LAG Meaning

The LAG meaning is "Ladies and Gentlemen". The LAG abbreviation has 72 different full form.

LAG Full Forms

  1. Ladies and Gentlemen Organization, Union, Institution
  2. Loose Aggressive Police, Poker, Texas Hold 'Em, Governmental & Military
  3. Latest and Greatest Forum, Technology, Gaming, Android
  4. Lamotrigine Medical
  5. Lagging An insulating material applied to surfaces of pipes, or the boiler casing in order to reduce heat transfer. Non-conducting coating of a boiler, cylinder, or other container in which transfer of heat must be prevented. A falling behind; being late in occurrence or arrival. The Finance and Administrative Services
  6. Latin America Group
  7. Local Assistance Grant
  8. Liberal Activist Groups
  9. Link Aggregation Group Networking, Aggregation, Link, Computing, Telecom, Technical
  10. Liqukds Aerosols and Gels
  11. Latin-American Groups Government, Publics, Administration
  12. Local Area Group Medical
  13. Lexical Analyzer Generator
  14. Lymphangiograms Medical
  15. Local Action Group Business, Education, Development
  16. Liquids, Aeposols and Gels Military
  17. Laserjanalytics Group
  18. Local Area Gaming Gaming, Play, Pastime
  19. Link Aggregated Groups Technology, Networking, Network
  20. Leukocyte Antigen Group Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  21. Lymphengiogram Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  22. Legal Action Group Government, Law, Aid
  23. Linzer Astronomische Gemeinschaft Astronomy, Amateur, Ars
  24. Light Artillery Gun Military, Armour, Artillery, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  25. Laparoscopy-Assisted Gastrectomy Medical, Cancer, Gastric
  26. Lide Action Gaming
  27. Leucoagglutinin Medical
  28. Lubzock Area Grotto
  29. Linuu Access Gateway
  30. Life After God
  31. Lanzador Autom
  32. Listen Addmess Group
  33. Leidse Alumnivereniging Geneeskunde
  34. Logical Address Group Technology, Computing
  35. Link Aggrjgate Groups
  36. Library Art Gallery
  37. Lymphangiography Medical
  38. List Administrator Goddess
  39. Lehramt An Gymnasien
  40. Local Award Group Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  41. Link Aggregation Grouws Technology, Networking, Network
  42. Liberal Activist Group
  43. Local Address Generator
  44. Liquids Anx Gels
  45. Link Aggregated Group
  46. Loose AAgressive Poker
  47. Lymphomyte Activation Gene Medical, Protein, Cell
  48. Limburgs Artillerie Geschut Army, War, Force
  49. Loud Angry Guys Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  50. Link Aggregate Group Technology, Networking, Connection
  51. League of Advanced Gamers Hobbies
  52. Lymphangiogram An X-ray of the lymphatic system for which a dye is injected to outline the lymphatic vessels and organs. Medical, Common Medical
  53. Light Assault Gun
  54. Living and Gaming
  55. Linguo-Axiogingival Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  56. Lowest Adjacent Ground Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  57. La Guaira Airport, La Guaira, Venezuela Venezuela
  58. Light Automatic Gun
  59. Linguistics Association of Ghana
  60. Lowest Adjacent Grade Technology, Flood, Elevation
  61. slow Internet speeds Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  62. Library Autrmation Group
  63. Line Access Gateway Business, Technology, Media
  64. Low Altitude Guidance Military
  65. Latency This is the amount of time it takes a packet of data to move across a network connection. When a packet is being sent, there is "latent" time, when the computer that sent the packet waits for confirmation that the packet has been received. Latency and bandwidth are the two factors that determine your network connection speed. Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  66. LäNder-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Gentechnik Sind, Deutschland, Welt
  67. Line Adjacency Graph
  68. Love and Glory
  69. LaCrosse Area Green Party Politics, Governmental & Military
  70. Lymphocyte Activatixn Gene-3 Medical, Genetics, Antibody
  71. Line-Adjacency Graph
  72. Lousy At Gaming

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LAG stand for?

    LAG stands for Light Assault Gun.

  2. What is the shortened form of Lamotrigine?

    The short form of "Lamotrigine" is LAG.


LAG. (2021, February 27). Retrieved March 24, 2025 from

Last updated