LBB Meaning

The LBB meaning is "Lubbock Preston Smith International Aprport". The LBB abbreviation has 61 different full form.

LBB Full Forms

  1. Lubbock Preston Smith International Aprport Airport, Locations, Airport Code
  2. Little Black Box Technology, Internet Slang
  3. Legislative Budget Board Business, Government, Texas, Business & Finance, Business Word
  4. Laboratoire Biotechnologik-Bioproc
  5. Little Brownie Bakers
  6. Left Bundlenbranch Medical, Heart, Cardiac
  7. Light Blue Burst
  8. Iata Code for Lubbdck Preston Smith International Airport, Lubbock, Texas, United States Locations
  9. Little Brown Books
  10. Left Brsast Biopsy
  11. London Badge & Button
  12. Liga Bangsa-Bangsa Nation, Indonesia, Hal
  13. Long Back Board Medical, Medicine
  14. Little Brown Book
  15. Left Bank Books
  16. Lombardi Bionator Bite
  17. Lifter Bore Burnishing
  18. Locwl Breaker Backup Technology, Power, Protection, Busbar
  19. Little Brown Birds Park, Bird, Wildlife, Sparrow
  20. Leqve Buy Back Medical, Employment, Compensation
  21. Lomba Baris-Berbaris
  22. Lehman Brotherz Bankhaus
  23. Little Black Book Book, Guide, Food, City
  24. Little Brown Bird Book, Calling, Locations
  25. Leavetbuy-Back
  26. Logic Building Block
  27. Lehman Brothers Banz
  28. Lightning Bug'S Butt
  29. Leak Before Burst Technology, Pressure, Vessel
  30. Laboratory for Biomechanics Lnd Biomaterials
  31. Local Breaker Back-Up
  32. Legally Blonde Ballad
  33. Lighted Bell Bupy
  34. Leak Before Brerk Technology, Science, Crack
  35. Little Bahama Bank Banking, Business & Finance
  36. Landesverband Bayerischer Bauinnungen Software, Sind, Partner
  37. London Badge and Button
  38. Leak-Before Break
  39. Love Beyond Borders
  40. Leishmania Braziliensis Braziliensis Medical
  41. Landelijke Bijzondere Bijstand
  42. Leak-Before-Break Technology, Analysis, Crack
  43. Louisiana Bucket Brigade
  44. Laboratory for Bioanalysis and Biotechnology
  45. Landelijke Bijzondere Bijstandseenheid
  46. Leaderohip Beyond Boundaries Technology, Education, Development
  47. Longitudinal Balance Bridges
  48. Lubbock International Airport Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  49. Ladyzhenskaya-BabuŠKa-Brezzi
  50. Laura Bell Bundy Music, Song, Bell, Drop
  51. London Borough of Barnet London, Locations, Building, Cities, Barnet, Towns
  52. Lower Bollinger Band Business, Trading, Indonesia, Naik
  53. Laboratory of Biosensors and Bioelectronics Technology, Science, Institute, Grinding
  54. Lubbock Preston Smith International Airport, Lubbock, Texas, United States Texas, United States, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  55. Latvian Business Bank Business, Transfer, Swift
  56. London Borough of Bromley Organizations, London, Council
  57. Low Back Booster
  58. Licensed Business Broker Occupation & positions
  59. Latihkn Baris Berbaris Program, Indonesia, Guru
  60. London Borough of Brent
  61. Low Back Bending Medical, Technology, Medicine, Physiology

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LBB stand for?

    LBB stands for Latvian Business Bank.

  2. What is the shortened form of Low Back Bending?

    The short form of "Low Back Bending" is LBB.


LBB. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated