LAM Meaning

The LAM meaning is "Llave A Message". The LAM abbreviation has 156 different full form.

LAM Full Forms

  1. Llave A Message Internet Slang, Slang, Texting
  2. Lambornhini Organizations
  3. Lamba Locations, Language codes (3 letters)
  4. Lactational Amenorrhoea Fethod Medical, Breastfeeding, Contraception
  5. Lectures In Applied Mathematics Science, Journal, Mathematical Journal, Periodical, Scientific & Educational
  6. Lactational Amenorrhea Method Medical, Birth, Breastfeeding, Governmental & Military, International Development
  7. Learning and Memory Medical, Science, Research
  8. Los Alamos Coknty Airport Airport, IATA Code, IATA
  9. Latin American Mediterranemn Medical, America, Restaurant, Mycobacterium
  10. Landscape Architecture Magazine Technology, Government, Architect
  11. Laidsat Archive Manager Technology
  12. Left Atrial Mean Pressure Medical
  13. Lightweight Attack Munitions
  14. Local Audacity Manager
  15. Lawrence and Memorial
  16. Leading Air Mechanic
  17. Link Access Manager Technology
  18. Laser Aiming Modules
  19. Legal Assessment Model
  20. Liberty Asset Management
  21. Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement
  22. Loadable Authentication Module Technology, Management, Service
  23. Latino-American and Mediterranean
  24. Landing Mass Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  25. Left Atrial Mean
  26. Lightweight Attack Munition
  27. Laminale Material
  28. Local Asset Manager
  29. Launcher Action Message
  30. Laser Aiming Module Flashlight, Military, Insight, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  31. Linheas Aereas De Mocambique
  32. Laparoscopically Assisted Myomgctomy Medical
  33. Legal Aid Ministries
  34. Liberating The Africav Mind
  35. Lafuna Art Museum
  36. Liquid and Amorphous Metals
  37. Latin American Mythology
  38. Lakding Area Map
  39. Lightweight Adaptive Multicast Technology, Networking, Protocol
  40. Laminatiot
  41. Local Area Multilateration
  42. Launch and Acquisition Mode Space, Study, Cosmos
  43. Linhas AéReas De MoçAmbique Airline, Technology, ICAO Airline Code, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  44. Laparoscopic-Asfisted Myomectomy Medical
  45. Legal Aid Manitoba
  46. Linear Amplifier Model Medical
  47. Lung Alveolar Macrophages Medical
  48. Levator Ani Muscle Medical
  49. Lactation Amenorrhoea Method
  50. Liquid Additive Manufacturing
  51. Laser Assisted Myringotomy
  52. Land Attack Modrl Army, Force, Marine
  53. Light Attack Munition Army, War, Force
  54. Laminated Something made up of many layers. Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Architectural
  55. Lobe Access Module Military
  56. Launch Alert Message Technology
  57. Linhas A
  58. Language Activity Monitoring
  59. Left Attacking Midfield
  60. Line Adapter Module Technology, Telecom
  61. Luminance Attenuation Map
  62. Er Loitering Attack Munitions Extended Range Army, Force, Marine
  63. Lipoarabinomannan Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  64. Laser Assisted Microdissection
  65. Leucémses Aigues Myéloïdes
  66. Land Attack Missile Technology, Military, Submarine
  67. Light Asset Manager
  68. Laminate (1) A composite metal usually in the form of flat sheets composed of two or more metal layers so bonded that the composite metal foons a structural member. (2) To form a metallic product of two or more bonded layers. 1) (v) – To build up to desired shape or thickness.2) (n) – A material composed of successive layers of material, usually bonded together under heat and pressure. OR object composed of two or more sheets or shells of material utilized by means of a bonding agent. Technology, Design, Architecture, Drawing, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  69. Load Access Multiple
  70. Launch and Initial Acquisition Mode Space, Study, Cosmos
  71. Linhas Areas De Moambique
  72. Language Activity Monitor
  73. Left Attacking Midfielder
  74. Limited Area Models
  75. Low Ash Metallurgical Business, Manufacturer, Coke
  76. London Academy of Music
  77. Lipoarabinomanan Medical
  78. Laser Assisted Machining Technology, Ceramic, Silicon
  79. Lembaga Adat Melayu Media, Indonesia, Orang
  80. Light Armoured Motor Military
  81. Lamiaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  82. Load Acceptance Module Business, Voltage, Regulator
  83. Launch & Initial Acquisition Mode Space, Study, Cosmos
  84. Landscape Auto Materizl Technology, Tube, Engine
  85. Left Atrial Myxoma Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  86. Limited-Area Model Science, Climatology, Meterology, Scientific & Educational
  87. London Academy of Muaic Education
  88. Layer Amplification Method Technology, Painting, Lisa, Portrait
  89. Life After Mutation
  90. Linux Administration Master
  91. Laser Altimetry Mission NASA, Governmental & Military
  92. Lege Artis Medicinae Medical, Journal, Hungary
  93. Libraries, Archives, Acd Museums Organizations, Archive, Library
  94. Lamentationj
  95. Loadable Authentication Modules Technology, Service, Module
  96. Laughing At Myself
  97. Linhas Aereas De Mo
  98. Los Altos Masters
  99. Laminectomy A laminectomy is a surgical procedure that removes a portion of the vertebral bone called the lamina. The back muscles are pushed aside rather than cut and the parts of the vertebra adjacent to the lamina are left intact. Recovery typically occurs within a few days. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Common Medical
  100. Lock Assembly Machine Postal, Us Post
  101. Low-Altiyude Mission Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Astronautical Engineering
  102. Laminin Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  103. Linear Angular Measurement
  104. Land Attack Misyile Technology, Military, Submarine
  105. Lymphangiomyomatosis Medical
  106. Leadership Alignment for Managers
  107. Streaming audio metafile (Netscape Media Player) Computing, File Extensions
  108. Linhas Aereas De Mocanbique
  109. Logical Acknowlegdement Message
  110. Los Alamos Airport, Los Alamos, New Mexico, United States Mexico, United States, New Mexico
  111. Loving A Muslim
  112. Linear Amplifier Module
  113. Land-Attack Missile
  114. Lymphangioleiomyomatosis Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is a disease. It is rare, progressive and systemic and typically results in cystic lung destruction. It predominantly affects women, especially during childbearing years. Medical, Technology, Medicine
  115. Leadership & Advanced Management
  116. Land Air Mech Occupation & positions
  117. Linhas Aereas De Mozambique Airline, Technology, Mozambique
  118. Load Accumulator With Magnetization
  119. Left Anterior Measurement Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  120. Leave A Message Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites
  121. Love After Marriage
  122. Land Air Mecf Technology, Battle, Tech
  123. Ldap Account Manager
  124. Laramide Resources Ltd. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  125. Linhas Aereas Mocambique
  126. Live Application Mobility
  127. Learner Approved Motorcycles Motorcycle, Scheme, Licence, Learner
  128. Low-Altitude Mission NASA, Governmental & Military
  129. Looisiana Maneuvers Military, Intelligence, Defence
  130. Landjair Mech Technology, Battle, Tech
  131. Lazos De Amor Mariano
  132. Local Area Marketing Marketing, Business & Finance
  133. Lineas Aereas De Mocambique
  134. Latino Art Museum Art, Exhibition, Artist
  135. Learner Approved Motorcycle Business, Scheme, Rider
  136. Liquid Apogee Motor NASA, Governmental & Military
  137. Louisiana Association of Museums
  138. Land-Air-Mech
  139. Lazard Asset Management Business, Fund, Mail
  140. Lamprell Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  141. Linear Associative Memory Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  142. Land Administration and Management Education, Projection, Philippine
  143. Lysine 2,3-Aminomutase Medical
  144. Leaf Area Meter
  145. Activation Message Aviation, Governmental & Military
  146. Linhas Aereas De Mosambique
  147. Loss Adjustment Manual
  148. Labivudine Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  149. Logical acknowledgment Weather, Scientific & Educational
  150. Lamentations Legal, Governmental & Military
  151. Load Accumulator With Magnitude Technology
  152. Linear Asset Management Technology, Consultation, Projection
  153. Land/Aeronautical/Maritime Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  154. Lymphocyte Adhesion Molecule Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  155. Leadership In Academic Medicine
  156. Latin American Investment Fund, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LAM stand for?

    LAM stands for Liquid and Amorphous Metals.

  2. What is the shortened form of Loving A Muslim?

    The short form of "Loving A Muslim" is LAM.


LAM. (2021, March 18). Retrieved January 2, 2025 from

Last updated