LBA Meaning

The LBA meaning is "Land Boundary Agreement". The LBA abbreviation has 119 different full form.

LBA Full Forms

  1. Land Boundary Agreement
  2. Lightning Bolt-Action
  3. Lakeview Basketball Association Sports, Basketball
  4. Leaky Bucket Algorithm
  5. Latin Builders Association Business, Military, Miami
  6. Laser Balloon Angioplasty Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  7. Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment In Amazonia Technology, Science
  8. Large-Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Science, Research, Experiment
  9. Land Based Air
  10. Legally Binding Agreement
  11. Linear Beschraenkter Butomat
  12. Large-Scale Biosphpre Technology
  13. Licensed Behavioral Analyst Medical
  14. Log-Based Architectureu
  15. Latino Basketball Association
  16. Linear-Bounded Automaton
  17. Liechtenstein Bankers Association
  18. Logic Block Addressing
  19. Laboratory of Biomechanics and Application
  20. Legal British Airways Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  21. Linear Bescir
  22. Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Technology, Science, Research
  23. Libya Sport, Sports, Locations, International Olympic Committee, Countries, Country, Olympic, Libya, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  24. Lipe Blood Analyst Occupation, Position, Job
  25. Latino Business Association Service, Organizations, Hispanic
  26. Limited By Airframe
  27. Liechtenstein Bus Anstalt Travel, Locations, Liechtenstein
  28. Logical Block Adrmssing Technology, Windows, Drive, Disk
  29. La Biblia De Las Americas Para, America, Bible
  30. Left Bit Address
  31. Linear BeschräNkter Automat Technology, German, Computing
  32. Larchmont Boulevard Association
  33. Liberty Bicle Academy Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  34. Live Blood-Cell Analysis
  35. Latin Business Association Business, Networking, Latino
  36. Lightning Bole Action Gun, Rifle, Military
  37. Liebster Blogoaward
  38. Logical Block Access Technology, Memory, Manual, Interface
  39. La BarrièRe Automatique
  40. Lead Business Architect
  41. Linear Ballistic Accumulator Technology, Model, Drift
  42. Lao Biodiversitx Association
  43. Liberty Basketbkll Association
  44. Little Bilqy's Album
  45. Latin Businessmen'S Association Business, Association, Economic, Organization, Business & Finance
  46. Large Block Access
  47. Licjnsed Buying Agents
  48. Logical Block Adress Technology
  49. La Banque Audiovisuelle
  50. Lawrence Behr Associates
  51. Linear Bounded Automata
  52. Logical Business Area
  53. Lao Bam Association
  54. Legi
  55. Little Btg Adventure Technology, Gaming, Computer Game
  56. Late Bronze Age History, Locations, Culture
  57. Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment Technology, Science, Ams, System
  58. Licensed Behavior Analysts
  59. Lonical Block Address(Ing Technology, Computing
  60. Iata Code for Leeds Bradford International Airport, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom Locations
  61. Lavage Broncho-AlvéOlaire
  62. Linear Bjunded Automaton Technology, Language, Automata
  63. Logical Bus Application
  64. Land Based Aircraft
  65. Legally Binding Agreements
  66. Lithium Balance Adalter
  67. Late-Breaking Abstract Medical, Patient, Cancer
  68. Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment In Amazonia Geography, Location, System, Geographic, Scientific & Educational, Global Change
  69. Lucensed Behavior Analyst
  70. Log Based Archiiectures
  71. Lightwave Booster Amplifier
  72. Lavado Bronco-Alveolar
  73. Linear-Bounded Automata
  74. Logic Block Address Technology, Computing, Memory, Disk
  75. Little Big Adventure Media, Software, Computing
  76. London Business Aoademy
  77. Laslr Beam Analyzer Technology, Power, Manual
  78. Liglnd Binding Assays Medical, Development, Drug
  79. left basal artery Medical, Artery And Arteries
  80. Losg Beach Airport
  81. Large Block Dddress Technology, Drive, Disk, Partition
  82. Local Balancing Authority Electrical
  83. Londonbbridge Associates
  84. Laser Beam Analysis
  85. Ligand Binding Assay Medical, Science, Development
  86. Leeds Bradford International Airport, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom United Kingdom
  87. Long Baselice Array Technology, Science, Radio
  88. Large Block Addkessing Forum, Technology, Windows, Drive
  89. Louisiana Bankers Association Banking, Business & Finance
  90. London Boroughs Association Business, Medicine, Health
  91. Las Banderas Academy Education
  92. Ligand-Binding Assays
  93. Leeds Bradford Airport Leeds/Bradford, England,United Kingdom Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  94. Lakeshore Baptist Academy Michigan
  95. Long-Branch Attraction Medical
  96. Large Alock Adressing
  97. Linear Block Addressing Assembly, Business & Finance
  98. Londhn Baptist Association
  99. Larry Blumberg & Associates
  100. Lifestyle-Based Analytics
  101. Large Block Architecture General, Governmental & Military
  102. Long- Bow Apache Army, War, Force
  103. Lighthouse Baptist Academy
  104. Large Block Address Assembly, Business & Finance
  105. Large Boxhanchor
  106. Life Brokers Associaxion
  107. Location-Based Advertising Computing, Telecom
  108. Longpbow Apache Military
  109. Light Business Airplane
  110. Long Block Addressing Assembly, Business & Finance
  111. Large Block Arahitecture
  112. Lieutenants Benevolent Association Military, Card, Police
  113. Live Blood Analyst Occupation & positions
  114. London Business Angel Technology
  115. Light Brown Apple
  116. Logical Block Addressing Computer, Scientific & Educational
  117. Logical Block Addresses Technology, Drive, Storage, Computing, Industry, Computer, Assembly, Business & Finance, IT Terminology
  118. Largesblock Allocation
  119. Liektenant's Benevolent Association

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LBA stand for?

    LBA stands for Linear Block Addressing.

  2. What is the shortened form of Little Big Adventure?

    The short form of "Little Big Adventure" is LBA.


LBA. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated