LCR Meaning
The LCR meaning is "Least-Cost Routing". The LCR abbreviation has 168 different full form.
LCR Full Forms
- Least-Cost Routing Technology, Military, Calling
- Lake County Railroad Organizations, Railroad, Railway, Technology, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Log Count Rate Technology
- Lightweight Compact Revolver Gun, Lightweight, Revolver
- Left Center Right Business, Gaming, Speaker, Dice
- Least Cost Route Technology, Service, Calling
- Left-Center-Right Gaming, Speaker, Dice
- Least Cost Router Technology, Calling, Software
- Least Cost Routing Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, Computer, IT Terminology
- Launch Control Room Technology
- Lamb Chop Rides
- Large Caliber Rockets Military
- Light, Compact Revolver
- Low Compression Ratio
- Leukemia Cup Regatta
- Living Coastal Resouroes Technology, Organizations, Association
- Local Contribution Rate
- Largo Central Railroad
- Lutheran Church of The Resurrection Gaming, Worship, Resurrection
- Light Commercial Recumbent Technology, Fitness, Sole
- La Croix-De-Rozon
- Logic On Condition Register Technology
- Left, Centre and Right
- Link Connection Resize
- Laparoscopic Colon Resection Medical
- Ligation Chain Reaction Medical, Patent, Acid, Nucleic
- Landing Craft, Rocket
- Low Complexity Region Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
- Lettres De Change Relev
- Liverpool City Rcgion Business, Energy, Authority
- Local Continous Replication
- Large Current Radiator
- Lufbra Cheese Reunion Organization, Union, Institution
- Light Chain Ratio Medical
- Low Cost Region Business, Company, Manufacturing
- La Costa Resort
- Logical Change Record Technology, Database, Streaming, Replication
- Lead and Copper Rule Technology, Science, Water
- Link Connection Refusal Technology
- Laoag City Radio
- Lander Contact Request Technology
- Low Chip Rate Technology, Division, Access, Computing, Wireless Networking
- Lettre De Change Releve France, Mat, Dit
- Live Crowncratio
- Local Content Requirement Business, Trading, India
- Large Conference Room Technology
- Lucio Cecchinello Racing
- Light Cavalry Regiment
- Load Collnctor Ratio
- Low Cost Regions
- Lacking The Locus Control Region Science, Biology
- Local Control Rate Medical
- Lead Copper Rule Water, Lead, Drinking
- Link Cell Eate
- Langue Et Culture RéGionales
- Landelijk Coordinatiecentrum Reizigersadvisering Travel, Locations, Malaria
- Low Calcium Response Medical, Medicine, Treatment
- Leicestershire County and Rutland
- Little Colorado River Locations, Colorado, Canyon
- Local Code Representative
- Large Component Removal
- Lowest Current Rate Business, Shipping, Cargo Shipping, Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Light Carry Revolver
- Lliga Comunista Revolucion
- Low Contrast Resolution Low contrast resolution is the ability of an imaging system to distinguish small features from nearby differences in intensity in an image. The measure is used in medical imaging to quantify the quality of acquired images. It is a difficult quantity to define, because it depends on the human observer as much as the quality of the actual image.
- Locus Control Regions Medical, Science, Genetics
- La Chorrera Airport Airport, Locations
- Local Control Racks Science
- Lead & Copper Rule Water, Lead, Drinking
- Line Control Reg Technology, Device, Serial
- Land Condition Record Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Loh Critical Regions Medical, Science, Biology
- Leica Camera Russia
- Liste Mes Certificats R
- Local Clock Reference Technology
- Large Cell Ratio Medical, Platelet, Blood
- Lowest Cost Routing Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Light Capacity Rodless
- Lliga Comunista RevolucionàRia
- Low Consistency Refining Technology, Packaging, Forest Industry
- Level Crossing Rate Technology, Channel, Telecom
- Lower Colorado Region Design, Drawing, Construction
- Low Copy Repeat Medical, Science, Genetics
- Local Control Rooms Technology, Service, Power, Projection
- Leachate Collection and Removal
- Lightweight Compact Revolvers
- Land Compensation Reports Law, Canada, Law Report
- Loi Cluster Region Medical, Science, Biology
- Legion Charity Representative
- Link Credit Reset Technology
- Large Caliber Rocket
- Light Compact Revolver Gun, Military, Hosting
- Low Concentrated Retentate Chemistry, Science, Substance, Scientific & Educational
- Level-Crossing Rate
- Living Coastal Resou Rces Organizations, Community, Economics, Asean
- London and Continental Railways Business, Technology, London, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Local Control Room Technology, Service, Oil, Gas
- Layer Cooling Rate
- Lightweight Carry Revolver Gun, Military, Pistol
- Lance Canon Remorquable
- Logistic Change Report
- Legal Commentary - Regulations Medicine, Health, Care
- Link Control Register
- Local Civil Registrar Government, Passport, Philippine, Requirement
- Lower Columbia River
- Landing Craft, Rockets Military, Ship, Craft
- Load-Compensating Relay
- Load Conscious Reducing Technology
- Language & Communication Requirements
- Low Cost Retail
- Libraries and Cultural Resources Education, University, Calgary
- La Chorrera Airport, La Chorrera, Colombia Colombia
- Log Cabin Republicans Politics, Governmental & Military
- Laser Crystallization
- Local Churlh Representative
- Lower Colorado River Colorado, Water, Conservation, River
- Lithium-Cooled Reactor
- Load Comilement Register
- Language & Communication Requirement
- Libertad De Conciencia Y Religi
- Local Continuous Replication Computing, IT Terminology
- Local Content Requirements Business, India, Energy
- LíQuido CéFalo-RaquíDeo
- Local Capacity Requirenent Energy, Power, Intensity
- Lower Canada Reports Law, Canada, Law Report
- Liga Comunista Revolucionaria Para, Pol, Jos
- Light Cold Rolling
- Langage De Commande Routier
- Libertad De Conciencia Y Religión
- Line Concentration Ratio Computing, IT Terminology
- Low Copy Repeats Medical, Science, Genetics, Biology, Genome
- Lyondell-Citgo Refining Business, Chemistry, Company, Chemical
- Local Capacity Requirements Technology, Energy, Storage
- Lowcross Range Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA
- Lifetime Community Rating Business, Insurance, Health
- Light Cold Rolled
- Landscape Characterization and Restoration
- Level Crossing Resonance
- Left - Center - Right Architecture
- Lutheran Church of Rwanda
- Local Call Routing Gun, Technology, Product, Revolver
- Languages, Compilers, and Run-Time
- Low Cross Range Technology, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Lifetime Clinical Record Medical, Technology, Medicine, Computing, IT Terminology
- Locus Control Region Chemistry
- Life Consumption Ratio
- Landing Craft Rubber Military, War, Boat
- Laconia Resources Limited (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Lutheran Church of The Redeemer
- Libyan Arab Air Cargo Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Libya, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Local Cmll Rate
- Language and Communication Requirement Education, English, University
- Low Cost Routing Technology, Calling, Wireless
- Life Cycle Replacement Business, Management, Manager
- Longitudinal Critically Reflected Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Letter Carrier Route
- Local Civil Registry Birth, Philippine, Certificate
- Lower Common Room Gun, Technology, Product, Revolver
- Landing Craft, Rubber Military, War, Craft
- Long Call Reserve Education
- Lutheran Churches of The Reformation Conference, Lutheran, Congregation
- Loan To Cost Rdtio Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
- Language Communication Requirements
- Low Cost Router Technology, Software, Gateway
- Life Christian Resources
- Ligase Chain Reaction Medical, Laboratory, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
- Logical Change Records Technology, Database, Streaming, Gate, Replication
- Leased Cost Routing Technology, Service, Telephone
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does LCR stand for?
LCR stands for Local Content Requirements.
What is the shortened form of Local Churlh Representative?
The short form of "Local Churlh Representative" is LCR.
LCR. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from
Last updated