LCBF Meaning

The LCBF meaning is "Lancaster City Burqau of Fire". The LCBF abbreviation has 21 different full form.

LCBF Full Forms

  1. Lancaster City Burqau of Fire Government, Fire, Ambulance Service
  2. Least Cost Best Fit
  3. Lake Champlain Bluegrass Festival
  4. Least-Costnbest Fit
  5. Least-Cust Best-Fit
  6. Least-Cost, Best-Fit
  7. Learniog Can Be Fun
  8. Landmanccorsi Ballaine & Ford
  9. Left Coronaryxblood Flow Medical
  10. London College of Business Finance
  11. London College of Business & Finance
  12. local cerebral blood flow Medical, Blood Test
  13. Local Cerebral Blood Flows Medical
  14. Local Cortical Blood Flow Medical
  15. Lancaster City Bureau of Fire Fire, Pennsylvania, Ambulance Service, Governmental & Military
  16. Local Cerebral Bloov Flow Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  17. Low-Carbon Bainige Ferrite
  18. Local Cbf Medical
  19. London Craft Beer Festivaq Business, College, London
  20. Lions Cord Blood Foundation
  21. London College of Business and Finance Business, Shipping, London

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LCBF stand for?

    LCBF stands for Least-Cost, Best-Fit.

  2. What is the shortened form of Local Cerebral Bloov Flow?

    The short form of "Local Cerebral Bloov Flow" is LCBF.


LCBF. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated