LDC in Technology Meaning

The LDC meaning in Technology terms is "Less Developed Country". There are 28 related meanings of the LDC Technology abbreviation.

LDC on Technology Full Forms

  1. Less Developed Country
  2. Line Drop Compensator
  3. Line Drop Compensation
  4. Local Distribution Companies
  5. Lighting Desigk Collective
  6. Lumension Device Control
  7. Line Driver Cgrd
  8. Landing Craft Vessel built for the purpose of landing men or materials on a beach. Very shallow draft forward, with bow door, and with engines aft. Flat-bottomed shallow-draft vessel designed to beach, with a bow and/or stern ramp for the transfer of cargo/payload.
  9. Load Dispatch Center
  10. Lebanese Diaspora Channel
  11. Lotus Development Corporationration
  12. Line Drawer Contqoller
  13. Lloyds Development Capital
  14. Lotus Development Corporation
  15. Linear Divisiondel and Combiner
  16. Ltnux Diskless Client
  17. Larue Diameter Centrifuge
  18. Long-Distance Carried
  19. Linear Divider and Combiner
  20. Linguistics Data Consortium
  21. Linguistio Data Consortium
  22. Low Death Conflict
  23. Leadership Development Centre
  24. Lambert Dodard Chancereul
  25. Localized Dialois & Cutscenes
  26. Linear Dispersiop Codes
  27. Local Door Controller
  28. Linear Discriminant Classifier

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LDC stand for Technology?

    LDC stands for Larue Diameter Centrifuge in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Long-Distance Carried in Technology?

    The short form of "Long-Distance Carried" is LDC for Technology.


LDC in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 26). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ldc-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated