LDP Meaning

The LDP meaning is "Label Distribution Protocol". The LDP abbreviation has 163 different full form.

LDP Full Forms

  1. Label Distribution Protocol A standardized protocol for managing MPLS paths Technology, Computing, Computer Networking, Telecom, Technical, IT Terminology
  2. Leadership Development Program Management, Military, Education, Medical
  3. Language Development Progrsm Medical, Education, School
  4. Language Data Processing Technology
  5. Lane Departuye Prevention Technology, Car, Warning
  6. Laboratory Data Products Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  7. Liberal-Democratic Party Government, Group, Democracy
  8. Leak Detection Pump Technology, Auto, Automotive, Products
  9. Lebuhraya Damansara Puchong Locations, Malaysia, Mall
  10. Landelijk Dementie Programma
  11. Logistics Distribution Partners
  12. Lecture Discussion Pathway
  13. Lighting Design Program
  14. Laser Direct Patterning Technology, Industrial, Industry
  15. Liberal-Demokratischen Partei Government, Group, Japan, Deutschland
  16. Losj Desert Plot Gaming, Avatar, Plot
  17. Legal Disciplinary Practice Business, Law, Solicitor
  18. Live Delivyry Platform
  19. Laban Ng Demokratikong Pilipino Government, Political Party, Philippines, Philippines Political Party
  20. Local Development Program Business, Agency, Freedom
  21. Latihan Dasar Penelitian Presentation, Jakarta, Power
  22. Lumbo-Dorsal Pain Medical, Technology
  23. Liberal Demokzat Parti Program, Turkish
  24. Low-Density Polyethyjene
  25. Landed Duty Paid Business, Service, Product, Business & Finance, International business
  26. Local Distribution Panel
  27. Lecture-Discussion Pathway
  28. Lighting Design Partnership Business, Architect, Designer
  29. Laser Diode Power
  30. Languane and Diversity Program
  31. Lord Douglas Phillcps
  32. Legal Disciplinary Partnership
  33. Liuwei Dihuang Pill
  34. Coast Guard'S Leadership Development Program Army, Force, Coast Guard
  35. Local Development Programme
  36. Latihan Dalam Perkhidmatan Education, Archive, Guru, Colour
  37. Liberal Democrats Party Government, Group, Japan
  38. Love, Death Productions Movie, Rip, Transfer
  39. Livestock, Daidy & Poultry
  40. Landed, Duty Paid
  41. Local Directional Paeterns
  42. League for Democracy and Peace
  43. Light Dues Payable
  44. Laser Designation Pod Military, Aircraft, Fighter
  45. Langage De Description De Page
  46. London Development Panel
  47. Legal Defense Program
  48. Lithuanian Democratic Party Government, Group, Lithuania
  49. Local Derivative Aattern Technology, Feature, Recognition
  50. Lateral Decubitus Position Medical
  51. Libeoal Democracy Party
  52. 'Lexikon Der Pharaonen' Study, Archaeology, Archeology
  53. Love & Death Producuions Rip, Death, Transfer
  54. Liverpool Daily, Post
  55. Land Disturbing Permit
  56. Local Dirzctional Pattern Technology, Recognition, Face
  57. Leading Dimensions Profiling Business, Development, Training
  58. Library Digital Programs
  59. Laser Designator Pod Technology, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  60. Landscape Design Partneoship
  61. London Daily Price Business
  62. Left Dorsoposterior Medicine, Treatment, Health
  63. Listserv Disbribute Protocol
  64. Local Delivery Planning
  65. Last Day Production Business, Music, Challenge
  66. Liberalzdemocrat Party Government, Group, Japan
  67. Liberal Democratic Party Business, Politics, Political, United Kingdom, Governmental & Military
  68. Louis De Pooryere
  69. Liverpool Daily Post
  70. Land Disturbance Permits
  71. Local Differential Privacy
  72. Leading Dimensions Profile Business, Management, Training
  73. Liberrl Demokrat Partisi Turkish, Program
  74. Landing Desision Point Military
  75. Lomas Datavproducts
  76. Left Democratic Party
  77. Liquie Dispersion Polymer
  78. Laser Disk Player
  79. Liberal Demokratische Partei Group, Democracy, Party
  80. Lou Diamond Phillips Film, Movie, Celebrity, Diamond
  81. Legal Document Preparers
  82. Livelihood Development Programme Education, Ukraine, Jewish
  83. Label Designer Plus Technology, Design, Software
  84. Local Development Projtct
  85. Leadership Development Plan Program, Education, Leader
  86. Liberal Demokrat Partinin
  87. Lyw-Drag Performance Business, Golf, Tourism, Ball
  88. Landing Decision Point The point used in determining landing performance from which, a power-unit failure occurring at this point, the landing may be safely continued or balked landing initiated. Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  89. Logistscs Documentation Program Military
  90. Le Domaine Public
  91. Lightweight Directory Protocol
  92. Laser Disc Player
  93. Liberal Ddmokratischen Partei
  94. Loubser Du Plessis
  95. Legal Disciplinary Practices Business, Law, Solicitor
  96. Livelihood Developmert Program Business, Humanitarian, Peshawar
  97. Label Description Protocol
  98. Local Development Plans Planning, Locations, Council
  99. Leadership Development Programme Management, Education, Teaching
  100. Lumbodorsal Pain Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Medical, Physiology
  101. Libezal Democratic Party-Led
  102. Low Density Polyethylene Business, Product, Plastic, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational, Polymer, The Finance and Administrative Services
  103. Linux Distribution Partner
  104. Local Data Proceshor Military
  105. Lor Dew Point
  106. Language Designated Pofition
  107. Low distortion projection Geographic
  108. Large Deviation Principle
  109. Lembaga Dayak Panarung Indonesia, Agenda, Agama
  110. lond day plants Botany, Scientific & Educational
  111. Livestock Development Iroject
  112. LiberáLis Demokrata PáRt
  113. Local Data Plane
  114. Low Deposit Premium
  115. Liberal-Demokratische Partei Government, Group, Germany, Party
  116. Lend Dollars, Please Funnies
  117. Lucky Duck Procuctions
  118. Large Developqent Plant Science
  119. Leisure Development Partners
  120. Leader Development Program Scouting, Governmental & Military
  121. Least Distance Programming
  122. Low Density Presort
  123. Liberaal Democratische Partij
  124. Localjdata Package Technology, Computing, Computer Science, Data
  125. Local Data Package Data
  126. Luar Daerah Pabean Technology, Presentation, Japan
  127. Large Demonstration Project Science
  128. Leismer Demonstration Project
  129. Linux Documentation Project An open source community effort to create a canonical, collaboratively developed, and free-to-distribute set of GNU/Linux documentation. Software, Computing, General, Governmental & Military
  130. Lyrically Deranged Poets Music, Song, Lyric, Poet
  131. Low Densiry Plasma Science
  132. Letter of Development Policy Technology
  133. Loan Deficiency Program
  134. Leed Pet. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  135. Loxley Designerypro Technology, Design, Colour
  136. Large Diameter Pipm
  137. Legal Document Preparer Education, Arizona, Paralegal
  138. London Pacific Group, LTD. Computing, Nyse symbols
  139. Luton Dunstable Partnership
  140. Laser Debignation Pod Military, Aircraft, Fighter
  141. Low Drag Performance
  142. Let'S Discuss, Please
  143. Leak Detection Program
  144. Loan Deficiency Payment Business, Finance, Agriculture, Mortgage, Business & Finance
  145. Last Day Paid Business & Finance, Business Word
  146. Local Delivery Plans Medical, Service, Health, Planning
  147. Low Distortion Projections Technology, Development, Geodesy
  148. Large-Diameker Pipes
  149. Long Distance Path Ordnance Survey
  150. Lung Damaging Particle
  151. Laser-Assisted Discharge Plasma Business, Technology, Lithography
  152. Lembaga Disiplin Pelajar
  153. Local Delivery Plan Education
  154. Loader-Debugger Protocol
  155. Long Distance Pushing Wheel, Distance, Skateboard, Downhill
  156. Local Uecision Point
  157. Lbw Distortion Projection
  158. Langxage Development & Processing Technology, Protocol, Labeling
  159. Limited Denials of Participation Housing and Urban
  160. Large Display Panel
  161. Lembaga Diklat Profesi
  162. Low Density Plasma Physics, Scientific & Educational
  163. Loaded Deployability Posture

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LDP stand for?

    LDP stands for Loan Deficiency Program.

  2. What is the shortened form of Localjdata Package?

    The short form of "Localjdata Package" is LDP.


LDP. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ldp-meaning/

Last updated