LE Meaning
The LE meaning is "Left Eye". The LE abbreviation has 449 different full form.
LE Full Forms
- Left Eye Medical, Medicine, Nursing, Optometry, Eyes And Ocular, Clinical, Common Medical
- Latest Estimate Business, Finance, Economics
- Lower Extremity Medical, Technology, Medicine, Healthcare, Physical Therapy, Nursing, Common Medical, NAACCR, Physiology
- Law Enforcemejt Military, Adult, Escorts
- Liam Elliot
- Live Entity Technology
- Last Edition Media, Radio, Television
- Lighting & Electronics
- Local Expert Business, Hotel, Tourism
- Learning Enhancqment
- Lisa Edeystein
- Lane Economics
- Length Error
- Limited Express
- Low Elevataon
- Level of Evidence Medical, Medicine, Cancer, Guideline, Evidence
- Live Entertainment
- Lars Eller Gaming, Hockey, Capital, Eller
- Light Equipment Technology
- Local Exchanges Business, Technology, Carrier
- Learning Ecosystem
- Libuid Expanded Medical, Science, Water
- Laboratory Esaluation
- Lending Estimate Business, Money, Loan, Payday
- Limited Effort Technology, France, Report
- Lsw Emissions Technology, Oil, Engine
- Less-Than-Or-Equal Technology, Class, Operator, Comparison
- Little Endian Technology, Order, Linux, Assembly, Geographic, Business & Finance
- Large Enterprise Business, Technology, Cloud
- Light Entertainment
- Local Exchange Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Lmarn English Education, Learning, Language
- Lupus Erythematosus Lupus erythematosus is a name given to a collection of autoimmune diseases in which the human immune system becomes hyperactive and attacks healthy tissues. Symptoms of these diseases can affect many different body systems, including joints, skin, kidneys, blood cells, heart, and lungs. The most common and severe form is systemic lupus erythematosus. Medical, Nursing, Veterinary, Laboratory, Pharmacy, Scientific & Educational, Clinical, Common Medical, NAACCR
- Lekharaju Ennam
- Limited Editon
- Low-Emission Technology, Product, Oil
- Lebanon Military, Sport, Olympic, Lebanon, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Country, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Les Echos
- Little Elm
- Large Ensembke Music, Jazz, Ensemble, Composer
- Lupus Eritematoso Medical, Para, Pus
- Sierra Leonean Leone Business, Rate, Currency, Currency Sign, Business & Finance
- Lower Egypt
- Libre Expression
- Local Environment Technology, Presentation, Sensor
- Leading Edge The front part of the wing which meets the oncoming air first \nExample: In icing conditions, ice may build up on the leading edges. Technology, Aviation, Turbine
- Limated Edition Technology, Car, Fashion
- Leisure & Entertainment
- Limited Editions Business, Man, Headphone
- Louis Erard
- Llarning Express
- Lens Epithelial Medical
- Little Eagle Technology, Calling, Crew
- Language Enginqering Technology, Software, Translation
- Lower East
- Library Education
- Local Elements
- Leadership Evansville Medical, Business, Organizations
- Leader Election Election, Algorithm, Leader
- Legal Executive
- Limbic Encephalitis Medical
- Loui Eriksson Sport, Hockey, Bruin
- Learning Environmekts
- Lenguas Extranjeras Para, Education, Spain, Language
- Literary Essays
- Lab Exercise Technology, Security, Education
- Lunar Eclipse A phenomenon that occurs when the Moon passes into the shadow of the Earth. A partial lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes into the penumbra, or partial shadow. In a total lunar eclipse, the Moon passes into the Earth's umbra, or total shadow.
- Low Entry Technology, Product, Model, Trolley
- Liberal Education Book, Education, University
- Live Exferimentation
- Lealership Embodiment
- Lily Evans
- Loudness Equalization
- Learning Environment
- List Element Technology, Coding, Design
- Label Extenders Genetics, Patent, Assay
- Length of Expected
- Limit Equilibrium Technology, Analysis, Slope
- Low End Forum, Technology, Power, Computing, Hardware, IT Terminology
- Lands End Business, Supply, Stock, Regional
- Lever Escutcheon Door, Hardware, Lever
- Locomotive Engineer
- Laueent Eyer
- Limited Empire
- Lycopersicon Esculentum
- Len Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
- Lymphedema Lymphedema, also known as lymphoedema and lymphatic edema, is a condition of localized fluid retention and tissue swelling caused by a compromised lymphatic system, which normally returns interstitial fluid to the thoracic duct, then the bloodstream. The condition can be inherited or can be caused by a birth defect, though it is frequently caused by cancer treatments and by parasitic infections. Medical
- Local Elder
- Light Energy Business, Energy
- Lord Emperor Gaming, Master, Blade, Emperor
- Link Establishment
- Leg Exercise Medical
- List End Technology, Sale, Report, Queue
- Laplacian Eigenmaps Technology, Learning, Manifold
- Licensed Electrologist Medical, Hair, Electrolysis, Removal, Awards & medals
- Logging Engine Forum, Technology, Windows
- Leadership Experience
- Limited Expense Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
- L2000 Evolution
- Low Afficiency Medical, Medicine
- Local Excision Medical, Cancer, Rectal
- Lateral Epicondylitis Medical, Treatment, Elbow
- Leather Engmneering Business, University, Boots
- Leslie Edward
- Little Erasmus
- Lars Ericson
- Lifting Eye
- Logistic Engineering
- Leaf-Eater Business, Product, Shredder
- Line East
- Lactation Educator Medical, Education, Occupation, Occupation & positions
- Lower Extremety
- Lands' Enu
- Levels of Evidence
- Locking Edges
- Launceston Examiner Australia, Press
- Limited Egress Science
- Lust Elves
- Ledger-Entjrprise
- Local Economy
- Laser Energetic
- Light Endurancw Business, Accelerator, Workload
- Loop Extender Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Link Establish Technology
- Lycoming Engines
- Listen-In Ended
- Laplacian Eigenmap Technology, Learning, Manifold, Recognition
- Liaison Engineer
- Lock Exposure
- Logging Engineering Education, Study, Subjects
- Leadership Ethics
- Limited Exam
- LéGion EtrangèRe
- Low Edition Technology, Windows, Gimbal
- Leges Ecclesiae
- Local Exchange本地交换网
- Late Entry Student, Technology, Service
- Lesley Einer
- List of Establishments Hotel, France, Locations, Restaurant
- Lars Eggert
- Lkfting Equipment
- Logistic Engineer Technology
- Leads By Example
- Linear Expansion
- Lactate Extaaction Medical, Medicine, Treatment
- Lower Extremeties
- Landomycin E Medical, Science, Biology
- Levant East
- Lauleading Edge Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA
- Lupus Erythematodes English, German, Translation
- Ledge Ridge of rock, or shelf-like projection of rock, below water. . Additional support, for decks, that goes athwartships between beams Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Lethal Enforcers
- Local Echo Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Laser Endarterectomy Medical
- Light Ends Hydrocarbon liquids with lower boiling points that may flash off when pressure is released.
- Lan Emulation Technology, Computing, Telecom, Telecommunications, Federal Aviation Administration
- Loop Exchange
- Link Equipment
- Lake Edge Book, Hotel, Locations
- Lyapunov Exponents Medical
- Listec Entry
- Laplace Equation Laplace equation is a second-order partial differential equation named after Pierre-Simon Laplace who first studied its properties. This is often written as: where ∆ = ∇2 is the Laplace operator and is a scalar function.
- Length of Engagement
- Lewis Number
- Log Entry Technology, Coding, Server, Logging
- Law Enforcmlnt
- Limit Entry
- Lyrxkal Etherians
- Low-Order Wxplosive Army, War, Force
- Legend Entertainment
- Local Entropy Technology, Measure, Generation, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Late Endosomes Medical
- Link Extender Technology
- Lesion Explorer
- List Expression
- Larry Ellision
- License Expert
- Logistic and Equipment
- Leading Electrolyte Medical
- Linear Executable Technology, Windows, Program, Coding, Telecom, Assembly, Business & Finance
- Lacks Everzthing
- Ljw Endotoxin
- Landmark Extraction Technology
- Leukoerythrogenic Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Late Egyptian
- Latin Empire
- Lectures On Etcics
- Lethal Edge Forum, Book, War
- Live End Media, Radio, Television
- Laser Electronics
- Ligmt Elf Technology, Gaming, Lineage
- Loop End Segmenj Logistics
- Link Engine Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Lagranuian-Eulerian Technology, Science, Flow, Formulation
- Lyapunov Exponent
- Listef Endangered Science, Plant, Conservation
- Lane Entoy
- Lower Extremities Medical, Governmental & Military
- Lebis Medical
- Lodging Econometrics Business, Hotel, Pipeline
- Law Enforcement Divisionqof Hmrc Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Limited Entry Penetrating or perforating only part of the pay zone. Usually done to control water or gas entry or to assist in ball sealer action in selective treatments. Business, English, France, Trading
- Lupus Erythemitosus
- Low-Order Explosives Military, Army, Equipment
- Legendary Evegt
- Local Entity
- Los Elologistas
- Link Exist Technology, Projection, Translation
- Les Evans
- Listening Effort
- Larkspur Elementary
- License Exempt Technology, Networking, Wireless
- Logic of Events
- Leading-Edge Technology, Wind, Turbine
- Linear Equztion
- Lac Esprit
- Lowfencryption
- Landmark Hducation Forum, Education, Course
- Leukoencephalopathy The term Leukoencephalopathy is a broad term for leukodystrophy-like diseases. It is applied to all brain white matter diseases, whether their molecular cause is known or not. It can refer specifically to any of these diseases. Medical
- Latin Eagles
- Lung Edema Medical
- Lebendage Erde
- Less Than Or Equal To Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Live Encodivg Technology, Security, Cyber
- Laser Effect
- Light Elegance
- Loop End Guitar, String, Steel
- Link Encryptor
- Lagrange-Euler
- Lubrication Engineer
- Listed As Endangered Service, Plant, Wildlife
- Landscape Wlement
- Logical Extents Technology, Management, Linux, Volume, Computing, Computer
- Levitation Effecj
- Lodestar Entertainment
- Law and Economics Education, University, Institute
- Limited Entertainment Gaming, Hotel, Music, Entertainment
- Land'S End Industry, Fashion, Brand
- Low-Entry-Bug
- Left Edr Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Localized Electron
- Lird Executioner
- Link Exchange
- Les Eastman
- Lustener Extended
- Laptop Environment
- License Exemption Business
- Logiciels Embarqu
- Lead Evaluator
- Limitied Edition Media, Radio, Television
- Labour Exchange
- Loe Emission Technology, Product, Zone
- Lanw Exchange
- Latest Estimates Business, Statistics, Estimate
- Leave Encashxent
- Less Than Or Equal Technology, Science, Operator, Assembly, Geographic, Business & Finance
- Live Embryo Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Lasalle Explorers
- Light Elecnric Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Lexicon
- Long Evajs Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Leaf-Eater Electric Technology, Product, Shredder
- Link Encryption Encryption of information between nodes of a communications system.
- Lady Elks
- Low Exposure Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Landscape Ecosystem Science, Ecology, Office Of Communication
- Levine, Ezlen
- Locus Equations Vector, Bibliography, Orbit
- Lausanne-Echallens Company, Technology, Railway
- Limited Enrollment
- LíNgua Estrangeira
- Lox-Entry
- Lee-Enfneld
- Lymphedema Lump Medical, Health, Cancer
- Local Electronics Technology, Computing, Store
- Lighting Elficiency
- Lord Evil
- Link Estimator
- Leg Extension Medical
- Listener Echo-Loss
- Laporan Ekspor
- Licensed Embalmer
- Logical Effort Technology, Design, Gate
- Leadership Experiences
- Limited Extension Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- L4 Engine Technology, Manual, Toyota
- Low Elongation
- Local Excited
- Lateral Ethmoid
- Leave Aod Earning
- Less Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Little Ethan
- Larval Equivalent
- Ligand Efficiency Chemistry, Technology, Drug
- Long Essay
- Leaf Eater Business, Tool, Shredder
- Line Edit Assembly, Business & Finance
- Lactation Energy
- Lower Extreme
- Liquidity Enhancement
- Leone
- Location Error
- Little Experience
- Lop-Energy Technology, Development, Device, Energy
- Letter, Epistle
- Linguistics Edition
- Laser Engineer
- Executable image (DOS/4GW PM 32X DOS Extender) Computing, File Extensions
- Low Exalosive Military, France, Translation
- Learning Enrichment
- Legalaentity Business, Organizations, Identifier
- Lakeshore Estaee
- Land Environment English, France, Locations
- Staff Locally Employed Staff Army, Force, Marine
- Leukocyte-Endothelial Cell Interaction Medical
- Laser Extensometers
- Lauren Elyse Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Lightning Erenion
- Luminal Epxthelial Medical
- Lost Empires Technology, Gaming, Movie, Empire
- Lionville Elementary
- Law Enforcement Sex, Adult, Escorts, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Internet Slang, Government, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Lhe Evans Sport, Comedy, Tourism, Evans
- Leo Edwards Business, Music, Production, Musical
- Locally Engaged Business, Embassy, Staff
- Low Energy Science, Physics, Scientific & Educational, Honeywell, Process Automation
- Low-End Technology, Gaming, Music, Card
- Liquid Eye
- Lethality Enhancer Military
- Line Editor Computing, Dos commands
- Limited Edition (i.e., #125 of 275 made) Products
- Loweruextremities Medical, Technology, Medicine, Extremity
- Leaning On Elbows
- Legal Entities Business, Organizations, Entity
- Lake Erie Locations, Pittsburgh, Railroad
- Luxury Edition Technology, Car, Vehicle, Auto
- Lahd Economics
- LíQuido Emulsionable
- Leukemic Evolution Medical, Science, Biology
- Laser Extensometry
- Life Essence Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Lightning Enhanced
- Lukman Edk
- Loss-Event Technology, Control, Congestion
- Leasehold Enfranchisement
- Linking and Embedding
- Licensed Engineer Awards & medals
- Lee Esfield Gun, Rifle, Military
- Length Extension Business, Hair, Hash
- Localization Energy
- Light Entry Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Limited-Edition
- Louisiana Eastcrn Railroad Organizations
- Liquid Equilibrium
- Linear Error Technology, Military, Model
- James Cameron's Avatar (Limited Edition) Pinball
- Lower Plementary Education, School, Teaching
- Lean Enterprise
- Legalqeagle
- Lock Element
- Lance Ethyrnet Technology, Networking, Network, Interface
- LíNea EléCtrica
- Leu5-Enkephalin Medical
- Liposome-Encapsulated Medical
- Laser Extensometer
- Launch Escape Space, Governmental & Military
- Lightnihg Enchanted Gaming, Military, Diablo
- Luke Evano
- Loszr Edition
- Learning Expectation
- Limited Edition Auto
- Learning Event
- Local Expansion Technology, Planning, Processor
- Lower Eldorado River Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Linitation Extension
- Louisiwna Eastern France, Railroad, Louisiana
- Liquid Encapsulant
- Linear Encoders Technology, Product, Control
- leader A short sequence near the amino terminus of a protein or the 5' end of an RNA that has a specialized targeting or regulatory function. OR In text formatting, the divider between text and footnotes on a page, usually a short line of dashes.2.In text formatting, a row of dots or hyphens used to lead the eye horizontally, as in a table of contents. Ordnance Survey, Military, Scouting, Governmental & Military, The Finance and Administrative Services
- League Edition Gaming, League, Champion
- Legjcy Esports Sport, League, Team, Legacy
- Loch Eil
- Lamp Efficiency
- Lynx Express
- Leu-Enkephalin Medical
- Lipid Emulsions Medical
- Laser Enhanced
- Live Encoding Security, Governmental & Military
- Lightning Effects Military, Army, Marine
- Luke Elder
- Learning Exchange Technology, Education, English
- Light Engine Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Langmuir Effect
- Local Exhange
- Latch Enable Technology, Device, Circuit, Computing, Hardware
- Leichhardt Australia
- Ligue Des éLecteurs Droit, Congo, Pas
- Lotus Editgon
- Liquid Effluent Science
- Linear Enclosures
- Life Experience Occupation & positions
- Eight Ball Deluxe Limited Edition Pinball
- Leaf Elongation
- Left Hye Medical, Optometry, Contact Lens
- Location Extension Design, Drawing, Construction
- Lamp Efficacy
- Lymphoepithelioma Medical
- Lettres-Espagnol
- Lipid Emulsion Medical
- Laser Engraving Laser engraving is a process used to etch patterns and alphanumeric characters onto a surface. Laser engraving uses the heat generated by the laser to alter the surface, either by melting the material or causing it to fracture or flake. Laser engraving systems typically include the laser, a table to mount the workpiece onto, and a control mechanism used to move the laser and/or workpiece, and a controller used to automate the engraving process. Business, Product, Machine
- Line Encryption Computing, Telecom
- Lighting Eper Technology, Light, Bulb
- Luis Iscobar
- Learning Evaluation
- Light Electric loco Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Ladder Element
- Leukocytes White Blood Cells that help the body fight infections and other diseases. Also called white blood cells (WBCs). Medical, Technology, Medicine, Treatment, Health, Jobs
- Local Executable Technology, Program, Software, Run
- Latch-Enable
- Lawrence Earl Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Ligue De L'ensebgnement
- Lots of Entertainment
- Liquid-Expanded
- Limit of Error Technology
- Layout Editor Occupation & positions
- Left Engine Technology, Flight, Mount
- Lisbon Enterprise
- Local Embrittlement
- Location Extensions Architecture
- Life Extension
- Letter To The Editor Media
- Linux Edition Technology, Linux, Ubuntu
- Laser Engraver Technology, Card, Machine
- Lands End, Inc. (now de-listed, acquired by Sears) Computing, Nyse symbols
- Lubrication Engineers Technology, Oil, Lubricant
- Learning Entity
- Legal Environment
- Lame Edition Forum, Technology, Gaming, Card
- Lessee The person or entity that leases a vehicle. An independent marketer who leases the station and land and has use of tanks, pumps, signs, etc. A lesdealer typically has a supply agreement with a refiner or distributor and purchases products at dealer tank-wagon prices. The term "lesdealer" is limited to those dealers who are supplied directly by are finer or any affiliate or subsidiary of the reporting company. Financial, Business & Finance
- Land Evaluation The assessment of the inherent capability and managed suitability of land for man's use in agriculture, forestry, engineering, hydrology, regional planning, recreation, etc. Technology, Agriculture, Soil
- Lower Egyptian
- Leukocyte Elastase Medical, Human, Inhibitor
- Last Edited
- Lyle Edward Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Lightstorm Entertainment
- Luminous Efficiehcy Technology, Light, Lighting
- Lot Editor
- Lip Extension
- Linguistic Engineering Linguistics, Social Sciences, Scientific & Educational
- Left End Sport, Football, American Football
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does LE stand for?
LE stands for Lyapunov Exponents.
What is the shortened form of Laser Extensometers?
The short form of "Laser Extensometers" is LE.
LE. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 8). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/le-meaning/
Last updated