LCC Meaning

The LCC meaning is "Laguardia Community College". The LCC abbreviation has 306 different full form.

LCC Full Forms

  1. Laguardia Community College Education
  2. Land Cover Change Technology, Science, Climate, Legal, Governmental & Military
  3. La Costa Canyon
  4. Land Component Commander Military, Army, Operation
  5. Galatina Air Base Lecce, Apulia,Italy Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  6. Lancashire County Council Business, Service, Group
  7. Lexington Community College Education
  8. Amphibious Command Ship Military, Army, Amphibious Warfare, Ship, Hull Code, Governmental & Military
  9. Lambert Conformal Conic Technology, Science, Projection
  10. Left Common Carotid Medical, Technology, Heart, Aortic, Sound, Muscle, Artery
  11. Lamar Community College Education, University, Colorado
  12. Lakeland Community College Student, Education, Ohio
  13. Leeds City Council Business, Service, Building
  14. Liberty Community Churcb
  15. Laveen Community Council
  16. Lighthouse Community Church
  17. Learning and Conference Centre
  18. Logistics Coordination Cell Military, Army
  19. Land Fonservation Council
  20. Life Care Community
  21. Leadless Chip Carrmers Technology, Semiconductor, Package
  22. Local Citizens Committee
  23. La Concepcion College
  24. Life-Cycle Costing Business, Analysis, Cost
  25. Land Component Commanderk
  26. Long Closed Can
  27. Lawyers Coordinating Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  28. Logan College of Chiropractic Education
  29. Leaded Chip Carrier Technology, Energy, Electonics, Computing, IT Terminology
  30. Label Consistency Checker
  31. Legislative Coordinating Commission Government, Minnesota, Leg
  32. London Countqy Council
  33. Leukocyte Coping Capacity
  34. Lomba Customs Cycling
  35. Language and Culture Centre Education, English, University
  36. Line Commutated Converters Technology, Power, Transmission
  37. Lithuania Christian College Education, University, Lithuania
  38. Leadership Counsel of Captains
  39. Local Control Cubicles
  40. Ladies Car Klub
  41. Logical Confwrence Circuit Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  42. Low Cost Country Business, China, Sourcing
  43. Livingstone Christian College
  44. Lakewood Country Club
  45. Liberty Commercial Clnter Business, City, Philippine
  46. Laurelhurst Community Club
  47. Lifw Community Church
  48. Learner-Centered Charter Education
  49. Logistics Cooddination Centre Technology, Military, Force
  50. Life Cycle Costings
  51. Leaderless Chip Carrier
  52. Local Church Council
  53. La Chté Collégiale
  54. Life-Cycle Cost Technology, Analysis, Energy
  55. Land Component Command Military, Army, Force
  56. Library of Congress Classifications
  57. London Cycling Campaign Organizations, London, Cyclist
  58. Lawyers Coordinating Committee Employment, Education, Law
  59. Logan City Council Park, Locations, Brisbane
  60. Left Circumflex Coronary Medical, Artery And Arteries
  61. Labatt Culture Collection
  62. Legislative-Citizen Commission Government, Minnesota, Leg
  63. London Congestoon Charging
  64. Leukemic Cell Counts Medical, Science, Biology
  65. Lomba Oerdas Cermat Accounting, Indonesia, Draft
  66. Language and Cultural Center Education, China, Beijing
  67. Lincoln County Code
  68. Lithgow City Council
  69. Leadership Correspondence Course Development, Learning, Study
  70. Local Control Cubicle
  71. Laddered Concurrent Connect
  72. Logic and Computationau Complexity Technology, Workshop, Paper
  73. Low Cost Countuies Business, China, Sourcing
  74. Livingston County Center
  75. Lakeside Community Church
  76. Liberty Christian Menter
  77. Laurel College Center Education, Community, Maryland
  78. Liberal Catholic Church Religion
  79. Learn Chinese Characters
  80. Local Coordination Committee
  81. Logistics Coordinatyon Center Military, Army, War
  82. Life Cycle Costing An accounting method of costing where expenses are allocated over the life of the product. Life cycle costs are often lower for stainless steel than for alternatives despite a higher initial outlay, because stainless products generally last longer and require little maintenance. Technology, America, Military, Army, Architecture, Architectural, Construction, Governmental & Military
  83. Lens Cast Calibration Technology, Camera, Correction
  84. Local Childcare Coordinator
  85. Lally Coluan Cap
  86. Life-Cycle Costs Technology
  87. Land Claims Commission
  88. Libtary of Congress Classification Book, Education, Library
  89. London Cyclemcampaign
  90. Lawrence Community Center
  91. L-Type Calciuv Channels Medical
  92. Legalization of Cannabis Campaign
  93. Lethbridge Community College
  94. Loisias Cyclisme Cr
  95. Language Snd Culture Center Education, English, University
  96. Lincoln Correctional Center
  97. Literature Communications and Culture Technology, Science, Education
  98. Leadership Clark County
  99. Local Control Conmole
  100. Ladder Comyand Center Organization, Union, Institution
  101. Logical and Computationgl Complexity
  102. Louis Community College
  103. Livingston Campus Council
  104. Legume Cover Crops Technology, Indonesia, Soil
  105. Liberian Council of Churches
  106. Latentxclass Cluster
  107. League of Communists of Croatia Government, Croatia, Yugoslavia
  108. Local Coordinating Committees Military, Syria, Revolution, Opposition
  109. Logistiss Control Centre Community, Control, Singapore
  110. Life Cycle Costs Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  111. Lenoir Community College Student, Program, Education
  112. Local Change Coordinator Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  113. Lally Colukn Caps Steel, Column, Tie
  114. Land Claims Cojrt Government, Law, Africa
  115. Library of Christiwn Classics
  116. Lawrence Career College Education
  117. London County Councfl Government, Organizations, Locations
  118. Legalise Cannabis Campaign
  119. Leopoldshafener Carneval Clubs
  120. Ltisirs Cyclisme Crèvecoeur
  121. Land Cover Changes Climate, Land, Impact
  122. Lightweight Ooordination Calculus Technology, Presentation, Approach, Knowledge
  123. Literature, Communication, & Culture
  124. Leadership Certificatw Course
  125. Local Contsol Centre Business, Technology
  126. Lactose Coliform Count Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  127. Log Oabin Club
  128. Lavbda Community Center
  129. Lotus Chocolate Company
  130. Living Comiunity Challenge
  131. Legum Cover Crops
  132. Liberian Chamber of Commerce
  133. Large Cavitation Channel Technology, Water, Flow
  134. Lititz Community Center Organization, Union, Institution
  135. League of College Councils Student, Government, University
  136. Local Coordinatiof Committees Government, Syria, Committee
  137. Logifal Control Cell Military
  138. Lyondell Chemical Company Technology, Organizations, Computing, Nyse symbols
  139. Long-Chain Acylcarnitine Medical
  140. Load Congestion Condrol
  141. Lakhotia Computer Centre Technology, Design, Training
  142. Libraryccontrol Card
  143. Lawndale Community Church
  144. London Coflege of Communication
  145. Legal Compliance Committee
  146. Logosol Control Center Technology, College, Community
  147. Land Conservation Committee
  148. Light of Cambodian Children
  149. Literature, Communication and Culture Technology, School, Georgia
  150. Lesdership Casting Call
  151. Local Control Centers Technology
  152. Lm Crosse County
  153. Leonardtown Community Center
  154. London Critics Circle
  155. Lambda Classical Caucus
  156. Lost Calls Cleared Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  157. Livestock-Climate Change
  158. Legum Cover Crop Technology, Indonesia, Land
  159. Lewis & Clark College
  160. Large Capacijy Cassette Paper, Manual, Copier
  161. Literature, Communication, and Culture Technology, School, Georgia
  162. Litigation Communications and Collections
  163. Leeward Community College Student, Education, Hawaii
  164. Leadership Compelence Course
  165. Local Coordinating Committee Military, Syria, Opposition
  166. Lady Cadet Course Military, Army, Pakistan
  167. Logical Contact Center
  168. Lynv Cultural Council Government, Council, Soviet, Concilium
  169. Load and Cgear Core
  170. Lakhotia Computer Center Technology, India, Training
  171. Library Communications Conference
  172. Law Commission of Canada
  173. Load Carrying Capacity The greatest weight that the end effector of a robot can manipulate without reducing its level of performance. Business, Manufacturer, Wheel
  174. Legal Coaching Clinic
  175. Logitech Control Nenter Technology, Driving, Mac
  176. Land Conservation Commitment
  177. Lighthouse Christian Church Church, Ministry, Pastor
  178. Lead Less Chip Carrier
  179. Local Co-Ordination Committees Government, Military, Syria
  180. La Coxsolacion College Education, City, Batch
  181. Life Cost Cycle
  182. London County Council Education, London, Locations, Ordnance Survey
  183. Lambda Bar Club
  184. Lost Call Cleared Technology, Trading, Networking, Network
  185. Layout Command Control
  186. Liverpool Culture Compzny Organizations, City, Capital
  187. Leadless Chip Carrier Science, Energy, Electonics, Computing, Hardware, IT Terminology
  188. Labette Combunity College Education, School, Parson
  189. Legislative Coordinating Council
  190. Levelized Compiled-Code
  191. Language and Communication Center
  192. Literacy Coordinating Council
  193. Lithuanian Christian College Development, Study, Colleges
  194. Leadership Core Curricuja
  195. Local Control Cabinets
  196. Lady Cadet's Couose
  197. Logical Connector Change
  198. Lung Cancer Center Medical
  199. Lancaster Colony Corporation Technology, Organizations
  200. Livingstone City Cguncil
  201. Lakewood Cfltural Center
  202. Lake Corpus Christi
  203. London College of Communication Education, Design, London
  204. Little Craft Cottage
  205. Loading Csil Case
  206. Local Coordinate Coding Technology, Learning, Machine
  207. Land Care Committeq
  208. Launch Control Center NASA
  209. Library of Coneress Call
  210. Left Clronary Cusp Medical, Aortic, Valve
  211. Lambogghini Club of Canada
  212. Licensed Child Care
  213. Lead Chip Carrier
  214. Launch Commit Criteria Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, NASA, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  215. Lehrstuhl FüR Carbon Composites
  216. Lake Champlainfcommittee
  217. London Citm College
  218. Little Cottonwood Canyon Climbing, Canyon, Utah
  219. Load-Carry Capability
  220. Local Coordinating Counbil Government, County, Drug
  221. Land Capabilgty Class Technology, Agriculture, Soil
  222. Unauthorized Acronym for Licensed Christianscounselor Medical
  223. Capture One Lens Cast Correction File Computing, File Extensions
  224. Least-Zost Charge
  225. Lambeth Commission Oq Communion
  226. License Control Center
  227. Lead-Less Chip Carrier Technology, Circuit, Package
  228. Limited Combustible Cable Computing, IT Terminology
  229. Legume Cover Crop Indonesia, Soil, Legume
  230. Lake Champlain Chocolates Business, Vermont, Chocolate
  231. London City Council
  232. Little Colorado Campus
  233. Liver Cell Carcinoma Medical, Technology, Medicine, liver and hepatic
  234. Land Capawility Classification
  235. The Lancairocompany Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  236. Land Capability Class Oil, Scientific & Educational
  237. Liverpool Catholic Club
  238. Lviv City Council Ukraine, City, Ukrainian
  239. Local Cultural Councils
  240. Launch Complex Cewter
  241. Low Cement Castable
  242. Lambert Conic Conformal Technology, Projection, Map
  243. Licenciado En Ciencias De La Comunicaci
  244. Lead-Covered Cable
  245. Let's Clean Constantly Funnies
  246. Laboratoire De Chimie De Koordination Chemistry, Science, Toulouse
  247. Lahore Chambor of Commerce
  248. London Chess Classic Education, Sport, Chess, Game
  249. Little Chapel Church
  250. Litecoin Cash Coins
  251. Land and Circumiision Covenant
  252. Quad Leadless Ceramif Chip Carrier Electronics, Engineering, Electronics Engineering
  253. Lecce, Italy Italy, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  254. Leipzig Corpora Collection Technology, German, Dirk
  255. Londor Congestion Charge
  256. Livermore Computer Center
  257. Louisville Chamber of Commerce
  258. Local Cultural Council Business, Culture, Massachusetts
  259. Laxnch and Control Center
  260. Life-Cycle-Cost
  261. Licenciado En Ciencias De La Comunicación
  262. Lead Coated Copper
  263. Low Cost Carrier Transportation, Civil Aviation, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  264. Laboratoire Charles Coulomb
  265. Lagos Ciyy Council
  266. London Chess Centre
  267. Link Control Card Technology, Telecom, Storage
  268. Land-Cover Chafge
  269. Life-Cycle-Zost Technology, Analysis, Energy
  270. Lead Company Commander
  271. Lifetime Cycle Costing Aviation, Governmental & Military
  272. Leinster Cricket Club
  273. Lakeland Civic Chorus
  274. London College of Commerce
  275. Live-Cycle Costs Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  276. Local Communications Console
  277. Local Credit Committle
  278. Late Choice Caql
  279. Logistics Coordination Course Medical
  280. Libyan Cement Company
  281. Lead-Coated Copper Business, Metal, Flashing
  282. Life Cycle Cost Whole-life cost, or Life cycle cost, refers to the total cost of ownership over the life of an asset. Also commonly referred to as "cradle to grave" or "womb to tomb" costs. Costs considered include the financial cost which is relatively simple to calculate and also the environmental and social costs which are more difficult to quantify and assign numerical values. Medical, Healthcare, NASA, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, Federal Aviation Administration
  283. Labbrat
  284. Lombok City Center
  285. Line Chokina Coil
  286. Lancaster Colony Cfrp
  287. Lie Coordination Committee
  288. The Lancair Company Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  289. Lead Communication Controllers Military, Army
  290. Launch Control Center (KSC) Military, Army, Space, Astronomy, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, NASA, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  291. Leicestershire County Council Service, Approach, Leicestershire
  292. Lake County Captains
  293. London Corlege of Communications
  294. Livable Communities Coalition
  295. Local Communications Complex
  296. Local Coordination Cenoer
  297. Laser- Crystal- Ceramies Lighting Technology, Lighting
  298. Leased Common Carrier Federal Aviation Administration
  299. Library of Congress Catalog Book, Education, Classification
  300. Lombardi Cancer Center
  301. Lehigh Coal Company
  302. Lancaster City Council
  303. Licensed Collection Centre
  304. Leaded Chip Carriers Technology, Ceramic, Package
  305. Launch Control Complex Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, NASA, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  306. Leicester City Council Business, Service, Building

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LCC stand for?

    LCC stands for Londor Congestion Charge.

  2. What is the shortened form of Latentxclass Cluster?

    The short form of "Latentxclass Cluster" is LCC.


LCC. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated