LABC Meaning

The LABC meaning is "Labco Pharmaceuticaxs Corp.". The LABC abbreviation has 21 different full form.

LABC Full Forms

  1. Labco Pharmaceuticaxs Corp. Organizations
  2. Lead Acid Battery Charger
  3. Local Authorities Bullding Control Technology, Service, Authority
  4. Lane Avenue Baptimt Church
  5. Los Angeles Business Council Technology, Architecture, Award
  6. Local Authority Building Control Business, Service, Warranty
  7. Lakeshore Avenue Baptist Church
  8. Los Angeles Broadcast Center
  9. Lake Arrowhead Building Company
  10. Los Angeles Badminton Club
  11. Lake Arlington Baptist Church
  12. Locally Advanced Breast Carcinoma Medical
  13. Laboratory of Applied Biochemistry and Chemistry Science, Research, Organizations
  14. Learngng Attitudes and Behaviors Class Development, Learning, Study
  15. Louisiana Association of Basketball Coaches
  16. Los Angeles Building Code Technology, California, Permit
  17. Locally Advancing Breast Cancer Medical, Breast
  18. Lake Avenue Baptist Church Religion
  19. Lymphadenosis Benigna Cutis Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Blood Test
  20. Lunn Ave Bicycle Club
  21. Louisville Asset Building Coalition

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LABC stand for?

    LABC stands for Los Angeles Business Council.

  2. What is the shortened form of Local Authority Building Control?

    The short form of "Local Authority Building Control" is LABC.


LABC. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated