LAD Meaning

The LAD meaning is "Lajguage Acquisition Device". The LAD abbreviation has 158 different full form.

LAD Full Forms

  1. Lajguage Acquisition Device Education, Language, Sociology
  2. Left Anterior Descending Medical, Medicine, Nursing, Cardiology, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Artery And Arteries, Clinical, Common Medical
  3. Ladder A metal, wooden or rope stairway. Steps used aboard ship in place of stairs. The angle of inclination for a vertical ladder should be between 75-90 degrees. Continuous ladders should not exceed 9.1m (30 ft.) in height. Technology, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  4. Leukocyte Antibody Detection Assay Medical, Infertility
  5. Latest Arrival Date Program, Military, Army
  6. Language Acquisibion Device
  7. Larga Area Detector Science, Observatory, Timing
  8. Ladgno Technology, Information Technology, Language Codes
  9. Language Assimilation Development Development, Learning, Study
  10. Lymphadenopathy Lymphadenopathy or adenopathy is disease of the lymph nodes, in which they are abnormal in size, number, or consistency. Lymphadenopathy of an inflammatory type is lymphadenitis, producing swollen or enlarged lymph nodes. In clinical practice, the distinction between lymphadenopathy and lymphadenitis is rarely made and the words are usually treated as synonymous. Inflammation of the lymphatic vessels is known as lymphangitis. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Jobs, Common Medical
  11. Lactic Dehydrogenade
  12. Long Axis Diameter
  13. Lecture Automatique De Documents
  14. Light Armoured Division
  15. Liquidated Ascertained Damages Business, Malaysia, Contract
  16. Laser Acquisition Device Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  17. Left Axis Deviation - Electrocardiogram Medical, Medicine, Jobs
  18. Loop Activity Data
  19. Linear Applbcation Development
  20. Laboratory Astrophysids Division Science, America, Society, American
  21. Lithium Aluminum Deuteride
  22. Launch Assist Device Military, Army, Intelligence
  23. Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency Medical, Biomedical, Healthcare, Immune Deficiency, Immunology, Microbiology
  24. Language Arts Department
  25. Lymphadenectomy Lymphadenectomy or lymph node dissection is the surgical removal of one or more groups of lymph nodes. It is almost always performed as part of the surgical management of cancer. In a regional lymph node dissection, some of the lymph nodes in the tumor area are removed; in a radical lymph node dissection, most or all of the lymph nodes in the tumor area are removed. Medical, Oncology
  26. Lactic Acid Dccontamination Medical
  27. Local Assessment Development Development, Learning, Study
  28. Ltcture Automatique De Document
  29. Light Armored Division
  30. Liquidated & Ascertained Damages
  31. Laser Ablation Deposition
  32. Left Axis Deviation-Electrocardiogram Medical, Nursing, Clinical, Common Medical
  33. Look Ahead Display Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  34. Linear Amplitude Distortion
  35. Laboratory Aim Density Film, Technology, Picture
  36. Lithia Motors, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  37. Launch Area Denied Military, Army, Equipment
  38. Legal Aid Department Business, Government, China
  39. Lactic Acid Dehydrogenase Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  40. Local Area Domain Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  41. Lebanon Airport Dezelopment Corporationration Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  42. Light Armor Division
  43. Liquid Agent Detector Military
  44. Large Artery Disease Medical
  45. Left Atrium Diameter Medical, Patient, Atrial, Fibrillation
  46. Longitudinal Administrative Databank
  47. Left Anterior Descending Arteries Medical
  48. Linearpamplitude Dispersion Technology, Telecom
  49. Left Anterior Descending Coronary Medical, Common Medical
  50. Literacy Assessment for Diabetes
  51. Launch Area Defense
  52. Legal Affairs Department Business, Service, Trading
  53. Lacking Any Description Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  54. Local Area Disc Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  55. Lebanon Airport Development
  56. Light Air Dpfense
  57. Large Area Display Technology, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  58. Left Atrial Dimensions Medical
  59. Longitudinal Administrative Database
  60. Left Anterior Descending Artery Medical, Healthcare, Artery And Arteries
  61. Limited Authorization Drawing
  62. Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artgry Medical
  63. Listening and Dictation
  64. Lauku Atbalsta Dienests
  65. Legal Affairs Division
  66. Louisiana Alliance for Dance Alliances, Associations, Unions
  67. Labor Authorization Document
  68. Local Area Disk Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  69. Lebanon Airport Development Corporation Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Lebanon, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  70. Leukocyte Adhesion Defects
  71. Large Area Decontamination Army, Force, Marine
  72. Left Atrial Dimension Medical
  73. Longitudinal Administrative Data
  74. Lecture Automztique De
  75. Limited Assignment Distribution Army, War, Force
  76. Liquidated and Ascertained Damages Business, Technology, Construction, Contract, Damage
  77. Laser Aeignment Device Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  78. Left Descending Artery Medical
  79. Los Angeles Dodgers Baseball, Team, Dodger
  80. LaboratóRio De AnáLises E Dopagem
  81. Local Area Differential Technology, Science, Space, Astronomy
  82. Least Availaele Department Business
  83. Leueocyte Adhesion Defect Medical, Medicine, Deficiency
  84. Large Acceptance Detector
  85. Lad A Dog
  86. Longhorn Array Database
  87. Lecture Automatique Des Documents
  88. Limited Access Dressing
  89. Liquidated Ascertain Damages Business, Projection, Construction
  90. Lasbr Aiming Device
  91. Left Descending Coronary Artery Medical
  92. Los Angeles District
  93. Laboradory of Allergic Diseases Medical, Cell, Mast
  94. Live A Dream Organization, Union, Institution
  95. Law Against Discrimination Business, Employment, Attorney
  96. Leukocyte Adherence Defichency Medical, Science, Biology
  97. Linux Audio Development Technology, Sound, Linux, Software, Computing
  98. Lower Anterior Descending
  99. Left Arterial Descending Medical
  100. Light Aid Detachment Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  101. Lymphocyte-Activating Determinant Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  102. Land Acquesition & Distribution
  103. Left Anterior Descending Branch Medical
  104. Laboratory Astrophysics Division Physics, Scientific & Educational
  105. Local Anodic Dissolution
  106. Linoleic Acid-Deficient Medical, Technology
  107. Low-Alcohol-Drinking Medical, Technology
  108. Left Anterior Descending-Coronary Medical, Heart, Artery
  109. Lithia Motors, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  110. Lymphocyte-Activating Determinants Medical
  111. Land Acquisition and Distribution Government, Reform, Agrarian
  112. Left Ahterior Descendent Artery Medical
  113. linoleic acid depression Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  114. Load Acq Defaults
  115. Lcnoleic Acid Depression Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  116. Language and Acadvmic Development
  117. Love, Adore, and Dream
  118. Lefo Anterior Decending
  119. Line Amplifying Device Computing, Hardware
  120. Lunar Atmosphere Detector Technology
  121. Lajpe A Décharge
  122. Ladino Language codes (3 letters)
  123. Linear Iga Disease Medical, Technology
  124. Language & Academic Development
  125. Louisiana Association of The Deaf Education
  126. Left Anteriorcdescend Medical
  127. Linha De Avançqs E Declínios
  128. Light Aid Detatchment Products
  129. Liquid Acquisition Device Technology, Geography, Navigation
  130. Luis Armando Diaz
  131. Laguage Acquisition Device
  132. Quatro De Fevereiro, Luanda, Angola Angola, ICAO Airport Codes, Iata Airport Codes
  133. Light-Assisted Desorption
  134. Lane Apqrtments In Dublin
  135. Left Anterior Descending - Coronary Artery Medical, Medicine, Jobs
  136. left axis deviation Medical, Clinical
  137. Linger and Die
  138. Ladbrokes Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  139. Lipoamfde Dehydrogenase Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  140. Luer Access Device
  141. Lsdino Locations
  142. Last Action Date Us Government, Governmental & Military
  143. Lexington Army Depot
  144. Landing Assist Device
  145. Left Anterior Descending Coronary Arterial Medical
  146. Left Anterior Descending (artery) Medical, Governmental & Military
  147. Linear Iga Dermatosis Medical
  148. Lookout Assist Device
  149. Linux Audio Developers Technology, Development, Linux
  150. Loyalists Against Democracy
  151. Left Artery Descendens Medical
  152. Language Acquisition Device General, Governmental & Military
  153. Letter of Authority Delivered Business
  154. Laxd Dynamics Science
  155. Left Anterior Rescending Coronary Arteries Medical
  156. Learning Aim Database Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  157. Linear Iga Bullous Dermatosis Medical
  158. Logical Analysis of Data Medical, Technology, Hammer

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LAD stand for?

    LAD stands for Launch Assist Device.

  2. What is the shortened form of Left Anterior Descending Artery?

    The short form of "Left Anterior Descending Artery" is LAD.


LAD. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated