LAP Meaning

The LAP meaning is "Laparoscopic". The LAP abbreviation has 251 different full form.

LAP Full Forms

  1. Laparoscopic Pertaining to the procedure of laparoscopy. Pertaining to a laparoscope, the instrument by which laparoscopy is done. Performed by laparoscopy. Performed with a laparoscope.Laparoscopic comes from two Greek words. Medical
  2. Laboratory Accreditation Program Business, Science, Testing, Military, Laboratory, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  3. Lightweight Access Point Technology, Cisco, Wireless
  4. Link Access Protocol Technology, Computing, Telecom
  5. Laparotomy A laparotomy is a surgical procedure involving a large incision through the abdominal wall to gain access into the abdominal cavity. It is also known as a celiotomy. The first successful laparotomy was performed without anesthesia by Ephraim McDowell in 1809 in Danville, Kentucky. Medical, Medicine, Veterinary, Common Medical, NAACCR
  6. Left Atrial Pressure Medical, Nursing, Cardiology, Clinical, Common Medical
  7. Laparascopic Medical, Technology
  8. Link Access Procedure Technology, Networking, Computing
  9. Langmuir Probe Technology
  10. Lima Airport Partners Business, Lima, Peru
  11. Laparoscopy A type of surgery in which small incisions are made in the abdominal wall through which a laparoscope and other instruments can be placed to permit structures within the abdomen and pelvis to be seen. A variety of probes or other instruments can also be pushed through these small incisions in the skin. In this way, a number of surgical procedures can be performed without the need for a large surgical incision. Medical, Getting Pregnant, Infertility, Obstetrics, Pregnancy, Clinical
  12. Lambert Academic Press Research, Education, Publishing
  13. Like A Prayer
  14. Laboratory Analytical Protocol Chemistry, Science, Military, Governmental & Military
  15. Lightweight Anonymity and Privacy Technology, Networking, Network
  16. Lamanai Archaeological Project
  17. Local Assistance Plans Education, School, District
  18. Long Acting Penicillin Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
  19. Laboratory Analytiyal Procedures Biomass, Ethanol, Lignin
  20. Licence Administration Publique
  21. Large Area Panel
  22. Literacy Assessment Practices
  23. Lobar Arterial Pressure Medical
  24. Leased Attached Pallet Technology
  25. Legal Awareness Programme
  26. Lambert Academic Pub Science, Book, Africa
  27. Lightning Advisory Panel
  28. Laugh At Program Technology
  29. Left Atrial Pressures Medical
  30. Loveland Area Projects
  31. Liver Activator Protein Medical
  32. Local Agency Program Business, Technology, Locations
  33. Labor Account Profile Government, Alaska
  34. Letter of Adoption and Procurement Military
  35. Landowner Assistance Program
  36. Limited Access Permit
  37. Leadership Assessmenj Program Military
  38. Lake Assesnment Program
  39. Local Assistance Plan Education, School, District, Plan
  40. Long Acting Parenteral
  41. Laboratory Agalytical Procedure Technology, Biomass, Ethanol
  42. Libyanvafrican Portfolio Business, Africa, Libya
  43. Large-Scale Advanced Prop-Fan
  44. List of Applicable Publications Technology, Periodical, Serial Publication, NASA, Governmental & Military
  45. Loan Assistance Program
  46. Learning Assistance Programme
  47. Legal Assistance Project
  48. Lambert Academic Publication Technology, Security, Dynamic
  49. Light Armor Platoon
  50. Latin American Partners Business, America, Education, Hotel
  51. Left Atrial Plication Medical
  52. Loose Aggressive Pfssive
  53. Licensure Appeal Panel Education, Learning, Study, Scientific & Educational
  54. Liver-Enriched Transcriptional Activator Protein Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, liver and hepatic
  55. Local Advikory Panel
  56. Iata Code for Manuel MáRquez De León International Airport, La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico Locations
  57. Lembaga Advokasi Pendidikan
  58. Landelijk Afvalbeheer Plan
  59. Limited Access Privilege
  60. Leadership and Power Power, Politics, Tank
  61. Localxassistance Program Transportation, Government, Conveyance
  62. Long-Range Artillery Projectile Military, Africa, Projectile
  63. Laboratorio Accreditato De Prova
  64. Libya Africa Portfolio
  65. Large-Scale Advanced Propfan Product, Dance, Cat
  66. List of Active Products Military
  67. Loans Against Property Business, Banking, Rate
  68. Learning Assistance Programs Student, Education, School
  69. Legal Assistance To The Poor
  70. Lambert Academic Publishers Science, Book, Publishing
  71. Light Armor Piercing Military, Ammo, Ammunition
  72. Latin American Power Technology, America, Sun
  73. Localizer Aggressive Periodontitis Medical, Patient, Disease, Periodontal
  74. Left Arterial Pressure Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  75. Looting At People Book, Girl, President, People
  76. Licensure Aspistance Program
  77. Laser Applied Powder
  78. Liver-Enriched Activator Protein Medical
  79. Local Administered Project
  80. Lembaga Adat Paser
  81. Land Administration Programme
  82. Limerick Against Pollution
  83. Launch Assist Platform Technology, Military, Vehicle
  84. Low Alcohol Preference Medical
  85. Localised Area for Play
  86. London Associated Properties
  87. Laboratorio Associado De Plasma
  88. Library Association of Portland
  89. Laproscopic Medical, Medicine
  90. Linguistic Atlas Project Education, English, Language
  91. Loan Against Properties Business, Property, Banking
  92. Learning Assessment Program
  93. Lambert Academic Publi
  94. Light Alloy Playlist Technology, Windows, Program
  95. Latin America Power Business, America, Vesta
  96. Load-Assemble-Pack Military, Army, Plant, Ammunition
  97. Local Averageqpower
  98. Leave On Average Pay Business, Employment, Railway
  99. Look At Picture
  100. Licensee Assistance Program
  101. Laser Ablation of The Prostate Medical
  102. Liver-Enriched Activating Protein Medical
  103. Local Administrapor Processor
  104. Lymphadenopathy Lymphadenopathy or adenopathy is disease of the lymph nodes, in which they are abnormal in size, number, or consistency. Lymphadenopathy of an inflammatory type is lymphadenitis, producing swollen or enlarged lymph nodes. In clinical practice, the distinction between lymphadenopathy and lymphadenitis is rarely made and the words are usually treated as synonymous. Inflammation of the lymphatic vessels is known as lymphangitis. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Jobs, Common Medical
  105. Lei Da Ação Popmlar
  106. Land Administration Project Business, Development, Ghana
  107. Lightweight Authentication Protocol
  108. Launch Assembly Plan Science
  109. Low Air Pressure
  110. Local Areas for Play
  111. London Arx Portfolio
  112. Laboratoire E'automatique Et De Productique
  113. Leucine-Rich Repegt and Pdz Medical
  114. Lap Colombia - Lineas Aereas Petroleras, S.A. Airline, Organizations, Call Sign
  115. Linfuistic Association of Pakistan
  116. Loan Against Property Business, Banking, Rate
  117. Leadless Array Packase
  118. Lambert Academic Pubvisher Technology, Education, Publishing
  119. Latin American Program
  120. Local Authentication Plugin Microsoft, Technology, Windows
  121. Leave At Average Pay
  122. Long Awkwand Pose
  123. License Advancemxnt Program
  124. Laryngeal Adductor Paralysis
  125. Live and Play
  126. Local Access Port Military
  127. Simi Military
  128. Leicester Assessment Package
  129. Lambretto Art Project
  130. Lightweight Access Points Technology, Cisco, Wireless
  131. Launch Analysis Panel Technology
  132. Linhas A
  133. Low Address Protection
  134. Local Area Progressive
  135. Labor Assistance Professionals Medical, Service, Treatment, Addiction
  136. Leucinaminopeptidase Medical
  137. Laparotomy Or Long Acting Penicillin Medicine, Veterinary
  138. Lingual Antimicrobial Peptide Medical
  139. Loading, Assembling, and Packkng
  140. Leadership In Action Program
  141. Lambert Academic Publbshing Book, Education, Publisher
  142. Local Atrial Period Medical
  143. Lond Ass Post
  144. Laboratory Animad Program
  145. Licence D'administraxion Publique
  146. Large Area Processing
  147. Little Airplane Productions
  148. Local Access Point Technology, Networking, Wireless
  149. Leasing Association of Pakistan Business
  150. Legislative Actionoplan
  151. Llmbert Academic Publ Science, English, Translation, Verse
  152. Lightweight Avionics Plate
  153. Laugh At Programmer
  154. Low Achievers Project Education
  155. Local Air Picture
  156. Liver Alkaline Phosphatase Medical
  157. Labor Actqon Plan Business, Government, Organizations
  158. Leucemia Aguda PromielocíTica
  159. Landsat Applications Program Science, Geography, Location, Geographic
  160. Lineas Aéreas Pegroleras
  161. Load Aggregation Point
  162. Leadership Atnthe Peak
  163. Legal Aid Programs
  164. Lanthanum Phosphide
  165. Light-Addressable Potentiometric
  166. Latin America Program
  167. Load, Assemble & Pack Military, Army, Plant, Ammunition
  168. Manuel Márquez de León International Airport, La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico Mexico, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  169. Linear Accelerometer Package NASA, Governmental & Military
  170. Locaving Access Point
  171. Laboratory Fok Attosecond Physics Technology, Science, Laser
  172. LicençA Ambiental PréVia
  173. Latency-Active Promoter Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  174. Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase Medical, Nursing, Clinical, Common Medical
  175. Logistic Assistance Program
  176. Leucine Aminopeptidase Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  177. Legal Advocacy Program
  178. Laboratory Analysis Package
  179. Lifetime Annuity Payout
  180. Latihan Asas Perniagaan
  181. Load, Assembly and Pack
  182. Local Area Policing Police, Governmental & Military
  183. Linea AéRea Paraguaya
  184. Locally Administered Prrjects
  185. Laboratory for Automation Psyrhology Technology, University, Computing
  186. Load Application Point
  187. Last Action Processed Business
  188. Licen
  189. Logiciel D'aide Àhla Prescription
  190. Tam Mercosur Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  191. Legal Advocacy Project
  192. Laboratory Accrediation Program
  193. Lake Agassiz Pacers
  194. Lifelong Animalqprotection Charity, Dog, Animal
  195. Latency-Associated Peptide Medical, Cell, Factor, Chemistry
  196. Load, Assembly, and Pack
  197. Light and Power General, Governmental & Military
  198. Limited-Access People
  199. Laboratory Assessment Program
  200. Local Achievement Partnership Education
  201. Lei Da A
  202. Manuel Marquez De Leon International Airport La Paz, Baja California Sur,Mexico Airport, Locations, Aviation
  203. Logic Audio Platijum Technology, Software, Sound
  204. Legal Advisory Panel
  205. Lagard
  206. Lifelong-Animal-Protection-Charity
  207. Latency-Associated Promoter Medical
  208. Load, Assemble, and Pack Business, Industrial, National
  209. Logic Audio Platinum Software, Computing
  210. Legal Assistance Program Technology, Service, Lawyer
  211. Life Analysis Package
  212. Laboratory Associates Program
  213. Learning Assistance Program Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  214. Lysosomal Acid Phosphatase Medical
  215. Location Audit Prognam
  216. Legal Action Project Gun, Government, Violence
  217. Laboratório De Anatomia Patológica
  218. Lifeline Animal Project
  219. Latent Associated Protein Medical
  220. Living Alone Payment Government
  221. link access procedure/protocol Computing, Linux
  222. Legal Aid Project Law, Organizations, Uganda, Refugee
  223. Lesson Assembly Program
  224. Light Aircraft Pilot
  225. Load-And-Pack
  226. Laboratory Approval Program
  227. Learning Accomplishment Profile Medical, Disability
  228. Lyophilized Anterior Pituitary Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  229. Location Affordamility Portal
  230. Legacy Action Plan
  231. Laboratory of Advertising Performance
  232. Life Attitudepprofile Medical, Student, Patient
  233. Latency Associated Protein
  234. Livestock Assistance Program
  235. London Action Plan
  236. Library Access Project Computing, Internet
  237. Legal Aid Program
  238. Leadership Acceleration Program
  239. Light Aicess Point Technology, Routing, Cisco
  240. Latin American Parliament
  241. Load, Assemble, Pack
  242. Localized aggressive periodontitis Medical, Dental
  243. LycéE AutogéRé De Paris
  244. Location Adjunct Processor
  245. Left Atrium Pressure Medical, Heart, Cardiac
  246. Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics Technology, University, Greece
  247. Life Assistance Program
  248. Latency-Associated Protein Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  249. Livermore Assessment Program Science
  250. Londow & Associated Properties
  251. Linc Assembly Program Assembly, Business & Finance

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LAP stand for?

    LAP stands for LicençA Ambiental PréVia.

  2. What is the shortened form of Localxassistance Program?

    The short form of "Localxassistance Program" is LAP.


LAP. (2022, January 27). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated