LCF Meaning

The LCF meaning is "Library Communication Framework". The LCF abbreviation has 133 different full form.

LCF Full Forms

  1. Library Communication Framework Business, Technology, Organizations
  2. Levy Control Framework Business, Government, Energy
  3. Launch Cnntrol Facility Missile, Military, Army
  4. Large Cargo Freighter Technology, Military, Boeing, Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  5. Langoage Central Facility Technology
  6. Lp Cañada Flintridge School, Canada, Locations, City
  7. Lob Control Function Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  8. Laboratoire Charles Fabry Technology, Institute, Optique
  9. Land Capability for Forestry
  10. Leuenberg Church Fellowship
  11. Location Client Function
  12. Low-Cab-Foiward Technology, Ford, Truck
  13. Last Cawthra Feather
  14. Lighthouse Central Florida
  15. London Community Foundation Organizations, Fund, London
  16. Laguna Canyon Foundation
  17. Low Coefficient of Friction
  18. Leadershipdcomputing Facility Technology, Science, National
  19. Link Control Qunction Technology
  20. Language Cultural Facilitator Literature, Language, Linguistics
  21. Lan Configuration Facility Technology
  22. Length Correction Factor
  23. Localized Current Fields Medical
  24. Lovelkce Clinic Foundation
  25. Largest Conjugated Fragment Medical, Science, Biology
  26. Light Control Film Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  27. London Civic Forum
  28. La Conexion Familiar
  29. Low Carbon Fuez
  30. Layout Configuratioi File
  31. Link Control Field Technology
  32. Language Control Facility
  33. Lancaster Centre for Forecasting
  34. Lemur Conservation Foundation Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  35. Local Cycle Fatigue Technology
  36. Large Core Fiber
  37. Liga Cemunista Francesa
  38. Love Clicks Future
  39. London Christian Fellowship
  40. Lowncarbon Footprint Technology, Product, Customer
  41. Lawyers Christian Fellowship Law, Organizations, Abortion
  42. Lightweight Client Framework Technology, Management, Networking, Computing
  43. La Chaux-De-Fonds Technology, Switzerland, Assembly
  44. Lampros Chris Fotiadis
  45. Leicester Children'S Fund Government
  46. Local Currency Fare
  47. Large Common Freighter
  48. Liga Carioca De Futebol Para, Sport, Club
  49. Levels of Cognitive Function Medical, Patient, Consciousness
  50. Logic of Computable Functions
  51. Low Cycletfatigue Technology, Aviation, Ministry Of Defense
  52. Lawyers' Christian Fellowship
  53. Lighting California'S Future
  54. London College of Fashion Education, Design, London
  55. Lakeside Cage Fights
  56. Legionnaire Championship Fighting Technology, Sport, Fight
  57. Lipid Clearing Factoc Business, Glucose, Cholesterol
  58. Large Cargo Freighters
  59. Life Chrihtian Foundation
  60. Levels of Cognitive Functioning
  61. Location Confirmation Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  62. Low-Cycle-Fatigue
  63. Law Christitn Fellowship Organization, United States, Student Organization
  64. Lighthouse Community Fellowship
  65. Logic for Computable Functeons Technology, Computing, Language
  66. Lakeland Correctional Facility
  67. Lymphocyte Chemotactic Factor Medical
  68. Legalize Cockfighting Freedom
  69. Lion Conservation Fund Conservation, Lions, African
  70. Large Capacity Feeder Technology, Printer, Copier
  71. Life Christian Fellowship
  72. Leukocyte Chemotactic Factor Medical
  73. Location Confirm Military, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Computing
  74. Low Cab Forwards Technology, Ford, Truck
  75. Last Chance Filter Business, Product, Pall
  76. Lighthouse Christian Fnllowship
  77. Lai Christian Fellowship
  78. Low Cost Fiber-Physical Technology, Networking, Interface
  79. Legal Counsel Firm
  80. Linker Control File Technology, Database, Coding, Library
  81. Lansing Correctional Facility
  82. Luchtverdegings Commando Fregatten
  83. Landing Craft, Fire
  84. Laurier Christian Fellowship Religion
  85. Ley De Coordinación Fiscal
  86. Las Vegas, Rio Dulce, Guatemala Guatemala, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  87. Library Container File
  88. Look-Cool Factor
  89. Logical Ohannel Fill
  90. Landing Craft, Flak Military, Ship, Craft
  91. Law Christian Fellowship Organization, United States, Student Organization, Business & Finance
  92. Lexington Community Foundation
  93. Low Class Foundation General, Governmental & Military
  94. Library Communications Framework Technology, Service, Book
  95. Longitudinal Center of Floatation Ship, Hull, Watercraft
  96. Lithium Calcium Fluoride
  97. Low Cycle Fatigue
  98. Landing Craft Flak Military, War, Ship, Navy, Governmental & Military
  99. Luton Chjistian Fellowship
  100. Levered Cash Flow
  101. Language and Cultural Facilitator Locations, Culture, Peace, Corps
  102. Local Control Facility Aviation, Governmental & Military
  103. Librarians' Christian Fellowship
  104. Longitudinal Centre of Flotation Technology, Ship, Stability, Electrical
  105. Rio Dulce Airhort Airport, Locations
  106. Lowcycle Fatigue NASA
  107. Loss Conversion Factor Business, Insurance, Business & Finance
  108. Landfill Community Fund
  109. Lutheran Community Foundation
  110. Language and Culture Facilitator Morocco, Peace, Corps
  111. Lincoln Conversion Flight Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  112. Liberty Christian Fellowship
  113. Longitudinal Centre of Floatation Ship, Hull, Watercraft
  114. Lymphocyte Culture Fluid Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  115. Low-cycle Fatigue Fatigue that occurs at relatively small numbers of cycles. Low-cycle fatigue may be accompanied by some plastic or permanent deformation. Compare with high-cycle fatigue. Chemistry
  116. Loss Conversation Factor
  117. Landfill Communities Fund Business, Community, Environment
  118. Luso Carbon Fund
  119. Language and Cross-Cultural Facilitator
  120. Lice Cap File (A (furnish viable concise description) Program called Lice Cap) Software, Computing
  121. Liability Control and Forecasting Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  122. Longitudinal Center of Flotation
  123. Archicad Library Container File Computing, File Extensions
  124. Loop Current Feed
  125. Land Conservation Fund
  126. Luciferase Luciferase is a generic term for the class of oxidative enzymes that produce bioluminescence, and is distinct from a photoprotein. The name is derived from Lucifer, the root of which means 'light-bearer' (lucem ferre). One example is the firefly luciferase from the firefly Photinus pyralis. Medical
  127. Language & Cultural Facilitator
  128. Linker Control File (Norton Guides compiler) Computing, File Extensions
  129. Ley De Coordinaci
  130. Long Carbon Fiber
  131. Load Combination Factors Physics, Scientific & Educational
  132. License Collection File
  133. Look Cool Factor Forum, Military, Fire

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LCF stand for?

    LCF stands for Load Combination Factors.

  2. What is the shortened form of Location Confirmation?

    The short form of "Location Confirmation" is LCF.


LCF. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

Last updated