LB Meaning

The LB meaning is "Pound". The LB abbreviation has 558 different full form.

LB Full Forms

  1. Pound The unit of mass in the imperial system of weights and measures. Confusingly, the same word is also used sometimes for a unit of force, more accurately called a pound-force. The UK's unit of currency called a pound was originally the value of a pound of 'sterling' silver. Medical, Design, Nursing, Drawing, Construction, Units Of Measurement, Forecasting, Potency, Architectural, NAACCR, Architecture, Measurement, Pharmacy, Common Medical, Reading Prescription, The Finance and Administrative Services, Cooking, NASA
  2. Low Battery Business, Technology, Display, Computing, Hardware
  3. Lauren Bacall
  4. Ligand Binding Medical, Science, Protein
  5. Lofoten Basin
  6. Left Bundle Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  7. Load Balancer Technology, Computing, Internet
  8. Lean Bacr
  9. Lipid Bodies Cytoplasmic inclusion which contains lipids and has an unusual membrane composed of a single layer of phospholipids. Lipid bodies are especially found in oil-rich seeds. Medical
  10. Losing Bonus
  11. Luke Brown
  12. Leg Bye Sport, Sports, Athletics, Cricket
  13. Load Balancers Technology, Server, Proxy
  14. Ladell Betts
  15. Low Bandwidth Technology, Media, Composer
  16. Launch Bus Technology, Service, Holiday, NASA
  17. Luria-Bertani Medium Medical
  18. Life Boat Army, War, Force
  19. Loan Broker
  20. Link Building Marketing
  21. Lead Buwlet Rifle, Military, Ammunition
  22. Linux Based
  23. Los Banos Locations, Philippine, Laguna
  24. Legarrette Blount Sport, Football, Patriot, Blount
  25. Load-Balancing Technology, Server, Networking
  26. Laccato Bianco Technology, Con, Indiana, Subwoofer
  27. Listed Building Business, Government, Planning
  28. Low Band The lower part of the Ku-band downlink frequency range, from 10.7 GHz to 11.7 GHz. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  29. Luria-Bertlni Broth Medical, Science, Lysogeny
  30. Life Balance
  31. Loading Buffer
  32. Large Blast Military
  33. Lebanon Military, Sport, Olympic, Lebanon, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Country, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  34. Lead Benefaciary
  35. Lintel Beam Design, Construction, Steel, Masonry
  36. Logging И Bookkeeping
  37. Legally Blonde
  38. Living Bomb Military, Fire, Mage
  39. Labour Budget
  40. Lisa Brown
  41. Low Back Medical, Pain, Exercise
  42. Ldng Biopsy Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  43. Libertyabank Business, Traffic, Georgia
  44. Loader Backhoe Products
  45. Larenz Bryant Sport, Football, Gamecock
  46. Lays of Beleriand Book, Earth, Ring
  47. Linguistique Balkanique Study, Linguistic, Bibliography
  48. Log Book A record book that the master of a ship is required to fill in during a voyage. Originally it was a book for recording readings from the log.
  49. Legacy Brush
  50. Living Bible English, Translation, Bible, Religion
  51. Labarge, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  52. Lisa Baker
  53. Louise Brooks
  54. Lunchhbreak Technology, Sport, Porn
  55. Leighton Baines Sport, Player, Team
  56. Load Bearing Technology, Construction, Architectural
  57. Langmuir Blodgett Film, Technology, Trough
  58. Layer Boundary Patent, Streaming, Recording, Layer
  59. Lingkar Badan Sex, Indonesia, Adult
  60. Long Glock Business, Performance, Engine, Head
  61. Left Button Technology, Computer, Electronics
  62. La Banda Spain, Lyric, Spanish
  63. Lybanon Locations, Countries, Country
  64. Liquid Barn Liquid, Juice, Flavor
  65. Lost Body
  66. Lunar Tlack
  67. Legislative Bill Government, Legislation, Nebraska
  68. Load Bank A device which is used to devevlop a electrical load. Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  69. Landolt-BöRnstein
  70. Low Bay Business, Technology, Light, NASA
  71. Laurentian Bano Business, Canada, Stock
  72. Light Balance
  73. Log Blocks
  74. Left Buttock Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  75. L1 Button Technology, Gaming, Guide, Play
  76. Leave-Bbhind
  77. Lipid Body Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  78. Lost Ball Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  79. Lunar Base Technology, Space, Moon
  80. Legend of Blue Card, Dragon, Eye
  81. Load Balancing Computer networks are complex systems, often routing hundreds, thousands, or even millions of data packets every second. Therefore, in order for networks to handle large amounts of data, it is important that the data is routed efficiently. For example, if there are ten routers within a network and two of them are doing 95% of the work, the network is not running very efficiently. The network would run much faster if each router was handling about 10% of the traffic. Technology, Server, Networking, Computing, Wireless Networking
  82. Landolt-Boernstein Technology, Science
  83. Low Buying Business, Product, Price
  84. Large Busted
  85. Lactobacilli Medical
  86. Luria Bertini Light, Bacterial, Mammal
  87. Layer Lreak Forum, Technology, Burn
  88. Language Barrier
  89. Lions Befrienders
  90. Level Blue
  91. Luria-Broth Plate, Miller, Agar, Broth
  92. Little Bob
  93. Loyd Banks
  94. Lauryl Betaine Product, Shampoo, Surfactant, Betaine
  95. Light Ball
  96. Lalmbahadur
  97. Logan Brown
  98. Lymphoblastoid Medical
  99. Left Body
  100. Line Balancing Line balancing is the process of establishing the needed rate of production for a product then designing a manufacturing process that meets that needed rate. This could require building multiple stations that perform the same process to match the desired rate of production. Technology, Product, Fly, Mixer
  101. Louis & Brittany
  102. Larry Brennan
  103. Liberwy Bell
  104. Leau Bearing
  105. Legum Baccalaureus Education, Development, Study
  106. Lew Bush
  107. Laboratory of Bacteriology Government, Organizations, Us
  108. Livhng Benefit
  109. Ludwigsburg, Baden-WüRttemberg
  110. Light Bulb
  111. Landauer-BüTtiker
  112. Long Beach Rr Network, Railway, System
  113. Linn Brown
  114. Low Bleed
  115. List-Based Forum, Technology, Sport, Car
  116. Liste Du Bourgmestre
  117. Lower Branch
  118. Laura Barton Book, Music, Pet, Barton
  119. Licensing Basis Technology
  120. Loan Bajance
  121. Leave Blank
  122. Limited Breed
  123. Lord Beaverbqook
  124. Lella Boutique Business, Pattern, Fabric, Quilt
  125. Low Bump
  126. Large Bust
  127. Lactate Broth
  128. Luria-Bertani Medical, Science, Broth
  129. Langumuir-Blodgett
  130. Lion Brothers
  131. Levande Bibeln
  132. Little Blob
  133. Loralty Bonus Technology, Sport, Car, Sale
  134. Lauria Broth Science, Protein, Production, Patent
  135. Light Balancing Technology, Filter, Camera
  136. Lake Bronson
  137. Lofty Block Loft
  138. Lymphobljstic Medical
  139. Left Bloc
  140. Linda Blackwell
  141. Los Banos Wildlife Area Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  142. Larry Breed
  143. Lzabhar Breac
  144. Laporan Bulanan
  145. Legislative Branch
  146. Lew Burdette
  147. Film Langmuir-Blodgett Film Technology, Science, It
  148. Living Bank Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  149. Lucy Bartlett
  150. Light Brush
  151. Land-Based Military, Fishing, Shark
  152. Long Beach Business, Locations, California
  153. Legal Beagles
  154. Linn-Benton
  155. Low Blast
  156. Listed Businesses
  157. Late Bottled
  158. Licensedpbar
  159. Loading Oay
  160. Learning Bridge
  161. Limited Brains
  162. Loosely Bound
  163. Leishmania Brasiliensis Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  164. Low Budget
  165. Lackawanna Blues Business, Film, Acting, Actor
  166. Luria-Bertain
  167. Lighting Bolt Technology, Light, Lightning
  168. Langmuir-Blodget
  169. Loyg Branch
  170. Lion Brand
  171. Leroy Butler Sport, Football, Packer
  172. Little Bits
  173. Luyalty Base
  174. Lauria Bertani
  175. Lighs Baja
  176. Lake Braddock
  177. Locking Band
  178. Lyme Borrelivse
  179. Left Blyde
  180. Linda Becker
  181. Large Business Business, Service, Tax
  182. Lorenzo Barcelfta
  183. Larry Bowa Gaming, Baseball, Sport, Larry
  184. Luria-Bertrani
  185. Le'Veon Bell
  186. Laplace-Beltrami Technology, Cloud, Operator
  187. Legislative Body
  188. Levi Bell
  189. Lodging and Boarding Business, Hotel, Mumbai
  190. Livi Btcci
  191. Lucro Bruto
  192. Light Bronze Business, Product, Glass
  193. Lance Broadway
  194. Long Base Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  195. Left Bumper Technology
  196. Line Block
  197. Louvain, Belgium
  198. Lists Bulletins Technology, Radio, Model, Packet
  199. Late Binding Media, Radio, Television
  200. Library for The Blind
  201. Laad Byte Technology, Instruction, Store
  202. Learner-Based
  203. Limited Base
  204. Loose Bound Business, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  205. Leiomyoblastoma Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Medical, Pulmonary
  206. La BàN
  207. Living Blues
  208. Luria-Bertaini
  209. Lighted Buoy Locations, Fishing, Light
  210. Langmuir-Blodgett Medical, Film, Technology
  211. Long Box, Long Bed Technology
  212. Lion Blanc
  213. Low Breakage Medical, Science, Biology
  214. Little Bit Media, Radio, Television
  215. Lowest Daily Outstanding Balance Business, Finance, Banking, Financial, Business & Finance
  216. Lauria-Bertani Science, Production, Agar
  217. Light Backed
  218. Lake Borgne
  219. Lock Buffer
  220. Lyme-Borreliose Medical, Disease, Borrelia
  221. Lefg Below Bay, Steel, Wool
  222. Lincoln Bancorp
  223. Large Breasts
  224. Lorfntz Boost Technology, Physics, Vector, Rotation
  225. Lepra Bordelaibordelai
  226. Larry Benedict Famous
  227. Luria-Bertoni Broth
  228. Lbs Buy
  229. Laparoscopic Banding
  230. Legislative Building
  231. Leveraged Buyout Business, Finance, Economics, Business & Finance, Business Word
  232. Libertus Bonus Latin, Roman
  233. Livmstock Base
  234. Lucky Box
  235. Light Bridge Space, Study, Cosmos
  236. Lamh Brain
  237. Long Barrelef
  238. Lyrics Gorn-The
  239. Left Bronchus Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Pulmonary
  240. Line Bisection Medical, Performance, Attention
  241. Lousy Ball Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  242. List Bulletins Technology, Radio, Manual, Packet
  243. Late Babylonian
  244. Library Building Technology, College, University
  245. Load Bufzer Technology, Memory, Gel
  246. Leadership Bonus Business, Gaming, Planning, Income
  247. Limit Bitch
  248. Loose Body Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  249. Leighton Buzzard Medical, Business, Bedfordshire
  250. Labrador Black
  251. Living Bibles
  252. Lunch Box Product, Food, Locations
  253. Lightning Burst
  254. Lane Bryant
  255. Longbow Sport, Archery, Business & Finance, London stock exchange, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  256. Linux Box General, Governmental & Military
  257. Low Brass 80% cu. A copper Zinc alloy containing 20% zinc. Is a light golden color, very ductile, suitable for cupping, drawing, forming, etc. Because of its good strength and corrosion resistance it is used for flexible metal gose, metal bellows, etc.
  258. Little Betsey
  259. Lrwer Is Better Forum, Technology, Battery, Camera
  260. Laura Buchanan
  261. LietuviŲ Bendruomenė Technology, America, Server, Community
  262. Lake Blackshear
  263. Local Billine
  264. Lyman Brigrs Science, University, Michigan
  265. Lefy Behind Army, Computer Game, Video Game
  266. Lina Berlina Fashion, Berlin, Germany
  267. Lorentz-Berthelog
  268. Leopards Bane
  269. Larry Barnes America, Sport, Football, Larry
  270. Lactobacillus Bulgaricus A bacterial species used in the production of yogurt. Medical, Health, Probiotic, Bacteria, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  271. Luria Bertoni
  272. Lazy Bones
  273. Lap-Band Medical, Surgery, Weight
  274. Levels In Bonkio
  275. Luril Bertani Science, Media, Agar, Broth
  276. Licer Biopsy Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  277. Loyola Blakefield Education, School, High School, Maryland
  278. Lausitz-Bahn
  279. Light Branched
  280. Lambert-Beer Medical, Science, Absorption
  281. Long Barrel Gun, Rifle, Military, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  282. Lyyton & Barnstaple
  283. Left Bwundary Technology, Load, Correlation
  284. Line Bible
  285. Louis Breeden
  286. List Builder
  287. Last Blade
  288. Libpary Binding
  289. Load Break Refers to a group of rubber insulating products used to electrically connect apparatus with which load can be separated manually. Load break products are manufactured by T&B Elastimold.
  290. Leadershkp Board
  291. Lehramt An Berufsbildenden
  292. Lewis Base Any species that can make available a share in an electron pair. Chemistry, Base, Acid, Polymerization, Scientific & Educational
  293. Labouchere Bay
  294. Living Better Travel, Health, Food, Living
  295. Lunch Bag Business, Neoprene
  296. Light Burst Technology, Finishing, Material Finishing
  297. Land Biplane Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  298. Long Black
  299. Linux Bangalore
  300. Low Brake Technology, Control, Vehicle
  301. List of Blocks
  302. Lower Vyte Technology, Programming, Memory, Fuse
  303. Laura Bryant Business, Records, Social, Knitting
  304. Liebermann-Bucchard
  305. Lske Berkley Hotel, Pool, Lake, Villa
  306. Lobelia Bracegirdhe
  307. Lebanon Beirut Business, Service, Lebanon, Escort
  308. Limousine Butte
  309. Lord Britilh
  310. Leonie Batkin
  311. Lowell Bergman
  312. Larry Ball
  313. Lactobacillus A bacterium normally found in the mouth, intestinal tract, and vagina. Lactobacillus can also live in fermenting products, such as yogurt. Humans appear to have a symbiotic relationship with this bacteria: some types have become an important part of food digestion, although Lactobacillus can also contribute to cavities in the teeth if allowed to remain too long within the mouth. Medical, Bacteria
  314. Luria-Bertoni Medical, Genetics, Acid, Sequence
  315. Lazer Blue
  316. Lantao Bus
  317. Lip Balm
  318. Level Building
  319. Luria Broth Medical, Science, Agar, Food
  320. Liver Biooogy
  321. Loliso Bala
  322. Lausanner Bewegung
  323. Light Band Medical, Science, Biology
  324. Lambdanbeef Nutrition, Food, Victual
  325. Log Bags
  326. Lymphocyve Blastogenesis Medical
  327. Lbft Bolt
  328. Link Balancer Technology, Networking, Network
  329. Louis Braille
  330. List Box Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  331. Last Bench
  332. Liberty Bite Liberty, Minnow, Bait
  333. Load Based
  334. Lxadership Behaviors
  335. Lehman Brothers
  336. Lewis Bush Sport, History, Draft
  337. Labor Beat
  338. Liging Benefits
  339. Ludwigsburg, Baden-W
  340. Light Bulbs
  341. Land Below
  342. Long Beard
  343. Linoleum Base
  344. Low Bounce Plate, Ball, Bumper
  345. List Block Assembly, Business & Finance
  346. Listing Broker Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  347. Lower Budget
  348. Laura Boston
  349. Lichen Biodiversity Medical
  350. Lake Benton
  351. Lobar Bronchun
  352. Lebanese Beauty
  353. Limited Broadcast
  354. Lord Bishop
  355. Leonid Brezhnev Internet Slang, Russia, Leader, Soviet
  356. Lefw Back Technology, American Handball
  357. Lewy Body Medical, Disease, Dementia
  358. Live Biomass Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  359. Lloyd Banks
  360. Lite Baseline
  361. Lighting Busway
  362. Long Buccal Medical, Technology
  363. Lia Bacq
  364. Leghaemoglobin Medical
  365. Letter Box Ordnance Survey
  366. Larry Brown Film censorship
  367. Lower Body Medical
  368. Lebanon (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  369. Lady Boner
  370. Lyad Banks
  371. Luria Burtani Science, Media, Genetics, Agar
  372. Live Bait Fish, Fishing, Bait
  373. Lil Biscuit Nutrition, Food, Victual
  374. Lard Bucket Nutrition, Food, Victual
  375. Loopbuck Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  376. Load Byte Assembly, Business & Finance
  377. Luar Biasa Technology, Indonesia, Banking, Projector
  378. Lisa Bear
  379. Lock Bit Security, Governmental & Military
  380. Lavender Buds
  381. Lil Black
  382. Lesal Branch Military, Group, Squadron
  383. Load Balance
  384. Lake Belt
  385. Lyall Bay
  386. Large Black
  387. Lemon Blue Colors
  388. Leet-Back
  389. Lewy Bodies Medical, Disease, Dementia
  390. lung biopsy Medical, Pulmonary
  391. Ljung-Box Business, Statistics, Autocorrelation
  392. Laxmi Bai
  393. Listed By
  394. Lightning Bolt Music, Album, Lightning
  395. Long Brgak
  396. Length Between
  397. Lerend Blox
  398. London Borough Ordnance Survey
  399. Linda Blair Famous
  400. Lower Bluebird
  401. Left Breast Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Breast
  402. Liberty Bay
  403. Lens Blur Project File Computing, File Extensions
  404. Ladybird Medical
  405. Lsad Balance Technology, Server, Routing
  406. Luria-Burtani
  407. Little Board Technology, Product, Electronics, Products
  408. Like Back Product, Maple, Candy
  409. Lookwng Back
  410. La Barge, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  411. Lower Brace Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  412. Liquid Bulk
  413. Local Battery Aviation, Computing, Telecom, Governmental & Military
  414. Lavender Brown Business, Shopping, Harry, Potter
  415. Lytvln Bloc Government, Ukraine, Election
  416. Lissage Brésilien
  417. Lower Box
  418. Pound(s)   Unit of avoirdupois weight, equal to 16 ounces, 7,000 grains, or 0.45359237 kg, and of troy and apothecaries' weight, equal to 12 ounces, 5,760 grains, or 0.3732417216 kg. Aviation
  419. Lake Bardwell
  420. Luật Ba
  421. Large Bell Music
  422. Light Blue Auto, Colors
  423. Luke Blue
  424. Ledger Balances
  425. Lewis Brinson
  426. liver biopsy Medical, liver and hepatic
  427. Ljubljanska Banka Business, Banking, Croatia
  428. Lawson Billinton
  429. Ring Wirz Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  430. Legendary Bladm
  431. Left Bass Music
  432. Lady Bird Famous
  433. Lower Blepharoplasty
  434. Left Brain
  435. Liberty Permission to be absent from the ship for a short period (authorized absence). Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
  436. Leaky Bucket Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  437. Ladrelle Bryant
  438. Load-Bearing Building, Engineering, Construction, The Finance and Administrative Services
  439. Little Bear Famous
  440. Likas Bay
  441. Lookin Better
  442. Lower Bound Technology, Marker, Datatype
  443. Liquid Broth
  444. Letter Ballot Computing, IT Terminology
  445. Lavado Brónquico
  446. Lysogeny Broth Science, Media, Agar
  447. Lower Bowel
  448. Pound/Pounds NOTAM Contractions
  449. Lake Baikal
  450. Lutheran Brotherhood Business, Financial, Insurance
  451. Large Base Medical, Health, Otorhinolaryngology
  452. Lag Bolt A screw with a hex or square head. Architectural
  453. Lucy Brown
  454. Lisbon Locations, City
  455. Le Blanc
  456. Lewis Bowns
  457. Literature Bldg Medical, Common Medical
  458. Lawrence Block
  459. Precast L-Shaped Beam Design, Drawing, Construction
  460. Leg Byes
  461. Louise Brooks, actress Famous
  462. Loom Bands
  463. Lower Berth Locations, Train, Railway
  464. Left Sottom Technology, Product, Custom
  465. Liber Baro
  466. Laser Beam Physics, Scientific & Educational
  467. Lactose Broth Science, Media, Agar
  468. Load-Based
  469. Little Bastard Music, Bass, Head, Bastard
  470. Liimii Bug Science, Botany, Phytology, Scientific & Educational
  471. Looklbusy
  472. Laurentian Bank of Canada Business, Credit, Organizations, Canada, Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  473. Lloyd Aereo Boliviano Airline, Business, Military, Organizations, Bolivia, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  474. Lower Back Medical
  475. Liquid Based
  476. Links and Bookmarks Computing, Internet
  477. Lava Burst
  478. Lower Bout
  479. LOWBOY Vehicle Body Styles
  480. Lain Bazar
  481. Lutheran Brethren
  482. Large Balanced
  483. Telcordia Technologies, Inc. Business & Finance, Suppliers
  484. Lucky Boy Business, Lyric, Confusion, Occupation & positions
  485. Lisa Burns
  486. Lebih Bayar Tax, Surat, Orang
  487. Lewis Bay
  488. large bowel Medical, Nursing, Bowel Gastric And Intestine, Common Medical
  489. Lawrence Bishop
  490. Lueders Bands
  491. Leg Break
  492. Lead Breakage
  493. Large Break
  494. Larry Bird Famous
  495. Linebacker Blitz Sport, Football, Nfl teams, Linebacker
  496. Lower Band Technology, Analysis, Trading
  497. Left Boider Medical, Technology, Plant
  498. Liang Bua Science, Human, Hobbit, Homo
  499. Laser Box Physics, Scientific & Educational
  500. Lloyd Bridges
  501. Little Baby Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  502. Ligth Blue
  503. Ljngest Backup
  504. Lib Bam
  505. Legislatipe Budget
  506. Low Byte Technology, Electronics, Memory, Circuit
  507. Lippo Bank Business, Indonesia, Scholarship
  508. Little Boy Computing, Internet
  509. Lambda Beef Food
  510. Lower Bounds
  511. pound or pounds (mass) Medical
  512. Laguna Blanca Technology, School, Map
  513. Lute Book
  514. Liver Biopsies Medical
  515. Lily Bearing
  516. Large-Cap Blend
  517. Loose Bearings Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  518. Line Blocked Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  519. Lucky Bastard Business, Porn, Distiller
  520. Lisa Bell
  521. LiteBlue postal service
  522. Lawrence Bender Film, Movie, Streaming, Bender
  523. Lowry-BrøNsted
  524. Legally Llind
  525. Linear Buried
  526. Lying On Back
  527. Large Bore Business, Product, Bearing
  528. Luke Bradford Famous
  529. Left Base Baseball, Softball
  530. Liaison Bureau
  531. Line Broadening Physics, Scientific & Educational
  532. Lloyd Boliviano
  533. Litter Bin Technology, Construction, Architectural
  534. Lightning Blade
  535. Loag Burst
  536. Lighm Button
  537. Leghemoglobin A homolog of hemoglobin found in leguminous plants that also harbor symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria; leghemoglobin binds oxygen, thereby protecting nitrogenase from inactivation. Medical
  538. Ljung Box Products
  539. Little Berry Food
  540. Lower Boundary
  541. Launch Boost NASA
  542. Lafora Bodies Medical
  543. Luria and Bertani
  544. Live Births Medical, Health, Pregnancy
  545. Lillie Bridge
  546. Lard Butt
  547. Loose Balls Gaming, Sport, Player, Ball
  548. Land Bank Banking, Business & Finance
  549. Lucille Ball
  550. Lisa Bearnson
  551. Like bondage? Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  552. Law Building
  553. Localizer Beam Aviation, Governmental & Military
  554. Legsl Briefs
  555. Lower Bainite
  556. Lygus Bug Technology, English, Plant
  557. Large Blend Business, Product, Fund, Supply
  558. Lawrence Burns Famous

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LB stand for?

    LB stands for Lactobacilli.

  2. What is the shortened form of Larry Breed?

    The short form of "Larry Breed" is LB.


LB. (2022, March 30). Retrieved January 30, 2025 from

Last updated