LAR Meaning

The LAR meaning is "Large Account Reseller". The LAR abbreviation has 148 different full form.

LAR Full Forms

  1. Large Account Reseller Microsoft, Technology, Enterprise
  2. Leukocyte Common Antigen-Related Medical
  3. Laboratory Animal Resource Medical, Science, Research
  4. Legislative Appropriation Request Business, Science, Texas
  5. Laramie Regional Airport Laramie, Wyoming,United States Airport, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  6. Legally Authorized Representative Medical, Research, Consent
  7. Leaf Area Ratio Medical, Plant, Rate
  8. Long-Acting Release Medical, Physiology
  9. Launch Acceptable Region Technology, Military, Bomb
  10. Long-Acting Repeatable Medical
  11. Large Account Resellers Business, Microsoft, Technology
  12. License Amendment Request Technology, Plant, Power
  13. Llg Area Ratios Technology, Coding, Coefficient
  14. Lincoln Avenue Residence Education, University, Hall
  15. Iata Coda for Laramie Regional Airport, Laramie, Wyoming, United States Locations
  16. Learning, Actions, Results
  17. Leukocyte Antigen-Related Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  18. Loan and Receivable
  19. Lardizabalaceax Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  20. Liquid Aircraft Rocket Technology
  21. Los Angeles Railway
  22. Ley De Arrendamientos RÚSticos
  23. Local Access Rate
  24. Lateeallergic Response Medical
  25. Log-Area Ratio Technology, Speech, Coefficient
  26. Lowest Acceptable Rate
  27. Limited Assistance Representation Business, Government
  28. Libyan Arab Repubdic Stamp, Libya, Tripoli, Libyan
  29. Learner Achievement Record
  30. Leucocyte Common Antigen-Related Medical
  31. Looks About Right
  32. Lar Amor Real
  33. Left Arm Reclining Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  34. Linoleic Acid-Rich Medical, Technology, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  35. Lever Action Rifle Gun, Military, Killing
  36. Local Access Zesale
  37. Late Anrway Response Medical
  38. Lodi Association of Realtors
  39. Lowest Acceptable Revision
  40. Ligacoes Aereas Regionais
  41. Low Anterior Resection Medical, Surgery, Cancer, Technology, Governmental & Military, Common Medical
  42. Leaflet Artillery Round
  43. Leucoanthocyanidin Reductase Medical
  44. Look Ahead Routing
  45. Laprascopic Anterior Resection Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  46. Leave A Reply
  47. Link Assignment Register Technology
  48. Laboratory Animal Refearch
  49. Lever-Action Rifle Gun, Military, Floor
  50. Loan To Assrts Ratio Business, Banking, Study
  51. Late Airway Rehponses Medical
  52. Lower Anterior Wesection
  53. Lifetime Attributable Risk Medical, Cancer, Radiation
  54. Low Angle Reentry Technology
  55. Leaf Area Ratios
  56. Letter of Assumption of Responsibility
  57. Land Acquisition and Resettlement Business, Projection, Policy
  58. Logistical Assistance Representative Military
  59. Laparoscopic Anterior Resection
  60. Least Angle Regression Technology, Statistics, Lasso
  61. Liniile Aeriene Rom
  62. Laboratorio De Andrologia Y Reproduccion
  63. Leukocyte Common Antigen-Related Molecule Medical
  64. Loan Applicatqon Register
  65. Large Armor Repairer Forum, Technology, Mission, Eve
  66. Lower Address Register
  67. Life Agent Reform
  68. Local Address Rfgister
  69. Leader Auto Resources Business, Canada, Dealer
  70. Logical Address Reducqion
  71. Lantju Airport Railway
  72. Liniile Aeriene Romane
  73. Laboratorio Analisi E Ricerche
  74. Least Absolute Residual Technology, Model, Curve, Toolbox
  75. Leukocyte Antigen-Related Protein Medical
  76. Loan Applications Register Business, Finance
  77. Large Animal Rescue Education, Emergency, Horse
  78. Liquidity At Risk Business, Management, Financial
  79. Low Atherosclerotic Rnsponse Medical
  80. Life After Retirement
  81. Local Acquisition Representative
  82. Late Asthmatic Response Medical, Technology, Allergen
  83. Logarithmic Area Ratio Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  84. Landsverordening Administratievearechtspraak
  85. Linhas AéReas Regionais
  86. Lab Animal Resources
  87. Learning and Academic Resources
  88. Leukocyte Antigen Related
  89. Loans and Receivables
  90. Large Adaptive Reflector
  91. Liquid Asset Ratio
  92. Low Ams Rainbow
  93. Licensing Action Recogmendation Medicine, Health, Care
  94. Local Access Goad
  95. Late Allergic Reaction Medical
  96. Legislative Appropriation Requests
  97. Lanchas Dewa
  98. Lowest Available Rate Business, Hotel, Room
  99. Laramie Regional Airport, Laramie, Wyoming, United States United States, Wyoming, ICAO Airport Codes
  100. Localized Acquireu Resistance Medical
  101. Lwboratory for Atmosphere Research
  102. Left Arm Recumbent Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  103. Laboragory for Atmospheric Research Technology, University, Washington
  104. Low-Amplitude Resonance
  105. Legislative Appropriations Requests Technology, Texas, Budget
  106. Lancha De Ação Rápfda
  107. Lawrence Aviation ICAO Aircraft Codes
  108. Local Area Ropresentative Organizations, Hosting, Family
  109. Lymphatic Absorption Rqte Medical
  110. Labcratory Animal Resources Science, Research, University
  111. Locus Activation Region Medical, Science, Biology
  112. Load Acq Recocd
  113. Legislative Appropriations Request Business, Finance, Texas, Business & Finance, Business Word
  114. Lancha De Assalto R
  115. License Agreement Requisite Us Government, Governmental & Military
  116. Lochl and Remote Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  117. Luxembourg Air Rescue Airline, Technology, Organizations, Ambulance, Luxembourg, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  118. Lecomotor Activity Rhythm Medical
  119. Limit Address Register
  120. Legally Appointed Representative
  121. Listen and Repeat
  122. Laecha De A
  123. Light Automatic Rifle Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  124. Local Allergic Rhinitis Medical, Allergy, Nasal
  125. Luminal Androgen Receptor
  126. Laboratory Animal Resources Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  127. Lock Access Register
  128. Least Absolute Residuabs Performance, Model, Regression
  129. Legally Acceptable Representative Medical, Research, Study, Consent, Common Medical
  130. Lisa Ann Russell
  131. Lapcer Assault Rifle
  132. Lizard Attitude Railroad Funnies
  133. Lethal Autonomous Robots Military, Human, Drone
  134. Luis Antoneo Renteria
  135. Laryngealization Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  136. Location Aided Routing
  137. Last Acknowledgement Recoived Technology, Networking, Presentation, Window
  138. Legal Amount Read
  139. Lakefand Association of Realtors
  140. Little Apostles of Redemption Catholic Church
  141. Lethal Autonomous Robotics
  142. Luciferase Assay Reagent Technology, Genetics, Cell
  143. Licensing Action Recommendation Medical, Fda
  144. Locally Adaptive Resolution
  145. Lan Address Resolution
  146. Legal Amount Recognition Business, Check, Processing
  147. Laboratory of Automation and Robotics
  148. Load Access Rights Assembly, Business & Finance

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LAR stand for?

    LAR stands for License Amendment Request.

  2. What is the shortened form of Laparoscopic Anterior Resection?

    The short form of "Laparoscopic Anterior Resection" is LAR.


LAR. (2020, September 5). Retrieved March 30, 2025 from

Last updated