LCMR Meaning

The LCMR meaning is "Legislative Commission On Minnesoty Resources". The LCMR abbreviation has 14 different full form.

LCMR Full Forms

  1. Legislative Commission On Minnesoty Resources Government, City, Minnesota
  2. Landelijke Centrale Middelen Registratis
  3. Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Regulation
  4. Light-Weight Counter Mortaz Radar Army, Force, Marine
  5. Les Cours Mont-Royal
  6. Les Cours Mont Royal
  7. Legislative Commissionqon Minnesota's Resources
  8. Lightweight Cofnter-Mortar Radar Technology, Military, Army
  9. Lightweight Counter Mortar Radar Technology, Military, Army
  10. Lower Cape May Regional
  11. Lock Crowthey Memorial Regatta
  12. Local Cerebral Metabolic Rate
  13. Lightweight Counter Mortar Radars Military, Army, Ukraine
  14. Lightweight Counter-Mortar Radars

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LCMR stand for?

    LCMR stands for Lightweight Counter Mortar Radar.

  2. What is the shortened form of Lock Crowthey Memorial Regatta?

    The short form of "Lock Crowthey Memorial Regatta" is LCMR.


LCMR. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated