LDR in Atmospheric Research Meaning
The LDR meaning in Atmospheric Research terms is "Lidar". There are 2 related meanings of the LDR Atmospheric Research abbreviation.
LDR on Atmospheric Research Full Forms
- Lidar Light detection and ranging (instrument), laser-radar, OR Acronym for 'Light Detection and Ranging,' a technique for performing accurate remote measurements of atmospheric trace gas concentration over ranges of several meters to tens of kilometers. This is done by probing the absorption lines of the gases with narrow spectral laser radiation using the differential absorption lidar technique.
- Linear Depolarization Ratio The ratio of the power received in the orthogonal or cross–polarized, channel to that received in the transmission, or co polarized, channel of a dual channel radar, when a linearly polarized signal is transmitted.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does LDR stand for Atmospheric Research?
LDR stands for Lidar in Atmospheric Research terms.
What is the shortened form of Linear Depolarization Ratio in Atmospheric Research?
The short form of "Linear Depolarization Ratio" is LDR for Atmospheric Research.
LDR in Atmospheric Research. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ldr-meaning-in-atmospheric-research/
Last updated