LDC in Vessel Meaning
The LDC meaning in Vessel terms is "Landing Craft". There are 1 related meanings of the LDC Vessel abbreviation.
LDC on Vessel Full Forms
- Landing Craft Vessel built for the purpose of landing men or materials on a beach. Very shallow draft forward, with bow door, and with engines aft. Flat-bottomed shallow-draft vessel designed to beach, with a bow and/or stern ramp for the transfer of cargo/payload.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does LDC stand for Vessel?
LDC stands for Landing Craft in Vessel terms.
What is the shortened form of Landing Craft in Vessel?
The short form of "Landing Craft" is LDC for Vessel.
LDC in Vessel. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 26). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ldc-meaning-in-vessel/
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