LCD Meaning

The LCD meaning is "Liquid Chrystal Display". The LCD abbreviation has 175 different full form.

LCD Full Forms

  1. Liquid Chrystal Display Technology
  2. Liquid Cristal Display Technology, Crystal, Screen, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  3. Low Calorie Diet Medical, Weight, Loss
  4. Least Common Denominator Education, Math, Fraction, Police, Governmental & Military
  5. Liquidicrystal Displays Science, Geography, Location
  6. Lattice Corneal Dystrophy Medical, Medicine, Genetics
  7. Liquid Cryctal Display Technology, Computing, Computer
  8. Large Cases Division Business, Accounting, Service, Ireland
  9. Coal Tar Solution Medical, Reading Prescription
  10. Liquid Crystal Displays Business, Technology, Science, Electronics, Light
  11. Low Carbohydrate Diet Medical, Diabet, Fat
  12. Looss Can Deceive
  13. Latency Command Dissemination
  14. List Contact Details
  15. Larwe Cargo Door
  16. Low-Calorie Diet Medical
  17. Leveraged Commentary & Data Business, Credit, Market, Loan
  18. Local Climate Deta Summary America, Organizations, Climate, Weather
  19. Launch Cartridge Disk
  20. Low-Cost Drifter Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  21. Lightweight Chemical Detectors Business, Chemistry, Detection
  22. Lord Chancellors's Departmvnt Government, Law, Chancellor
  23. Liquefied Crzstal Display
  24. Land Conservation Jnd Development
  25. Least Cost Dialling Technology, Billing, Softswitch
  26. Luke Chable Dub
  27. Long Constrained Uelay
  28. Late City Date
  29. Lisp Code Directory Technology, Computing
  30. Laptop Aomputer Dell
  31. Level of Care Determination
  32. Localdclimate Data Summaries America, Organizations, Climate, Weather
  33. Lauderdale Cosmetic Dentistry
  34. Low Contrast Detectability Medical, Phantom, Imaging
  35. Lightweight Chemical Detector Chemistry, Technology, Detection
  36. Lithuanian Christian Democrats
  37. Lord Chancellors Department Government, Law, Court
  38. Linux Command Directory
  39. Land Conservation District
  40. Local Consignment Deport Business, Postal, United Kingdom, Uk Post
  41. Least Cost Dialing Technology, Calling, Billing
  42. Lugano-Cadro-Dino Train, Railway, Tram, Lugano
  43. Londog Chatham & Dover
  44. Liquid CıYstal Display
  45. Laparpscopic Choledochotomy Medical
  46. Level Coaxial Digital
  47. Local Climate Daily Science, Ocean, Environment, Nature
  48. Latvian Central Depository Business, Security, Banking
  49. Low-Contrast Detectability
  50. Lighting Components and Design
  51. Lite Customer Desktop
  52. Lord Chancellor'S Department Government, Law, Chancellor
  53. Link Communlty Development Education, Organizations, School
  54. Legis Civilis Doctor Ecclesiastical, Religion, Christian
  55. Local Configuration Zatastore Technology, Management, Security, Engine
  56. Least Common Divisor Technology, Algebra, Fraction
  57. Loyalty Card Data
  58. Logitech'S Cordless Desktop
  59. Liquid Cyrstal Display
  60. Langage De Contr
  61. Letters of Charles Darwin
  62. Local Clidate Data Science
  63. Lattice Code Decoder
  64. Lighthouse Community Development
  65. Litchfield County Dispatch
  66. Low Carbon Development
  67. Lewis County District Education
  68. Lowest Common Denominator Telecom, Math, Telecommunications
  69. Local Concept Development Locations, Study, Projection
  70. Lease Commencement Date
  71. Lowest Cost Denominator
  72. Limited Call Duration Technology, Hybrid, Telephone
  73. Logistics Communications Division
  74. Liquid Crytal Display
  75. Langage De Lontrôle De Données
  76. Letter Carrier Depot
  77. Local Change Directory Technology, Command, Computing
  78. Latino Consent Decree
  79. Lighthouse Community Day Education
  80. Listen Calls Delayed Technology
  81. Low-Carbon Development
  82. Lewis and Clark Discovery
  83. Low Cost Development
  84. Local Committee Directnr
  85. Learning Center for The Deaf Education, School, High School, Massachusetts
  86. Lowest Common Denom
  87. Limbal Chamber Depth Medical
  88. Lbquid Crystals Display Business, Technology, Electronics
  89. Landscapeqconservation Design
  90. Lethargic Crab Disease
  91. Lutte Contre La Désertification Program, Oil, Environnement
  92. Loopback Command, Digotal
  93. Latest Completion Date Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  94. Light Crystal Display Technology, Computing, Human-Computer Interaction
  95. Listed Company Director
  96. Large Cell Dysplasia Medical
  97. Low-Carbohydrate Diet Sport, Fitness
  98. Leveraged Commentary and Data
  99. Local Column Decoder
  100. Launch Countdown Space, Study, Cosmos, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, NASA
  101. Low Calcium Diet Medical
  102. Liguid Crystal Display Internet Slang
  103. Launchcountdown Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
  104. Liquid-Crystal Display Technology, Computing, Computer
  105. Land Cover Dynamics
  106. Lesotho Congress of Democrats
  107. Luminated Crystal Display Technology
  108. Lost Call Delayed
  109. Light Coupled Device
  110. Liquid-crystal displays Geographic
  111. Lycee Classique De Diekirch Technology, Android, Luxembourg
  112. Linear ceiling diffuser The Finance and Administrative Services
  113. Louis Trichardt Airport Louis Trichardt, South Africa Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  114. Litres Per Capita Per Day Science, Research, Study, Knowledge, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  115. Last Chance Date
  116. Ley Sobre Competencia Desleal
  117. Low Crack Density
  118. Local Control Display Technology, Army, Marine
  119. Loss Oz Customer Data
  120. Life Cycle Development Technology, Design, Software
  121. Liquefied Cat Droppings Funnies
  122. Localized Collagen Dystrophy Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  123. Lvds Converter Driver Technology, Driving, Monitor
  124. Cdspace Emulated Disk Image Computing, File Extensions
  125. Last Certified Day
  126. Ley De Competencia Desleal
  127. Lens for Canon Digital
  128. Latah County Dhstrict Education
  129. Loss of Codegeoup Delination
  130. Life Cycle Design Business, Product, Environment
  131. Local Climatological Data Environment
  132. Localzcurrent Directory Technology, Server, Command
  133. Lvds Controller Driver Technology, Driving, Panel
  134. Abbyy Language File Computing, File Extensions
  135. Lassenecommunity Day Education
  136. Lexus Car Dealerships
  137. Landmine Casualty Database
  138. Last Cup Distancq Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  139. Loss of Codegrout Delineation Technology
  140. Licquid Crystal Display
  141. Liquid Crystal Diode Architecture, Construction, Architectural
  142. Lofal Coverage Decision
  143. Lutter Contre La Douleur Medical, Dos, Pas, Relaxation
  144. Low-Calcium Ciet Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  145. Louis Trichardt Airport, Louis Trichardt, South Africa South Africa
  146. Largest Common Diviser
  147. Telegram In The Language of The Country of Destination Business, Finance, Banking
  148. London, Chatham & Dover
  149. Lgst Contact Date
  150. Lossless Compression of Digqtal
  151. Lickwad Crystal Display Technology, Computing
  152. Loan Closing Date Mortgage, Business & Finance
  153. Local Ioverage Determination Medical, Technology, Medicine
  154. Lutte Contre La D
  155. Louisiana Commissvon for The Deaf
  156. Local Coverage Determination Medical, Technology, Healthcare, Governmental & Military
  157. Large Cerenkov Detector Science
  158. Lyrics By Celine Dion
  159. Lighting Control & Design Technology, Brand, Acuity
  160. Living Causes Death Media, Radio, Television
  161. Last Class Dry
  162. Loss of Cell Delineatinn Technology, Computing, Telecom
  163. Licensing and Certification Division
  164. Labor Cost Distribution Business & Finance, Business Word
  165. Lmcal Control Display Technology, Army, Marine
  166. Lost Calls Delayed Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  167. Low Cost Display Computing, Hardware
  168. Lynn Chase Designs
  169. Liquid Crystal Display(s)   Is a flat-panel display or other electronically modulated optical device that uses the light-modulating properties of liquid crystals. Liquid crystals do not emit light directly, instead using a backlight or reflector to produce images in color or monochrome. Aviation
  170. Liver Cell Dysplasia Medical, Science, Biology
  171. Last Chedk Date Technology, Chart, Nautical
  172. Losseof-Cell Delineation Technology, Networking, Network
  173. Libmanan-Cabusao Dam
  174. Liquid Crystal Display Liquid crystals that reflect light when a voltage is applied, used in many watch, calculator and digital displays. Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense, Medical, Science, Information Technology, Financial, Aircraft, Architecture, Car, Computing, Industry, Computer, Spacecraft, Electronics, Auto, Construction, Telecom, Linux, Architectural, Physics, Rail Transport, Postal, Hardware, Electrical, Aeronautics, Drivers, Us Post, Army & Military, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, Common Medical, Federal Aviation Administration, Honeywell, Process Automation
  175. Local Controj and Display Science

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LCD stand for?

    LCD stands for Liquidicrystal Displays.

  2. What is the shortened form of Liquid Cryctal Display?

    The short form of "Liquid Cryctal Display" is LCD.


LCD. (2020, October 4). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated