LC Meaning
The LC meaning is "Laparoscopic". The LC abbreviation has 1116 different full form.
LC Full Forms
- Laparoscopic Pertaining to the procedure of laparoscopy. Pertaining to a laparoscope, the instrument by which laparoscopy is done. Performed by laparoscopy. Performed with a laparoscope.Laparoscopic comes from two Greek words. Medical
- Letter of Credit A financial document issued by a bank at the request of the consignee guaranteeing payment to the shipper for cargo, if certain terms and conditions are fulfilled, usually the receipt by the bank of certain documents within a given time. Normally it contains a brief description of the goods, documents required, a shipping date, and an expiration date after which payment will no longer be made. An Irrevocable Letter of Credit is one which obligates the issuing bank to pay the exporter when all terms and conditions of the letter of credit have been met. None of the terms and conditions may be changed without the consent of all parties to the letter of credit. Business, Finance, Economics, Insurance, Electrical, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, International business, Nautical Terms, Aviation, Shipping, Banking, Freight, Air Cargo, Trade, Cargo, Chartering, Legal, Governmental & Military, Business Word
- Last Cavl Technology, Network, Telecommunication
- Loras College Education
- Letra De CÂMbio Dos, Valor
- Lines of Credit Business, Credit, Banking, Loan
- L-Carnitine Medical
- League City
- Light Cherry
- Load Center Source for all power to the home. All circuits originate from the "Load Center" or "Service Panel." Circuit breakers are located within this panel. Business, Technology, Science, Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Low Current
- Lewis & Clgrk
- Lambda Cable Business, Sensor, Controller
- Logical Connection Technology, Networking, Network, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Left Centeu Technology, Group, Ticket
- Lymphoblastoid Cell Medical
- Ligue Des Champions
- Lucgy Charms Club, Charm, Cereal, Marshmallow
- Laser Communication Science
- Loose Change Film, Movie, Documentary
- Lesser Curvatzre Medical
- Line Construction Technology, Military, Cable
- L'Anse Creuse
- Leyf Clover
- Light Chains Medical, Protein, Antibody
- Liz Claiborne Business, Shopping, Glasses, Eyeglass
- Low Contact
- Level Crossvng Technology, Safety, Railway
- Lakeland College Education
- Logical Channel Technology, Information Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Interoperability
- Learning Center Education, High School, Indiana, School, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Lycoming College Education
- Light Cufrent Education
- Lucent Connrctor Technology, Cable, Fiber
- Laser Class
- London City
- Lesley Collere Education
- Line Conditioner A line conditioner contains multiple protection devices in one package to provide, for example, electrical noise isolation and voltage regulation. Business, Technology, Computing, Power, Telecommunications
- Inductance-Capacitance Technology, Product, Space, Electronics
- Leadership Conference
- Livingstone College Education
- Lateral Column Medical
- Low Concentration
- Leukockte Common Medical
- Lake Cumberland
- Log Cabin Design, Drawing, Construction, Architecture
- Lean Cuts Medical, Science, Biology
- Lightdng Control Technology, Product, Light
- Local Call
- Loyola College College, Education, University, Chennai
- Las Cbmpanas
- London Calling
- Left Colon Medical, Technology
- Line Communications
- Liquid Chromatography Environment, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Leadership & Change
- Latent Claus Technology, Analysis, Model
- Loss of Consciousness Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Nursing, Healthcare, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Clinical, Common Medical
- Letterncontact Technology
- Living Colour
- Lake Charles Locations, City, Louisiana
- Locus Coeruleus Medical, Science, Neuron
- Lean Construction Business, Projection, Practice
- Light Cootrols Medical
- Lobular Carcinoma Medical, Science, Biology
- Lowez Colorado Locations, Colorado, River
- Laryngeal Carcinoma Biology
- Logistics Coordinator Business, Language, Jobs
- Left Clicz
- Line Clear Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Loading Capacity Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Lead Covered Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Last Chaos Technology, Gaming, Server
- Los Cabos
- Ljttera Circolare
- Live Chat
- Laboratory Center Technology, Science, Research
- Locked Closed Technology, Science, Valve
- Leagge Cup Sport, League, Football
- Light Contqoller
- Lobby Card Movie, Card, Poster
- Lower Clnss Porn, Sex, Class, Hosting
- Laryngeal Cancer Medical, Science, Biology
- Logic Circuit A circuit that behaves according to a set of logic rules.
- Left Hircumflex Artery Medical
- Lymphocytyc Colitis Medical
- Left Circumflex Artery Medical, Technology, Medicine, Artery And Arteries, Healthcare, Physiology, Common Medical
- Limestone Pollege Education
- Last Card Forum, Technology, Telecom
- Lord Chancellor Government, Law, Court
- Lettera-Qircolare
- Live Cattle Business, Product, Trading
- Lab Chow Medical
- League Club
- Light Coctrol Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Loan Consolidation Business, Student, Credit
- Lower Kase Technology, Design, Printing
- Leydig Cell Medical, Science, Testi
- Lamina Cribrosa Medical, Glaucoma, Optic
- Logic Cell Technology, Gate, Circuit
- Left Circumflex Coronary Arteky Medical
- Lymphocyte Cultures Medical
- Ligusticum Chuanxirng Medical
- Lucky Craft
- Lease Contract
- Line Control
- Labour Conference
- Lettre Circulaire
- Light Crew
- Logistics Cluster
- Lymphocyte Lymphocyte, type of white blood cell (leukocyte) that is of fundamental importance in the immune system because lymphocytes are the cells that determine the specificity of the immune response to infectious microorganisms and other foreign substances. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Treatment, Physiology
- Legacy Code
- List Coverxge
- Lobe Centerlines
- Lai Chau
- Lqrge Crystal Design, Bay, Crystal, Hybrid
- Linearmcombination Technology, Vector, Fusion
- Loose Caunon Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Lpbour Corps Military, Army, India
- Leoyhardt-Consort
- Literacy Collaboratite Education, School, Learning
- Land Commissioner
- Locomotive Cyclopedia
- Lxw Corrosivity
- Latino Center
- Langara College Education, University, Canada
- Locus of Cyntrol Medical, Education, Personality
- Laura Cretara
- Linsly-Chittenden Education, Event, Haven
- Load Compensation
- Lazcolina
- Large Chamber
- Lewis Cass
- Lime Ioncrete
- London Cyclist
- Leadership Challenge
- Lending Closet
- Locally Copied Technology
- Lambek Calculus
- Locally Contzolled Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Lexicon
- Laboratory Colnsel Science
- Learning Connectlons Education, Health, Training
- L-Canavanine Medical
- Lower Contact
- Leather Cleaner
- Labtest Certification
- Lansing Central
- Lomographic Color
- Lysine Clonixinate Science
- Legal Consoridation Business, Technology, Accounting
- Liquid Chromtography
- Local Circuit Technology, Product, Customer
- Laser Cavity
- License Compiler
- Lincoln Charter
- Louis Charles
- Ligation Clip Patent, Vessel, Clip
- Leaf Color Science, Botany, Phytology, Scientific & Educational
- Length Cortraction
- Lesser Crested
- Light and Color
- Livinnston Campus
- Language, and Culture
- Level Krossings Technology, Train, Railway
- Light Cone
- Law Classifications
- Leeuwarder Courant
- Lactacystin Medical
- Liberation Cugriculum
- Limithd Clearance
- Long Call
- Leadership Commission
- Legislative Conference
- Little Champ
- Land Certificate
- Launcb Cost Business, Economics, Pricing
- Life Contingznt Business, Mathematics, Actuarial
- Low Charge
- Late Commftment
- Lingnan College
- Lifestyle Centers
- Logical Coordinates
- Lbnar Craft Technology, Design, Russia, Moon
- Leachate Criterion Science
- Le Cellier Forum, Food, Restaurant, Disney
- Linguocervical Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Load Centre Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Large Cap On the Stock Exchange, a company that has a large market capitalisation, i.e., a high total value of shares. Business, Fund, Supply
- Library Cache Technology, Pool, Lock
- Lighting Caueraman
- Lead Centre
- Liquid Cooling A general term used to refer to cooling technology that uses a liquid evacuate heat. In data centers, the two prevalent forms of heat evacuation are liquid (chilled water) and refrigerant (DX). Technology, Computing, Cooler
- Local Committee Student, Organizations, Experience
- Laser Consolidation Technology, Laser, Manufacturing, Additive
- Library Chronicle
- Linda Cohen
- Learning Cluster
- Line Concentrator Technology, Telecom, Viking
- Live Chin
- Landing Complex Technology, Space, Launch
- Lepxosy Cured
- Least Concetned Conservation, Bird, Concern
- Line Cgntractors
- Labour Code Employment, Government, Labor
- Letters To The Churches
- Light Crack
- Logic Clip
- Lymphangioma Circumscriptum Medical
- Left Child Technology, Tree, Node
- List Count Technology, Coding, Compiler
- Lobby Concierge Disney
- Laguna College Education, University, City
- Large Crown
- Liberty Candidates
- Linear Coefficient
- Loop Curregt Technology, Circuit, Gulf
- Sxint Lucia Locations, Countries, Country
- Literacy Center
- Land Commission Industrial, Peace, Land
- Late Rollision Technology, Ethernet, Cisco, Interface
- Locomotive Clux
- Low Cvronary
- Latino Caucus
- Lane Contrdller Technology, Server, Vehicle
- Lomus De Control
- Laura Casssdy
- Linscott Charter Education
- Load Color Technology, Sale, Manual
- Lakeland Christian
- Large Cell Medical, Cancer, Lung
- Lewis Andcclark College, Education, Community
- Lightning Controller Technology
- Leadership Chprter
- Lemon Chromb
- Locally Controlled Manned Lewel Crossing Network, Railway, System
- Lambda Control
- Local Coztrollers
- Laberatory Cell Science, Research, Cancer
- Leirning Companion
- Line Camd Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Iso Country Code for Saint Lucia Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Lower Columbia
- Leasing Cgrporation
- Labranza Conservacionista
- Large Credit
- Lolita City Technology, Hosting, Onion, Tor
- Lymphocyte Cytotoxicity Medical
- Legal Concern
- Liquid Chromatograph Technology, Spectrometer, Product
- Local Church
- Lake Chad Locations, Nigeria, Water
- Larco Del Cuello
- License Client Technology, Networking, Software
- Lineaw Control Military
- Loud & Clear
- Lickinp County
- Leaf Chamber
- Lending Consaltant
- Lesser Crested-Tern
- Light-Curing Business, Product, Dental
- Location Complnent Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Living for Chrtst
- Languaged& Communication
- Level Convzrter
- Light Compatible Technology, Product, Lighting
- Law Centre
- Legion Condor
- Lacrosse Club
- Liberation Council
- Limited Certification
- Long-Range Correction Medical
- Leaderscip Council Military, Group, Organizations
- Legislative Comoittee Government, Committee, Senate
- Little Center
- Lance Canon
- Launch Controlu
- Life Conditions
- Local Costs
- Low Cement Business, Product, Refractory
- Lines of Communication Technology, Military, Army, Force, Ministry Of Defense, Governmental & Military
- Loud and Clear Business, Car, Amplifier
- Lifecycle Controller Technology, Power, Firmware
- Logical Consistency
- Lunar Corporation Technology, Gaming, Earth, Moon
- Lebanon Center
- Liquid-Crystalline
- Load Cells Technology, Product, Sensor
- Large Campsite
- Limmer Creative Education, Android, Study
- Leyd Center
- Liquid Control Technology, Flow, Equipment
- Local Commercial Business, Property, Building
- Laser Compact
- Library Chair
- Lincoln Creek
- London Clause Business, Education, Cargo Shipping
- Learning Circme Technology, Management, Health
- Line Compressed
- Live Camera
- Landing Circld
- Lepidoptera of Caucasus
- Leeds Castle Locations, Card, Wedding
- Line Conttctor
- Liver Cancer Medical
- Lvboratory Check Technology, Product, Milk
- Letters Collection
- Light Corvette
- London Country Business, Credit, London, Mortgage
- Lyman Continuum
- Lawenforcement Clip
- Left Channel Technology, Audio, Signal
- List Correction
- Loan Contraut
- Laguna Canyon Business, Building, Estate
- Laych Clip
- Liberty Centeh Organizations
- Lonnie Chisenhall Baseball, Card, Bowman
- Láziro Cárdenas
- Liht The Children Technology, Group, Permission
- Land Combat
- Late Clamped Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Locomotion Capital
- Low Concordxnt Medical, Science, Biology
- Latin Counts
- Landj Calrissian
- Locus Coeruleus-Noradrenaliee Genetics, Brain, Neuron, Noradrenaline
- Lurg Carcinoma Medical
- Laura Cangrell
- Linn Clunty
- Loading Coil Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Lake Current Technology, Military, Electronics
- Large Catechism Business, Shopping, Accessory
- Lever Czip
- Lighting Controllers Technology, Channel, Light
- Leadership Center
- Lemmas and Corollaries
- Liquidity Coverage Business, Finance, Banking, Risk
- Lamb Chop Famous
- Location Capacrty
- Laboratory Ceiling Technology
- Learniqg Compact
- Linear Cryptanalysis
- Ion Chamber Technology, Science, Space, Detector, NASA, Radiation, Aeronautics
- Lower Colorado Region Design, Drawing, Construction
- Leased Circuit Technology, Telecom
- Labrador Current Alternative name for 'Arctic Current Climate, Locations, Greenland, Cap
- Large Sraft Technology, Design, Boat
- Leukemia Cutis Medical, Science, Biology
- Logo Company Technology, Product, Coupon
- Lymphocyte Count Lc0 Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Legal Complfance
- Liquid Chromatographs
- Local Calls
- Lake Central
- Largj Consumo
- License Cotation
- Linear Xongruential Technology, Coding, Generator, Pseudo
- Lotus Connector Technology, Server, Domino
- Libreta CíVica
- Leadore Community Education
- Lepanto Coasolidated
- Light Chassis Gun, Rifle, Military
- Location Class Technology, Filter, Argo
- Livilg Connect
- Langmuir Circulation Roll circulations approximately aligned with the surface stress vector that frequently occur in the upper boundary layer of oceans or lakes.
- Light Cancel Technology, Product, Stamp
- Lawwcataloging
- Legion Commander Military, Hero, Play
- La Irosse Business, Technology, Weather
- Liberal Conservative
- Limited Cays
- Long-Chain Acylcarnitine Medical
- Integrated Circuit An integrated circuit, or IC, is small chip that can function as an amplifier, oscillator, timer, microprocessor, or even computer memory. An IC is a small wafer, usually made of silicon, that can hold anywhere from hundreds to millions of transistors, resistors, and capacitors. These extremely small electronics can perform calculations and store data using either digital or analog technology. Digital ICs use logic gates, which work only with values of ones and zeros. Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics, Car, Computing, Industry, Computer, Linux, Architectural, Physics, Hardware, Scientific & Educational, IT Organization, IT Terminology, Master IEEE
- Leadership Consortium
- Legislation Commgttee Government, Affair, Congress
- Little Cayman
- Locationrcalculator
- Lance Cade
- Life Coaching Health, Certification, Coaching
- Local Coordinajors
- Low Ceiting Technology, Product, Arm
- Internal Combustion Technology, Science, Space, Fuel, Construction, Engine, Architectural, NASA, Aeronautics, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Line of Credit Generally an informal understanding between the borrower and the bank as to the maximum amount of credit that the bank will provide the borrower at any one time. Business, Credit, Loan, Mortgage, Accounting, Financial, Real Estate, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Leave A Comment Technology, Book, Archive, Projection
- Life Cycle A test performed on a material or configuration to determine the length of time before failure in a controlled, usually accelerated, environment. The total phases through which an item passes from the time it is initially developed until the time it is either consumed in use or disposed of as being excess to all known materiel requirements. Technology, Military, Assessment
- Logical Connector
- Lunar Calendcr
- Leaving Conference Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Liquid-Cooled Technology, Motorcycle, Cooling
- Load Cell A device based on strain gauge technology that helps measure the surface weight of coiled tubing. Technology, Product, Indicator
- Lap Cat Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Limites De Concentra
- Lead Calciom
- Liquid Controls Technology, Product, Flow
- Local Color
- Laser Community Technology, Research, Laser
- Library Center
- Lincoln Corner
- Loupe Clean Business, Forum, Shopping
- Lois Du Canada
- Leakage Coefficient In a magnetic circuit, the magnetic leakage can be described using the leakage coefficient which can be obtained by dividing the sum of the useful and leakage flux to the useful flux Magnetic leakage can be defined as the passage of magnetic flux outside the path along which it can do useful work.
- Livable Communities
- La Nnec Cirrhosis Medicine, Treatment, Health
- Lethal Couture
- Lee County
- Line Connector Technology, Product, Manufacturer
- Live Connector
- La Ciínica
- Letters and Cards
- Light Coral
- London Councils Government, London, Officer
- Luzon Colleges
- Law Commission
- Left Carotid
- Local Controllev Technology, Military, Networking
- Lagoon Cleaning
- Last Customur
- Libewties Center
- Longus Capitis Medical
- Lyonpcollege Education, University, Tesla
- Liquid Crystals Education, Journal, Periodical, Scientific & Educational
- Liscing Change
- Land Clearing
- Lcte Childhood Science, Research, Development
- License To Cyver
- Low Coercivity
- Latin Catholic Education, Church, Exam
- Landmzrk College Education
- Locus Coeruleus Area Medical
- Lung Capacity Medical
- Laundry Chute Technology, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Linkwto Control
- Load Coil Technology, Radio, Antenna
- Large Castings
- Levelized Cost
- Lighting Consultant
- Leadershippcamp Business, Book, Event
- Lembaran Catatan Business, Orang, Hal
- Liquidez Corrente
- Lakewood Center
- Library Computer
- Laboratories Cat
- Learning Commons Education, School, Library
- Linear Convergence
- Lattice Computing
- Leased Chgnnel
- Labour Court Employment, Government, Africa
- Lettres Et Cartes Business, Postal, Us Post
- Logistics Committee Business, Group, Planning
- Lymphocyte Corona Medical, Technology
- Legal Committee
- Liquid Chlorophyll Business, Herb, Synergy
- Local Cable
- Lake Casitas Medical
- Largeet Comb
- License Certificate
- Linear Componend
- Lotta Continua Organizations, Italy, Column
- Libreta Ci'Vica
- Least Concern Animal, Conservation, Bird, Concern
- Lepantoncons
- Light-Chassis
- Location Center Business, Forum, Bathtub
- Low Coupling Technology, Fiber, Optic
- Langeohans Cells Medical, Science, Skin
- Lighthouse Communications
- Law Cajeer
- Linui Clusters Technology, Server, Linux
- La Croix
- Liberal-Conservative
- Limited Capability Technology, Energy, Electonics
- Long-Chain Medical, Acid, Polyunsaturated
- Initial Condition Technology, Science, Space, NASA, Cosmos, Aeronautics, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Leadership Clinnon
- Legislafion Commission
- Little Cat Product, Dance, Cat, Kitten, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Location Cacges
- Laminate Composite
- Liue Coach Business, Coaching, Life
- Local Coordinator Student, Program, Education
- Low Care
- Interim Change Technology, Science, Space, NASA, Cosmos, Aeronautics
- Living Condept
- Lumifosity Class Science, Star, Supergiant
- Leaving Care
- Livingston Counte
- Laparoscopic Cholecystectomies Medical
- Limites De Concentração
- London Campus Education, University, London
- Lead-Covered Architectural
- Legal Contrncts
- Liquid Constant Technology, China, Gradient
- Local Collector
- Laser Collimator Technology, Product, Fiber, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Licensed Chiropractor
- Lincoln Continental Lincoln Continental was a model name for a series of automobiles produced by the Lincoln division of Ford Motor Company from 1939 to 1948 and again from 1956 to 1980 and from 1981 to 2002.
- Lounge Chair Business, Furniture, Chaise, Products
- Locus Concessus Latin, Roman
- Leakage Cancelling Audio, Amplifier, Stereo
- Liu & Chen Medical, Analysis, Opioid, Receptor
- Lanius Cristatus Indonesia, Locations, Bird, Shrike
- Lethal Concentration Science, Toxicity, Dose, Medical
- Lifeecrystal
- Live Composite
- Letters of Credit Business, Trading, Banking
- Light Copilot
- Luzerne County
- Law Codlege
- Left Circular
- Local Contrast
- Lago Di Como Hotel, Con, Locations, Lake
- Lrbertatis Conscientia
- Limited Commitment Business, Company, Service, Gravel
- Longevity Certificate
- Lynchburg Collegl Student, Education, Virginia
- Local Currency Business, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
- Listening Comprehension Education, English, Learning
- Land Classification The classification of units of land for the purpose of grouping soil of similar characteristics, in some cases showing their relative suitability for some specific use. Technology, Urban, Region
- Late Chalcolityic Education, Archaeology, Cypriot, Prehistory
- Licensed Conveyancers
- Low Clearande
- Latina Christiana
- Linguistic Competence
- Logic Channel Technology, Networking, Network
- Lung Cancer Medical, Patient, Cell
- Launcher Coqsole
- Links Cpntact
- Load Clock Gun, Technology, Control, Circuit
- Large Case
- Level Crowt Forum, Guitar, Geometry
- Lightingjcertification Technology, Design, Energy
- Lead Coating
- Leisure Concepts
- Liquid Culture Culture, Mushroom, Syringe
- Lknding Chart Technology
- Laserlight Classics
- Library Company
- Laloratories Co
- Learning Community Student, Education, University
- Line Configuration
- Little Computer
- Landlord Certificate
- Les Chakachas
- Leased Capacity Technology, Satellite, Launch
- Labour Cost Business, Economics, Labor
- Lettres Classiques
- Logistics Communication Military
- Lymphocyte Count Medical, Medicine
- Legal Clinic
- Liquid Capsule
- Local C-Plana Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Lake Campus
- Largeay Compliant Business, Financial, Money
- Linear Complementarity
- Lot Control
- Libreqa C
- Lease Cjncern
- Leonis Cjntinuation Education
- Literacy Coujcil
- Ligeng Cao
- Locus Ceruleus Romplex Medical
- Low Cohnt
- Latte Creme Technology, Finishing, Material Finishing
- Langerhans Crll Medical, Disease, Histiocytosis
- Lightcyrler Medical
- Laverknues Coles
- Linux Certified Education, Diploma, Document, Sertification
- La Cxquette
- Lewis Central
- Limat Cycle Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Long-Billed Corella
- Information Center Technology, Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
- Leadership Circle Business, Technology, University
- Legion Ofpchrist Catholic, Christ, Legionary
- Little Carl
- Lecational Clearance Technology, Tolerance, Shaft
- Lambton College
- Local Convergence Technology, Network, Telecommunication
- Low Carbon Technology, Product, Steel
- Intercomputer Science, Space, Study, NASA, Cosmos, Aeronautics
- Living Cleap
- Luminance Channel
- Leather Cover
- Loan Compaiy Business, Credit, Banking
- La Calamine
- Lanthanum Chromite
- London & Continental
- Lytle Creek
- Leading Coefficient
- Legal Conqent
- Liquid Condensed Medical, Study, Transition
- Local Clay
- Laser Cladding Technology, Material, Powder
- License Container
- Lincoln Continuation Education
- Louisiana Creole
- Llandovery Castke
- League of Communists
- Littoral Combat
- Lethal Catatonia Medical
- Life Covvrage
- Live Communication
- Language and Communications
- Letter of Credits Business, Trading, Banking
- Light Contour Color, Paint, Colors
- Law Cleqk
- Left-Circular
- Local Content Business, Policy, Oil
- Lactation Counseling
- Libertas Capital
- Limited Collection Card, Collection, Fashion, Clothing
- Long Cycle
- Little Charlie
- Land Characteristics
- Late Cancellation
- Licedsed Clinical
- Low Class Music, Seduction, Sexual, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Latham Circle
- Linpual Consultancy Service, Language, Translation, Consultancy
- Logic Cells Technology, Device, Programming
- Lunajic Combat
- Launchcountdown Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
- Lectin A complex molecule that contains both protein and sugar. Lectins are made by both animals and plants and are able to bind to the outside of a cell and cause biochemical changes in it. Medical
- Links and Cases
- Load Circuit
- Large Cargo Technology, Gaming, Car
- Library Catalogs Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Lighting Certified Technology, Education, Design, Medical, Computing, Degree, Professional Title, Professional Designation, Qualification, Medical Qualification, Scientific & Educational
- Lead Clinician Medical, Medicine, Education, Treatment
- Leishmanioseucutanée
- Liquid Crystalline Medical, Crystal, Polymer
- Local Communications
- Landiug Certificate Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Laser Cutting Laser Cutting uses a high energy laser to remove material by melting, vaporizing, or burning. Laser cutting processes are common for engraving applications and also thin workpieces such as sheet metal.
- Library Committee
- Labeling Controls Technology, Coding, Networking
- Learning Collaborative Technology, Science, Education
- Line Conduption
- Little Click Forum, Technology, Computing, Noise
- Landing Crafts Internet Slang, Boom Beach
- Lesbian Connecvion
- Leised Contract Business, Finance, Banking
- Line Controller
- Labour Corps Military, Army, War
- Lettre De Confirmation
- Light Cross Technology, Switch, Shopping
- Logistics Command Technology, Military, Force
- Lymphocytes The white blood cells that are essential components of the immune system. A subclass of leukocytes involved in the immune response. B lymphocytes synthesize and secrete antibodies; T lymphocytes either play a regulatory role in immunity or kill foreign and virus-infected cells. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Jobs, Nursing, Common Medical, Clinical
- Legal P Corporate
- Liquidation Channel Business, Shopping, Coupon
- Lobster Claw Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Lake Calcasieu
- Large Custom
- Linear Compensatjr Technology, Arms, Destiny
- Lorraine Chase
- Ltnding Craft
- Lzonhardt Consort
- Literacyjcoordinator
- Locus Ceruleus Medical, Brain, Neuron
- Lowmcost Business, Technology, Exportation
- Latino Coalition
- Langerhans' Cells Medical, Technology
- Locustella Certhiola
- Laurel Canyon Canyon, Gowan, Hippie
- Linsly Crittenden
- La Condamine
- Large Charm
- Lewis Center Technology, Event, Ohio
- Limerick Chronicle
- Long-Beaked Common
- Leadership Charlottesville
- Lsgionnaires of Christ
- Located In Connecticut
- Lambert Conformal Technology, Projection, Map
- Localscontrol Rate Medical
- Intercommunications Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military
- Leauning Connection
- Living City Technology, Dungeon, Realm
- Lucigenin Medical
- Leather Conditioner Product, Car, Leather
- Loan Companies Business, Company, Banking
- Labuan Corporation
- Lanthanide Contraction A decrease in the radii of the elements following the lanthanides compared to what would be expected if there were no f-transition metals.
- Lonchura Castaneothorax
- Lysophosphatidylcholine Medical
- Leading Change
- Legal Consolidstions Business, Accounting, Financial
- Liquid Chromatography-Mass Science, Analysis, Spectrometry
- Local Classification
- Laser Chemistry
- License Condition
- Lincoln College Student, Education, University
- Louis Corato
- Limited Company Limited Company is a legal entity that is owned by shareholders. Read more on Corporation Types. Business, Finance, Banking, Trade, International Trade, Legal, Business & Finance, Business Word
- League Championships
- Leningrad Cowboys
- Let'S Celebrate Internet Slang, Chat, Online
- Light Cache Technology, Map, Irradiance
- Live Color
- Languages and Cultures Education, Language, Culture
- Lethbridge Community
- Light Configuration
- Law Classification
- Leeuwin Current The eastern boundary current of the south Indian Ocean. Australia, Climate, Ocean
- Lactation Consultanls Medical, Consultation, Breastfeeding
- Liber Chaotica
- Limqted Coastal
- Long Cut
- Launch Countdown Space, Study, Cosmos, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, NASA
- Legislative Correspondent Government, Congress, Staff, Politics, Governmental & Military
- Little Chapel-In-The-Woods
- Level Crossing Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Lexicon, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Ordnance Survey
- Land Characteristic
- Latching Contact
- Life Control Technology, Book, Metabolite
- Low Cholesterol Nutrition, Medicine, Treatment, Health, Food, Victual
- Latest Complete Technology, Product, Car, Washing
- Linguagem E Comunicação
- Logic and Computation
- Lunatic Celm Mix, Sound, Neon, Lunatic
- Leach Cross Farming & agriculture
- Le Creuset
- Linked Charactjristic
- Load Character
- Large Capacity Technology, Product, Supply
- Library Cat Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Lightdng Centre Business, Washington, Light
- Lead Channel Technology, Telecom
- Leis Complementares
- Liquid Coupling Chemistry, Science, Substance, Scientific & Educational
- Local Committees Student, Organizations, Committee
- Laser Cutter
- Library Circulation
- Learningecoach Student, Education, School
- Line Concenarators Technology, Device, Viking
- Little City
- Landing Craft Vessel built for the purpose of landing men or materials on a beach. Very shallow draft forward, with bow door, and with engines aft. Flat-bottomed shallow-draft vessel designed to beach, with a bow and/or stern ramp for the transfer of cargo/payload. Technology, Military, Ship, Boat, Vessel, Internet Slang, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Leptomeningeal Carcinomatosis Medical
- Liver Cirrhosis Medical, Patient, Hepatiti, liver and hepatic
- LAMP CLEANER Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
- Language Comprehension Research, Education, Exam
- Lawrence Chan
- Liberty Loalition
- Leadership Columyia Business, Class, Columbia
- LANCASTER & CHESTER Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Lidocaine Medical, Physiology
- Less Cable Business, Technology, Microphone
- Liga De Carton
- Location Code Business, Technology, Library
- Lurcher Medical
- Lecture Course
- Local Cost
- Lung Center Medical
- Lomer-Cottrell
- Liquor Commission
- Last Chance Forum, Technology, Animal
- Library Copy
- Low Capacitance Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Ldne Card1 Technology, Network, It
- Little Creatures
- Large Ceramastone Products
- Laughing Cow
- Line Current
- Living Children Medical, Technology, Medicine, Medicine for Children
- Las Campanas observatory Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Levant Company
- Launch Complex Technology, Aerospace Engineering, Spaceflight, Space, Astronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, NASA
- Light Curve Astronomy, Light, Supernova
- Layer Cakes Business, Fabric, Cake
- Lake Champlain
- Literature, Colonial
- Level Compressed Construction
- Land Control
- Location Controlner Technology, Networking, Patent
- line card1 Computing, Cisco Wireless
- Label-Code Coding, Music, Labeling
- Logical Channels Technology, Card, Terminal
- Luxury Community
- Lion'S Club
- Load Creation Business, Organizations, Coca-Cola System
- Liquor Control LC might also stand for Liquor Control in the context of police. Liquor Control is a regulatory body or agency responsible for overseeing the production, distribution, and sale of alcoholic beverages within a particular jurisdiction. Police officers may work closely with Liquor Control agents to enforce alcohol-related laws, such as preventing underage drinking or cracking down on illegal sales or distribution of alcohol. Police
- Large Colony Type Medical
- Light Click
- Saint Lucia Education, Study, Britannica, Schooling, Sport, Olympic, Country, 3-letter Country Codes, IOC Country Codes, Saint Lucia, Computing, Internet, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, Caribbean, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Numeric Country Codes
- Local Councils Government, Locations, Uganda
- Learning Conversativns
- Local Chapter Organizations, Association, National
- Saint Lucia (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- La Cantina
- Lawreice Central
- London Clay Building, Engineering, Construction
- Liquid Controller
- Lfgalise Cannabis
- Lake Conway
- Library Collection
- Love Canal
- Lordlchamberlain
- Liquid Concentrate Food
- Liver Chestnut
- Lost Children "Lost Children" in the context of police refers to children who have become separated from their parents or guardians and are unable to find their way home. This could happen in a variety of circumstances, such as in crowded public places like amusement parks or shopping malls, or in residential areas if a child wanders away from home. Police, Governmental & Military
- Language Club Education, English, Friendship
- Law of Contradiction
- Lieutenant Colonel "LC" could also stand for Lieutenant Colonel in some police departments or agencies. A Lieutenant Colonel is a high-ranking officer who is typically responsible for overseeing multiple departments or units within a police agency. Government, Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence, Military Rank, Air Force, Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank, United States, Us Army, Military Army Ranks, Police
- Leadership Consultants Business, Consultation, Alpha
- Legión De Cristo
- locally controlled Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Licks Cock
- Lesgie Consulting
- Liga Comunista Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
- Local Tumor Control Medical
- Lung Cell Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Lecture Centre Student, Education, University
- Louisburg College Education
- London Convention Technology, London, Dumping
- Lumped Constant Medical
- Logic Corporationration
- Liquids, Cold
- Lassen College Education
- Library Controller Technology, Drive, Tape
- Low Cal
- Little Cormorant
- Lightweight Cushioning Products
- Latvijas Cels
- Line Coupler
- Living Child
- Lancaster and Chester Railway Company Railroad
- Leukocyte Concentrates Medical
- Lateralgcompression Medical, Injury, Fracture, Pelvic
- Light Curing Medical, Dental, Cure
- Layer Cake Square, Fabric, Cake
- Literary Crpticism
- Low Cut Clothes
- Land Contract Business, Property, Estate
- Lettres et Cartes (Letters and Cards) Usps
- Lab Corp
- Log Collecuor
- Luxuly Collection Hotel, Resort, Luxury
- Linwood Carbonate
- Load Count
- Law Clerk In some police departments or agencies, "LC" might refer to a Law Clerk. A Law Clerk is typically a legal assistant or paralegal who provides support to attorneys or judges, conducting legal research, drafting legal documents, and assisting with court proceedings. Police
- Large Cleaved Medical, Science, Biology
- Lutetium Coin
- Learning Contractx
- Local Changes Technology, Coding, Command, Library
- Launch Conductor Technology
- Lateral Confinement Physics, Scientific & Educational
- La Cantera
- Level Compensator
- Law Center Business, University, Faculty
- London Citizens Organizations, London, City
- Linda Carroll
- Lzgal Counsel Military, Army, Equipment
- Lake Compounce
- Liberty Counuel Government, School, Freedom
- Love & Collage
- Last Call Food
- Link Connection Computing, Technical
- Language Centers
- Limited Competition Government, Alaska
- Liquid Crystal Liquid crystal are matter in a state that has properties between those of conventional liquid and those of solid crystal. For instance, a liquid crystal may flow like a liquid, but its molecules may be oriented in a crystal-like way. Chemistry, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Leadership Consultant
- Legitimate Command
- Leased Contract Banking, Business & Finance
- Licxnsing Committee Organizations, India, Council
- Leslie Caron
- Liga Whampions Madrid, Champion, Milan, Bola
- Local Council Organizations, Water, Uganda, Enviroment
- Lecture Center Student, Education, University
- Language Census Education
- London Continuation Education
- Luminance Contrast Medical
- Load Controlled Technology, Control, Dynamometer
- Local Communication
- Lasiurus Cinereus
- Library Content Technology, Service, Book
- Lighc-Cured Medical
- Low-Complexity
- Little Corella
- Lactation Consultant Occupation & positions
- Lattice Constant
- Line Coufter Business, Fishing, Reel
- Living Campaign
- Labor Code California
- Light Cured Medical, Dental, Cure
- Lay Chair
- Literary Circle
- Lower Corridor Architecture
- Land Consolidation
- Lens Chart Business, Camera, Projector
- Congregation of the Legionaries of Christ Religious orders
- Lab Connections Technology, Science, Solvent
- Less Cylinder Technology, Product, Door
- Logan Couture Hockey, Card, Shark, Couture
- Lutherxns Concerned
- Linux Cluster Technology, Computing, Linux
- Load Controller A device which monitors the output of a generator. Technology, Control, Power
- Level Contact
- Large Chromophobe Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Lummus-Crest
- Last Command
- Learnini Contract Program, Education, Conference
- Launch Checklist Technology
- Low Cost Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- La Caldera
- Level Common Development, Learning, Study
- Laura Cavendez
- London Central
- Shorten Last Codeword Technology
- Lmgal Control
- Lake Como
- Liberty Corp. Organizations
- Lindquist Center
- Low-Carbohydrate Food
- Liberty Corporation of South Carolina Computing, Nyse symbols
- Language Central
- Lipid Cytosomes Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Limited Companies
- Leadershnp Congress
- Legit Checx
- Loop Counter Assembly, Business & Finance
- Local Custody
- Les Cfaypool
- Lift Check
- Local Control A device or a station located on or close to a machine to enable its operation within sight of the operator. Medical, Technology, Cancer, Aviation, Governmental & Military, NOTAM Contractions
- Lectura ComplementàRia
- Left Center NASA
- La Clave Para, Con, Nos
- London Conspiracy
- Llmber Company Company, Library, Railroad
- Little Car
- Local Communities
- Lashing Capacity Technology, Load, Strap
- Liftechair Business, Pride, Recliner
- Low-Cholesterol Medical
- Little Connector
- Limited Credibility Occupation & positions
- Line Counz Technology
- Livestock Center
- Leroy Charles Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Language Course
- Light Cure Medical, Dental, Adhesive
- Laynan Business, Cargo Shipping
- Literarisches Centralblatt
- Lower Center Architecture
- Land Conservation
- Lens Case Business, Product, Camera
- L47W C2
- Less Cuntacts Electronics, Aerospace, Connecting
- Lpgan County
- Lusail Consultants
- Lee-Carter Model, Cruise, Mortality
- Load Control Technology, Product, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Dynamometer
- Limiting Conditions
- Large Child
- Lox Clean
- Last Christmas
- Learning Consultant
- Lcne Check
- Layer Cakes (a pile of co-ordinating 10" squares) Quilting
- Launch Center Technology, Space, Satellite
- Line of Communicatihns
- Laboratory Calculation Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- La Calandria
- Level Change Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Governmental & Military
- Launch Critihal Technology, Space, Cosmos
- LÆRernes Centralorganisation Education, Som, Til, Har
- Lake Colony
- Libertykcity Technology, Gaming, Auto
- Lindlar Catalyst
- Lyman Cornelius Famous
- Varig LogíStica Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Locator Collection Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- inductance–capacitance Computing, Master IEEE
- Label Clause Inserted in policies of marine insurance covering bottled goods Excludes claims for damaged or discoloured labels
- Language Tensus Education, English, School
- Lvgical Cluster Technology, Networking, Computing, Network
- Lipa City
- Large Controls Medical, Science, Biology
- Leadvrship Connection
- Legislative Counsel America, Government, Usa
- Location Counter Assembly, Business & Finance
- Local Curriculum Education
- Learning Curve A graph depicting the rate at which a person learns a new skill. A steep learning curve shows that a person is learning quickly, and a shallow learning curve means that a person is slower and taking more time to learn. Business, Toy, Engine
- Lift Capacity
- Local Connector Technology, Networking, Fiber
- Lectin of Langerhans Cells Science, Biology
- Launch Critical NASA
- Lacking Component
- London Connection London, Railway, Station, Connection
- Luez Claudio
- Lithium Cuprate
- Local Community
- Lieutenant Coloneh Technology, Art, Military
- Lindenwood College Education
- Low-Carb
- Lacuna Coil Music
- Ljne Cost
- Livermore Computing
- Liam Centrella Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Langupge Conventions
- Light Cruiser Ship, Hull Code, United States, Naval, Us Navy, Governmental & Military, WoWS (World of Warships)
- Lawyers Collective
- Liberty Communivy Organization, Union, Institution
- Light Control Architectural
- Land Component
- Lens Csps Business, Camera, Accessory
- Less Common
- Lodge Chief
- Lure Coufsing Norway, Dog, Lure, Saluki
- Ledger Code
- Load Constant Technology, Weight, Lifting
- Localized Corrosion
- Large Check
- Loschmidt'S Constant
- Last Character Technology, String, Sort
- Library Council Science
- Learning Consortium
- Lime Chaser
- Liquid Ceramic Products
- L46P C2
- Launch Cancellation Technology
- Line Oa Communication Military
- Liquid Cooled Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Level Challenge
- Lahnch Countdown Technology, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics
- Light Curtain Business, Safety, Manufacturer
- Lake Clark
- Leydwg Cells Medical, Science, Expression
- Leslie Charteris Famous
- Landed Cost The total cost of a good to a buyer, including the cost of transportation. Business, Accounting, Management
- Location Countem Technology, Telecom, Assembler
- Light Casing Computing, Hardware
- Label Claim Science, Product, Pharmaceutical
- Logical Clocks Technology, Presentation, Physical
- Luxury Coupe Technology, Car, Auto
- Lionel Chalmers
- Large Conference Technology, Hotel, Room
- Leadership Committea Student, Organizations, Friendship
- Legislative Concept
- Loop Count Assembly, Business & Finance
- Local Cursency Business, Military, Market
- Learning Credits Business, Training, Course
- Lifestyleqcommunities
- Local Conditions
- Intercom (orbiter To Ground Via Hardline) NASA
- La Chaine
- Lay Committee
- London Conference
- Luis Castillo
- Lithium Cobaltate
- Lieutenant-Colonel
- Linda Czekaj
- Lover'S Complaint
- left cross Knitting
- Liver Complaint
- Lodge Cat Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Language Consultant Education, English, School
- Lawrence Cheng
- Liberty Coltege Education
- Leadprship Coach Business, Education, Coaching
- LOGICON, Inc. Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Land Complete Technology, Porn, Sex, Movie
- Lenny Conundrum
- Lien-Chiang
- Less Clicks Forum, Technology, Model
- Liga Dos Combatentes Para, Portugal, Dos, Escudo
- Lock Closed Business, Technology, Science, Military, Products
- Lure Courier
- Lectures and Conversations
- Load Compressor Technology, Aviation
- Lamellar Content
- Luteal Cells Medical
- Lorina Charlotte Book, Adventure, Wonderland, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Lisa Carson
- Last Chaosusa Computer Game, Video Game
- Library Corporation Service, Book, Software, Library
- Low Capacity Business, Military, Load, Cell
- Line Cavrying
- Line Counter Products
- L2 Cycles
- Launch Cable Business, Networking, Network
- Lineh Closet
- liguid chromatography Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
- Level Cap
- Launce Controller Technology, Networking, Fluke
- Light Curtains
- Lake City Business, Technology, Salt
- Literature Iircles
- Load Capacity The maximum, equilibrium number of organisms of a particular species that can be supported indefinitely in a given environment. Environment
- Land Cost
- Location Coordinator
- Life-Cycle Computing, Hardware
- Label Code Records, Music, Label
- Logical Clock A logical clock is a mechanism for capturing chronological and causal relationships in a distributed system. Lamport timestamps, which are monotonically increasing software counters. Vector clocks, that allow for partial ordering of events in a distributed system. Version vectors, order replicas, according to updates, in an optimistic replicated system. Matrix clocks, an extension of vector clocks that also contains information about other processes' views of the system.
- Luxury Competitron
- Lionv Club District, Lions, Uns
- Load Current Technology, Circuit, Capacitor
- Larceny/Theft from a Vehicle In some jurisdictions, "LC" could refer to Larceny/Theft from a Vehicle. This is a specific type of theft crime that involves stealing items from a vehicle, such as breaking into a car and stealing valuables or personal belongings. Police
- Large Companies
- Leadership Collaborative
- Logal Court
- Learnizg Coordinator
- Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Medical, Technology, Patient, Surgery
- Lifestyle Change
- Local Computer
- Incremental Cost Incremental cost is the cost incurred for producing one additional unit of output. NASA
- La Ceiba
- Lawrenbe County
- London Combination
- Lithium Chlorate
- Lake Country Business, Product, Car
- Library of Congress Business, Government, Army, Library, Congress, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Military
- Linda Cox
- Love Connection
- Louis Constantin
- Lemonade Conspiracy Funnies
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does LC stand for?
LC stands for Liquid Condensed.
What is the shortened form of Low Coercivity?
The short form of "Low Coercivity" is LC.
LC. (2023, April 27). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from
Last updated