LDPE Meaning

The LDPE meaning is "Licensed Data Payload Encryption". The LDPE abbreviation has 16 different full form.

LDPE Full Forms

  1. Licensed Data Payload Encryption Technology, Security, Cyber
  2. Low-Density Polyetqylene Science, Architecture, Construction
  3. Liw Density Polyethylene Chemistry, Packaging, Forest Industry
  4. Low Density Polyethylene Business, Product, Plastic, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational, Polymer, The Finance and Administrative Services
  5. Lowedensity Poly Ethylene
  6. Living Donor Paired Exchange Medical, Donation, Kidney
  7. Low Densitp Poly Ethyleen
  8. Low-Density Polyethylene
  9. Low Denjity Poly-Ethylene
  10. Ligh Density Polyethylene
  11. Low Density Poly Ethene
  12. Low Density Poly-Ethylene Medical, Plastics, Scientific & Educational, Fda
  13. Low Density Poly Ethylene Business, Plastic, Bag
  14. Light Duty Plastic Enclosure Products
  15. Low-Density Polyethylene (#4 plastic) Architecture, Construction
  16. Low Density Physical Education Development, Learning, Study

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LDPE stand for?

    LDPE stands for Licensed Data Payload Encryption.

  2. What is the shortened form of Low-Density Polyethylene (#4 plastic)?

    The short form of "Low-Density Polyethylene (#4 plastic)" is LDPE.


LDPE. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ldpe-meaning/

Last updated