LCOS Meaning

The LCOS meaning is "Liquid-Crystal-On-Silicon". The LCOS abbreviation has 24 different full form.

LCOS Full Forms

  1. Liquid-Crystal-On-Silicon Business, Military, Projector
  2. Lead Computing Optical Sight Military, Targeting, Fighter
  3. Liquid Crystal On Silicon Technology, Computing, Computer
  4. Liquid Crystal Over Silicon Technology
  5. Liquid-Crystal On Silicon Business, Display, Projector
  6. Lipo-Chitooligosaccharides Medical
  7. Lawn Care Operators Business, Lawn, Turf
  8. Liquid Crystal On Silicium Technology
  9. Lake Charles Office Supply
  10. Liquid Crystal On Silicon Projection Medical, Technology
  11. Lead Computed Optical Sight Military, Aircraft, Radar
  12. Lycos, Inc. Organizations
  13. Liquid Crystals On Silicon
  14. Local Connection Options
  15. Low Cardiac Output Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Healthcare, Cardio
  16. Liquid Crystal On Silicone Business, Technology, Display, Projector, Information Technology, Computing, Computer, IT Terminology
  17. Lac Courte Oreilles Education, Community, Wisconsin
  18. London Conference On Overseas Students
  19. Local Census Offices
  20. Local Cable Operators Business, India, Television
  21. Life Cycle of Sun
  22. Lutheran Church of Our Saviour Community, Curch, Religion
  23. Lutheran Church of Our Savior Curch, Worship, Saviour
  24. Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LCOS stand for?

    LCOS stands for Local Census Offices.

  2. What is the shortened form of Low Cardiac Output Syndrome?

    The short form of "Low Cardiac Output Syndrome" is LCOS.


LCOS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated