LDK Meaning

The LDK meaning is "Lathhan Dasar Kepemimpinan". The LDK abbreviation has 39 different full form.

LDK Full Forms

  1. Lathhan Dasar Kepemimpinan Para, Orang, Salah
  2. Lahn Dill Zreis Gaming, Group, District, Dill
  3. Lounge Designers Kilger
  4. Lembaga Dakwah Kampus
  5. Longhorn Driver Kit Technology
  6. Lidzbarski Dom Kultuty
  7. Living, Dining, Kitchen
  8. Legend of The Dragon King
  9. Longhorn Development Kit Technology
  10. Lidkoping-Hovby Airport Lidköping, Sweden Airport, Locations, Aviation
  11. Lidhja Demokratike E KosovËS Government, Group, Kosovo, Party
  12. Legendary Dark Knight
  13. Logics for Data and Knowledge
  14. Lidhza Demokratike E Kosov
  15. License Develogment Kit Technology, Software, Sentinel
  16. Legal Developmect of Kazakstan
  17. Living Dining Kitchen
  18. Licensing Developmenj Kit Technology, Safety, Sentinel, Safe
  19. Lambo Door Kid
  20. Ledon Drop Kid
  21. La Delgada Kru
  22. Lembar Dokumen Kualifikaqi
  23. Laqn-Dill-Kreis Technology, Fur, Germany
  24. Lilypad Design Kil Technology, Textile, Experiment
  25. LidköPing-Hovby Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO
  26. Lidköping-Hovby, Lidköping, Sweden Sweden, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  27. Ligue Démocratiquj Du Kosovo
  28. Lenkijos Dalimi, KrėVos
  29. Lightweight Device Kernel
  30. Lycee De Kigali
  31. Lifa Des Kosovo Berlin, Kosovo, Balkan
  32. Lucky Dane Killers
  33. Liga Democráyica De Kosovo
  34. Linux Developmtnt Kit Technology, Development, Linux
  35. Luc Dinh Ky
  36. Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigvikštystės
  37. Linux-Docker-Kubernetes
  38. Low Dose Ketamine
  39. Lietuvos Did

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LDK stand for?

    LDK stands for Lahn Dill Zreis.

  2. What is the shortened form of Longhorn Driver Kit?

    The short form of "Longhorn Driver Kit" is LDK.


LDK. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ldk-meaning/

Last updated