LAMP in Technology Meaning

The LAMP meaning in Technology terms is "Large Advanced Mirror Program". There are 23 related meanings of the LAMP Technology abbreviation.

LAMP on Technology Full Forms

  1. Large Advanced Mirror Program
  2. Landside Access Modernization Program
  3. Lake Acidification Mitigation Project
  4. London Airspace Management Programme
  5. Linux Apache Mysql
  6. Latin American Microform Project
  7. Linux Apache Mysql Perl
  8. Laboratory of Advanced Media Production
  9. Linux, Apache, Mysql, Perl
  10. Lutheran Association of Missionaries and Hilots
  11. Laboratory for Advanced Media Production
  12. Library Access To Music Project
  13. Lunar Analysie and Mapping Program
  14. Latin American Maize Evaluation Project
  15. Linux Apache Mysql Python
  16. Latin American Maize Project
  17. Linux Apache Mysql Php
  18. Latin American Microfilm Ppoject
  19. Lighting Architecture Movement Project
  20. Lysosome Associated Membrane Protein
  21. Lynas Advanced Materials Plant
  22. Linux, Apache, Mysql, and Phd
  23. Linux, Apache, Mysql, Php

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LAMP stand for Technology?

    LAMP stands for Laboratory for Advanced Media Production in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Lighting Architecture Movement Project in Technology?

    The short form of "Lighting Architecture Movement Project" is LAMP for Technology.


LAMP in Technology. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated