LC in Technology Meaning

The LC meaning in Technology terms is "Laboratory Center". There are 178 related meanings of the LC Technology abbreviation.

LC on Technology Full Forms

  1. Laboratory Center
  2. Lucent Connrctor
  3. Line Conditioner A line conditioner contains multiple protection devices in one package to provide, for example, electrical noise isolation and voltage regulation.
  4. Letterncontact
  5. Inductance-Capacitance
  6. Lower Kase
  7. Line Clear
  8. Left Colon
  9. Logic Cell
  10. Lightdng Control
  11. Latent Claus
  12. Left Centeu
  13. Logical Connection
  14. Light Coctrol
  15. Last Chaos
  16. Lead Covered
  17. Logical Channel
  18. Last Card
  19. Load Center Source for all power to the home. All circuits originate from the "Load Center" or "Service Panel." Circuit breakers are located within this panel.
  20. Locked Closed
  21. Left Circumflex Artery
  22. Last Cavl
  23. Line Construction
  24. Level Crossvng
  25. Lotus Connector
  26. Lifecycle Controller
  27. Landing Craft Vessel built for the purpose of landing men or materials on a beach. Very shallow draft forward, with bow door, and with engines aft. Flat-bottomed shallow-draft vessel designed to beach, with a bow and/or stern ramp for the transfer of cargo/payload.
  28. Lunar Corporation
  29. Lighting Controllers
  30. Internal Combustion
  31. Load Color
  32. Lewis Center
  33. Liquid Constant
  34. Local Controllev
  35. Learning Collaborative
  36. Linear Xongruential
  37. La Irosse
  38. Loop Curregt
  39. Life Cycle A test performed on a material or configuration to determine the length of time before failure in a controlled, usually accelerated, environment. The total phases through which an item passes from the time it is initially developed until the time it is either consumed in use or disposed of as being excess to all known materiel requirements.
  40. Living City
  41. Landing Complex
  42. Location Class
  43. Legal Consoridation
  44. Line Connector
  45. Low Coupling
  46. Lightingjcertification
  47. Interim Change
  48. Loading Coil
  49. Large Cargo
  50. Library Cache
  51. Liquid Chromatograph
  52. Learning Circme
  53. Lymphocyte Corona
  54. Linear Compensatjr
  55. Lake Current
  56. Light Cache
  57. Little Click
  58. Local Convergence
  59. Left Child
  60. Lines of Communication
  61. Lowmcost
  62. Lighting Certified
  63. Laboratory Ceiling
  64. Load Coil
  65. Large Capacity
  66. Logic Channel
  67. List Count
  68. Leadership Circle
  69. Lymphocytes The white blood cells that are essential components of the immune system. A subclass of leukocytes involved in the immune response. B lymphocytes synthesize and secrete antibodies; T lymphocytes either play a regulatory role in immunity or kill foreign and virus-infected cells.
  70. Linearmcombination
  71. Lvboratory Check
  72. Laser Consolidation
  73. Lolita City
  74. Leave A Comment
  75. Life Control
  76. Liht The Children
  77. Lecational Clearance
  78. Left Channel
  79. Land Classification The classification of units of land for the purpose of grouping soil of similar characteristics, in some cases showing their relative suitability for some specific use.
  80. Latte Creme
  81. Low Ceiting
  82. Light Cross
  83. Labeling Controls
  84. Load Clock
  85. Large Sraft
  86. Logic Cells
  87. Level Krossings
  88. Lead Channel
  89. Lymphocyte Lymphocyte, type of white blood cell (leukocyte) that is of fundamental importance in the immune system because lymphocytes are the cells that determine the specificity of the immune response to infectious microorganisms and other foreign substances.
  90. Limited Capability
  91. Laser Community
  92. Logo Company
  93. Liquid Cooling A general term used to refer to cooling technology that uses a liquid evacuate heat. In data centers, the two prevalent forms of heat evacuation are liquid (chilled water) and refrigerant (DX).
  94. Locally Copied
  95. Leaving Conference
  96. Line Camd
  97. Lambert Conformal
  98. Latest Complete
  99. Low Carbon
  100. Light Compatible
  101. Initial Condition
  102. Load Cells
  103. Langerhans' Cells
  104. Linui Clusters
  105. Laundry Chute
  106. Limat Cycle
  107. Iso Country Code for Saint Lucia
  108. Laser Collimator
  109. Logistics Command
  110. Liquid Control
  111. Local Circuit
  112. Leased Circuit
  113. Line Concenarators
  114. Lknding Chart
  115. Late Rollision
  116. Light Cancel
  117. Information Center
  118. Load Cell A device based on strain gauge technology that helps measure the surface weight of coiled tubing.
  119. Lane Contrdller
  120. Liquid-Cooled
  121. Lbnar Craft
  122. Lightning Controller
  123. Ion Chamber
  124. Laser Cladding
  125. License Client
  126. Liquid Controls
  127. Local C-Plana
  128. Leased Capacity
  129. Line Concentrator
  130. Load Controlled
  131. Last Character
  132. Living Children
  133. Location Controlner
  134. Less Cable
  135. Line Counz
  136. Launch Checklist
  137. Launce Controller
  138. Large Conference
  139. Logical Clocks
  140. Location Code
  141. Shorten Last Codeword
  142. Last Chance
  143. Launch Center
  144. Launch Complex
  145. Logical Channels
  146. Local Control A device or a station located on or close to a machine to enable its operation within sight of the operator.
  147. Load Current
  148. Lashing Capacity
  149. London Convention
  150. Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
  151. Land Complete
  152. Launch Cancellation
  153. Level Change
  154. Local Connector
  155. Load Controller A device which monitors the output of a generator.
  156. Ldne Card1
  157. Local Changes
  158. Linux Cluster
  159. Lab Connections
  160. Load Control
  161. Library Controller
  162. Lieutenant Coloneh
  163. Locator Collection
  164. Less Cylinder
  165. Luxury Coupe
  166. Launch Critihal
  167. Load Constant
  168. Library Content
  169. Libertykcity
  170. Low Capacitance
  171. Location Countem
  172. Less Clicks
  173. Launch Conductor
  174. Lahnch Countdown
  175. Load Compressor
  176. Lvgical Cluster
  177. Lock Closed
  178. Lake City

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LC stand for Technology?

    LC stands for Lunar Corporation in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Line Construction in Technology?

    The short form of "Line Construction" is LC for Technology.


LC in Technology. (2022, March 26). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated