Lambda Abbreviations and Lambda Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Lambda terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 8 different Lambda abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Lambda terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Lambda Abbreviations
  1. ANIT : Associazione Nazionale Isolamento Termico
  2. CBV : Call By Value
  3. HOPE : Health Outreach Peer Educators
  4. SBLC : State Business Leadership Conference
  5. SN : Strong Normalization
  6. FBLA : Future Business Leaders of America-Phi
  7. LUL : La Unidad Latina
  8. IMDR : Institut Pour La Maitrise Des Risques
Latest Lambda Meanings
  1. Institut Pour La Maitrise Des Risques
  2. La Unidad Latina
  3. Future Business Leaders of America-Phi
  4. Strong Normalization
  5. State Business Leadership Conference
  6. Health Outreach Peer Educators
  7. Call By Value
  8. Associazione Nazionale Isolamento Termico