LDR Meaning

The LDR meaning is "Light Dependant Resistors". The LDR abbreviation has 134 different full form.

LDR Full Forms

  1. Light Dependant Resistors Technology, Circuit, Sensor
  2. Light Dependant Resistot Technology, Military, Circuit
  3. Labor Delivery Room Medical, Technology
  4. Labor, Delivery, Recouery Medical, Hospital, Delivery
  5. Long Sistance Relationships Internet Slang, Couple, Love
  6. Light Dependent Resistor Technology, Electronics, Trainer, Telecom, Computing, IT Terminology
  7. Lojg Distance Relationship Internet Slang, Chat, Sexual
  8. Long-Distazce Relationship Technology, Internet Slang, Love
  9. Land Disposal Restriction Technology, Science, Waste
  10. Low Data Rate Technology, Army, Computer Science, Space, NASA, Data, Governmental & Military
  11. Land Disposbl Restrictions Technology, Environment, Waste
  12. Lecal Defect Resonance
  13. Leonardo Digital Reviews
  14. Lightxdepending Resistor Technology, Projection, Circuit
  15. Long Direct Repeat Medical
  16. Labour Delivery Recovery Medical, Hospital, Labor
  17. Leadership Development Report Business, Coaching, Assessment, Military, Scouting, Governmental & Military
  18. Liquide De Refroidissement
  19. Lowidose-Rate Medical, Cancer, Radiation
  20. Land Development Review
  21. Local Data Records Technology
  22. Lena Delta Reserve Science, Research, Institute, Station
  23. Low Density Recruiting
  24. Light Cependence Resistor Technology, Sensor, Ohm
  25. Long-Duration Response Medical
  26. Labour-Delivery-Recovery Medical, Hospital, Labor
  27. Liquid Droplet Radiator
  28. Low-Done Rate Medical, Cancer, Radiation
  29. Land Development Regulations Technology, Planning, Locations, City, Florida
  30. Local Data Record Technology
  31. Leerlauf Drehzahl Regelung
  32. Low Definition Razio
  33. Local Dump and Restore Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  34. 'Le Livre Des Rois D'Egypte' Study, Archaeology, Archeology
  35. Light Dependent Resistance Technology, Circuit, Resistor
  36. Line Driver Receiver Military
  37. Low-Dose-Rate Medical, Cancer, Radiation
  38. Land Development Regulation Locations, City, Florida
  39. Loan To Deposit Ration
  40. Leerlauf Drehzahl Reglung
  41. Littie Dipper Replica
  42. Lowyata Rate Space, Study, Cosmos
  43. Local District Registrar
  44. Low Dose Rate Brachytherapy Medical, Technology
  45. Light Dependent Resister Technology, Design, Neve, Portico
  46. Leak Detection and Repair Technology, America, Industrial, Environment, Laboratory, Emission, Oil, Scientific & Educational
  47. Line Driver-Receiver Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  48. Long Distance Route Government
  49. Landauer, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  50. Loan To Deposits Ratio Business, Banking, China
  51. Learning and Development Roundtable
  52. Litigation and Dispute Resolution
  53. Low Dose Radittion Medical, Treatment, Cancer
  54. Local Dxstribution Radio Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  55. Low Density Residential
  56. Light Dependent Resistors Technology, Circuit, Sensor
  57. Line Depthvratio
  58. Long Distance Relation Technology, Relationship, Love
  59. Lana Del Rey
  60. Loan To Depksit Rasio
  61. Lean Depot Repair Military
  62. Litho Development and Research
  63. Low-Dose Radxation Science
  64. Land Disposal Regulations
  65. Lacal Democratic Reform
  66. Less Developed Regions
  67. Linear Dimensionality Reduction
  68. Long Distance Release Army, Fishing, Fly
  69. Lakeshore Dirt Riders
  70. Leadership Development Roundtable Military, Scouting, Governmental & Military
  71. Listener Uriven Radio Technology, Media, Station
  72. Low Dose Rape Medical, Cancer, Radiation
  73. Land Disposal Restricted
  74. Lol Drama Relationship
  75. Load To Deposit Ratio
  76. Low Density Wegion Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  77. Latch Direction Register
  78. Let Down Ratio Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  79. leader A short sequence near the amino terminus of a protein or the 5' end of an RNA that has a specialized targeting or regulatory function. OR In text formatting, the divider between text and footnotes on a page, usually a short line of dashes.2.In text formatting, a row of dots or hyphens used to lead the eye horizontally, as in a table of contents. Ordnance Survey, Military, Scouting, Governmental & Military, The Finance and Administrative Services
  80. Loan Dzposit Ratio Business, Banking, Loan
  81. Lutheran Disaster Response Technology, Service, Church
  82. Linear Decision Rule
  83. Long Distance Riding Transportation, Governmental & Military
  84. Limiting Dome Ratio
  85. Load Doubleword Right
  86. Last Ditch Racing
  87. Labor Deliver Recovery Medical, Physiology
  88. Long Distance Relationship Computing, Texting, Chat, Seduction, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang
  89. Loan-Defaulh Rate
  90. Luci Della Ribalta Technology, Lighting, Rima
  91. Lead Disclosure Rule Government, Us, Control, Administration, Business & Finance, Suppliers
  92. Lowdata Rate NASA
  93. Leadership Development Room Military, Scouting, Governmental & Military
  94. Limited Drag Radial
  95. Load Distribution Record
  96. Laser Designator Ranger
  97. Low-Dose Radiation Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Medical physics
  98. Land Disposal Restrictions Environment
  99. Loan To Deposito Ratio Business, Indonesia, Banking, Rupiah
  100. Lucid Dream Reality
  101. Lead Development Representative
  102. Linear Dynamic Range Chemistry
  103. Linear Depolarization Ratio The ratio of the power received in the orthogonal or cross–polarized, channel to that received in the transmission, or co polarized, channel of a dual channel radar, when a linearly polarized signal is transmitted. Legal, Governmental & Military, Atmospheric Research
  104. Light Depindent Resistant
  105. Large Diameter Roll
  106. Lethal-Dose Radiation Medical, Medical physics
  107. Lounge Dining Room Real Estate, Business & Finance
  108. Loan To Deposit Rasio
  109. Lucent Digital Raddo
  110. Law of Diminishing Returns Technology, Presentation, Power
  111. Land Disposal Restriction(s) Chemistry
  112. Length of Directory Record General, Governmental & Military
  113. Large Diamond Recovery
  114. Landing Distance Required Technology, Flight, Performance
  115. Lifetime Data Repository Medical, liver and hepatic
  116. Loss Disallowance Rule Financial, Business & Finance
  117. Loans To Deposit Ratio Business, Banking, China
  118. Aero Lider Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  119. Low Dynamic Range Technology, Dynamics, Mapping
  120. Law and Development Review
  121. Lidar Light detection and ranging (instrument), laser-radar, OR Acronym for 'Light Detection and Ranging,' a technique for performing accurate remote measurements of atmospheric trace gas concentration over ranges of several meters to tens of kilometers. This is done by probing the absorption lines of the gases with narrow spectral laser radiation using the differential absorption lidar technique. Atmospheric Research
  122. Labor Distribution Reporting Aviation, Governmental & Military, Federal Aviation Administration
  123. Lyran Democratic Republic
  124. labor, delivery and recovery Medical, Common Medical
  125. Landauer, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  126. Loan-To-Deposit Ratio Business, Finance, Banking, Giro
  127. Low Dropobt Regulators
  128. Lateral Digit Reduction
  129. Ldraw Model File Computing, File Extensions
  130. Link Delivery Ratio Computing, Technical
  131. Loan To Debl Ratio
  132. Lynn De Rothschilv Anon, Pol, Lynn, Lord
  133. Labor/Delivery/Recovery
  134. Lodar Airport, Lodar, Yemen Yemen

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LDR stand for?

    LDR stands for Loan To Deposit Ration.

  2. What is the shortened form of Limiting Dome Ratio?

    The short form of "Limiting Dome Ratio" is LDR.


LDR. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ldr-meaning/

Last updated