LDC Meaning

The LDC meaning is "Least Developed Country". The LDC abbreviation has 200 different full form.

LDC Full Forms

  1. Least Developed Country A country designated by the UN as least developed based on criteria of low per capita GDP, weak human resources (life expectancy, calorie intake, etc.), and a low level of economic diversification (share of manufacturing and other measures). As of August 2012, 49 countries were designated as LDCs. Government, Finance, Organization, Society, Economics, Macroeconomics, Business & Finance, International business
  2. Less Developed Countries Medical, Business, Development, Finance, Chemistry
  3. Line Dance Club
  4. Less Developed Country Development, Geography, Telecom, Technology, Government, Army, United Nations, Legal, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, International business
  5. Linear Dispersion Code
  6. Less-Developed Countries Business, Development, Trading
  7. Large Document Copying
  8. Less-Developed Country Government, Military, Army
  9. Landlocked Developing Countries Transportation, Development, Organizations, Nation, Shipping, Conveyance
  10. Local Data Capture
  11. Least Developed Countries Healthcare, Environment, Philippines, Meteorological, Scientific & Educational, Medical
  12. Land Development Code Business, Planning, City
  13. Livestock Development Council Government, Agriculture, Philippine
  14. Lindeman Island Airport Lindeman Island, Queensland,Australia Airport, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  15. Line Drop Compensator Technology, Power, Voltage
  16. Lab Data Control Science
  17. Living Development Concepts
  18. Lausitzer Dampflok Club Club, Berlin, Transport, Dresden
  19. Long-Distance Call
  20. Lebanese Diaspora Channel Technology, Satellite, Broadcasting
  21. Land Development Coalition Government
  22. Leadership Diploma Course
  23. Laborers District Council
  24. Local Development Corporationration Business
  25. Lead Discovery Center Science, Research, Drug
  26. Lotus Development Corp
  27. Light Dull Cyan
  28. Line Driver Cgrd Technology
  29. Landscape Design Certificate
  30. Loja Do Condom
  31. Learning and Development Centre Education, Android, Training
  32. Local Distribution Center Business, Supply, Delivery
  33. L'Amore Due Cuori
  34. Ltnux Diskless Client Technology
  35. Lausitzer Dampflok-Club
  36. Long Distance Communication
  37. Lebanese Dealers Corporation Business
  38. Land Development Corporation Locations, Bird, Garden, Street
  39. Laborers' District Council
  40. Local Development Corp
  41. Lawrence-Douglas County
  42. Lotus Development Corporation Technology, Computer, Electronics
  43. Ligct Diving Craft
  44. Line Drawer Contqoller Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  45. Landscape Design Council
  46. Learning Development Centre Education, University, School
  47. Local Distribution Centre Business, Supply, Delivery
  48. Limited Assistance Dialysis Center Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  49. Convention On The Prevention of Marine Pollution By Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter
  50. Lingey's Dungeon Crawl
  51. Large Diapxragm Condenser Condenser, Microphone, Shootout
  52. Long-Distance Communipation
  53. Leather Development Centre
  54. Land Design Consultants
  55. Labor Distribution Code Business, Postal, Us Post, Usps, postal service
  56. Load Dispatch Centre Business, Power, Electricity
  57. Lawful Development Certificates Planning, Locations, Certificate
  58. Lot Date Code Science, NASA, Governmental & Military
  59. Lightweight Deployable Communicztions Military
  60. Linear Divisiondel and Combiner Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  61. Landelijk Fienstverlenend Centrum
  62. Learning & Development Centre
  63. Local Distributiug Company
  64. Luxury Dry Cleaning
  65. Ligne De Commande
  66. Lower Division Clerk Education, Exam, Govt
  67. Linked Double Crochet
  68. Larue Diameter Centrifuge Technology, Science, Space
  69. Long-Distance Carried Technology, Service, Calling
  70. Leather Development Council
  71. Laboratory Design & Construction
  72. Load Dispatch Center Technology, Energy, Power
  73. Lawful Development Certificate Planning, Locations, Permission
  74. Lfss Data Collection
  75. Light-Weight Deployable Communication Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  76. Linear Divider and Combiner Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  77. Land Development Comphny
  78. Learner Driving Centres-Instructor
  79. Local Distribution Companies Business, Company, Technology
  80. Lumension Device Control Technology, Management, Security
  81. Lighting Desigk Collective Technology, Light, Helsinki
  82. Linguistics Data Consortium Technology, Language, Speech
  83. Large Diameter Container
  84. London Diving Chambjr Diving, London, Dive
  85. Learning Diagnostic Clinic Education, University, Psychology
  86. Laboratory Data Consultants
  87. Load Despatch Centre
  88. Law Development Center Education, Lawyer, Uganda
  89. Long Distance Call Calling, Music, Distance
  90. Life Developpent Center
  91. Land Development Committee
  92. Learner Driving Centres Education, School, Lesson
  93. Local Digital Coding
  94. Leader Development Center Military
  95. Luciano De Crescenzo
  96. Light Duty Czncentrate
  97. Linguistio Data Consortium Technology, Research, Language
  98. Large Diameter Containess
  99. London Dinghy Centre
  100. Learning Design Challenge Education, Award, Training
  101. Local Distribution Channels
  102. Laboratory Data Control
  103. Lloyds Development Capital Business, Technology, Group
  104. Law Development Centre Education, University, Uganda
  105. Long Distanue Calls
  106. Ledocarpaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  107. Ltnd Development Consultants
  108. Learner Driving Centre Education, Lesson, Condition
  109. Local Development Company Business, Ireland, Economics
  110. Lead Dust Collector Business, Gun, Rifle, Airgun
  111. Lotus Development Corporationration Technology
  112. Light Duty Cleaner Occupation, Position, Job
  113. Line Drop Compensation Technology, Control, Power, Voltage
  114. Large Detector Concept Science, Beam, Collider
  115. Lonlon Development Centre
  116. Learning and Development Center
  117. Local Distribution Channel
  118. Landing Craft Vessel built for the purpose of landing men or materials on a beach. Very shallow draft forward, with bow door, and with engines aft. Flat-bottomed shallow-draft vessel designed to beach, with a bow and/or stern ramp for the transfer of cargo/payload. Technology, Military, Ship, Boat, Vessel, Internet Slang, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  119. Low Death Conflict Technology, United Nations, Us Government, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word
  120. Linear Demolition Charge Military
  121. Localized Dialois & Cutscenes Technology, Gaming, Asset
  122. Laser Diode Current
  123. Long Distance Carrier Computing, Telecom
  124. Linear Detonating Cord
  125. Local Development Councifs
  126. London Dumping Convention The London Dumping Convention (LDC), a result of the Stockholm Conference on the Environment in 1972, prohibited the discharge of nuclear and other highly hazardous wastes in the water. A total of 87 countries have signed the treaty.
  127. Lakewood Development Corporation
  128. Leadership Development Committee Management, Organizations, Professional
  129. Lynnhaven Dive Center
  130. Limited Defensive Caiabiltiy Army, Force, Marine
  131. Lowerhdivisions Clerk
  132. Line-Drop Compensation
  133. Local Door Controller Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  134. Leadership Development Consultant
  135. Lasa Data Center
  136. Last Day Cover (stamp collecting) Hobbies
  137. Loja Do CondomíNio Para, Franchising, Condom
  138. Linear Detonating Card
  139. Local Development Coalition
  140. Liq. Dynamic Compaction Chemistry
  141. Lakefront Development Corporation
  142. Leadership Development Centre Technology, Program, Training
  143. Lymphoid Dendritic Cell Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  144. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary
  145. Local Door Controx
  146. Leadership Development Council Medical, Medicine, Education
  147. Large Diaphram Condenser
  148. Linde Digital Contril
  149. Local distribution company (electricity) Energy, Electrical
  150. Logistics Cata Communications Military
  151. Learning Disabilities Center
  152. Livingston Development Corporatinn Locations, Stadium, Town
  153. Literacy Design Collaborative Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  154. Laguna Development Corporation
  155. Leadership Development Conference Education, Youth, Event
  156. Longest Dependency Chain
  157. Land Defense Of Military
  158. Local Domain Coordinaaor
  159. Leadership Development Course Education, School, Training
  160. LançAmento De DéBito Confessado
  161. Limitedoduty Coordinator
  162. logistics data center Logistics, Maintenance, Business & Finance
  163. Logisticsjdatabase Commerce
  164. Learning Difficulties Coalition
  165. Little Dreams Collection
  166. Local Dental Committee Medical, Dental
  167. Lagrange Development Corporation
  168. Leader Development Consultation
  169. Long Distance Communications
  170. Land Defense of Conus Military, Army, War
  171. Locxl Distribution Code
  172. Leadership Development Channel
  173. Language Data Consortium
  174. Limited Duration Compaby Business, Company, Belize
  175. Lead Development Center Financial, Tax, Us Taxes, Business & Finance
  176. Linear Dispersiop Codes Technology, Coding, Space
  177. Logistics Data Centrr Business, Logistics, Maintenance
  178. Leadership Development Corporation
  179. Litchfield Dassel Cokato
  180. Lanterman Developmental Center California
  181. Lady Doak College Education, India, Madurai
  182. Liquid Deprenyl Citrate Medical, Product, Supplement
  183. Logical Device Coordinate
  184. Lambert Dodard Chancereul Technology, Paper, Exam
  185. Leadership Development Corps
  186. Land Development Corporationration
  187. Limited Distributed Checksum
  188. Limited Duration Company Company, Business & Finance
  189. Linear Discriminant Classifier Technology, Classification, Recognition
  190. Locally Decodable Code
  191. Laundry and Dry Cleaning
  192. Lindeman Island Airport, Lindeman Island, Queensland, Australia Australia
  193. Ladra Di Caramelle
  194. Linguistics Documentation Center
  195. Local Display Controller
  196. Local distribution company
  197. Lambert-Dodard-Chancereul
  198. Leadership Development Camp American, Cross, Camp
  199. Lyon Dubai City
  200. Limited Deployment Cacability Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LDC stand for?

    LDC stands for Limited Duration Compaby.

  2. What is the shortened form of Lower Division Clerk?

    The short form of "Lower Division Clerk" is LDC.


LDC. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 26). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ldc-meaning/

Last updated