LDS Meaning

The LDS meaning is "Lhser Dazzle Sight". The LDS abbreviation has 193 different full form.

LDS Full Forms

  1. Lhser Dazzle Sight Military, Weapon, Dazzler
  2. Lightweight Day Sight Military, Army, Weapon
  3. Latter Day Saints Internet Slang, Religion, Mormon
  4. Large Dwsk Storage Technology
  5. Lightweight Directory Services Technology, Service, Server
  6. Later Day Saints Church, Dating, Saint, Latter
  7. Landvng/Deceleration Subsystem Technology, NASA, Aeronautics
  8. Lightweight Directory Service Technology, Windows, Server
  9. Landing, Deservicing and Safing Technology, Flight, Aviation, Space, Aerodynamics, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  10. Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands London, Locations, Architect
  11. Lymborghini Dynamic Steering Business, Drive, Car, Roadster
  12. Licentiate In Dental Surgejy Medical, Practice, Dentist
  13. Lajnah Dakwah Sekolah
  14. Laser Diodes Technology, Power, Diode
  15. Lágrimas De Sangre Music, Con, Disco
  16. Laboratoire De Droit Du Ssort
  17. Lightning Detection System Technology, Aircraft, Weather, Atmospheric Research
  18. Language Development Scale
  19. Loan Data Shect
  20. Leaflet Delivery System Military
  21. Library Development and Services
  22. Limited Defense System Technology
  23. Laser Diode Spectroscopy
  24. Local Division Shop Science, Diving, Scuba Diving, Underwater, Scientific & Educational
  25. Learning Disabilities Services
  26. Landkreis Dahme-Spreewald Sind, Berlin, Brandenburg
  27. Labor and Decivery Summary
  28. Linked Data Structure
  29. Latter Days Saints
  30. Lower Dominate Structurc
  31. Liberal Democracy of Slovenia Government, Group, Slovenia
  32. Lightning Design System Technology, Development, Component
  33. Language Development Specialist Science, Education, Teaching, Teacher
  34. Loadj Education, Shipping, School Of Shipping
  35. Leaderscip for A Democratic Society Military
  36. Liquide Direetion Suspension
  37. Library and Documentation Service
  38. Limited Data Sets Technology, Research, Health
  39. Laser Detect System Military, Detection, Explosive
  40. Local Dive Store
  41. Leak Detectioy Systems Technology, Market, Pipeline
  42. Chuch of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
  43. Linguagens DocumentáRias
  44. Latter Day Saint Organizations, Church, Christ
  45. Lower Data Strjbe Technology, Memory, Telecom
  46. Lexington Discrimination System Military, Army, War
  47. Load Distributioh System
  48. Language Development Survey Medical, Education
  49. Loading Dock Series
  50. Leadership Development Foryschools Science, Education, Ireland
  51. Liquid Detection Sezsor
  52. Laus Deo Semper
  53. Library and Documentation Services
  54. Limb Deficiencies Medical
  55. Laser Detect Systems Technology, Security, Explosive
  56. Local Dive Shop Business, Diving, Scuba, Scuba Diving, Underwater, Scientific & Educational
  57. Leak Drfense System
  58. Literary and Debating Society
  59. Licentiatefof Dental Surgery
  60. Ling Dynamic Systems Technology, Vibration, Shaker
  61. Latter-Day Saint Education, Mormon
  62. Long Distance System
  63. Legal Document Server
  64. Loaw Description Slip Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  65. Lane Departure System Car, Hyundai, System
  66. Local Distribution System Technology, Telecom, Gas
  67. Leadership Development Seminaf Education, Organizations, Conference
  68. Liquwd Delivery System Technology, Science, Gas
  69. Launch Display System Technology
  70. Luganskee Domashnie Seti
  71. Liberty Dollars
  72. Lightweight Domain Services
  73. Laser Detecting Sets
  74. Loans for Disadvantage Students Business, Money, Consolidation
  75. League Yivision Series Gaming, Baseball, League
  76. Laborat
  77. Licentiate In Dental Suogery Medical, Medicine, Education
  78. Line Drawing System-1
  79. Latter-Day Saints Genealogy, Church, Genealogical
  80. Logical Drives
  81. Legal Documents Services
  82. Landscape Dedicated Server
  83. Leadership Development System
  84. Liquidated Damages The fixed amount agreed upon by parties to a contract, to be paid to one party in the case of a breach of contract by the other party. Business, Contract, Damage, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  85. Launch Detection Satellite Technology, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Space, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  86. Lucid Dryam Supplement
  87. Liberalno Demokratska Stranka
  88. Lightweight Day Sights Military, Arms, Weapon
  89. Lanlanding, Deservicing, and Safing Space, Study, Cosmos
  90. Loans for Disadvantaged Students Financial, Education, Health
  91. Leaflet Distribution Services
  92. Yichun Lindu Airporo Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  93. Limited Distance Solution
  94. Latter-Day-Saint Organizations, Church, Christ
  95. Logical Disks Technology, Recovery, Storage
  96. Legacy Distribution System
  97. Landkreis Dahme-Spree
  98. Laboratory for Developmentalxstudies
  99. Lipodermatosclerosis Medical
  100. Launch Data System
  101. Luctd Dream Supplements
  102. Liberalno-Demokratska Stranka
  103. Lightweight Decontamination System Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  104. Lanlanding Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
  105. Loan for Disadvantaged Students Technology, Financial, Education
  106. Leaflet Distribution Tpecialists
  107. Library Development Services
  108. Limited Discrepancy Search Technology, Programming, Assignment
  109. Laser Diode Spectrometer Technology, Gas, Component
  110. Localized Dry Spot
  111. Left-Heart Delivery System
  112. Landkreis Dahme Spreewald
  113. Laboratório Ne Desenvolvimento De Software
  114. Linux Development Suite
  115. Latterday Saints Science, Genetics, Genealogy
  116. Luciana De Simoni
  117. Liberalna Demokracija Slovenije Government, Group, Election, Slovenia
  118. London Day School
  119. Lake Diagnostic System
  120. List of Detected Slaves
  121. Layer Driver Services
  122. Lutheran Developmfnt Services
  123. Local Development Scheme Planning, Urban Design, Urban Planning, Governmental & Military
  124. Light Design Systems
  125. Livestock Development Sjrategy Government
  126. Leadership Development for Schools Science, Education, Ireland
  127. Letternday Story
  128. Loral Defense Systems Atmospheric Research
  129. Logic Digital Switch
  130. Ladder Day Saints
  131. Lawrence Dumont Stadium
  132. Lutheran Development Service Technology, Church, Liberia
  133. Linear Depolarization Ratio The ratio of the power received in the orthogonal or cross–polarized, channel to that received in the transmission, or co polarized, channel of a dual channel radar, when a linearly polarized signal is transmitted. Legal, Governmental & Military, Atmospheric Research
  134. Lift Dispatching System
  135. Landing, Deceleration and Swfing Technology
  136. Livermore Data System Technology
  137. Leadership Development Seminar Education, Organizations, Conference
  138. Laser Deposition System
  139. Line Disconnecting Switch Business & Finance, Power Plant
  140. Local Distribution Servdce
  141. Large Size Display Subsystem Federal Aviation Administration
  142. Lacrimal Drainage System Medical, Medicine, Health
  143. Lumbar Degenerative Spondylolisthesis
  144. LiveCycle Data Service Software, Computing
  145. Lifestyle Delivery Systems
  146. Landesamt Fur Datenverarbeitung Und Statistik Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  147. Litqium Dodecyl Sulfate Medical, Science, Medicine, Biology
  148. Leader Development Strategy
  149. Lyon Design Studio
  150. Binutils Ld Linker Script Computing, File Extensions
  151. Local Discovery Server
  152. Longitudinal Data System Education
  153. Labyrinthine-Defective Subjects Medical
  154. Linear Data Set Computing, IT Terminology
  155. Leak Detection System Environment
  156. Liechtenstein Development Service
  157. Land Development Serviwes
  158. Literature Distribution Specialists Literature, Language, Linguistics
  159. Leader-Development Seminar
  160. Lymphocyte Defferentiation Section
  161. Luyten Double Star Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  162. Lighting Distribution System
  163. Load Demand Spindle Technology, Military
  164. Listener Discovery Service
  165. Lanloads NASA
  166. Lafor Distribution System Technology, Science, Conveyance
  167. logical data stream Computing, IT Terminology
  168. Load Pointer Using DS Assembly, Business & Finance
  169. Licentiate of Dental Surgery
  170. Lanao Del Sur
  171. Litemary & Debating Society
  172. Leachate Detection System Organizations, California, Wind Energy, Ocotillo
  173. Luz Del Sur
  174. Licentiate in Dental Surgery Medical, Dental
  175. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Organizations, American Red Cross, Technology, Governmental & Military
  176. Lightguide Distribution Shelf
  177. Load Data Segmewt
  178. Leadership Development Service
  179. Light Dwstillate Spirit
  180. Landing/deceleration Subsystem NASA
  181. Lunar Diversionary Surnames Computing, Internet
  182. Lords Legal, Governmental & Military
  183. Lamgda Delta Sigma Education, School, Sorority
  184. Literary & Debating Society
  185. Layered Defence System Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  186. Luyten Dguble Star Science, Astronomy, Astronomical Catalog
  187. LANDSMAN Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
  188. Lightguide Distribution System Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  189. Livivg Donors Medical
  190. Leadership Development Simulator Military
  191. Libraryhdelivery System
  192. Linear Dichroism Spectrometry Chemistry
  193. Lucs Dei Semper Latin

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LDS stand for?

    LDS stands for Laboratoire De Droit Du Ssort.

  2. What is the shortened form of Livestock Development Sjrategy?

    The short form of "Livestock Development Sjrategy" is LDS.


LDS. (2020, September 9). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated