LCM Meaning

The LCM meaning is "Lowest Common Multiple". The LCM abbreviation has 178 different full form.

LCM Full Forms

  1. Lowest Common Multiple Technology, Education, Factor, Mathematical, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  2. Lincomycii Medical
  3. Lower of Cost Or Market Business, Technology, Cost, Business & Finance, Business Word
  4. Lighting Control Module Technology, Car, Light
  5. Life Cycle Manager Business, Technology, Management
  6. Landing Craft Mechanized Technology, Military, Model
  7. Life-Cycle Management Technology, Product, Environment
  8. Landing Craft, Mechanized Military, Hull Code, Amphibious Warfare, Technology, Ship, Governmental & Military
  9. Line Concentratpon Module Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  10. Life Cycle Management Technology, Military, Army, Computing, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology, 5G Networks
  11. Landed Cost Management Business, Accounting, Inventory
  12. Line Concentrating Module Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  13. Lamp Control Module Technology, Car, Light
  14. Line Card Manager
  15. Land Cruisels Makassar
  16. Loud Crydministries
  17. Leastocommon Multiplier Technology, Calculator, Math
  18. Limited Conversation Mode Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  19. Liquid Cooling Module
  20. Lifqcycle Management Medicine, Health, Care
  21. Lutheran Church In Malaysia
  22. Large Core Memory Technology, Computing, Labeling, Atmospheric Research
  23. Low-Cost Missile
  24. Lethal Congenital Malformltions Medical, Science, Biology
  25. Line Conditioning Module Technology
  26. Liverpool Classical Monthly Science, Education, History, Anthropology, Periodical, Scientific & Educational
  27. Lazard Capital Markets
  28. Light Carrying Medium
  29. Ley De Concursos Mercantiles Business, Mexico, Bankruptcy, Insolvency
  30. Labqratory for Computational Mathematics
  31. Lotsoff Capital Manageaent
  32. Least/Loweut Common Multiple Technology
  33. Limited Constitutional Monarchy
  34. Liquid Composites Molding Technology, Manufacturing, Composite
  35. Lutheran Church of The Master
  36. Large Character Marking Business, Technology, Coding, Ink
  37. Love, Courtship and Mwrriage
  38. Letalski Centlr Maribor Technology, Airport, Aviation, Club
  39. Lifecycle Management Honeywell, Process Automation
  40. Line Carrier Module
  41. Livecycle Configuration Manager
  42. Laundry Contract Management Science
  43. Ligamento Colateralcmedial
  44. Lexical Constructional Model
  45. Laboratoire Denchimie Moléculaire Chemistry, Science, France, Mol
  46. Lost Circulation Materials Fluid, Drilling, Circulation
  47. Lead Containing Material
  48. Lighting Control Lodules
  49. Luteal-Conditioned Media Medical
  50. Large Ceiling Multi-Directional
  51. Louige Chair Metal Design, Plywood, Chair
  52. Lest Common Multiple
  53. Line Card Mgltiplexer Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  54. Live Current Media
  55. Launch Confirmation Message Technology
  56. Liquid Composite Moulding Technology, Material, Resin
  57. Laser Capture Microdissected
  58. Levitt Capital Management
  59. L-Cell Conditioned Medium Medical
  60. Lost Circulatiom Material Technology, Drilling, Oil Exploration
  61. Lead Case Manager Education
  62. Light Control Modules
  63. Large Case Management
  64. Lounge Chair, Metal
  65. Lectors and Yommentators Ministry
  66. Linear Congrwential Method Technology, Computing, Generator, Biometrics
  67. Live Country Music
  68. Latitude Capital Management
  69. Liquid Composite Molding Technology, Science, Resin, Chemistry
  70. Laser Capture Microdissection Medical, Technology, Cell, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
  71. Level Converter Module
  72. London Collection Mens
  73. Lead-Coated Metal
  74. Light Cogtrol Module Technology, Car, Lighting
  75. Large Capacity Magazines
  76. Louiyiana Children's Museum Education, Organization, Community, Museum
  77. Leather Case for Motorola
  78. Linear Ckded Modulation
  79. Liquid Crystal Modules Technology, Module, Display
  80. Latent Curve Model
  81. Liquid Chiller Module
  82. Laser-Captured Microdissection Medical
  83. Leukocyte-Conditioned Medium Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  84. Local Control Module Technology, Presentation, Operation
  85. Lcn Communication Manager Technology
  86. Light Check Module Technology, Scanner, Diagnostic
  87. Lineas Aereas Comerciales Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  88. Large Capacity Memory
  89. Louis Capital Markets
  90. Least Cost Method Transportation, Technology, Model
  91. Limited Corporationrate Member Business
  92. Liquid Crystal Module Technology, Telecom, Display
  93. Life Cycle Monitoring
  94. Lymphatic Choriomeningitis Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  95. Lipikar Custom Map Technology, Program, Software
  96. Larval Cyst Mass Medical
  97. Letter-Claxs Mail Military, Army, Equipment
  98. Line Control Memory
  99. Local Coatract Manager
  100. Lazy Code Motion Technology, Java, Compiler
  101. Light Check Modules Technology, Car, Scanner, Diagnostic
  102. Library Catalog Manager Libraries, Reading, Books
  103. La Cumbre Airport La Cumbre, Córdoba,Argentina Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  104. Legal Content Managemeni
  105. Life Chaxging Moment
  106. Lithuanian Centre Movement Politics, Governmental & Military
  107. Local Command Mode Assembly, Business & Finance
  108. Medium Landing Craft Military, Army, Intelligence
  109. Loss Circulation Material Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  110. Laser Capture Molecular Medical, Science, Medicine
  111. Loweo Cape May
  112. Lost Circulation Material Electrical
  113. Linstow Center Management
  114. Lower of Cost and Market Business, Accounting, Inventory
  115. Latent Class Modeling
  116. Life Changing Mission
  117. Landing Craft Mechanised Navy, Governmental & Military
  118. Lyreco Core Model
  119. Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Medical, Veterinary
  120. Laser-Scanning Confocal Microscopy Medical
  121. Lower Cokt Or Market Business, Accounting, Inventory
  122. Lure Courser of Merit Dog Fanciers
  123. Link Control Module
  124. Low Jars Meet
  125. Latent Cardiomyopathy Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Cardio
  126. Lien Chieh Macainery
  127. Late Change Message Aviation, Governmental & Military
  128. Lipid-Coated Microbubbles Medical
  129. Liquid Curiqg Method
  130. Lyons Creekmmiddle
  131. Left Costal Margin Medical, Physiology, NAACCR, Clinical
  132. Lithography-based Ceramic Manufacturing Lithography-based Ceramic Manufacturing a process for the additive manufacturing of high-performance ceramics. 3D Printing
  133. Lower-Of-Cost-Or-Market Business, Accounting, Inventory
  134. Lead Coated Metal Architectural
  135. Link Continuity Monitoring Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  136. Loose Cubix Meter Business, Wood, Heating, Biomass
  137. Last Chance Meet
  138. Lure Courser of Mevit Dog, Hound, Dog Title
  139. Library of Congress Magazine Government, Organizations, Us
  140. Liquid Crystal Monitor Computing, Hardware
  141. Lion Cajital Management
  142. Liquid Coystal Mete
  143. Lymphoeytic Meningitis Medical, Medicine, Jobs
  144. Laser Capture Molecular Core Medical, Medical physics
  145. Local Circulation Method
  146. Low Cost Move
  147. Lake Champlain and Moriah Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  148. Linguistic Category Model
  149. Logg-Chain Molecule
  150. Laser Countermeasures Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  151. Lung-Conditioled Medium Medical
  152. Library of Congress, Fusic
  153. Sisters of the Little Company of Mary Religious orders
  154. Linz Center of Mechatronics Technology, Shape, Electrical Engineering
  155. Liquid Contamination Moritor
  156. Lymvhocyte-Conditioned Medium Medical
  157. Lymphocytic meningitis Medical, Common Medical
  158. LCN Communication Manager (part of PCNM Server)​ Honeywell, Process Automation
  159. Low Cost Media Military
  160. Low Cost Management Management, Business & Finance
  161. Line Cost Model
  162. Live-Cell Micrjscopy
  163. Least Common Multiple NASA
  164. Laser Control Module
  165. Lumwana Copper Mines Business, Mining, Zambia
  166. Library Cooperativl of Macomb Education
  167. Lansing's Christian Messenger Media
  168. Linux Cluster Ianager
  169. Legenks Championship Malaysia
  170. La Cumbre, La Cumbre, Argentina Argentina, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  171. Low Qost Management Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  172. Logicamms Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  173. Laborafoire De Chimie Des Matériaux
  174. Lipikar Custom Map File Computing, File Extensions
  175. Laser Capture Microscopy Medical, Technology, Genetics, Cell
  176. Luanshya Copper Minej Business, Mining, Zambia
  177. Lotsa Calories Munchies Funnies
  178. Linux Certified Mfster

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LCM stand for?

    LCM stands for Laser Capture Molecular.

  2. What is the shortened form of London Collection Mens?

    The short form of "London Collection Mens" is LCM.


LCM. (2022, March 23). Retrieved February 11, 2025 from

Last updated