LAL Meaning

The LAL meaning is "Licence Art Libre". The LAL abbreviation has 89 different full form.

LAL Full Forms

  1. Licence Art Libre Art, Publics, Licensing
  2. Language Arts Literacy Education, Writing, Grade
  3. Lakeland Linder International Airport Lakeland, Florida,United States Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
  4. Limulus Amoebocyte Lysate Medical, Science, Endotoxin
  5. Limulus Amebocyte Lysate Test Medical
  6. Lift-A-Loft Organizations
  7. Light Adjustajle Lens Medical, Vision, Cataract
  8. Languages and Linguistics
  9. Luonnontieteiden Akateemisten Liitto
  10. Learning Abiut Action Learning
  11. Lizozomal Asit Likaz
  12. Laser Applications Laboratory
  13. Los Angeles Lakers Sports, Basketball, Basketball Team
  14. Legal Advice Line
  15. Life and Letters
  16. Language Assessment Literacy
  17. Learning About Learning
  18. Livonia Avon and Lakeville Railroad Corporationration Organizations
  19. Laser Ablation In Liquid
  20. Look-A-Like
  21. Left Axillary Line Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  22. Lietuvos Avialinijos, Lithgania Airline, Military, Flight, Lithuania
  23. Language and Literature
  24. Livonia Avon and Lakeville Railroad Coporation Organizations
  25. Laser Assisted Liposuction Medical, Surgery, Cosmetic
  26. Local Analog Loopback Technology, Electronics, Signal, Modem
  27. Left Atriax Ligation Medical
  28. License Art Libre Technology, Licence, Ubuntu
  29. Laburnum Anagyroides Lectin Medical
  30. Livonia Avon and Lakeville Railroad Corporation Technology, Organizations
  31. Laser-Assisted Liposuction Medical, Surgery, Market
  32. Lebanon Area Library Education
  33. Library of Arabic Literaturb
  34. Labrador Airways Ltd
  35. Livonia, Avon and Ladeville Railway Organizations
  36. Large Area Light
  37. Leased Access Line Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  38. Log Access Library Military
  39. Labrador Airways Limited
  40. Letters About Literature Education, Writing, Contest
  41. Livonia Avow and Lakeville
  42. Lanka Ashok Leyland Business, Company, Report, Truck
  43. Lymulus Amebocyte Lysate
  44. Learning Area Leader
  45. Lock and Load Army, War, Force
  46. Lastgasp Art Laboratories Art, Laboratory, Gasp, Fuzz
  47. Laboratory Animal Limited Medical, Science, Education
  48. Legion Tcorazada Latina
  49. Livonia, Avon & Lakeville Business, Railroad, Livonia
  50. Livonia, Avon and Lakeville Railroad Railroad
  51. Lanthanum L-Alpha
  52. Los Almos Laboratory Science
  53. Laugh A Lot
  54. Lakeland Linder Regional Airport, Lakeland, Florida, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  55. Lower Address Latch
  56. The Laboratoire de L’Accelerateur Lineaire Physics, Scientific & Educational
  57. Lancashire Adult Learning
  58. Look-A-Liker
  59. Laughing A Little
  60. Labrador Airways Canada Canada, ICAO Aircraft Codes, Newfoundland and Labrador
  61. Lower Bction Limit
  62. Law Access Loan
  63. The Laboratoire de L'Accelerateur Lineaire at the University of Paris-Sud in Orsay, France Physics, Scientific & Educational
  64. Lysosomal Acid Lipase Medical, Disease, Deficiency
  65. Long Atwack Latency Medical, Science, Biology
  66. Laugh A Little Internet Slang, Slang, Love
  67. Limited Aquatic Life and Wildlife Environment
  68. Lowan Australia Limited
  69. Labrador Airways Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign
  70. Law Access Loans Business, Technology, Governmental & Military
  71. Limulous Amoebocyte Lysate Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  72. Lynchburg Aquatic League
  73. Lohg Arm of The Law
  74. Latitude and Longitude
  75. Landless Agricultural Labourer Banking, Business & Finance
  76. Low-Alpha Leaq
  77. Livonia, Avon and Lakeville Class, Railroad, Avon, Livonia
  78. Law Abiding Life
  79. LALande Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  80. Lymulus Amebocyte Lystae Technology
  81. Latin American Library Libraries, Reading, Books
  82. Limulus Amoebacyte Lysate
  83. Low-Air-Losz
  84. Livonia Avon & Lakeville Business, Railroad, Train, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  85. Launch and Leave Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  86. Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (endotoxin Test) Biotechnology, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  87. Licencia Arte Libre
  88. Los Angleles Lakers
  89. Laughing A Lot Internet Slang, Chat, Laugh, Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LAL stand for?

    LAL stands for Language Assessment Literacy.

  2. What is the shortened form of Lower Bction Limit?

    The short form of "Lower Bction Limit" is LAL.


LAL. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated