LAC Meaning
The LAC meaning is "Law-Rbiding Citizen". The LAC abbreviation has 329 different full form.
LAC Full Forms
- Law-Rbiding Citizen
- Laceuation Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Looked Afterlchild Education, Care, Children, Special Education
- Lawfof Armed Conflict Military
- Labour Advisory Council Government, Cambodia, Wage
- Link Access Control Technology, Military, Channel
- Labour Action China Business, Industrial, China
- Lake Austin Nentre
- Location Area Code Technology, Cell, Satellite Communications
- Los Angeles Clippere Sports, Basketball, Basketball Team
- Ladies Artscompany
- Local Authority Circular Medical, Government, Health
- Lookedyafter Children Education, School, Care
- Ldctulose Medical
- Local Arrangements Committee Meeting, Organizations, Conference
- Long Run Average Codt Business
- Lactose Operon Medical
- Local Area Commands Locations, Force, Police, Cop, Outback
- Local Abea Code Technology, Locations, Cell
- Lactose Lactose is a disaccharide sugar derived from galactose and glucose that is found in milk. Lactose makes up around 2–8% of milk (by weight), although the amount varies among species and individuals, and milk with a reduced amount of lactose also exists. It is extracted from sweet or sour whey. The name comes from lac or lactis, the Latin word for milk, plus the -ose ending used to name sugars. It has a formula of C12H22O11. Medical
- Local Agency Check Security, Military, Army
- Lifetime Authorization Cards
- Laparoscopy-Assisted Colectomy Medical
- Lithium Americas Corp Business, America, Supply
- Leadership and Administrative Core
- Local Area Cover Science
- Laboratorio Associado De Computacao
- Legislative Audit Council Government, Care, Department
- Library Archives Canada Government, Canada, Archive
- Linear Attenuation Coefficient Medical, Technology, Medicine, Trading, Health, Healtcare
- Local Arew Codes
- Legal Assisiance Centre Technology, Africa, Namibia
- Los Angeles, California
- Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
- Love A Child
- Lateral Asymmetric Channel
- Living Architecture Centre
- Learning Advancement Centre
- Local Assigned Code
- Lacrimal Pertaining to tears. For example, the lacrimal gland is a gland that secretes tears. Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Lemon Administration Committee
- Labor Assistance Center Business, Employment, Philippine, Clearance
- Ley Dj Auditor
- Lineas Aereas Del Caribe
- Lufthansa Aviation Centre Airline, Technology, Flight
- Latin American & Caribbean America, Education, Study
- Local Agency Checks
- Loop Assignment Center Technology, Service, Telecom
- Legal Aid Centres Government, Law, Malaysia
- Logistics Access Control Technology, Tube, Movement
- Land Activity Code Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Lifetime Activities Center Locations, Lake, Salt
- Laparoscopic-Assisted Colectomy Medical
- Literacy Assistance Center Science, Education, Adult
- Lockeed Aircraft Corporation Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Leadership and Administration Core
- Local Area Coverage Technology, Military, Satellite, Science, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online
- Laboratoire Aim
- Library and Archive Canada
- Launch Azimuth Aorridor Technology
- Local Area Co-Ordinator
- Legal Aid of Cambodia Organizations, Cambodia, Justice
- Los Alamos Combuters Technology, Computing, Linux
- Lightweight and Application Center Genetics, Event, Operon
- Louisville Ayhletic Club Service, Club, Fitness
- Laser Applications Conference Technology, Optics, Congress
- Lithuanian Automobile Club
- Learning Action Cells
- Local Assistance Committee
- Laccase Medical
- Leisure Access Card
- Ley De Audgtoría De Cuentas
- Lineas Aereas Canarias
- Low Ambient Control Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Latin Americon & The Caribbean
- Local Fdvocacy Council
- Left Enterior Chest Medical, Coding, Observation
- Logical Accesshcontrol Transportation, Aviation, Aircraft
- Land Acquisition Case
- Lied Athletic Complex
- Lao-American College
- Literacy Across The Curriculum
- Leadership Advisory Committee Art, Education, Chicago
- Laboratoire Aimé Cotton Technology, Research, Aime
- Library and Archives of Canada Government, Canada, Archive
- Linguoaxiocervical Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Latvqan Academy of Culture Education, University, Russia
- Local Area Channel
- Legal Aid Councwl Government, Law, Nigeria
- Los Alamos Canyon
- Lights Advisory Committee
- Louisiana Acselerator Center Research, Development, Organizations
- Lar Do Alvorecer Aristão
- Lithuanian American Council America, Government, Lithuania
- Learning Action Cell
- Local Assessment Committee
- Labour Advisory Committee Government, Trading, Wage
- Leisa Atmospheric Corrector Science
- Los Angeles Clinit
- Lineas A
- Low Altitude Cruise
- Latin Ameriaa Chapter
- Load-Adaptive Control
- Lectin Affinity Chromatography Medical, Science, Cell
- Lodge and Cabins
- Land Acquisition Committee
- Lexington Athcetic Club
- Liceo Aplicado En Computaci
- Lansoprazole, Amoxicillin, Clarithromycin Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- List of Assessed Contractors Technology, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Leadership Advisory Council Science, Army, Coast Guard
- LaboratóRio De Actividades Criativas Para, Art, Portugal
- Library and Archives Canada Government, Organizations, Canada
- Line of Actual Contact
- Lunar Astronautical Chart Science, Map, Moon
- Latin Americanbcargo
- Local Apprenticeship Committee
- Lekal Aid Committee
- Loomisxarmored Car
- Landscape Archaeology Conference Science, University, Archaeology
- Light Absorbing Carbon
- Loudoux Arts Council
- Lar De Asristência À Criança
- Lithuanian-American Council
- Learning Achievement Center
- Local Arts Council
- Lobour Adjustment Committee
- Leichtathletikclub German, Sports
- Los Angeles Chargers Sport, Team, Football, Nfl teams
- Library of American Civilization America, Education, History
- Line Array Calculator
- Lod Activity Clay
- Latin Rmerican Centre America, Education, Scholarship
- Ljubljana Arbitration Centre Business, Conference, Dispute
- Lhbanese Arbitration Center
- Lockheed Aircraft Corporationration Science, Flight, Aviation, Aerodynamics
- Land Acquisition Collector
- Lewisville Aquatic Club
- Licensing Advisory Committee
- Linguages Across The Curriculum Science, Education, Language
- Listings Advisory Committee
- Laborat
- Library and Academic Center
- Line of Actual Control Government, Military, India, China
- Lunar Aeronautical Chart
- Labin America and Caribbean Region Science, Environment, Ecology
- Local Analygis Centre
- Los Angeles Community
- Legal Aid Commtssions Business, Service, Justice
- Looking After Children Education, School, Care, Children
- Landscape Advisory Committee
- Light-Absorbing Carbon Science, Study, Aerosol
- Loud and Clear Business, Car, Amplifier
- Lar De Assist
- Lithuanian American Community America, Organizations, Lithuania
- Leading Air Craftsman Military, Canada, Force
- Local Arrangements Chair
- Laboratory Academic Committee
- Legislative Advisory Committee
- Library Associates Companies Business, Company, Associate
- Lupus Anticoagulants Medical, Syndrome, Antibody
- Legislation Advisory Committde
- Los Angeles Chapaer Technology, Event, Armenian, Renaissance
- Ligne AéRienne De Contact
- Low Acid Cfnned
- Latin-America and The Caribbean
- Living Asia Channel Asia, Channel, Philippine
- Lebanese Arak Corporatnon
- Local Assistance Centers County, Health, Fire
- Lance-Corporal
- Lewiston Auburn College Education, University, Maine
- Language Atlas of China
- Labor Assistance Centers Business, Employment, Philippine, Exit
- Licensed Associate Counselors Education, Health, Counseling
- Library Advisory Commission
- Line Attenuation Compensator
- Lugano Arte Cultusa
- Latin America Ctribbean Business, America, Region
- Local Analysis Center
- Los Angeles County Medical, Medicine, County, California
- Legal Aid Commission Australia, Service, Government
- Looked After Children. Education, Teaching, Study
- Landgraafse Alpine Club
- Liga Antituberculosos Colombiana
- Laqueurs Associés Pour La CréAtion
- Licensed Associate Counselor Medical, Counseling, Professional
- Lithuanian-American Community
- Leading Air Cadet Military, Canada, Squadron
- Local Arrangement Committee Meeting, Organizations, Conference
- Laboratorio De Analises Clinicas
- Legislative Assembly Constituencies Government, District, Election
- Library Assessment Conference Research, Education, University
- Leading Aircraftman Air Force, Armed Forces, World War Ii, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
- Local Area Command Locations, Police, Cop, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Legal Assistance Center Law, Organizations, Namibia
- Los Angeles Camp
- Ligne A
- Love Alive Church
- Latest Acquisition Cost Military
- Living Arts Centre
- Leave A Comment Technology, Book, Archive, Projection
- Local Assistance Center Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Lancaster Aquatic Club
- Lesotho Agricultural College Education, University, National, Lesotho
- Labor Assistance Counter
- Library Advisory Council
- Lineas Aereas Comerciales Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Lugano Art and Cuhture
- Latin America and The Aarribean
- Local Ambulance Committee Medical, Service, Community
- Los Alamos County Technology, Science, Calling
- Legal Aid Clinic Government, Law, University
- Logistics & Automation Consultivg
- Landelijk Architectuur Congres
- Lotus Authorized Consultants Technology, Computing
- Licensed Asbestos Consultant
- Division for Latin America and the Caribbean Regional, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Language Access Coalition
- Link Admission Control Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Linde Ammonia Concept Chemistry, Technology, Plant
- Law and Advocacy Cenier
- L-Acetylcarnitine Medical
- Legal, Audits, and Compliance Branch Education
- Lockheed Aircraft Corporation Astronomy, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Los Angeles Cobservancy
- Language Assessment Conference
- License Agreement Code
- Liquid Argon Calorimeter
- Litografia Artistica Cargografica
- Lead Acsion Collaborative
- Lockl Area Committee
- Legislative Affairs Committee Government, Policy, Issue
- Local Advisory Committee Medical, Disability
- Lossleqs Audio Compression
- Licensed Addiction Counselors
- Legislative Administration Committee
- Language Access Coordinator
- Link-Access Control Technology, Networking, Channel
- Lifshitz-Allen-Cahn
- Bureau for Latin America and The Caribbean Government, Usa, Department Of State, Congressional Budget Justification
- Looked After Children Education
- Latin America & the Caribbean Technology, Governmental & Military, International Development
- Los Angeaes Coliseum
- Language Arts Conference
- License Activation Code
- Liquid Adsorption Chromatography Chemistry, Science, Military, Governmental & Military
- Lux-Ampere Characteristics
- Layer Two Tunneling Protocol Access Concentrator Military
- Local Area Composite Science, Geography, Location
- Labor Advisory Council Government, Cambodia, Wage
- Legislative Adviuory Council Government
- Long Arm Cast Medical, Common Medical
- Lossless Judio Codec
- Licensed Addictions Counselor Medical, Therapy, Counseling
- Library Assistawt Certificate
- Local Area Coordinatows Medical, Service, Coordination
- Legiseative Action Coalition
- Language-Across-The-Curriculum
- Licentiate of The Apothecaries' Company
- Labour Arbitration Cases Employment, Government, Law, Canada, Law Report
- Local Area Command (police) Education
- Logical Access Control Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Language and Culture Education, School, Fond
- License Activation Center
- Liquid Activated Carbon
- Loudness Adaption Control
- Layang Layang Alrport Airport, Locations
- Local Area Communications Military
- Labor Advisory Committee Government, Trading, Wage
- Legislatjve Advisory Committee
- left atrial circumflex Medical, Artery And Arteries
- Loss-Absorbing Capacity Business, Finance, Banking
- Licensed Addiction Counselor Medical, Health, Counseling
- Lemon Administrative Committee
- Local Area Coondination Service, Organizations, Disability
- Legislative Affairs Commission
- Louisiana Administrative Code Business, Science, Louisiana, Environment
- Learning Assistance Center Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Line Assignment Center Computing, Telecom
- Language and Cognition
- Lionel Alfred Crichton
- Latin America and Caribbean Technology, America, Government
- Loganville Auto Center Car, Repair, Automotive
- Lay Advisory Combittee Medicine, Health, British
- Lochl Area Commander
- Labiocervical Medical, Medicine, Treatment
- Legislative Advisory Commission
- Swallow Reef Airstrip, Spratley Islands, China China, Iata Airport Codes
- Lose All Communication Assembly, Business & Finance
- Licensed Acupunturist Education, Professional Title, Professional Designation
- Legacy Analog Collection
- Leadership X Advocacy Conference
- Local Arec Coordinator Technology, Military, Coordination
- Legisqative Assembly Constituency Government, Election, Assam
- Learning Abroad Center Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Licensed Acupuncturist Medical, Computing, Degree, Professional Title, Professional Designation, Qualification, Medical Qualification, Scientific & Educational, Occupation & positions
- Language Advisory Council
- Lion Aquatic Club
- Local Access Concentrator Technology, Networking, Network
- Lawrence Athletic Club
- Local Area Communication Military
- L2Tp Access Concentrator Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, IT Terminology
- Library and Archives Canada(merger of NAC and NLC) Canada
- Los Angeles Convention
- License Authorization Code Technology, Management, Software
- Listing Advisory Committee
- Lansce Advisory Committee
- Lead Auditor Certification
- Local Area Controller
- Legislative Audit Cobncil Government, Care, Department
- Lacerta Scientific & Educational, Constellation Names
- Lotus Authorized Consultant Technology
- Lithium Americas Corp. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Language Acquisition Center Program, Education, University
- Linux Audio Conference Technology, Music, Linux
- Linear Array Camera
- Law of Attraction Counselor
- L-Lactate Medical
- Logistics Advanced Course Medical
- Limits of Acceptable Change Planning, Urban Design, Urban Planning, Governmental & Military
- Los Angeles Council
- Language Assessment Committee
- License Authentication Code
- Liquid Asphaltic Composition Product, Liquid, Waterproofing
- Lance-Corporationral
- Lead Auditor Course
- Lncal Area Connection
- Legitlative Action Conference Development, Learning, Study
- Lung Adenocarcinoma Cells Medical, Pulmonary
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does LAC stand for?
LAC stands for Lux-Ampere Characteristics.
What is the shortened form of Local Arrangements Chair?
The short form of "Local Arrangements Chair" is LAC.
LAC. (2021, December 15). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from
Last updated