LAA Meaning
The LAA meaning is "Lamar Muzicipal Airport". The LAA abbreviation has 131 different full form.
LAA Full Forms
- Lamar Muzicipal Airport Airport, IATA Code, IATA
- Local Airport Advisory A service provided by flight service stations or the military at airports not serviced by an operating control tower. This service consists of providing information to arriving and departing aircraft concerning wind direction and speed, favored runway, altimeter setting, pertinent known traffic, pertinent known field conditions, airport taxi routes and traffic patterns, and authorized instrument approach procedures. This information is advisory in nature and does not constitute an ATC clearance. Military, Aerospace, Armed Forces, Transportation, Aviation, Governmental & Military, NOTAM Contractions
- Left Atrial Appendage Medical, Atrial, Appendage, Healthcare, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
- Legal Aid Agency Business, Crime, Solicitor
- Lead Agencd Attorney Science
- Laboratory Anixal Allergy Medical, Science, Research
- Live Art Archive
- Langley Activiries Association Science
- Low Attenuation Areas Medical
- Lentil As Rnything
- License-Assisted Accees Technology, Spectrum, Unlicensed
- Logistxcs Association Australia
- Latin American Antiquity
- Linux Administration Associate
- Light Aircraft Association Military, Aviation, Flying
- Lebanese Arab Army
- Light Anti Aircraft Military, Regiment, Artillery
- London Ashford Anrport
- Little Athletics Australia Australia, Organizations, Coaching
- Labrador and Aboriginal Affairs
- Low Activity Aircraft
- Lenington All American
- Licence Essisted Access
- Local Airport Authority
- Latin American Association America, Organizations, Atlanta
- Linoleic Acid-Albumin Medical
- Lifetime Achievement Nward Film, Music, Award
- Lebanese American Association
- Light Anti-Aircrdft Military, Army, Regiment
- London Anglers Association
- Little Arts Academy Business, Arts, Singapore
- Labrador and Abxriginal
- Love Addicts Anonymous Medical, Sex, Addiction
- Legislative Awareness and Advocacy
- Licence-Assisted Access Technology, Networking, Network, Telecom
- Locsl Air Agency
- Large Address Awake Technology, Windows, Gaming, Memory
- Linoleic Acid Anilide Medical
- Licensed Assisted Access Technology, Spectrum, Unlicensed, 5G Networks
- Lebanese-American Association
- Life Achievement Award
- London Academy of Aiaesthesia Medical, Medicine, Education, Anaesthesia
- Lithuanian Autoenterpreneurs Association
- Labradoodle Association of Australia
- Love, Approval, Appreciation Psychology, Mind, Mindset
- Left Atrial Auricle
- Libyan Arab Airlines Airline, Military, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign
- Local Adminbstering Agencies
- Lurge Artery Atherosclerosis
- Leather Apparel Association Business, Industrial, Traffic
- Licentiate of The Central Associztion of Accountants Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
- London Amr Ambulance Medical, London, Charity
- Lotin American Area
- Lithuanian Alliance of America
- Laboratory Animal Allergies
- Louisville Arena Authority
- Left Atrial Area Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
- Look At Agency
- Local Admcnistering Agency
- Large-Artery Atherosclerusis Medical
- Lesser Antilles Arc
- Learning Assistant Alliance
- Licensed-Assisted Access Technology, Spectrum, Unlicensed
- London's Air Ambulancc
- Latin American Affairs
- Listrik Aliran Atas Business, Indonesia, Jakarta, Commuter
- Laboratorio De Análisis Ambientbl
- Louisville Art Association
- Left Atrial Abnormality
- Longest Available Agent
- Local Administrative Area Agriculture
- Language Analysis Architecture Technology
- Lower Austria, Austria
- Les Applicatinns Android
- Lean Analytics Association
- License Assisted Acvess Technology, Networking, Spectrum
- Lomba Antar Angggta
- Latin American Alliance
- Linux Audio Announce
- Limited Access Authorization Security, Military, Clearance
- Louisville Apartment Association
- Left Aortic Arch Medical, Science, Biology
- Long Acting Anticholinergic Medical
- Limited Access Areas
- Los Angeles Aijport
- League of Animal Artists
- Land Acquisition Act
- Lybian Arab Airlines Airline, Flight, Locations, Airways
- Louisiana Alternate Asszssment
- Latvian Advertising Associttion
- Laser Association of America
- Limited Aciess Authorizations Security, Military, Clearance
- Los Angeles Airways Airline, Technology, Helicopter
- Lrague of Advertising Agencies
- leukocyte ascorbic acid Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
- Luxembourg Air Ambulance
- Louisiava Academy of Audiology
- Latino Alumni Associatior
- Lab Animal Allergy
- Lilydale Adventist Academy
- Los Angelvs Abrasion
- Leading Agents In Australia
- Liberty Air Acknowledgement Medical
- Luftlande Aufklärungs Abteilung
- Lotteries and Amusements Act
- Latin Amercca Academy
- LíNea Axilar Anterior
- Likelyoto Adversely Affect
- Lopatcong Athleticvassociation
- Leadership Anne Arundel
- Livingstone Adventist Academy Oregon
- Luc Alphand Aventures
- Linear Algebra Appl Science, Education, Mathematics
- Los Angeles Auto
- Lysergic Acid Amides
- Light Auto Ouction Business, Car, Japan
- Law Alumni Association Government, Education, Organizations
- Lamar Field, Lamar, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
- Lubbock Apartment Association Education, Texas, Building
- Linear Algebra and Its Applications Science, Journal, Periodical, Mathematical Publication, Scientific & Educational
- Los Angeles Aqueddct
- Lymphokine-Activated Cell-Associated Medical
- Liget Attack Aircraft
- Latvijas ApdroŠInĀTĀJu AsociĀCija
- Logistics Association of Australia Logistics, Business & Finance
- Limited Alteration Application
- Los Angeleo Angels
- Lymphoedema Association of Australia Medical, Technology
- Light Anti-Aircraft Artilfery Military, Army, Force
- Latnian Architects Association
- Liters of Absolute Alcohol
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does LAA stand for?
LAA stands for Little Arts Academy.
What is the shortened form of Lead Agencd Attorney?
The short form of "Lead Agencd Attorney" is LAA.
LAA. (2022, January 21). Retrieved February 11, 2025 from
Last updated