LBMA Meaning

The LBMA meaning is "London Bullion Marketing Association". The LBMA abbreviation has 13 different full form.

LBMA Full Forms

  1. London Bullion Marketing Association Business, London, Market
  2. London Bullion Market Association Business, Association, London, Price, Organization, Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  3. Location-Based Marketing Association
  4. London Bullion Markets Association Business, London, Price
  5. London Bullion Market Assn
  6. London Bicycle Messenger Association
  7. Location Based Mobile Advertising Business, Service, Marketing
  8. Lumber and Building Materials Association
  9. Location Based Marketing Association Business, Media, Organizations
  10. Long Beach Museum of Art Exhibition, California, Beach
  11. Long Beach Management Association
  12. London Bullion Metals Association Business, China, Market
  13. London Bullion Metal Association Business, Publics, Market

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LBMA stand for?

    LBMA stands for London Bullion Metals Association.

  2. What is the shortened form of Long Beach Museum of Art?

    The short form of "Long Beach Museum of Art" is LBMA.


LBMA. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated