LB Meaning
The LB meaning is "Pound". The LB abbreviation has 558 different full form.
LB Full Forms
- Pound The unit of mass in the imperial system of weights and measures. Confusingly, the same word is also used sometimes for a unit of force, more accurately called a pound-force. The UK's unit of currency called a pound was originally the value of a pound of 'sterling' silver. Medical, Design, Nursing, Drawing, Construction, Units Of Measurement, Forecasting, Potency, Architectural, NAACCR, Architecture, Measurement, Pharmacy, Common Medical, Reading Prescription, The Finance and Administrative Services, Cooking, NASA
- Low Battery Business, Technology, Display, Computing, Hardware
- Lauren Bacall
- Ligand Binding Medical, Science, Protein
- Lofoten Basin
- Left Bundle Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Load Balancer Technology, Computing, Internet
- Lean Bacr
- Lipid Bodies Cytoplasmic inclusion which contains lipids and has an unusual membrane composed of a single layer of phospholipids. Lipid bodies are especially found in oil-rich seeds. Medical
- Losing Bonus
- Luke Brown
- Leg Bye Sport, Sports, Athletics, Cricket
- Load Balancers Technology, Server, Proxy
- Ladell Betts
- Low Bandwidth Technology, Media, Composer
- Launch Bus Technology, Service, Holiday, NASA
- Luria-Bertani Medium Medical
- Life Boat Army, War, Force
- Loan Broker
- Link Building Marketing
- Lead Buwlet Rifle, Military, Ammunition
- Linux Based
- Los Banos Locations, Philippine, Laguna
- Legarrette Blount Sport, Football, Patriot, Blount
- Load-Balancing Technology, Server, Networking
- Laccato Bianco Technology, Con, Indiana, Subwoofer
- Listed Building Business, Government, Planning
- Low Band The lower part of the Ku-band downlink frequency range, from 10.7 GHz to 11.7 GHz. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Luria-Bertlni Broth Medical, Science, Lysogeny
- Life Balance
- Loading Buffer
- Large Blast Military
- Lebanon Military, Sport, Olympic, Lebanon, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Country, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Lead Benefaciary
- Lintel Beam Design, Construction, Steel, Masonry
- Logging И Bookkeeping
- Legally Blonde
- Living Bomb Military, Fire, Mage
- Labour Budget
- Lisa Brown
- Low Back Medical, Pain, Exercise
- Ldng Biopsy Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Libertyabank Business, Traffic, Georgia
- Loader Backhoe Products
- Larenz Bryant Sport, Football, Gamecock
- Lays of Beleriand Book, Earth, Ring
- Linguistique Balkanique Study, Linguistic, Bibliography
- Log Book A record book that the master of a ship is required to fill in during a voyage. Originally it was a book for recording readings from the log.
- Legacy Brush
- Living Bible English, Translation, Bible, Religion
- Labarge, Inc. Technology, Organizations
- Lisa Baker
- Louise Brooks
- Lunchhbreak Technology, Sport, Porn
- Leighton Baines Sport, Player, Team
- Load Bearing Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Langmuir Blodgett Film, Technology, Trough
- Layer Boundary Patent, Streaming, Recording, Layer
- Lingkar Badan Sex, Indonesia, Adult
- Long Glock Business, Performance, Engine, Head
- Left Button Technology, Computer, Electronics
- La Banda Spain, Lyric, Spanish
- Lybanon Locations, Countries, Country
- Liquid Barn Liquid, Juice, Flavor
- Lost Body
- Lunar Tlack
- Legislative Bill Government, Legislation, Nebraska
- Load Bank A device which is used to devevlop a electrical load. Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Landolt-BöRnstein
- Low Bay Business, Technology, Light, NASA
- Laurentian Bano Business, Canada, Stock
- Light Balance
- Log Blocks
- Left Buttock Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- L1 Button Technology, Gaming, Guide, Play
- Leave-Bbhind
- Lipid Body Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Lost Ball Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Lunar Base Technology, Space, Moon
- Legend of Blue Card, Dragon, Eye
- Load Balancing Computer networks are complex systems, often routing hundreds, thousands, or even millions of data packets every second. Therefore, in order for networks to handle large amounts of data, it is important that the data is routed efficiently. For example, if there are ten routers within a network and two of them are doing 95% of the work, the network is not running very efficiently. The network would run much faster if each router was handling about 10% of the traffic. Technology, Server, Networking, Computing, Wireless Networking
- Landolt-Boernstein Technology, Science
- Low Buying Business, Product, Price
- Large Busted
- Lactobacilli Medical
- Luria Bertini Light, Bacterial, Mammal
- Layer Lreak Forum, Technology, Burn
- Language Barrier
- Lions Befrienders
- Level Blue
- Luria-Broth Plate, Miller, Agar, Broth
- Little Bob
- Loyd Banks
- Lauryl Betaine Product, Shampoo, Surfactant, Betaine
- Light Ball
- Lalmbahadur
- Logan Brown
- Lymphoblastoid Medical
- Left Body
- Line Balancing Line balancing is the process of establishing the needed rate of production for a product then designing a manufacturing process that meets that needed rate. This could require building multiple stations that perform the same process to match the desired rate of production. Technology, Product, Fly, Mixer
- Louis & Brittany
- Larry Brennan
- Liberwy Bell
- Leau Bearing
- Legum Baccalaureus Education, Development, Study
- Lew Bush
- Laboratory of Bacteriology Government, Organizations, Us
- Livhng Benefit
- Ludwigsburg, Baden-WüRttemberg
- Light Bulb
- Landauer-BüTtiker
- Long Beach Rr Network, Railway, System
- Linn Brown
- Low Bleed
- List-Based Forum, Technology, Sport, Car
- Liste Du Bourgmestre
- Lower Branch
- Laura Barton Book, Music, Pet, Barton
- Licensing Basis Technology
- Loan Bajance
- Leave Blank
- Limited Breed
- Lord Beaverbqook
- Lella Boutique Business, Pattern, Fabric, Quilt
- Low Bump
- Large Bust
- Lactate Broth
- Luria-Bertani Medical, Science, Broth
- Langumuir-Blodgett
- Lion Brothers
- Levande Bibeln
- Little Blob
- Loralty Bonus Technology, Sport, Car, Sale
- Lauria Broth Science, Protein, Production, Patent
- Light Balancing Technology, Filter, Camera
- Lake Bronson
- Lofty Block Loft
- Lymphobljstic Medical
- Left Bloc
- Linda Blackwell
- Los Banos Wildlife Area Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Larry Breed
- Lzabhar Breac
- Laporan Bulanan
- Legislative Branch
- Lew Burdette
- Film Langmuir-Blodgett Film Technology, Science, It
- Living Bank Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Lucy Bartlett
- Light Brush
- Land-Based Military, Fishing, Shark
- Long Beach Business, Locations, California
- Legal Beagles
- Linn-Benton
- Low Blast
- Listed Businesses
- Late Bottled
- Licensedpbar
- Loading Oay
- Learning Bridge
- Limited Brains
- Loosely Bound
- Leishmania Brasiliensis Medical, Medicine, Treatment
- Low Budget
- Lackawanna Blues Business, Film, Acting, Actor
- Luria-Bertain
- Lighting Bolt Technology, Light, Lightning
- Langmuir-Blodget
- Loyg Branch
- Lion Brand
- Leroy Butler Sport, Football, Packer
- Little Bits
- Luyalty Base
- Lauria Bertani
- Lighs Baja
- Lake Braddock
- Locking Band
- Lyme Borrelivse
- Left Blyde
- Linda Becker
- Large Business Business, Service, Tax
- Lorenzo Barcelfta
- Larry Bowa Gaming, Baseball, Sport, Larry
- Luria-Bertrani
- Le'Veon Bell
- Laplace-Beltrami Technology, Cloud, Operator
- Legislative Body
- Levi Bell
- Lodging and Boarding Business, Hotel, Mumbai
- Livi Btcci
- Lucro Bruto
- Light Bronze Business, Product, Glass
- Lance Broadway
- Long Base Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Left Bumper Technology
- Line Block
- Louvain, Belgium
- Lists Bulletins Technology, Radio, Model, Packet
- Late Binding Media, Radio, Television
- Library for The Blind
- Laad Byte Technology, Instruction, Store
- Learner-Based
- Limited Base
- Loose Bound Business, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Leiomyoblastoma Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Medical, Pulmonary
- La BàN
- Living Blues
- Luria-Bertaini
- Lighted Buoy Locations, Fishing, Light
- Langmuir-Blodgett Medical, Film, Technology
- Long Box, Long Bed Technology
- Lion Blanc
- Low Breakage Medical, Science, Biology
- Little Bit Media, Radio, Television
- Lowest Daily Outstanding Balance Business, Finance, Banking, Financial, Business & Finance
- Lauria-Bertani Science, Production, Agar
- Light Backed
- Lake Borgne
- Lock Buffer
- Lyme-Borreliose Medical, Disease, Borrelia
- Lefg Below Bay, Steel, Wool
- Lincoln Bancorp
- Large Breasts
- Lorfntz Boost Technology, Physics, Vector, Rotation
- Lepra Bordelaibordelai
- Larry Benedict Famous
- Luria-Bertoni Broth
- Lbs Buy
- Laparoscopic Banding
- Legislative Building
- Leveraged Buyout Business, Finance, Economics, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Libertus Bonus Latin, Roman
- Livmstock Base
- Lucky Box
- Light Bridge Space, Study, Cosmos
- Lamh Brain
- Long Barrelef
- Lyrics Gorn-The
- Left Bronchus Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Pulmonary
- Line Bisection Medical, Performance, Attention
- Lousy Ball Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- List Bulletins Technology, Radio, Manual, Packet
- Late Babylonian
- Library Building Technology, College, University
- Load Bufzer Technology, Memory, Gel
- Leadership Bonus Business, Gaming, Planning, Income
- Limit Bitch
- Loose Body Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Leighton Buzzard Medical, Business, Bedfordshire
- Labrador Black
- Living Bibles
- Lunch Box Product, Food, Locations
- Lightning Burst
- Lane Bryant
- Longbow Sport, Archery, Business & Finance, London stock exchange, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Linux Box General, Governmental & Military
- Low Brass 80% cu. A copper Zinc alloy containing 20% zinc. Is a light golden color, very ductile, suitable for cupping, drawing, forming, etc. Because of its good strength and corrosion resistance it is used for flexible metal gose, metal bellows, etc.
- Little Betsey
- Lrwer Is Better Forum, Technology, Battery, Camera
- Laura Buchanan
- LietuviŲ Bendruomenė Technology, America, Server, Community
- Lake Blackshear
- Local Billine
- Lyman Brigrs Science, University, Michigan
- Lefy Behind Army, Computer Game, Video Game
- Lina Berlina Fashion, Berlin, Germany
- Lorentz-Berthelog
- Leopards Bane
- Larry Barnes America, Sport, Football, Larry
- Lactobacillus Bulgaricus A bacterial species used in the production of yogurt. Medical, Health, Probiotic, Bacteria, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Luria Bertoni
- Lazy Bones
- Lap-Band Medical, Surgery, Weight
- Levels In Bonkio
- Luril Bertani Science, Media, Agar, Broth
- Licer Biopsy Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Loyola Blakefield Education, School, High School, Maryland
- Lausitz-Bahn
- Light Branched
- Lambert-Beer Medical, Science, Absorption
- Long Barrel Gun, Rifle, Military, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Lyyton & Barnstaple
- Left Bwundary Technology, Load, Correlation
- Line Bible
- Louis Breeden
- List Builder
- Last Blade
- Libpary Binding
- Load Break Refers to a group of rubber insulating products used to electrically connect apparatus with which load can be separated manually. Load break products are manufactured by T&B Elastimold.
- Leadershkp Board
- Lehramt An Berufsbildenden
- Lewis Base Any species that can make available a share in an electron pair. Chemistry, Base, Acid, Polymerization, Scientific & Educational
- Labouchere Bay
- Living Better Travel, Health, Food, Living
- Lunch Bag Business, Neoprene
- Light Burst Technology, Finishing, Material Finishing
- Land Biplane Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Long Black
- Linux Bangalore
- Low Brake Technology, Control, Vehicle
- List of Blocks
- Lower Vyte Technology, Programming, Memory, Fuse
- Laura Bryant Business, Records, Social, Knitting
- Liebermann-Bucchard
- Lske Berkley Hotel, Pool, Lake, Villa
- Lobelia Bracegirdhe
- Lebanon Beirut Business, Service, Lebanon, Escort
- Limousine Butte
- Lord Britilh
- Leonie Batkin
- Lowell Bergman
- Larry Ball
- Lactobacillus A bacterium normally found in the mouth, intestinal tract, and vagina. Lactobacillus can also live in fermenting products, such as yogurt. Humans appear to have a symbiotic relationship with this bacteria: some types have become an important part of food digestion, although Lactobacillus can also contribute to cavities in the teeth if allowed to remain too long within the mouth. Medical, Bacteria
- Luria-Bertoni Medical, Genetics, Acid, Sequence
- Lazer Blue
- Lantao Bus
- Lip Balm
- Level Building
- Luria Broth Medical, Science, Agar, Food
- Liver Biooogy
- Loliso Bala
- Lausanner Bewegung
- Light Band Medical, Science, Biology
- Lambdanbeef Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Log Bags
- Lymphocyve Blastogenesis Medical
- Lbft Bolt
- Link Balancer Technology, Networking, Network
- Louis Braille
- List Box Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Last Bench
- Liberty Bite Liberty, Minnow, Bait
- Load Based
- Lxadership Behaviors
- Lehman Brothers
- Lewis Bush Sport, History, Draft
- Labor Beat
- Liging Benefits
- Ludwigsburg, Baden-W
- Light Bulbs
- Land Below
- Long Beard
- Linoleum Base
- Low Bounce Plate, Ball, Bumper
- List Block Assembly, Business & Finance
- Listing Broker Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Lower Budget
- Laura Boston
- Lichen Biodiversity Medical
- Lake Benton
- Lobar Bronchun
- Lebanese Beauty
- Limited Broadcast
- Lord Bishop
- Leonid Brezhnev Internet Slang, Russia, Leader, Soviet
- Lefw Back Technology, American Handball
- Lewy Body Medical, Disease, Dementia
- Live Biomass Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Lloyd Banks
- Lite Baseline
- Lighting Busway
- Long Buccal Medical, Technology
- Lia Bacq
- Leghaemoglobin Medical
- Letter Box Ordnance Survey
- Larry Brown Film censorship
- Lower Body Medical
- Lebanon (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Lady Boner
- Lyad Banks
- Luria Burtani Science, Media, Genetics, Agar
- Live Bait Fish, Fishing, Bait
- Lil Biscuit Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Lard Bucket Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Loopbuck Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Load Byte Assembly, Business & Finance
- Luar Biasa Technology, Indonesia, Banking, Projector
- Lisa Bear
- Lock Bit Security, Governmental & Military
- Lavender Buds
- Lil Black
- Lesal Branch Military, Group, Squadron
- Load Balance
- Lake Belt
- Lyall Bay
- Large Black
- Lemon Blue Colors
- Leet-Back
- Lewy Bodies Medical, Disease, Dementia
- lung biopsy Medical, Pulmonary
- Ljung-Box Business, Statistics, Autocorrelation
- Laxmi Bai
- Listed By
- Lightning Bolt Music, Album, Lightning
- Long Brgak
- Length Between
- Lerend Blox
- London Borough Ordnance Survey
- Linda Blair Famous
- Lower Bluebird
- Left Breast Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Breast
- Liberty Bay
- Lens Blur Project File Computing, File Extensions
- Ladybird Medical
- Lsad Balance Technology, Server, Routing
- Luria-Burtani
- Little Board Technology, Product, Electronics, Products
- Like Back Product, Maple, Candy
- Lookwng Back
- La Barge, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
- Lower Brace Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Liquid Bulk
- Local Battery Aviation, Computing, Telecom, Governmental & Military
- Lavender Brown Business, Shopping, Harry, Potter
- Lytvln Bloc Government, Ukraine, Election
- Lissage Brésilien
- Lower Box
- Pound(s) Unit of avoirdupois weight, equal to 16 ounces, 7,000 grains, or 0.45359237 kg, and of troy and apothecaries' weight, equal to 12 ounces, 5,760 grains, or 0.3732417216 kg. Aviation
- Lake Bardwell
- Luật Ba
- Large Bell Music
- Light Blue Auto, Colors
- Luke Blue
- Ledger Balances
- Lewis Brinson
- liver biopsy Medical, liver and hepatic
- Ljubljanska Banka Business, Banking, Croatia
- Lawson Billinton
- Ring Wirz Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Legendary Bladm
- Left Bass Music
- Lady Bird Famous
- Lower Blepharoplasty
- Left Brain
- Liberty Permission to be absent from the ship for a short period (authorized absence). Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
- Leaky Bucket Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Ladrelle Bryant
- Load-Bearing Building, Engineering, Construction, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Little Bear Famous
- Likas Bay
- Lookin Better
- Lower Bound Technology, Marker, Datatype
- Liquid Broth
- Letter Ballot Computing, IT Terminology
- Lavado Brónquico
- Lysogeny Broth Science, Media, Agar
- Lower Bowel
- Pound/Pounds NOTAM Contractions
- Lake Baikal
- Lutheran Brotherhood Business, Financial, Insurance
- Large Base Medical, Health, Otorhinolaryngology
- Lag Bolt A screw with a hex or square head. Architectural
- Lucy Brown
- Lisbon Locations, City
- Le Blanc
- Lewis Bowns
- Literature Bldg Medical, Common Medical
- Lawrence Block
- Precast L-Shaped Beam Design, Drawing, Construction
- Leg Byes
- Louise Brooks, actress Famous
- Loom Bands
- Lower Berth Locations, Train, Railway
- Left Sottom Technology, Product, Custom
- Liber Baro
- Laser Beam Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Lactose Broth Science, Media, Agar
- Load-Based
- Little Bastard Music, Bass, Head, Bastard
- Liimii Bug Science, Botany, Phytology, Scientific & Educational
- Looklbusy
- Laurentian Bank of Canada Business, Credit, Organizations, Canada, Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Lloyd Aereo Boliviano Airline, Business, Military, Organizations, Bolivia, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Lower Back Medical
- Liquid Based
- Links and Bookmarks Computing, Internet
- Lava Burst
- Lower Bout
- LOWBOY Vehicle Body Styles
- Lain Bazar
- Lutheran Brethren
- Large Balanced
- Telcordia Technologies, Inc. Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Lucky Boy Business, Lyric, Confusion, Occupation & positions
- Lisa Burns
- Lebih Bayar Tax, Surat, Orang
- Lewis Bay
- large bowel Medical, Nursing, Bowel Gastric And Intestine, Common Medical
- Lawrence Bishop
- Lueders Bands
- Leg Break
- Lead Breakage
- Large Break
- Larry Bird Famous
- Linebacker Blitz Sport, Football, Nfl teams, Linebacker
- Lower Band Technology, Analysis, Trading
- Left Boider Medical, Technology, Plant
- Liang Bua Science, Human, Hobbit, Homo
- Laser Box Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Lloyd Bridges
- Little Baby Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Ligth Blue
- Ljngest Backup
- Lib Bam
- Legislatipe Budget
- Low Byte Technology, Electronics, Memory, Circuit
- Lippo Bank Business, Indonesia, Scholarship
- Little Boy Computing, Internet
- Lambda Beef Food
- Lower Bounds
- pound or pounds (mass) Medical
- Laguna Blanca Technology, School, Map
- Lute Book
- Liver Biopsies Medical
- Lily Bearing
- Large-Cap Blend
- Loose Bearings Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Line Blocked Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Lucky Bastard Business, Porn, Distiller
- Lisa Bell
- LiteBlue postal service
- Lawrence Bender Film, Movie, Streaming, Bender
- Lowry-BrøNsted
- Legally Llind
- Linear Buried
- Lying On Back
- Large Bore Business, Product, Bearing
- Luke Bradford Famous
- Left Base Baseball, Softball
- Liaison Bureau
- Line Broadening Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Lloyd Boliviano
- Litter Bin Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Lightning Blade
- Loag Burst
- Lighm Button
- Leghemoglobin A homolog of hemoglobin found in leguminous plants that also harbor symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria; leghemoglobin binds oxygen, thereby protecting nitrogenase from inactivation. Medical
- Ljung Box Products
- Little Berry Food
- Lower Boundary
- Launch Boost NASA
- Lafora Bodies Medical
- Luria and Bertani
- Live Births Medical, Health, Pregnancy
- Lillie Bridge
- Lard Butt
- Loose Balls Gaming, Sport, Player, Ball
- Land Bank Banking, Business & Finance
- Lucille Ball
- Lisa Bearnson
- Like bondage? Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Law Building
- Localizer Beam Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Legsl Briefs
- Lower Bainite
- Lygus Bug Technology, English, Plant
- Large Blend Business, Product, Fund, Supply
- Lawrence Burns Famous
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does LB stand for?
LB stands for Lactobacilli.
What is the shortened form of Larry Breed?
The short form of "Larry Breed" is LB.
LB. (2022, March 30). Retrieved January 30, 2025 from
Last updated