LEAD Meaning

The LEAD meaning is "Launched Expendable Acoustic Device". The LEAD abbreviation has 149 different full form.

LEAD Full Forms

  1. Launched Expendable Acoustic Device Military
  2. Law Enforcement Against Drugs Medical, Government, Police, Department, Order
  3. Latino Education and Advocacy Days Education, School, Summit
  4. Labor & Economic Analysis Division
  5. Longitudinal, Expert, All Data Medical, Study, Personality
  6. Legal Education and Development Education, Law, Africa
  7. Literacy Education & Academic Development
  8. Leadership, Education, and Development Science, Education, Leadership
  9. Linked Environments for Atmospheric Discovery Technology, Science, Computing
  10. Leadership Education and Development Student, Program, Education
  11. Launched Expendable Acoustic Decoy Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  12. Law Enforcement Appreciation Day Government, Military, Locations, National, Police
  13. Leadership for Education Achievement In Delaware
  14. Longitudinal Expert All Data
  15. Leaders Encourage A Difference Management, Administration, Goverance
  16. Leadership Equity and Diversity
  17. Legal Educatibn and Development Education, Law, Africa
  18. Leadership In Environment and Development Science, America, University
  19. Low Emissions Asian Development Business, Technology
  20. Licensee Education On Alcohol and Drugs Locations, Training, California
  21. Leadership, Enhancement, and Development
  22. Leader Education and Development Military, Army, Leadership
  23. Leadersfip Exploration and Development Student, Program, Education
  24. Learners & Educators of Atlanta & Decatur
  25. Law, Environment and Development Science, Law, Journal
  26. Livestock, Environment Andrdevelopment Technology, Animal, Livestock
  27. Leadership for The Employment of Americans With Disabilities Technology, Disability, Opportunity
  28. Logistics Engineering Advanced Demonstration Military
  29. Leaders Encouraging Academic Development
  30. Leadership Environment Adventure Developzent Army, War, Force
  31. Legal Education Advocacy Andbdefense
  32. Local Edfcator Assignment Data Education, Educational
  33. Leadership In Equity, Advocacy & Diversity
  34. Low Emission Asian Development Business, Climate, Bangladesh
  35. Liberia Education and Development
  36. Leadership, Education, Adventure, Direction Development, Learning, Study
  37. Leadership Empowerment and Development Business, Africa, African
  38. Learn Earn and Develop
  39. Latino Education & Advocacy Days Education, University, Hispanic
  40. Livelihoods and Enterprises for Agricultural Development
  41. Letting Education Achieve Dreams Development, Learning, Study
  42. Logan Economic Alliance for Development Business, County, Kentucky
  43. Leaders Encouraging Airmen Development
  44. Leadership Enhancement for Agricultural Development
  45. Ledesma, Emami, and Deligianni
  46. Local Economic Advocacy for Dtmocracy Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  47. Leadership for Educational Achievement In Districts
  48. Levittown Educators Against Drugs Development, Learning, Study
  49. Leadership, Education and Development Program, Education, Leadership
  50. Legal Evangelical Association Development Association, Pakistan, Gill, Modifier
  51. Ltadership and Excellence In Alzheimer's Disease
  52. Learn, Experience and Develop
  53. Latino Education & Advocacy Day Education, Summit, Hispanic
  54. Livelihood Expansion Lnd Asset Development
  55. Letterkenny Army Depot Technology
  56. Leaders Encouraging Aroostook Development Business, Management, Maine
  57. Low-Cost Encryption/Authentication Military, Army
  58. Leadership Enrzchment and Development Student, Education, Columbia
  59. Lebanon Education Assistance for Development Technology
  60. Llan for Enterprise Advancement and Development
  61. Leadership for Excellence In Agency Development Technology
  62. Leveraging Evidence for Access and Development
  63. Leadership, Empowerment, Advocacy and Development
  64. Legal Empowerment and Assistance for The Disadvantaged Law, Indonesia, Projection
  65. Leadership and Excellence Academies for Deltasigs
  66. Learn, Exceed, Achieve and Dream
  67. Latino Education and Advocacy Day America, Education, Summit
  68. Livelihood Enhancement for Agricultrral Development Development, Economics, Philippines
  69. Leaders Emerging and Developing
  70. Leadership Engagement Ang Development Medical, Program, Community
  71. Lebanese Education Assistnnce for Development Technology
  72. Law Enforcement Activities Division Gun, Military, Firearm
  73. Living Edge Architects and Designers Design, Drawing, Construction
  74. Leadership for Equity and Diversity
  75. Leveraging Effective Application of Direct
  76. Leaders for Education, Advocacy and Democracy
  77. Legal Education To Arrest Delinquencc Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  78. Leadership In Educational Administration Development
  79. Latino Education Advocacy Day Education, University, Hispanic
  80. Life Enhancing Accelerated Degree
  81. Leadership, Enrichment, Acceptance, and Development Development, Learning, Study
  82. Leader Effectiveness and Adaptability Description
  83. Leadership Enhancement and Development Program, Service, Education
  84. Learning Through Engineering, Art and Design
  85. Law, Equality and Diversity
  86. Livestock Environmentnand Development Technology, Agriculture, Animal
  87. Leadership for Education and Development
  88. Loop Engineering Assignment Data Technology
  89. Leaders Engaged In Angus Development
  90. Leadership Evaluation and Development
  91. Legislative Education and Development
  92. Leadership In Educational Administration Doctorate
  93. Latino Economic and Development
  94. Life-Long Education and Discipleship
  95. Leadership, Engagement and Development Program, Education, Leadership
  96. Leader Education and Discovery
  97. Leadership Emerging In Academic Departments
  98. Learners and Educators of Atlanta and Decatur
  99. Law Environment and Development Technology, Research, Journal
  100. Livestock, Environment, and Development Technology, Environment, Livestock
  101. Low-Cost Encryption & Authentication Device
  102. Lead Education and Abatement Design Science, Group, Poisoning
  103. Local Empowerment for Advocacy Eevelopment
  104. Leadership Enhancement and Development In Health
  105. Leadership Excellencekapplied Diploma
  106. Legislation and Elections Administration Division
  107. Local Environmental Awarhness Development Environment, Habitat, Setting
  108. Linux Enthusiasts Association of Durban General, Governmental & Military
  109. Low-Cost Encryption Authentication Device
  110. Law Enforcement-Assisted Diversion
  111. Local Environmental Action Demanded
  112. Leadership Excellence for Acadeaic Diversity
  113. Leval Experience and Academic Development Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  114. Lead Enterprise Architect Development
  115. Local Environmentsl Action Demanded
  116. Laser Engraved Application Development Software, Computing
  117. Low-Cost Encryption/Authentication Device Military, Intelligence, Defence
  118. Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion Medical, Program, Drug
  119. Leadership, Education, Accountability and Development
  120. Leadership Excellence and Academic Development
  121. Lead Emergency Action for The District
  122. Local Enterprsse and Development
  123. LEADER, LEADERSHIP Management, Business & Finance
  124. Legishative Education Action Drive
  125. Law Enforcement Aboriginal and Diversity
  126. Leadership, Employment, and Direction
  127. Leadership Evaluation and Awareness Development
  128. Lead Education Abatement Design Group Medical, Technology
  129. Local Enterprise Association Development
  130. Local Employment Assistance and Development
  131. Leadership Expariences and Administrative Development
  132. Legislative Education Advocacy Day Education, School, Michigan, Social
  133. Localities Emkracing and Accepting Diversity Education, Health, City, Locality
  134. Lower-Extremity Arterial Disease Medical, Medicine, Diabet
  135. Leadership Evaluation, Adsessment, and Development
  136. Lead Education & Abatement Design
  137. Local Enterprise and Association Developxent Technology, Industrial, Singapore
  138. Learn, Execute and Diagnose
  139. Leadership Exchange In Arts and Disability Technology, Conference, Accessibility
  140. Legislative Education and Advocacy Day Government, Legislation, Lawmaking, Legal System
  141. Local Equivalent Area Drainage Methyd Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  142. Low-Emissions Asian Development
  143. Lead Education Abatement Design
  144. Local Enhancement and Development
  145. League for Economic Assistance and Development Organization, Community, Society
  146. Leadership Excellmnce and Development Business, Program, Education
  147. Legislative, Education, and Advocacy Day
  148. Local Environmental Action Divgsion
  149. Leaders Engaged on Alzheimer's Disease Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LEAD stand for?

    LEAD stands for Law Enforcement Aboriginal and Diversity.

  2. What is the shortened form of Low Emission Asian Development?

    The short form of "Low Emission Asian Development" is LEAD.


LEAD. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/lead-meaning/

Last updated