LE in Technology Meaning

The LE meaning in Technology terms is "Lower Extremity". There are 78 related meanings of the LE Technology abbreviation.

LE on Technology Full Forms

  1. Lower Extremity
  2. Limated Edition
  3. Local Exchange
  4. Less-Than-Or-Equal
  5. Local Environment
  6. Low Entry
  7. Live Entity
  8. Leading Edge The front part of the wing which meets the oncoming air first \nExample: In icing conditions, ice may build up on the leading edges.
  9. Low End
  10. Little Endian
  11. Large Enterprise
  12. Lsw Emissions
  13. Limit Equilibrium
  14. Little Eagle
  15. Language Enginqering
  16. Low-Emission
  17. Limited Effort
  18. List Element
  19. Lab Exercise
  20. Local Exchanges
  21. Light Equipment
  22. Less Than Or Equal To
  23. Logging Engine
  24. Linear Executable
  25. Late Entry
  26. Live Encodivg
  27. Less Than Or Equal
  28. Log Entry
  29. List End
  30. Less
  31. Lan Emulation
  32. Ligmt Elf
  33. Link Extender
  34. Logical Extents
  35. Lagranuian-Eulerian
  36. Ligand Efficiency
  37. Loop Extender
  38. Laplacian Eigenmaps
  39. Link Exist
  40. Loe Emission
  41. Leaf-Eater Electric
  42. Local Entropy
  43. L4 Engine
  44. License Exempt
  45. Logistic Engineer
  46. Laplacian Eigenmap
  47. Link Establish
  48. Low Edition
  49. Leading-Edge
  50. Local Electronics
  51. Logical Effort
  52. Landmark Extraction
  53. Link Engine
  54. Lausanne-Echallens
  55. Local Echo
  56. Linux Edition
  57. Land Evaluation The assessment of the inherent capability and managed suitability of land for man's use in agriculture, forestry, engineering, hydrology, regional planning, recreation, etc.
  58. Low-End
  59. Loweruextremities
  60. Linear Error
  61. Lance Ethyrnet
  62. Lighting Eper
  63. Lost Empires
  64. Left Engine
  65. Latch Enable
  66. Luxury Edition
  67. Linear Encoders
  68. Local Expansion
  69. Lame Edition
  70. Loss-Event
  71. Laser Engraver
  72. Limit of Error
  73. Learning Exchange
  74. Local Executable
  75. Luminous Efficiehcy
  76. Leukocytes White Blood Cells that help the body fight infections and other diseases. Also called white blood cells (WBCs).
  77. Lop-Energy
  78. Lubrication Engineers

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LE stand for Technology?

    LE stands for Local Echo in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Lame Edition in Technology?

    The short form of "Lame Edition" is LE for Technology.


LE in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 8). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/le-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated