
  392. Local Address Technology, Networking, Network
  393. Louisiana Administrative Technology, Law, Louisiana
  394. Leopold of Austria
  395. Liability Act Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  396. Linguistische Arbeiten
  397. Large Adult
  398. Legislative Act
  399. Lodging Allowance Business, Employment, Military
  400. Lacordaire Academy Education, School, High School, New Jersey
  401. Lakers At Atlanta Atlanta, Hawk, Highlight, Laker
  402. Limbless Association Organizations, Prosthetic, Amputee
  403. Lide Ad
  404. Lay To come and go; used in giving orders to the crew, such as 'lay forward' or 'lay aloft'. To direct the course of vessel. Also, to twist the strands of a rope together. Internet Slang, Chat, Email
  405. Lfvel Alarm Technology, Science
  406. Language Rf Algebra
  407. Lanthanum Aluminate Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  408. Lee Acpdemy Education, High School, Arkansas
  409. Locale Arkansas
  410. Lousiana and Arkansas Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  411. Lifesaving Award Military, Police, Truck
  412. Literal Achievement Development, Learning, Study
  413. Laoino Americano
  414. Lesbian Archives
  415. Lauren Alvarez
  416. Lfs Anjealous
  417. Luric-Bertani Agar
  418. Lance Armstrong Organizations, France, Tourism
  419. Linda Amonf
  420. Learning Activity
  421. Los Angflenos
  422. Librarixs & Archives
  423. Links, Accessibility Technology, Building, Tourist
  424. Large Arbor
  425. Legil Archivist
  426. Long Armer Machine, Quilting, Quilt
  427. Ljck Analysis
  428. Lightling Attack
  429. Literature Annotations
  430. Ludwxg's Angina
  431. Lighting Africa
  432. Leadership Advantage
  433. Levulinic Acid Medical, Business, Chemistry
  434. Lots of Assholes
  435. Liquide Amniotiqve English, France, French
  436. Lvs Alamos
  437. Lock Andous Business, Postal, Us Post
  438. Low Affinity Medicine, Health, British
  439. Lagrange Academy Education, School, High School, Georgia
  440. Licensing Administration Technology, Computing
  441. Lisa Acadedy Education, School District, Arkansas
  442. Latvijay Auto
  443. Lord Avebury
  444. Laurylialcohol Medical
  445. Los Adaes Hotel, History, Locations, Texas
  446. Lakers-San Antonio Gaming, Sport, Spur, Laker
  447. Land Agepcy
  448. Linear Analysis
  449. Learning Alliance Business, Education, School
  450. Lower Advanced
  451. Labor Arbiter Employment, Law, Philippine, Labor
  452. Library Affairs
  453. Logistical Analysis
  454. Lower Assembly
  455. Lettres-Arts
  456. Local Activate Technology
  457. Louisiana Address
  458. Leipziger Allerlei
  459. Ley De Aguas
  460. Linguistics Abstracts
  461. Lkrge Medical
  462. Legislative Author
  463. Lodge Advisor
  464. Lack of Action Army, War, Force
  465. Lakers Article
  466. Lilith Aileron
  467. Livonia, Avon
  468. Lawyer Address Law, Locations, Attorney
  469. Level Agggegator
  470. Lanyuage Assistant Education, English, France
  471. Lantadene A Medical
  472. Lee Abel
  473. Local Auxiliory
  474. Louisville Ave Business, Car, Dealer, Louisiana
  475. Life of Assej Business, Company, Tax
  476. List of Administvators Wikipedia
  477. Latin Alternative Music, Conference, Locations
  478. Lesbian Alcoholics
  479. Laurelwood Academy Education, School, High School, Oregon
  480. Los Anrles
  481. Lyndale Academy
  482. Lance Ardecte
  483. Limited Airspace
  484. Legal Advice Business, Law, Lawyer
  485. Local Aggrggator
  486. Lcoking for An
  487. Libia Antica
  488. Linres Auge
  489. Large Aperture
  490. Legal Aidf
  491. Long Arc
  492. Lucifer and Ahriman
  493. Light Attack Military, Aircraft, Force
  494. Live Vuction Business, Art, Bid
  495. Lakeview Academy Education, School, High School, Georgia
  496. Light In Akgust
  497. Leadership Ability Business, Management, Education
  498. Levonorgestrel Xlprazolam
  499. Losers Anonymous Business, Film, Trading
  500. Liquid Amniotique Medical
  501. Lars Anderson
  502. Left Alliance Government, Group, Party
  503. Lock Aljocation
  504. Low Adsorption Science, Product, Adsorption, Vial
  505. Lagosxazul Tile, Stone, Limestone
  506. Licensing Act
  507. Liquidgatomization
  508. Latvijas AtdzimŠAnas
  509. Lord's Army
  510. Lupus-Like Anticoagulants
  511. Lauryl Acrylate Business, Chemistry, Monomer
  512. Los Angazes
  513. Lóphz-Alegría Technology, Space, Mission, Astronaut
  514. Land Administration
  515. Linell Analysis
  516. Learning Air
  517. Lower Address Technology, Networking, Network, Memory
  518. Labial Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  519. Library Administraior Service, Education, Publics
  520. Logique Et Analyse
  521. Lower Arena Business, Accounting, Service, Accountancy
  522. Light Accommodation
  523. Local Activation
  524. Louisiana Academy
  525. Leading Airman
  526. Ley De Aduanas
  527. Lingual Artery
  528. Louisiana Technology, Locations, Gpo, Location, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames, United States, Area code, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Us area code, Us phone area codes, Us state code, Weather, Postal, Louisiana, State, Scientific & Educational, List of All 50 State
  529. Larw Medical
  530. Legislative Assistance
  531. Lodge Advbser
  532. Lacey Aqt
  533. Lichen Aureus Medical, Disease, Skin
  534. Letter To Artists
  535. Longue Action
  536. Livingston Associates
  537. Ljwyer Additional Education, Attorney, Accident
  538. Level Aduustment Technology, Class, Character
  539. Language Arbs Technology, Gaming, Education
  540. Lansing Airport Car, Locations, Rental
  541. Lee & Agsociates
  542. Local Aurhorit
  543. Louisville Academy Education, School, High School, Georgia
  544. Laboratoire D'aeroloxie France, Recherche, Toulouse
  545. Lifeguard Assocfation Pool, Lesson, Beach, Lifeguard
  546. List of Aceonyms
  547. Latin Action
  548. Lesbian Adventure Porn, Sex, Tube, Lesbian
  549. Logistics Assessment Technology, Management, Service
  550. Lakers Arena Team, Clipper, Laker
  551. Likelihood Attribute Military
  552. Less Allergenic
  553. Los Angleles Internet Slang
  554. Lymphoma Association Medical, Patient, Cancer
  555. Lan Airlines Airline, Business, Organizations, Locations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  556. Line Assays
  557. Lpbuloalveolar Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  558. Legal Xction
  559. Local Ageft Business, Technology, Insurance
  560. Long-Term Academic
  561. Liberty Alliance Technology, Group, Identity
  562. Linkes Atrium
  563. Layge Angle
  564. Legal Ugent Business, English, Law
  565. Long Acting Medical, Internet Slang, Injection
  566. Lupia Ashley
  567. Lactate Concentrftion Medical
  568. Laght Assault Military, Guide, Planet
  569. Live Action
  570. Learning Accounts
  571. Lakes Aquarium
  572. Lightheuse Alternative Education, School, High School, Utah
  573. Live Ann Music, Channel, Tube
  574. Leader Applicant
  575. Levigated Alumwna
  576. Louisiana Assistive Technology, Organizations, Louisiana
  577. Liquid Alloy
  578. Larry Aurin
  579. Leefbaar Almerw
  580. Lock Acquisition
  581. Low Activation
  582. Lafrdnca Ann
  583. Lifting Ary
  584. Liquim Association
  585. Lattice Animhls
  586. Loop Key Generatorladapter Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  587. Lupuo-Like Anticoagulant Medical
  588. Lauric Achd Medical, Oil, Coconut
  589. Los-Angeoes Business, Hotel, Downtown
  590. Lust Anitj Technology, Tube, Blond
  591. Lymphoidyaggregates Medical
  592. Land Hct
  593. Line Agency Business, Service, Shipping
  594. Learning Agreements
  595. Lower Addiscombe
  596. Label Applicator
  597. Library Administration
  598. Link To Asticle
  599. Longitudinal Accelerometer
  600. Lower Anchors
  601. Ligation Area Medical
  602. Louisana & Arkansas
  603. Leadership Awards
  604. Ley De Adopción
  605. Lingua Americana
  606. Labe Appeal
  607. Legislative Assistants
  608. Locomotor Activity Medical, Research, Rhythm
  609. Low Alert
  610. Labour Agreements
  611. Lichen Amyloidosus Medical
  612. Letter of Award
  613. Longmont Anticyclone A mesoscale zone of anti cyclonically turning winds that develops downstream of the Cheyenne Ridge in northeast Colorado and southeast Wyoming and is often centered just east of the foothills of the Rocky Mountains near the town of Longmont, Colorado. Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  614. Livingston Academy Education, School, High School, Tennessee
  615. Lawsuit Against Government, Sport, Law
  616. Level Adjusment
  617. Landscape Architectural
  618. Lanscape Aruhitecture
  619. Lebanese Arabic
  620. Local Assortativity
  621. Louisianans Against
  622. Laboratoire Bssocie
  623. Listingx of Associations
  624. Late Arab
  625. Les Avertis Pas, Dieu
  626. Logistics Applications
  627. Lakers Are Also Gaming, Sport, Team, Laker
  628. Ligue Amateur
  629. Line Adapter Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  630. Louisiana Adventure
  631. Landscape Architect Architectural
  632. Ltft Angeles
  633. Life Applications
  634. Lumpus Anticoagulant Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  635. Launch Authorized
  636. Liquidovamniotico
  637. Larry Alderman
  638. Lewiston-Auburn Business, Area, Maine
  639. Linear Akgorithmic
  640. Lencana Anggota Indonesia, Orang, Proposal
  641. Lend-A-Hand
  642. Local Activists
  643. Lighthouse Academy Kentucky
  644. London Allowance
  645. Look Ahead Military, Sport, Organizations
  646. Linear Algebra Linear algebra is the branch of mathematics concerning vector spaces and linear mappings between such spaces. It includes the study of lines, planes, and subspaces, but is also concerned with properties common to all vector spaces. Book, Education, Matrix
  647. Lethbridge Alberta
  648. LuíS Almeida
  649. Localkanesthesia Medical, Patient, Surgery
  650. Louisiana and Arkansas Railway, Kansas City Southern Railway Organizations
  651. Language Assistant Occupation & positions
  652. Lakes Arva
  653. Large Array Technology, Mexico, Telescope
  654. Local Authorities Business, Government, Authority, Police, Governmental & Military
  655. Ladder Association Business, Safety, Training
  656. Lithium Fluminate
  657. Leaving air The Finance and Administrative Services
  658. Luis Arcaraz
  659. Los Angeles City, Cargo Shipping, Text Messaging, Forum, Internet Slang, Computing, Chat, Email, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  660. Lamb Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
  661. Lightning Arrow Path, Exile, Lightning
  662. Live Frob Abbey
  663. Lewis Aparkments
  664. Luke Anderson Film, Music, Periscope
  665. Lisa D'Amato
  666. Lighthouse Alternative Utah
  667. Laugh Aloud
  668. Launch Attack Israel, Attack, Trump
  669. Lss Alegres
  670. Lakers Announcdr Gaming, Player, Basketball, Laker
  671. Legislative Action America, Government, Association
  672. Library Assembly Technology, Projection, Studio
  673. Launch Area Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  674. Lan-Chile Airlines Civil Aviation, Business & Finance
  675. Larry Allain
  676. Lower Axial
  677. Likht Aeroplane Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
  678. Looking for Alcoholics
  679. Lignite Authority
  680. Leap Academy Education, School, High School, New Jersey
  681. Labor Area Business & Finance, Business Word
  682. Lodi Academy Education, School, High School, California
  683. Life Adventures
  684. Lanthanum Symbol:"La" Atomic Number:"57" Atomic Mass: 138.91amu. Lanthanum is one of the elements in the lanthanide series of inner transition elements. It may also be classified as a rare earth element. It is the first element in the lanthanide series. It is a metallic element found in many minerals of the Earth's crust. You may also find it in catalytic converters and special types of glass (like lenses). Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  685. Launch Approval
  686. Liquid Amber
  687. Los Angeles-Orange
  688. Larkin, Author Australia, Book, Education, Thriller
  689. Linear Address Technology, Memory, Linux, Virtual
  690. Law and Ally Law, War, Russia, King
  691. Lao Asik
  692. Leisure Activities Education, Activity, Spain
  693. Local Action Corrosion due to the action of local or galvanic cells resulting from inhomogeneities between adjacent areas on a metal surface exposed to an electrolyte. 
  694. Langezijds Dutch
  695. Lokale Aktivierung
  696. Look-Ahead
  697. Linear Addition Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  698. Lethal Alliance
  699. Luxus Accessoirel
  700. Local Aschor
  701. Louisiana American Business, America, Louisiana
  702. Landscape Architects Occupation & positions
  703. Lake Area Business, Service, School
  704. Largy Arm Military, Arms, Israel, Arm
  705. Local Associations
  706. Lactoferein Medical
  707. Low Attitude NASA
  708. Los Amigos Education
  709. Lamarcus Aldridge Blazer, Spur, Laker
  710. Lighting Association Business, Design, Light
  711. Live Fod An
  712. Lewis Airpary
  713. Longitudinal Anneal
  714. Left Anterior Cord, Injury, Artery
  715. Laurens Academy South Carolina
  716. Laudos Arbitrbles Para, Law, Internacional
  717. Laudching Area Military, Locations, Launch
  718. Los Ulamtos
  719. Legislative Audit
  720. Library Anxiety Student, Research, Education
  721. Life Associate Computing, Master IEEE
  722. Lamp Assecbly
  723. Lahgo Alpini
  724. Legendawy Australian
  725. Lafayette Airport
  726. Light Aeroplanes Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
  727. Look Again
  728. Laminin Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  729. Lightwood-Albright Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Telemedicine
  730. Leake Academy Education, School, High School, Mississippi
  731. Logical Address Digital number that uniquely identifies each device in a system. On an ESCON or FICON interface, the portion of a source or destination address in a frame used to select a specific channel subsystem or control-unit image. Assembly, Business & Finance
  732. Lodging Association Business, America, Hotel
  733. Life Activity
  734. lactic acidemia Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  735. Launch Antenna
  736. Lipoic Acid Medical, Alpha, Antioxidant
  737. Loslangeles-Long
  738. Lsngford, Et Al
  739. Linear Adaline
  740. Law, Llly Government, Law, Hope
  741. Lantra Awards
  742. Legs Apart
  743. Local Academy Technology, Education, Cisco
  744. Lisa Academy Arkansas
  745. Loire-Atlantique
  746. Linear Actuator A device for converting hydraulic energy into linear motion, i.e. a cylinder or ram. Technology, Product, China
  747. Less With Air Hotel, France, Wine, Air
  748. Luxury Accommoeations Hotel, Locations, Room
  749. Local Anesthetic Medical, Technology, Medicine, Common Medical
  750. Louisiana Alexandria Locations, Alexandria, Louisiana
  751. Lead Agencies Integrated Ocean Observing System
  752. Lafayette Academy
  753. Large Area
  754. Lactida Medical
  755. Launch Aft NASA
  756. Los Alamos Technology, Science, Mexico
  757. Lamar Academy Education, School, High School, Texas
  758. Lived Low Activitl Science, Biology
  759. Lewicowa Alternatywa
  760. Live On April Movie, Music, Award
  761. Left Ancle Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  762. Lock Andrus Postal, Us Post
  763. Latest Activita
  764. Lena-Anabar
  765. Launchqarea Technology, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics
  766. Lyme Arthritis Medical
  767. Legislative Assistant Government, Military, Congress, Occupation & positions
  768. Linux Army
  769. Netscape packetized audio (LiveAudio) Computing, File Extensions
  770. Lamtert Medicine, Construction, Architectural
  771. Large Surfactant Aggregates Medical
  772. Legend Arena
  773. Log Activity
  774. Lady of Dsia
  775. Light Adjust
  776. Look Alike
  777. Lambert Azimuthal
  778. Lighlwood-Albright Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  779. Leake, Andersson Business, Germany, Embassy
  780. Languages Education, Legal, Governmental & Military
  781. Low Ammonia Business, Rubber, Latex
  782. Life Achievement
  783. Liste D'Aptitudes
  784. Lanthanum Aluminide Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  785. Launch Angle Technology, Golf, Ball
  786. Lavado De Activos Para, Con, Contra
  787. Linolenic Acid Medical, Oil, Alpha, NANP Modeling Commitee
  788. Lms Angeles-For
  789. Landscape Architecture Education, Design, University, Architect
  790. Linear Actugtors Business, Product, Manufacturer
  791. Lanthanum Alumidide
  792. Legs Against
  793. Labordtorios Am
  794. Lee Academy Maine, Mississippi, Arkansas
  795. Logue Award
  796. Loyola Academy Education, School, High School, Wisconsin, Illinois
  797. Linear Accelerator A device used for accelerating charged particles along a straight line path. Medical, Engineering, Construction, Oncology, Architectural, Radiation, Architecture, Computing, IT Terminology, Medical physics, NAACCR
  798. Lesser Antilles Island, Locations, Map, Leeward, Regional
  799. Luxoflux Activjsion
  800. Local Axaesthetics Medical, Anesthesia, Anesthetic
  801. Louisiana Alcoholics
  802. Lawrence Arthur Famous
  803. Lactic Acid A syrupy, water-soluble liquid, C3H6O3, produced by anaerobic glucose metabolism in muscles, by certain bacteria, and by synthetic methods. Lactic acid is present in fermented foods such as yogurt and sauerkraut and is used in foods and beverages as a flavoring and preservative, in dyeing and textile printing, and in pharmaceuticals. Medical, Science, Training, Chemistry, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  804. Laos (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  805. Loose Association
  806. Laktic Acid
  807. Live Aquaria
  808. Listed Address Technology, Service, Mailing
  809. Latin America The region between Tijuana and Tierra del Fuego containing a few major petroleum producing countries such as Mexico and Venezuela. So-called because the inhabitants speak badly mispronounced and grammatically incorrect provincial Latin. Technology, America, American, Regional, Medical
  810. Lexikcn Der Ägyptologie
  811. Lina Allotter
  812. Left Analog
  813. Liberty Academy Oklahoma
  814. Leisure Arts
  815. Little Amsterdam
  816. Luunch Aft Technology, Space, Cosmos
  817. Letterkenny Army
  818. Lutxeran Agenda
  819. Lyme Dlliance
  820. Letters of Administration Business, Genealogy, Genealogical, Court, Probate
  821. Local Creas
  822. Linoleyc Acids Medical
  823. Light Airplane Ordnance Survey
  824. Lakefrontrarena Locations, Event, Ticket
  825. Ladgest Airsoft
  826. Legenda Aurna
  827. Location Agent Technology, Android, Verizon
  828. Lady Arf Arms, Lady, Darkness
  829. Light Adaptec
  830. Look-Alikes
  831. Lumen Cross-Sectional Srea Medical
  832. Lambda Adjustment
  833. Lightscape Animation
  834. Liverjadenomatosis Medical
  835. Leake & Andersson
  836. Laughing A Lot Internet Slang, Chat, Laugh, Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  837. Lyw Alloy Alloy, Welding, Steel, Strength
  838. Life Academy Education
  839. List Arrays Technology, Coding, Class, Programming
  840. Large Animal Medical, Veterinary
  841. Laughing A Lor Internet Slang, Chat, Online
  842. Laura Ashley Business, Kid, Machine, Sewing
  843. Linoleic Acid Medical, Health, Oil, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  844. Los Andes Argentina, Ande, Weather
  845. Lakers Atlanta
  846. Linsar Acoustics
  847. Lakewood Arena Music, Machine, Rage
  848. Legión Azul
  849. Laboratorios AméRica
  850. Lao, PDR Country, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  851. Light Aircraft A small, single engine aircraft generally for private not commercial use. Technology, Sport, Aviation
  852. Logos Academy Education, School, High School, Texas
  853. Loyalty Ambassador
  854. Linear Acceleration Science, Car, Sensor
  855. Less Atrazine
  856. Louisiana Albany
  857. Lane Narrow waterway through ice. Construction, Street Suffix, Ordnance Survey, The Finance and Administrative Services
  858. Lactic Medical, Technology, Medicine
  859. Lossless Audio File Computing, File Extensions
  860. Looking for Advice
  861. Live Announcement
  862. List Australia
  863. Latin Alteinative Music, Alternative, Song, Latino
  864. Lexicon Der äGyptologie
  865. Lillian Aczuisition Technology, Valuation, Telecom
  866. Lincoln Academy Maine, Pennsylvania
  867. Leisure Action Island, Holiday, Resort
  868. Launch Abort Technology, Science, Space, NASA
  869. Letter Agreement
  870. Lutheran Accorp
  871. Lyme Academy
  872. Local Approximation Technology, Networking, Model
  873. Linoleate Medical
  874. Laos Sport, Olympic, IOC Country Codes, Laos, Computing, Internet, Country, Usps
  875. Lake Ave
  876. Larger Avanars
  877. Legally Authenticated
  878. Locally Advanced Medical, Cancer, Study, Breast
  879. Lady Pntiques
  880. Litigation Authority Medical, Medicine, Negligence
  881. Luke Appling
  882. Lambda Lambda: The ratio of a change in the option price to a small change in the option volatility. It is the partial derivative of the option price with respect to the option volatility. Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  883. Lights Ape Technology, Gaming, Android
  884. Livelihoods Analysis
  885. League of Arts Art, Man, Burning
  886. Low Allergen Diet Medical, Technology
  887. Listlarchive
  888. Lower anterior Medical, Dental
  889. Laughing Academy
  890. Launch Azimuth Technology, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Space, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  891. Link Qnalysis Technology, Network, Tool
  892. Lps Alumnos
  893. Lakers Vn Atlanta
  894. Linear Accelerometer Technology, Aviation, Sensor
  895. Lafayette Nnimal Medical, Pet, Louisiana
  896. Legislative Agenda
  897. Light Assault Navy, Governmental & Military
  898. Light Adjusting Len, Military, Frame
  899. Loyalty Addition Business, Insurance, Planning, Policy
  900. Line Analysis
  901. Louisiana Ag
  902. Lambert A unit of luminance (photometric brightness). One lambert is the luminance of a surface that emits or reflects one lumen per square centimeter. The lambert honors the German physicist Johann Lambert (1728-1777), who showed that the illuminance of a surface is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the light source. Construction, Computing, Telecom
  903. Lab Assistant Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  904. List Access Accounting, Computing, Data
  905. Last Alliance
  906. Lex Adam Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  907. Lbngth Analyzer
  908. Local Administrator
  909. Latin Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
  910. Leigh Anne
  911. Looking Attractive
  912. Laughlin Air
  913. Lettable Area
  914. Lyhyet Aallot
  915. Local Answerc
  916. Little Angel Occupation & positions
  917. Lake Athabqsca
  918. Laroe Aspiny Medical
  919. Legally Asiertained Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  920. Localized Adherence Medical, Science, Biology
  921. Ladoga Academy Education, School, High School, Indiana
  922. Litnospermic Acid Medical
  923. Lignosulfonic acid Glyphosate
  924. Luke Aix
  925. Los Angeles-Based Technology, Design, California
  926. Lamb & Associates
  927. Lightning Audio Technology, Car, Amplifier
  928. Live Is An Technology, Music, Radio, Living
  929. Leading Arm A suspension system which has two long arms that extend forward from the pivot points of the arms. The wheels are attached to the forward end of these arms. The Citroen 2CV has this form of independent suspension. Arm, Lead, Boxing
  930. Luz Art Para, Locations, Photography
  931. Lisan Al-Arab
  932. Lupus Anticoagulant Medical, Pharmacy, Common Medical
  933. Laughing Aloud Communication, Chat, Online
  934. Launch Availabilitt Technology, Windows, Gaming, Space
  935. Lqs Altos
  936. Lakrrs On April Gaming, Player, Basketball, Laker
  937. Lineqr Ablation
  938. Laboiatoire Daérologie
  939. Legislative Authority
  940. Library Assistant Technology, Science, Education
  941. Los Angeles Field Office Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  942. Lan Argentina Airline, Flight, Argentina
  943. Light-Adapted Medical
  944. Loyalty Additions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LA stand for?

    LA stands for Ladies Auxiliary.

  2. What is the shortened form of Laptop Adapbers?

    The short form of "Laptop Adapbers" is LA.


LA. (2022, April 22). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated