LB in Business Meaning

The LB meaning in Business terms is "Laurentian Bano". There are 32 related meanings of the LB Business abbreviation.

LB on Business Full Forms

  1. Laurentian Bano
  2. Low Bay
  3. Low Battery
  4. Long Glock
  5. Listed Building
  6. Libertyabank
  7. Light Bronze
  8. Low Buying
  9. Laura Bryant
  10. Leveraged Buyout
  11. Loose Bound
  12. Large Business
  13. Lella Boutique
  14. Long Beach
  15. Leighton Buzzard
  16. Lebanon Beirut
  17. Lackawanna Blues
  18. Lunch Bag
  19. Leadership Bonus
  20. Lodging and Boarding
  21. Lowest Daily Outstanding Balance
  22. Lucky Boy
  23. Lucky Bastard
  24. Lloyd Aereo Boliviano
  25. Large Bore
  26. Laurentian Bank of Canada
  27. Ljung-Box
  28. Large Blend
  29. Lutheran Brotherhood
  30. Ljubljanska Banka
  31. Lippo Bank
  32. Lavender Brown

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LB stand for Business?

    LB stands for Lucky Boy in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Lella Boutique in Business?

    The short form of "Lella Boutique" is LB for Business.


LB in Business. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated