LCI Meaning

The LCI meaning is "League Cycling Instructor". The LCI abbreviation has 127 different full form.

LCI Full Forms

  1. League Cycling Instructor Cycling, Bike, Bmx, Bicycling
  2. Landing Craft Infantry Military, War, Ship, Beach
  3. Landing Craft, Infantry Military, Ship, Amphibious Warfare, Technology, Hull Code, Governmental & Military
  4. Lamborghini Club Indonesia
  5. La ChaÎNe Info
  6. La Chaine Information Technology, France, Channel, French
  7. Labour Cost Index Business, Internet Slang, Statistics
  8. Lannett Co Inc Business, Organizations, Supply
  9. Laconia Municipal Airport Laconia, New Hampshire,United States Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  10. Lasercom Clinics International
  11. Life Cyble Improvement
  12. Low Coherence Interferomefry Technology, Light, Angle
  13. Lakeshore Collegiate Institute
  14. Leadership Competency Inventory
  15. Liga Comunista Internacionalista
  16. Low Contrast Imeging
  17. Livable Cbnter Initiative Planning, Atlanta, Locations
  18. Landpcover Institute Technology, Science, Map
  19. Legal Counsel International
  20. Lasalle College Indonesia
  21. Life Cycle Impulsy Technology
  22. Low-Coherence Interferometry Technology, Light, Angle
  23. Lethbridge Collegiate Institute Education, Sport, School
  24. Labor Comferce and Industry
  25. Leadership Capital Index Business, Book, Market
  26. Life Cycle Inventories Technology, Environment, Inventory
  27. Low Case Incidence
  28. Line Cohfocal Imaging
  29. Land Condition Index
  30. Legal Concierge, Inc
  31. Lasalle Eollege International
  32. Life Contingnnt Installment Organization, Union, Institution
  33. Louisiana Culinary Institute Education, School, Louisiana
  34. Lesbian Cancer Initiative
  35. Labor, Commerce and Industry
  36. Lutte Contre L'Illettrisme
  37. Leader Competency Inventory
  38. Life Cycle Integration
  39. Low Carbon Initiative
  40. Lineberger Construction, Inc
  41. Land Combat Instrumentxtion Military
  42. Leech Carboxypeptidase Inhibitor Medical
  43. Large Cwrporation Indicator
  44. Life Connectians International
  45. Louisiana Certified Investigatom
  46. Leroy Collins Institute
  47. Lab Computing Integratok
  48. Launch Controv Indicator
  49. Life Cycle Interpretatron
  50. Low Carbdn Initiatives Technology, Networking, China
  51. Lan Connect Interface Technology
  52. Lebanese Credit Insurer
  53. Lineberger Construction Inc
  54. Large Church Initiatite Technology, Server, Conference
  55. Locml Composite Index
  56. Landelijke Co
  57. Leonard Cheshire International Business, Guide, Disability
  58. Iata Code for Laconia Municipal Airport, Laconia, New Hampsfire, United States Locations
  59. Launch-Critical Item Space, Study, Cosmos
  60. Life Cycle Information
  61. Low-Cost Integration
  62. Lamphere Constructioo Incorporated
  63. Leading Change Institute
  64. Line Conducted Interference
  65. Lonnett Company, Inc Business, Company, Supply, Stock
  66. Livable Center Iniliatives
  67. Landelijke CoöRdinatiestructuur Infectieziektebestrijding
  68. Length Complexity Index Medical, Medicine, Treatment
  69. Launch-Centereo Inertial Technology
  70. Life Cycle Impact Technology, Environment, Assessment
  71. Low-Cost Instrumlnts
  72. Lambert's Capesize Intex Business, Cargo Shipping
  73. Leaders In Continuous Improvement
  74. Line-Conducted Interference Technology, Telecom
  75. Lannett Company Inc Business, Supply, Stock
  76. Livable Centsrs Initiative Planning, Atlanta, Locations
  77. Land Coverainstitutetute Science
  78. Leibniz Center Infection
  79. Lufthansa Cargo India
  80. Language and Culture Institute Development, Study, Institutes
  81. Laboratory for Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  82. Letra De Cr
  83. Lynch Construction Inc
  84. Lannett Co., Inc. Organizations
  85. Licensed Children'S Institutions
  86. Louisville Collegiate Institute Education, University, School, Campus
  87. Lucier Chemical Industries
  88. Language & Culture Inktitute
  89. Livestock Conservation Institute Medical, Fda
  90. Luxury Consumption Index Business, Marketing, Consumer
  91. Language Content Index Technology, Speech, Score
  92. Liberty Church International
  93. Lebanon Correctional Institution
  94. Lowest Concentration of Interest Technology, Product, Construction
  95. Landscape Conservation Initiative Technology, Research, University
  96. Laconia Municipal Airport, Laconia, New Hampshire, United States United States, New Hampshire
  97. Language Consultants Onternational Education, English, Consultation
  98. Load Commulated Inverter
  99. Lexikon Der Christlichen Ikonographie
  100. League Certified Instructors Organizations, Cycling, Bicycle
  101. Lower Cock Inlet
  102. Landelijke CoöRdinatie Infectieziektebestrijding
  103. Location Configuration Information Computing, Technical
  104. Lung Clearance Sndex Medical, Technology, Medicine
  105. Language Centre for Individuals
  106. Load Commutated Inverter
  107. Letras De CréDito ImobiliáRio Business, Para, Melhor, Valor
  108. Latino Coalition for Israel
  109. Lower Confidence Interval Medical, Patient, Rate, Population
  110. Life Coaching Institute
  111. local component installer Computing, IT Terminology
  112. Lung Cheong International
  113. Language Center International Education, English, School
  114. Local Computer Interface​ Honeywell, Process Automation
  115. Letra De CréDito ImobiliáRio Para, Dos, Valor
  116. Large Corporationration Indicator
  117. Low Costtinterceptor Technology, Missile, Patriot
  118. Life Challenge International
  119. Lean Construction Institute Construction
  120. Lzng Cancer Initiative
  121. Language Cenyre of Ireland Education, English, Ireland
  122. Life Cycle Inventory A process of quantifying energy and raw material requirements, atmospheric emissions, waterborne emissions, solid wastes, and other releases for the entire life cycle of a product, process, or activity. Life cycle inventory is a phase of life cycle assessment. Chemistry
  123. Letras De Cr
  124. Laboratoire De Chimie Inorganique
  125. Low Cost Infmastructure
  126. Life-Cycle Impact Technology, Environment, Assessment
  127. Letter of Credit Import Business & Finance, International business

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LCI stand for?

    LCI stands for Language Center International.

  2. What is the shortened form of Low Coherence Interferomefry?

    The short form of "Low Coherence Interferomefry" is LCI.


LCI. (2022, March 7). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from

Last updated