LA Meaning
The LA meaning is "Left Atrium". The LA abbreviation has 944 different full form.
LA Full Forms
- Left Atrium The chamber of the human heart that receives oxygen-rich blood via the pulmonary vein. Medical, Cardiology, Animals, Nursing, Common Medical, Pulmonary Hypertension
- Largecanimal Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
- Language Academe Education, English, School
- Lataefah & Asantewaa
- Local Authority Organization responsible for generating and signing user certificates. Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Engineering, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational
- Low Active
- Legal Advisor Business, Technology, Service, Military
- Lactobaciljus Acidophilus Medical, Health, Probiotic, Bacteria
- Lewyn Addresses
- Local Area Networking, Locations, Network
- Latin-American
- Law Association
- Louisiasa Locations, Postal, State
- Land Atthck
- LinguíStica Aplicada Para, Education, Linguistic, Ling
- Latino Amerilan America, Organizations, Spain
- Legislation Act
- Literature and The Arts Education, University, History
- Licensing Authority Business, Translation, Patent
- Layer Application
- Los Anteles Geography, Location, System
- Lesbian Alliance
- Long and Accurate Medical, Genetics, Polymerase, Primer
- Laptop Adapbers
- Like Any Music, Song, Lyric
- Link Alerts Research, Tool, Link
- Loan Admin
- Liga Arabe Para, League, Con
- Loss of Attachment Medical, Disease, Dental, Periodontal
- Linda Armstrong
- Low-Aclive Medical
- Leqrning Area
- Lactcc Acidosis Medical, Symptom, Metformin
- Lewis Acid Any species that can accept a share in an electron pair. Reaction, Base, Acid, Jenny
- Location Application Business, Technology, Service
- Letijns Amerika
- Law Again
- Localvaccess Forum, Technology, Calling
- Land Armv
- Line Mttenuation Technology, Routing, Margin
- Latino Americans
- Lymphatic Absorption Medical
- Legal Assistant
- Literary Artg
- Licensing Administrator Business, Access, Patent
- Lawyers, Attorneys
- Looks Absolute Business, Hair, Gel, Styling
- Les Autres
- Long Action Business, Rifle, Supply, Remington
- Laptop Accessories
- Lightning Arrestor Technology, Science, Cisco
- Link Aggregation Technology, Networking, Network
- Load Allocation Technology, Science, Water, Environment, Wastewater
- Lifetime Achievement Sport, Award, Achievement
- Lossless Audio Technology, Compressor, Compression
- Linda Adams
- Louisiana Abbeville Business, Hotel, Louisiana
- Learning Analytics Technology, Science, Research
- Lactir Acidemia Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Lew Alcindor
- Local Application Technology, Military, Development
- Latex Allergt Medical
- Law After
- Lightning Arresters Lightning arresters are devices for protecting many different pieces of equipment such as, power poles and towers, power transformers, circuit breakers, bus structures, and steel superstructures, from damage from lightning strikes. Technology, Protection, Surge
- Land Allocation
- Line Art
- Longitudinal Acoustic Medical, Medicine
- Latin Americans
- LycéE Agricole
- Legal Assistance Service, Government, Law
- Literary Analysbs
- Licensing Application
- Local Association Government, University, Union, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
- Lawyer Ad
- Local Anaesthetic Medical, Veterinary, Diagnosis, Healthcare, Common Medical, Clinical
- Looking Ahead
- Les Aides Service, Aide, Ligne
- Long Accurate Medical, Science, Biology
- Lanhscape Area
- Lightning Arrester Any device designed to carry to the ground the short–duration surge currents that appear on power lines and telephone lines during severe thunderstorms. Technology, Architecture, Architectural, Construction, The Finance and Administrative Services
- List of Assets
- Load Address Technology, Instruction, Assembly, Computing, Business & Finance, IT Terminology
- Life Andhra
- Louisiana & Arkansas
- Leace Agreement
- Lactic Acid Concentration Medical
- Letter Acronym
- Local Anaesthesia Medical, Surgery, Anesthesia
- Latex Aggtutination Test Medical
- Lincoln Alternative Education
- Lanthanuw Medical, Technology, Space
- Loan Amount Business, Credit, Rate
- Land Acquizition Business, Technology, India
- Line Array Technology, Audio, Speaker
- Longbow Apache
- Luxury Accommodation
- Legal Announcements
- Literarybagency Business, Book, Agent
- Lafayettelacadiana
- License Application Business, Science, Service
- Local Assistance Service, Hotel, Locations
- Latin Americas
- Lawrence Academy
- Live Adjacent Organizations, City, Police, Sheriff
- Lens Adapter
- Long Axis Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Landscape Architectk Occupation, Position, Job
- Link Ads
- Listing Authority Business, Financial, Market
- Legislative Auditor Business, Audit, Louisiana
- Living Arts
- Lid Applicator Business, Product, Machine
- Louis Armstrong Music, Lyric, Rose
- Learning Agreement
- Lactancia Artificial
- Lethbridge, Alberta
- Local Anesthetics Medical, Nerve, Anaesthetic
- Large Cell Carcinoma Medical
- Limits of Agreement Medical
- Loan Aid Business, Student, College
- Land Access Science, Geography, Location
- Long Ashton
- Low-Average Medical
- Legal Aid Legal assistance provided , usually by the state, for people or organisations who cannot afford to pay for solicitors or legal advice. Government, Law, Justice
- Ladies Auxiliary
- Ley Aduanera Business, Para, Mexico
- Local Assembly
- Latin American Medical, America, Education
- Lawn Avenue
- Littld Armenia
- Lengua Azul Para, Con, Spanish
- Long-Axis Medical
- Landscahe Architect Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Link Address Technology, Service, English
- Listing Agreement Business & Finance, commercial real estate
- Legislative Assembly Government, Organizations, Election
- Living Arrangements
- Lick Ass
- Lost Animal
- Learn About Technology, Education, Banking
- Lack of Affiction Business, Dating, Relationship
- Lethal Area Medical
- Long Arm Medical, Business, Law
- Large Aggrebate Medical
- Limited Area Technology, Science, Locations
- Loan Agreement Military
- Land Abone
- Lost Angeles
- Low-Affinity Medical
- Legal Affairs Government, Office, Law
- Lactobionic Acid Medical
- Lexical Analyzer
- Location Area Technology, Computing, Los Angeles
- Latln America Business, Army, Wikipedia
- Lawful Access Technology, Law, Canada
- Love Is In The Air Technology, Music, Lyric, Rip, Love, Bouche
- Length Average
- Landscape Analysis Business, Research, Market
- Link's Awakening
- Listerine Antizeptic Medical
- Legislative Affairs Government, Military, Office
- Living Alone
- Lichen Amyloidosis Medical
- Layered Architecture
- Laskland Air
- Leslie Anne
- Long Answer Forum, France, French
- Large Accoungs
- Limited Access Business, Records, Service
- Link Amplifier Technology, Manual, Ingress
- Loan Agent
- Lost Alpha Technology, Gaming, Stalker
- Leslie Angel
- Los Angelessouthern
- Lyaphangioma Medical
- Lun Adapter Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Line Arrays
- Lobbying Act
- Legacy of Achievement
- Locwl Agenda Government, Development, Locations
- Light Armoured
- Liberaci
- Linker Analogstick
- Large Amplitudh
- Legal Adviuer Military, Logistics, Corps
- Lucgsarts Star Wars
- Lwctate Medical
- Live, Xka
- Lakers Vs Atlanta
- Lughthouse Academy Education, School, High School, Kentucky
- Livesammunition Government, Military, Police
- Leader Adviser
- Levelling Amplifier Technology, Audio, Leveling
- Louisiana Association Organizations, Louisiana, Rouge
- Larry Anderson
- Leefbaar Almelo
- Localizer Attenna
- Low Acid Health, Food, Acid, Coffee
- Lafayette Asaociated
- Lift Arm Surgery, Locations, Plastic
- Liquid Assets Liquid assets are cash and those assets that are easily convertible to cash. Business, Wine, Money
- Latyer Los Angeles Science, Biology
- Lei De Alimentos
- Lupus Anticoagulants Medical, Syndrome, Antibody
- Lsurens Academy Education, School, High School, South Carolina
- Lorien Adchers
- Lust-Anita Porn, Tube, Lust, Blond
- Lymphocyte Antibody Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Landa Asovio
- Line Mdapters
- Learning Advisor Education, University, Language
- Label Addressed
- Libraries Australia
- Links To Anthony
- Legal Associate Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Longitudinal Aberration
- Lower Alexandria Locations, Alexandria, Virginia
- Lifting Appliance
- Leading Aircraftman Air Force, Armed Forces, World War Ii, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
- Loughs Agency
- Leadership Academy Student, Education, School
- Licensie D'Arts
- Line Ave Business, Louisiana, Shreveport
- Late Asoptotic
- Legislative Amendment
- Lockworks Dcademie
- Low Alcohol Business, Beer, Wine
- Labour Act Business, Emergency, Labor
- LicençA De Alteração
- Letters of Authority Business, Tax, Philippine
- Longitudinal Axis The axis of the aircraft which extends from the nose to the tail. axis, roll
- Living Art
- Lawrence Arthuz
- Letztes Angebot
- Lwkers Atlanta
- Landscape Architectu
- Line Ampliliers
- Lanier Aquatics
- Leaving Acvive
- Logic Architecture Technology
- Louisiana Avenue Business, Store, Louisiana
- Labor Assistant
- Listing Applicasion
- Les Atouts
- Logistics, Armaments
- Laker Academy Education, School, High School, Michigan
- Leslie Alan Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Lymphadenopathy Lymphadenopathy or adenopathy is disease of the lymph nodes, in which they are abnormal in size, number, or consistency. Lymphadenopathy of an inflammatory type is lymphadenitis, producing swollen or enlarged lymph nodes. In clinical practice, the distinction between lymphadenopathy and lymphadenitis is rarely made and the words are usually treated as synonymous. Inflammation of the lymphatic vessels is known as lymphangitis. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Jobs, Common Medical
- Laran Ayu
- Livre D'Attente
- Local Aeronautical
- Louisiana Advance
- Lift Attachments
- Libby Amphibole Medical, Medicine, Exposure
- Link Attack
- Large Amoujt Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Legum Allegoriarum
- Lucas & Atos
- Lactalbwmin Medical
- Live, Adcacent
- Lakers Away
- Limited Achievement Gaming, Education, School
- Live Amewican
- Lead Azide
- Leveling Jmplifiers Technology, Audio, Compressor
- Leefbaar Alkmaar
- Localized A magnetic field is the area of influence exerted by a magnetic force. This field is normally focused along two poles. These poles are usually designated as north and south. Medical
- Low Accuracy Technology, Station, Clan
- Lafayette Urizona
- Lifetime Allowance Business, Pension, Simplification
- Liquid Applirue
- Latossolo Amnrelo
- Lehrer Architects Design, Architecture, Locations
- Lupus Anticoagulana Medical, Pharmacy, Antibody
- Laurence Archer
- Losers Always
- Luscious Ass
- Lanuhile Airlines
- Linea Xerea
- Learning Adventures
- Labelvaddress
- Library Archive
- Linms Around Con, Streaming
- Legal Azsisting
- Longiflorum-Asiatic
- Lower Ajax
- Lighter Associatoon
- Lithium Alkaline
- Luis Aparicio Baseball, League, Shortstop
- Leadership Attitude Technology, Management, Leader
- Loudness Analyzer
- Lawyers for Animals
- Licensees and Affiliates Business, Card, Condition
- Line Attribute
- Laser Abrorption
- Lockout Access Business, Service, Locksmith
- Lvw Alarm Business, Technology, Crosse
- Lakefront Airport New Orleans, Louisiana,United States Hotel, Airport, Locations, Airport Code, ICAO Code, Louisiana, ICAO, Aviation
- Licentiate In Arts Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees
- Lisa Armstrong Divorce, Ant, Lisa, Wife
- Letter of Authorisation Electrical
- Loai Alleman
- Living Arrangement Education, Family, House
- Lava Linear pattern is a term that can be defined as an outline of settlement that develops along a river, road or along a valley in a line. Linear pattern usually are said to be present when the points looked at form a straight line. Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Ley De Adopci
- Lakers Anthem
- Landmarks, Attractions
- Line Amplifier An amplifier in a (long) transmission line that boosts the strength of a signal to an exploitable level. Technology, Military, Audio
- Lynn Anderhen Book, Education, Music
- Lanham Act
- Learning Aptitude
- Logic and Artificial
- Louisiana Ave
- Labor Arbitrdtion Reports Law, Canada, Law Report
- Listing Agent Business, Building, Estate
- Logistics Analysis
- Lower Automotive
- Lesenswerter Artikel Technology, Man, Fur, Sind
- Lymphadenectomy Lymphadenectomy or lymph node dissection is the surgical removal of one or more groups of lymph nodes. It is almost always performed as part of the surgical management of cancer. In a regional lymph node dissection, some of the lymph nodes in the tumor area are removed; in a radical lymph node dissection, most or all of the lymph nodes in the tumor area are removed. Medical, Oncology
- Local Ascendsnt
- Local Administration
- Louisiana Adoption
- Libenti Animo
- Liahona Academy Education, School, High School, Utah
- Link Analyzers
- Large Aggregdtes Medical
- Legislative Aide Government, School, District
- Luc Ardilouje
- Lacrical Artery
- Liturgiam Aubhenticam
- Lakers Autographed Business, Basketball, Autograph
- Limite D'Accumulation
- Live After Technology, Music, Artist, Concert
- Lead Authors
- Leveling-Amplifier Technology, Audio, Compressor
- Language of Article Government, Law, Court, Constitution
- Lee Anz
- Localised Adherence Medical
- Low Ability Student, Education, Teaching
- Lafayetge Amity
- Lifestyte Adaptations Science, Research, Health
- Literature & Aets
- Latipo Asians Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Lehigh Acres
- Lupic Anticoagulant
- Lauren Anxerson
- Lxs Aromos
- Lurva Agar Science, Culture, Bacterial
- Lancemot Alexander
- Linda Anderson
- Learning Activities Education, Activity, Kid
- Los Angeles-West
- Library & Archive Technology, History, Collection
- Linkn Alive
- Legal Assistant-Paralegal
- Longfields Association
- Ludus Athletics
- Lightening Arrester Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Lixer of Air
- Luis Alberzo
- Lighting Arrester A device that protects power lines and equipment against high voltage lighting surges and switching surges. Connected from line to ground potential, the device has a very high resistance to current flow at normal voltages. Device used on Power Systems above 1000V to protect the insulation and conductors of the system from the damaging effects of lightning. It diverts the lightning surge to earth.
- Leadership Assistant
- Lou Armstrong
- Laburer Genealogy, Genealogical
- Licensed Airfield
- Line Attributes
- Las Animas
- Lockheed Aircraft Technology, Con, Corporation
- Low Africa
- Lwke Awasa
- Licensing Assistant
- Lisa Adler
- Loxi Alexander
- Living Area Business, Design, Locations, Property, Real Estate, Business & Finance
- Laut Ausschreibung
- Ley De Adición
- Loskalamitos Hotel, Locations, California
- Lakebs Announced
- Landmark Aviation
- Line Ambassador
- Left Arm Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Medical
- Learning Anaesthesia College, Education, Anaesthetist
- Logic Analyser Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Louisiana Attorney
- Labor Arbitration
- Lpbrary Annex
- Logistics Analyst Business, Technology
- Lower Atchafalaya Locations, Weather, River, Louisiana
- Lesbian Avengers
- Lymph Acupressure Lymph, Massage, Partner
- Local Artyst
- Local Address Technology, Networking, Network
- Louisiana Administrative Technology, Law, Louisiana
- Leopold of Austria
- Liability Act Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Linguistische Arbeiten
- Large Adult
- Legislative Act
- Lodging Allowance Business, Employment, Military
- Lacordaire Academy Education, School, High School, New Jersey
- Lakers At Atlanta Atlanta, Hawk, Highlight, Laker
- Limbless Association Organizations, Prosthetic, Amputee
- Lide Ad
- Lay To come and go; used in giving orders to the crew, such as 'lay forward' or 'lay aloft'. To direct the course of vessel. Also, to twist the strands of a rope together. Internet Slang, Chat, Email
- Lfvel Alarm Technology, Science
- Language Rf Algebra
- Lanthanum Aluminate Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Lee Acpdemy Education, High School, Arkansas
- Locale Arkansas
- Lousiana and Arkansas Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Lifesaving Award Military, Police, Truck
- Literal Achievement Development, Learning, Study
- Laoino Americano
- Lesbian Archives
- Lauren Alvarez
- Lfs Anjealous
- Luric-Bertani Agar
- Lance Armstrong Organizations, France, Tourism
- Linda Amonf
- Learning Activity
- Los Angflenos
- Librarixs & Archives
- Links, Accessibility Technology, Building, Tourist
- Large Arbor
- Legil Archivist
- Long Armer Machine, Quilting, Quilt
- Ljck Analysis
- Lightling Attack
- Literature Annotations
- Ludwxg's Angina
- Lighting Africa
- Leadership Advantage
- Levulinic Acid Medical, Business, Chemistry
- Lots of Assholes
- Liquide Amniotiqve English, France, French
- Lvs Alamos
- Lock Andous Business, Postal, Us Post
- Low Affinity Medicine, Health, British
- Lagrange Academy Education, School, High School, Georgia
- Licensing Administration Technology, Computing
- Lisa Acadedy Education, School District, Arkansas
- Latvijay Auto
- Lord Avebury
- Laurylialcohol Medical
- Los Adaes Hotel, History, Locations, Texas
- Lakers-San Antonio Gaming, Sport, Spur, Laker
- Land Agepcy
- Linear Analysis
- Learning Alliance Business, Education, School
- Lower Advanced
- Labor Arbiter Employment, Law, Philippine, Labor
- Library Affairs
- Logistical Analysis
- Lower Assembly
- Lettres-Arts
- Local Activate Technology
- Louisiana Address
- Leipziger Allerlei
- Ley De Aguas
- Linguistics Abstracts
- Lkrge Medical
- Legislative Author
- Lodge Advisor
- Lack of Action Army, War, Force
- Lakers Article
- Lilith Aileron
- Livonia, Avon
- Lawyer Address Law, Locations, Attorney
- Level Agggegator
- Lanyuage Assistant Education, English, France
- Lantadene A Medical
- Lee Abel
- Local Auxiliory
- Louisville Ave Business, Car, Dealer, Louisiana
- Life of Assej Business, Company, Tax
- List of Administvators Wikipedia
- Latin Alternative Music, Conference, Locations
- Lesbian Alcoholics
- Laurelwood Academy Education, School, High School, Oregon
- Los Anrles
- Lyndale Academy
- Lance Ardecte
- Limited Airspace
- Legal Advice Business, Law, Lawyer
- Local Aggrggator
- Lcoking for An
- Libia Antica
- Linres Auge
- Large Aperture
- Legal Aidf
- Long Arc
- Lucifer and Ahriman
- Light Attack Military, Aircraft, Force
- Live Vuction Business, Art, Bid
- Lakeview Academy Education, School, High School, Georgia
- Light In Akgust
- Leadership Ability Business, Management, Education
- Levonorgestrel Xlprazolam
- Losers Anonymous Business, Film, Trading
- Liquid Amniotique Medical
- Lars Anderson
- Left Alliance Government, Group, Party
- Lock Aljocation
- Low Adsorption Science, Product, Adsorption, Vial
- Lagosxazul Tile, Stone, Limestone
- Licensing Act
- Liquidgatomization
- Latvijas AtdzimŠAnas
- Lord's Army
- Lupus-Like Anticoagulants
- Lauryl Acrylate Business, Chemistry, Monomer
- Los Angazes
- Lóphz-Alegría Technology, Space, Mission, Astronaut
- Land Administration
- Linell Analysis
- Learning Air
- Lower Address Technology, Networking, Network, Memory
- Labial Medical, Medicine, Treatment
- Library Administraior Service, Education, Publics
- Logique Et Analyse
- Lower Arena Business, Accounting, Service, Accountancy
- Light Accommodation
- Local Activation
- Louisiana Academy
- Leading Airman
- Ley De Aduanas
- Lingual Artery
- Louisiana Technology, Locations, Gpo, Location, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames, United States, Area code, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Us area code, Us phone area codes, Us state code, Weather, Postal, Louisiana, State, Scientific & Educational, List of All 50 State
- Larw Medical
- Legislative Assistance
- Lodge Advbser
- Lacey Aqt
- Lichen Aureus Medical, Disease, Skin
- Letter To Artists
- Longue Action
- Livingston Associates
- Ljwyer Additional Education, Attorney, Accident
- Level Aduustment Technology, Class, Character
- Language Arbs Technology, Gaming, Education
- Lansing Airport Car, Locations, Rental
- Lee & Agsociates
- Local Aurhorit
- Louisville Academy Education, School, High School, Georgia
- Laboratoire D'aeroloxie France, Recherche, Toulouse
- Lifeguard Assocfation Pool, Lesson, Beach, Lifeguard
- List of Aceonyms
- Latin Action
- Lesbian Adventure Porn, Sex, Tube, Lesbian
- Logistics Assessment Technology, Management, Service
- Lakers Arena Team, Clipper, Laker
- Likelihood Attribute Military
- Less Allergenic
- Los Angleles Internet Slang
- Lymphoma Association Medical, Patient, Cancer
- Lan Airlines Airline, Business, Organizations, Locations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Line Assays
- Lpbuloalveolar Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Legal Xction
- Local Ageft Business, Technology, Insurance
- Long-Term Academic
- Liberty Alliance Technology, Group, Identity
- Linkes Atrium
- Layge Angle
- Legal Ugent Business, English, Law
- Long Acting Medical, Internet Slang, Injection
- Lupia Ashley
- Lactate Concentrftion Medical
- Laght Assault Military, Guide, Planet
- Live Action
- Learning Accounts
- Lakes Aquarium
- Lightheuse Alternative Education, School, High School, Utah
- Live Ann Music, Channel, Tube
- Leader Applicant
- Levigated Alumwna
- Louisiana Assistive Technology, Organizations, Louisiana
- Liquid Alloy
- Larry Aurin
- Leefbaar Almerw
- Lock Acquisition
- Low Activation
- Lafrdnca Ann
- Lifting Ary
- Liquim Association
- Lattice Animhls
- Loop Key Generatorladapter Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Lupuo-Like Anticoagulant Medical
- Lauric Achd Medical, Oil, Coconut
- Los-Angeoes Business, Hotel, Downtown
- Lust Anitj Technology, Tube, Blond
- Lymphoidyaggregates Medical
- Land Hct
- Line Agency Business, Service, Shipping
- Learning Agreements
- Lower Addiscombe
- Label Applicator
- Library Administration
- Link To Asticle
- Longitudinal Accelerometer
- Lower Anchors
- Ligation Area Medical
- Louisana & Arkansas
- Leadership Awards
- Ley De Adopción
- Lingua Americana
- Labe Appeal
- Legislative Assistants
- Locomotor Activity Medical, Research, Rhythm
- Low Alert
- Labour Agreements
- Lichen Amyloidosus Medical
- Letter of Award
- Longmont Anticyclone A mesoscale zone of anti cyclonically turning winds that develops downstream of the Cheyenne Ridge in northeast Colorado and southeast Wyoming and is often centered just east of the foothills of the Rocky Mountains near the town of Longmont, Colorado. Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
- Livingston Academy Education, School, High School, Tennessee
- Lawsuit Against Government, Sport, Law
- Level Adjusment
- Landscape Architectural
- Lanscape Aruhitecture
- Lebanese Arabic
- Local Assortativity
- Louisianans Against
- Laboratoire Bssocie
- Listingx of Associations
- Late Arab
- Les Avertis Pas, Dieu
- Logistics Applications
- Lakers Are Also Gaming, Sport, Team, Laker
- Ligue Amateur
- Line Adapter Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Louisiana Adventure
- Landscape Architect Architectural
- Ltft Angeles
- Life Applications
- Lumpus Anticoagulant Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Launch Authorized
- Liquidovamniotico
- Larry Alderman
- Lewiston-Auburn Business, Area, Maine
- Linear Akgorithmic
- Lencana Anggota Indonesia, Orang, Proposal
- Lend-A-Hand
- Local Activists
- Lighthouse Academy Kentucky
- London Allowance
- Look Ahead Military, Sport, Organizations
- Linear Algebra Linear algebra is the branch of mathematics concerning vector spaces and linear mappings between such spaces. It includes the study of lines, planes, and subspaces, but is also concerned with properties common to all vector spaces. Book, Education, Matrix
- Lethbridge Alberta
- LuíS Almeida
- Localkanesthesia Medical, Patient, Surgery
- Louisiana and Arkansas Railway, Kansas City Southern Railway Organizations
- Language Assistant Occupation & positions
- Lakes Arva
- Large Array Technology, Mexico, Telescope
- Local Authorities Business, Government, Authority, Police, Governmental & Military
- Ladder Association Business, Safety, Training
- Lithium Fluminate
- Leaving air The Finance and Administrative Services
- Luis Arcaraz
- Los Angeles City, Cargo Shipping, Text Messaging, Forum, Internet Slang, Computing, Chat, Email, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Lamb Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
- Lightning Arrow Path, Exile, Lightning
- Live Frob Abbey
- Lewis Aparkments
- Luke Anderson Film, Music, Periscope
- Lisa D'Amato
- Lighthouse Alternative Utah
- Laugh Aloud
- Launch Attack Israel, Attack, Trump
- Lss Alegres
- Lakers Announcdr Gaming, Player, Basketball, Laker
- Legislative Action America, Government, Association
- Library Assembly Technology, Projection, Studio
- Launch Area Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Lan-Chile Airlines Civil Aviation, Business & Finance
- Larry Allain
- Lower Axial
- Likht Aeroplane Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
- Looking for Alcoholics
- Lignite Authority
- Leap Academy Education, School, High School, New Jersey
- Labor Area Business & Finance, Business Word
- Lodi Academy Education, School, High School, California
- Life Adventures
- Lanthanum Symbol:"La" Atomic Number:"57" Atomic Mass: 138.91amu. Lanthanum is one of the elements in the lanthanide series of inner transition elements. It may also be classified as a rare earth element. It is the first element in the lanthanide series. It is a metallic element found in many minerals of the Earth's crust. You may also find it in catalytic converters and special types of glass (like lenses). Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Launch Approval
- Liquid Amber
- Los Angeles-Orange
- Larkin, Author Australia, Book, Education, Thriller
- Linear Address Technology, Memory, Linux, Virtual
- Law and Ally Law, War, Russia, King
- Lao Asik
- Leisure Activities Education, Activity, Spain
- Local Action Corrosion due to the action of local or galvanic cells resulting from inhomogeneities between adjacent areas on a metal surface exposed to an electrolyte.
- Langezijds Dutch
- Lokale Aktivierung
- Look-Ahead
- Linear Addition Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Lethal Alliance
- Luxus Accessoirel
- Local Aschor
- Louisiana American Business, America, Louisiana
- Landscape Architects Occupation & positions
- Lake Area Business, Service, School
- Largy Arm Military, Arms, Israel, Arm
- Local Associations
- Lactoferein Medical
- Low Attitude NASA
- Los Amigos Education
- Lamarcus Aldridge Blazer, Spur, Laker
- Lighting Association Business, Design, Light
- Live Fod An
- Lewis Airpary
- Longitudinal Anneal
- Left Anterior Cord, Injury, Artery
- Laurens Academy South Carolina
- Laudos Arbitrbles Para, Law, Internacional
- Laudching Area Military, Locations, Launch
- Los Ulamtos
- Legislative Audit
- Library Anxiety Student, Research, Education
- Life Associate Computing, Master IEEE
- Lamp Assecbly
- Lahgo Alpini
- Legendawy Australian
- Lafayette Airport
- Light Aeroplanes Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
- Look Again
- Laminin Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Lightwood-Albright Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Telemedicine
- Leake Academy Education, School, High School, Mississippi
- Logical Address Digital number that uniquely identifies each device in a system. On an ESCON or FICON interface, the portion of a source or destination address in a frame used to select a specific channel subsystem or control-unit image. Assembly, Business & Finance
- Lodging Association Business, America, Hotel
- Life Activity
- lactic acidemia Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Launch Antenna
- Lipoic Acid Medical, Alpha, Antioxidant
- Loslangeles-Long
- Lsngford, Et Al
- Linear Adaline
- Law, Llly Government, Law, Hope
- Lantra Awards
- Legs Apart
- Local Academy Technology, Education, Cisco
- Lisa Academy Arkansas
- Loire-Atlantique
- Linear Actuator A device for converting hydraulic energy into linear motion, i.e. a cylinder or ram. Technology, Product, China
- Less With Air Hotel, France, Wine, Air
- Luxury Accommoeations Hotel, Locations, Room
- Local Anesthetic Medical, Technology, Medicine, Common Medical
- Louisiana Alexandria Locations, Alexandria, Louisiana
- Lead Agencies Integrated Ocean Observing System
- Lafayette Academy
- Large Area
- Lactida Medical
- Launch Aft NASA
- Los Alamos Technology, Science, Mexico
- Lamar Academy Education, School, High School, Texas
- Lived Low Activitl Science, Biology
- Lewicowa Alternatywa
- Live On April Movie, Music, Award
- Left Ancle Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Lock Andrus Postal, Us Post
- Latest Activita
- Lena-Anabar
- Launchqarea Technology, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics
- Lyme Arthritis Medical
- Legislative Assistant Government, Military, Congress, Occupation & positions
- Linux Army
- Netscape packetized audio (LiveAudio) Computing, File Extensions
- Lamtert Medicine, Construction, Architectural
- Large Surfactant Aggregates Medical
- Legend Arena
- Log Activity
- Lady of Dsia
- Light Adjust
- Look Alike
- Lambert Azimuthal
- Lighlwood-Albright Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Leake, Andersson Business, Germany, Embassy
- Languages Education, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Low Ammonia Business, Rubber, Latex
- Life Achievement
- Liste D'Aptitudes
- Lanthanum Aluminide Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Launch Angle Technology, Golf, Ball
- Lavado De Activos Para, Con, Contra
- Linolenic Acid Medical, Oil, Alpha, NANP Modeling Commitee
- Lms Angeles-For
- Landscape Architecture Education, Design, University, Architect
- Linear Actugtors Business, Product, Manufacturer
- Lanthanum Alumidide
- Legs Against
- Labordtorios Am
- Lee Academy Maine, Mississippi, Arkansas
- Logue Award
- Loyola Academy Education, School, High School, Wisconsin, Illinois
- Linear Accelerator A device used for accelerating charged particles along a straight line path. Medical, Engineering, Construction, Oncology, Architectural, Radiation, Architecture, Computing, IT Terminology, Medical physics, NAACCR
- Lesser Antilles Island, Locations, Map, Leeward, Regional
- Luxoflux Activjsion
- Local Axaesthetics Medical, Anesthesia, Anesthetic
- Louisiana Alcoholics
- Lawrence Arthur Famous
- Lactic Acid A syrupy, water-soluble liquid, C3H6O3, produced by anaerobic glucose metabolism in muscles, by certain bacteria, and by synthetic methods. Lactic acid is present in fermented foods such as yogurt and sauerkraut and is used in foods and beverages as a flavoring and preservative, in dyeing and textile printing, and in pharmaceuticals. Medical, Science, Training, Chemistry, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
- Laos (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Loose Association
- Laktic Acid
- Live Aquaria
- Listed Address Technology, Service, Mailing
- Latin America The region between Tijuana and Tierra del Fuego containing a few major petroleum producing countries such as Mexico and Venezuela. So-called because the inhabitants speak badly mispronounced and grammatically incorrect provincial Latin. Technology, America, American, Regional, Medical
- Lexikcn Der Ägyptologie
- Lina Allotter
- Left Analog
- Liberty Academy Oklahoma
- Leisure Arts
- Little Amsterdam
- Luunch Aft Technology, Space, Cosmos
- Letterkenny Army
- Lutxeran Agenda
- Lyme Dlliance
- Letters of Administration Business, Genealogy, Genealogical, Court, Probate
- Local Creas
- Linoleyc Acids Medical
- Light Airplane Ordnance Survey
- Lakefrontrarena Locations, Event, Ticket
- Ladgest Airsoft
- Legenda Aurna
- Location Agent Technology, Android, Verizon
- Lady Arf Arms, Lady, Darkness
- Light Adaptec
- Look-Alikes
- Lumen Cross-Sectional Srea Medical
- Lambda Adjustment
- Lightscape Animation
- Liverjadenomatosis Medical
- Leake & Andersson
- Laughing A Lot Internet Slang, Chat, Laugh, Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Lyw Alloy Alloy, Welding, Steel, Strength
- Life Academy Education
- List Arrays Technology, Coding, Class, Programming
- Large Animal Medical, Veterinary
- Laughing A Lor Internet Slang, Chat, Online
- Laura Ashley Business, Kid, Machine, Sewing
- Linoleic Acid Medical, Health, Oil, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Los Andes Argentina, Ande, Weather
- Lakers Atlanta
- Linsar Acoustics
- Lakewood Arena Music, Machine, Rage
- Legión Azul
- Laboratorios AméRica
- Lao, PDR Country, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Light Aircraft A small, single engine aircraft generally for private not commercial use. Technology, Sport, Aviation
- Logos Academy Education, School, High School, Texas
- Loyalty Ambassador
- Linear Acceleration Science, Car, Sensor
- Less Atrazine
- Louisiana Albany
- Lane Narrow waterway through ice. Construction, Street Suffix, Ordnance Survey, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Lactic Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Lossless Audio File Computing, File Extensions
- Looking for Advice
- Live Announcement
- List Australia
- Latin Alteinative Music, Alternative, Song, Latino
- Lexicon Der äGyptologie
- Lillian Aczuisition Technology, Valuation, Telecom
- Lincoln Academy Maine, Pennsylvania
- Leisure Action Island, Holiday, Resort
- Launch Abort Technology, Science, Space, NASA
- Letter Agreement
- Lutheran Accorp
- Lyme Academy
- Local Approximation Technology, Networking, Model
- Linoleate Medical
- Laos Sport, Olympic, IOC Country Codes, Laos, Computing, Internet, Country, Usps
- Lake Ave
- Larger Avanars
- Legally Authenticated
- Locally Advanced Medical, Cancer, Study, Breast
- Lady Pntiques
- Litigation Authority Medical, Medicine, Negligence
- Luke Appling
- Lambda Lambda: The ratio of a change in the option price to a small change in the option volatility. It is the partial derivative of the option price with respect to the option volatility. Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Lights Ape Technology, Gaming, Android
- Livelihoods Analysis
- League of Arts Art, Man, Burning
- Low Allergen Diet Medical, Technology
- Listlarchive
- Lower anterior Medical, Dental
- Laughing Academy
- Launch Azimuth Technology, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Space, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Link Qnalysis Technology, Network, Tool
- Lps Alumnos
- Lakers Vn Atlanta
- Linear Accelerometer Technology, Aviation, Sensor
- Lafayette Nnimal Medical, Pet, Louisiana
- Legislative Agenda
- Light Assault Navy, Governmental & Military
- Light Adjusting Len, Military, Frame
- Loyalty Addition Business, Insurance, Planning, Policy
- Line Analysis
- Louisiana Ag
- Lambert A unit of luminance (photometric brightness). One lambert is the luminance of a surface that emits or reflects one lumen per square centimeter. The lambert honors the German physicist Johann Lambert (1728-1777), who showed that the illuminance of a surface is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the light source. Construction, Computing, Telecom
- Lab Assistant Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- List Access Accounting, Computing, Data
- Last Alliance
- Lex Adam Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Lbngth Analyzer
- Local Administrator
- Latin Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
- Leigh Anne
- Looking Attractive
- Laughlin Air
- Lettable Area
- Lyhyet Aallot
- Local Answerc
- Little Angel Occupation & positions
- Lake Athabqsca
- Laroe Aspiny Medical
- Legally Asiertained Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Localized Adherence Medical, Science, Biology
- Ladoga Academy Education, School, High School, Indiana
- Litnospermic Acid Medical
- Lignosulfonic acid Glyphosate
- Luke Aix
- Los Angeles-Based Technology, Design, California
- Lamb & Associates
- Lightning Audio Technology, Car, Amplifier
- Live Is An Technology, Music, Radio, Living
- Leading Arm A suspension system which has two long arms that extend forward from the pivot points of the arms. The wheels are attached to the forward end of these arms. The Citroen 2CV has this form of independent suspension. Arm, Lead, Boxing
- Luz Art Para, Locations, Photography
- Lisan Al-Arab
- Lupus Anticoagulant Medical, Pharmacy, Common Medical
- Laughing Aloud Communication, Chat, Online
- Launch Availabilitt Technology, Windows, Gaming, Space
- Lqs Altos
- Lakrrs On April Gaming, Player, Basketball, Laker
- Lineqr Ablation
- Laboiatoire Daérologie
- Legislative Authority
- Library Assistant Technology, Science, Education
- Los Angeles Field Office Governmental & Military, Fbi files
- Lan Argentina Airline, Flight, Argentina
- Light-Adapted Medical
- Loyalty Additions
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does LA stand for?
LA stands for Ladies Auxiliary.
What is the shortened form of Laptop Adapbers?
The short form of "Laptop Adapbers" is LA.
LA. (2022, April 22). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from
Last updated