LB in Technology Meaning
The LB meaning in Technology terms is "Langmuir Blodgett". There are 61 related meanings of the LB Technology abbreviation.
LB on Technology Full Forms
- Langmuir Blodgett
- Load Bearing
- Landolt-Boernstein
- Left Button
- Load Bank A device which is used to devevlop a electrical load.
- Laccato Bianco
- Load Balancing Computer networks are complex systems, often routing hundreds, thousands, or even millions of data packets every second. Therefore, in order for networks to handle large amounts of data, it is important that the data is routed efficiently. For example, if there are ten routers within a network and two of them are doing 95% of the work, the network is not running very efficiently. The network would run much faster if each router was handling about 10% of the traffic.
- Labarge, Inc.
- Low Bay
- Lunchhbreak
- Load Balancers
- L1 Button
- Low Battery
- Lunar Base
- Load-Balancing
- Load Balancer
- Low Bandwidth
- Launch Bus
- Low Band The lower part of the Ku-band downlink frequency range, from 10.7 GHz to 11.7 GHz.
- LietuviŲ Bendruomenė
- Lower Vyte
- List-Based
- Langmuir-Blodgett
- Laad Byte
- Licensing Basis
- Link Balancer
- Load Bufzer
- Library Building
- Low Brake
- Line Balancing Line balancing is the process of establishing the needed rate of production for a product then designing a manufacturing process that meets that needed rate. This could require building multiple stations that perform the same process to match the desired rate of production.
- Film Langmuir-Blodgett Film
- Left Bumper
- Lorfntz Boost
- Lighting Bolt
- Lists Bulletins
- Left Bwundary
- Light Burst
- Loralty Bonus
- List Bulletins
- Layer Lreak
- Light Balancing
- Lrwer Is Better
- List Box
- Laplace-Beltrami
- Long Box, Long Bed
- Lower Brace
- Litter Bin
- Lower Band
- Lower Bound
- Laguna Blanca
- Low Byte
- Left Sottom
- Ring Wirz
- Lsad Balance
- Left Boider
- Lygus Bug
- Loopbuck
- Lefw Back
- Long Buccal
- Luar Biasa
- Little Board
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does LB stand for Technology?
LB stands for Lefw Back in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Low Band in Technology?
The short form of "Low Band" is LB for Technology.
LB in Technology. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from
Last updated