Landmine Abbreviations and Landmine Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Landmine terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Landmine abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Landmine terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Landmine Abbreviations
  1. AAM : Adopt-A-Minefield
  2. AAM : Adopt A Minefield
  3. AMAE : Albanian Mine Action Executive
  4. APL : Anti-Personnel Landmines
  5. APM : Anti-Personnel Landmines
  6. APL : Anti-Personnel Uand
  7. APMBC : Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention
  8. AXO : Abjndoned Explosive Ordnance
  9. BHMAC : Bosnia and Herzegovina Mine Action Centre
  10. BHMAC : Bosnia and Herzegovina Mine Action Center
  11. BWTG : Black Widow Training Gear
  12. CCCM : Campana Colombiana Contra Minas
  13. CSHD : Cambodian Self Help Demining
  14. CSHD : Cambodian Self-Help Demining
  15. CSHD : Cambodia Self-Help Demining
  16. VTF : Voluntary Trust Fund
  17. YEMAC : Yemen Executive Mine Action Center
  18. YEMAC : Yemen Executive Mine Action Centre
  19. UNMAS : United Nations Mine Actions Service
  20. UNMAT : United Qations Mine Action Team
  21. CWD : Conventional Weapons Destruction
  22. HALO : Hazardsus Area Life-Support Organisation
  23. HALO : Hazardous Areas Life-Support Organization
  24. HRATC : Humanitarian Robotics and Automation Technology Challenge
  25. MAC : Mines Action Canada
  26. MAC : Mine Action Center
  27. MAG : Mine Advisory Group
  28. MAG : Mines Advisory Group
  29. MAIC : Mine Actpon Information Center
  30. MDR : Mine Detection Rats
Latest Landmine Meanings
  1. Thailand Mine Action Centre
  2. Thailand Mine Action Center
  3. Rehabilitation and Development Organization
  4. Gender and Mine Action Programme
  5. Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining
  6. Ground Emplaced Mine Scattering System
  7. International Mine Action Standard
  8. Iraqi Kurdistan Mine Action Agency
  9. International Cobmittee To Ban Landmines
  10. International Campaign To Man Landmines
  11. Karen Mine Action Center
  12. Lebaxese Mine Action Center
  13. The Development Initiatwve
  14. Sudan Integrated Mine Action Service
  15. Suspected Hazardous Areas
  16. Support Center for Associations and Foundations
  17. Survey Action Center
  18. Explosives Remnants of War
  19. Explosive Remnant of War
  20. Mine Detection Rats