Leads Abbreviations and Leads Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Leads terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 11 different Leads abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Leads terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Leads Abbreviations
  1. BQFPH : Bumpered Quad Flat Package With Heat-Epreader
  2. VOM : Volt Ohm Multimeter
  3. UTDFN : Ultra Thin Dual Flat No-Lead
  4. QFN : Quad-Flat-No-Lead
  5. TAB : Tape-Automated Bonding
  6. TL : Test Lead
  7. TQFN : Thie Quad Flat, No-Lead
  8. LI : Lead-In
  9. LQFP : Low-Profileaquad Flat-Package
  10. LRM : Lead Response Management
  11. PVC : Polly Vinyl Chloride
Latest Leads Meanings
  1. Polly Vinyl Chloride
  2. Lead Response Management
  3. Low-Profileaquad Flat-Package
  4. Lead-In
  5. Thie Quad Flat, No-Lead
  6. Test Lead
  7. Tape-Automated Bonding
  8. Quad-Flat-No-Lead
  9. Ultra Thin Dual Flat No-Lead
  10. Volt Ohm Multimeter
  11. Bumpered Quad Flat Package With Heat-Epreader