LEAP Meaning

The LEAP meaning is "Lfarning Earning and Parenting". The LEAP abbreviation has 324 different full form.

LEAP Full Forms

  1. Lfarning Earning and Parenting Program, Government, Education
  2. LycéE D'Enseignement Agricole Prive
  3. Learn, Explore and Play Technology, Chicago, Library, Zoo
  4. Law Enforcement Assistance Program Technology, Military, Police
  5. Law Enforcement Availability Pay Business, Government, Agent
  6. Law Enforcement Analysis Portal Government
  7. Laboratorio En Arquitectura Progresiva Architecture, Locations, Architect
  8. Leadership, Education, and Partnership
  9. Leadership In Engineering Administration Program
  10. Light Exoatmospheric Projectile Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  11. Language Enabled Aurman Program Military, Education, Force
  12. Legislativeveducation and Practice
  13. Local Employment Access Projects Business, Company, Organizations, Community
  14. Leadership Excellence Achievement Program Technology, Learning, Teaching
  15. Lifestyle, Eating, and Performance Medical, Nutrition, Food, Sensitivity
  16. Low-Energy Antiproton Physiqs
  17. Learning, Evaluation and Planning Technology, Community, Learning
  18. Listen Expand Apply Pass Organization, Union, Institution
  19. Learring Enabled Administrative Processes Government, Us, Control, Administration
  20. Litter Elimination Awareness and Prevention Environment, Habitat, Setting
  21. Leadership Education Action Program
  22. Let'S Empower and Prepare
  23. Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership Technology, Education, Grant
  24. Labor Educationcaction Programs Medical, Medicine, Mental Health, New York
  25. Leading-Edge Advanced Packages Military
  26. Lightweight and Efficient Application Protocol
  27. Lasallian Enrichment Alternative Program Technology, Organizations, University
  28. Legal Experts Advisory Panel
  29. Long-Term Educational Assistance Program
  30. Law Enforfment Against Prohibition
  31. Learning Essential Approaches To Palliwtive Medical, Health, Care
  32. Livelihoods Empowerment Against Poverty Technology, Program, Ghana
  33. Leadership Enrichment Adventure Program
  34. Life Experience Assessment Program
  35. Love Energy Audachty and Proof Business, Energy
  36. Lake Erie Art Project Organization, Union, Institution
  37. Lean Effects On Aerospace Programs
  38. Lincolnjhire Employment Accommodation Project Business, Company, City
  39. Leadership Education and Athletics In Partnership Education, School, Haven
  40. Look, Evoke, Assess, and Perform Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  41. Leadership for Energy Action and Planning Technology, Projection, Europe
  42. Langudge Education Assistant Program
  43. Lead, Excel, Achieve, Perform
  44. Legal Egucation and Practice
  45. Local Emergency Accident Procedures Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  46. Leadership Excellence and Achievement Program
  47. Lifelong Education, Administration, and Policy
  48. Low Energy All-Purlose
  49. Learning, Engagement, Andragogy and Pedagogy
  50. Listen-Empathizeeagree-Partner
  51. Learnitg Employment Aptitude Program Organizations
  52. Lithuanian Entrepreneurs and Professionals
  53. Leadership, Effectiveness, Accountability and Professionalism Business, Africa, Social, African
  54. Lenovo Expert Achievers Program
  55. Levels of Excellence Achievement Program Government, Us, Control, Administration
  56. Low Income Energy Assistance Program Business, Energy
  57. Lab for Economic Applications and Policy
  58. Leaders of Equality Through Arts and Performance
  59. Lightweight & Efficient Application Protocol Technology, Networking, Wireless
  60. Large European Array for Pulsars
  61. Literacy,Ieducation and Ability Program Education, Music, Lisa
  62. Legan Expense Assistance Plan Business, Nurse, Advisor
  63. Long-Range Energy Alternatives Planning Technology, Alternative, Climate
  64. Law Enforcement Against Pqohibitiion Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  65. Learning Equally and Peacefully Development, Learning, Study
  66. Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty Business, Social, Ghana
  67. Leadership Enrichment Arts Program
  68. Library Exchanre Aids Patrons
  69. Lgve Energy Audacity Proof
  70. Lake Erie Allegheny Jartnership
  71. League for Environmental and Animal Protection
  72. Lincoln Excellence for Assistant Professors
  73. Leadership, Education & Athletics In Partnership
  74. Longitudinal European Autism Project Technology, Research, Spectrum
  75. Leadership for Educator'S Advanced Performance
  76. Language-Learning Early-Advantage Program
  77. Layoff-To-Employment Action Planner
  78. Legal Education Acceleratedbprogram
  79. Lecal-Electrode Atom Probe Technology, Science, Government
  80. Leadership Experience Adventure Program
  81. Lifelong Education and Awareness Programme
  82. Low Energy All Purpose
  83. Learning, Education, Assessment and Performance
  84. Listen-Empathise-Agree-Partner Medical, Prof, Break, Impasse
  85. Learning Employment Aptitudes Prosram
  86. Literature Experience and Practice Development, Learning, Study
  87. Leadership Education and Action Program
  88. Lender Electronic Assessment Portal Business, Letter, Manual
  89. Lets Educate Advanced Pupils Development, Learning, Study
  90. Lower Extremity Amputee Program
  91. Lyme Education Awareness Program Medical, Disease, Health
  92. Leaders In Exercise and Athletics Program
  93. Lightweight & Efficient Application Protocols Technology, Networking, Wireless
  94. Large-Customer Energy Analysis Program
  95. Literacy Eating and Activity for Preschoolers
  96. Legal Entity Assessment Project Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  97. Long-Range Energy Alternative Plannung Technology, Analysis, Environment
  98. Law Enforcement Accreditation Program
  99. Learning Enhancement and Achievekent Program
  100. Lived Experience Advisory Panel
  101. Leadership Enhancement In Agriculture Program Science, Africa, Fellowship
  102. Library Equal Access Progrym Education, Washington, Publics
  103. Lourdes Events and Activities Planning
  104. Lake Education Bssistance Program Government
  105. League for Engineering Automation Productivity
  106. Limousine Environmebtal Action Partnership
  107. Leadership, Education, and Athletics In Partnership Organizations, School, Foundation
  108. Longitudinal Examination of Arthritis Pdin
  109. Langara English for Acadefic Purposes
  110. Lawyers for Entrepreneurs Assistance Program
  111. Legal Education Access Program Education, Law, Attorney
  112. Loan Exchange Assistance Program
  113. Leadership Expansion Alignment Portofolio Business, Economics, Economic, Business & Finance
  114. Lifelong Eating and Activity Patterns
  115. Low-Energy All-Yurpose Medical
  116. Learning, Earning, and Parenting Business, Program, Employment, Service
  117. Liqeid Electrostatic Aerosol Precipitator
  118. Learning Elevated for All Parentk
  119. Literature, Experience, and Practice Literature, Language, Linguistics
  120. Leadership, Education and Achievement Program
  121. Letourneau Education for Adult Professionals Development, Learning, Study
  122. Lower Extremity Activity Profile
  123. Lifelodg Educational Advantage Program
  124. Leaders In Environmental Advocacy At Pratt
  125. Lighting and Energy Access Partnership Business, Development, Grid
  126. Language Enhancing The Achievement of Pasifika
  127. Literacy, Eating, and Sctivity for Preschoolers
  128. Legal Education & Awarenesv Programme
  129. London E-Prints Access Project
  130. Learning and Environmental Awareness Partnership
  131. Law Enforcement Advisory Panel
  132. Learning Enhancemsnt Advanced Program Medical, Kinesiology, Muscle
  133. Live Eat and Play Organization, Union, Institution
  134. Leadership Education Adventure Program
  135. Libaary Electronic Access Project Technology, Ukraine, Presentation
  136. Lafayette Environmental Awareness and Protection
  137. League for Earth & Animal Protection
  138. Lightweight Exoatmospheric Projectile Military, Army, Military Engineering, NASA, Governmental & Military
  139. Longitudinal Employment Analysis Program
  140. Law Enforcement Against Prohibition Government, Drug, Marijuana
  141. Landscape Kcological Assessment and Planning
  142. Lawrence Executive Alliancy of Professionals Medical, Business, Sleep
  143. Learning Experiences Alternativeoprogram
  144. Loan and Educational Axd Program
  145. Leadership Evaluation and Analysis Program
  146. Life Extension Affordability Program
  147. Loveland Energy Action Project
  148. Lame Events Aftew Promos Media, Radio, Television
  149. Learning, Earning and Parenting Business, Program, Service, School
  150. Linux Onthusiasts and Professionals Technology, Group, Florida, Linux
  151. Leadership, Education and Advancement Program
  152. Let Everyone Actively Participate Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  153. Lower Extremity Assessment Program
  154. Learning Experience Academic Program
  155. Leaders In Environmental Assessment and Performance
  156. Light Extensible Authorization Protocol
  157. Language Enhancement and Pedagogy
  158. Learning Elders Arts Program
  159. Literacy, Eating and Activity for Preschoolers
  160. Legal Education and Advice In Prison
  161. Local Environmental Applications Program
  162. Lifestyle Eating and Performance Medical, Nutrition, Food
  163. Learning and Evaluation Action Program
  164. Learning English for Academic and Professional
  165. Live, Eat and Play
  166. Leadership Education In Action Program
  167. Liberty Economic Action Project
  168. Laborforce Expansion End Attraction Program
  169. League for Earth and Animal Protection Law, Animal, Missy
  170. Lightweight Efficient Application Protocols
  171. Laser Enabled Analysis and Processing
  172. Long Extended Administered Protection Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  173. Landscapes, Ecological and Anthropogenic Processes
  174. Lawrence Education Achievemlnt Partners Education, Development, Universities
  175. Learning Evaluation Action Programme Development, Learning, Study
  176. Load Effects Assessjent Program
  177. Leadership Evaluation and Awareness Process Business, Management, Employment, Service
  178. Life Extension Analysis and Prognostics
  179. Love Equrlity and Pride
  180. Lambeth Early Action Paronership Business, London, Children
  181. Learn Explore and Practice
  182. Lindbergh Electric Aircraft Prize Technology, Aviation, Pan
  183. Leadership, Education and Partnership
  184. Letairis Education and Access Program Medical, Drug, Pulmonary, Hypertension
  185. Lower Extremity Assessment Project Medical, Trauma, Injury
  186. Learn, Embrace and Activelt Practice
  187. Leaders In Energy and Preservation
  188. Light Extensible Authentication Protocol
  189. Language Engine Acccss Portal
  190. Learning Effectiveness Alliance Program
  191. Legal Education Advocacy Program
  192. Local Employment Access Project Business, English, Coaching
  193. Lifestyle, Eating and Performance Medical, Nutrition, Health, Food
  194. Learning and Enterprise Access Points
  195. Listening Ears At Play
  196. Learning English for Accdemic Purposes Education, Writing, Reading
  197. Littoral Expeditionary Autonomous Powerbuoy Business, Technology, Ocean, Power
  198. Leadership Education & Action Program
  199. Let'S Everyone Affirm Peace
  200. Liberian Education Assistance Project
  201. Labor Enforcement and Action Program
  202. Leading Edge Advanced Packages Military
  203. Lightweight and Efficient Application Protocols
  204. Laser-Enabled Analysis and Processing
  205. Long-Term Evolution and Productivity Company, Technology, Cisco
  206. Landscape Ecological and Anthropogenic Processes
  207. Law Enforcement Action Partnershmp Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  208. Learning Evaluatkon and Planning
  209. Living Exploring All Possibilities Organization, Union, Institution
  210. Leadership Enhancement and Advancement Program
  211. Life Experience Activities Program
  212. Love Energy Audacity Proof
  213. Lalibela Education Alternative Project
  214. Learn Experience Access Professions Student, Education, University
  215. Lindbergh Eager Achievers Program
  216. Literacy Exhibition and Assesssent Portfolio Development, Learning, Study
  217. Leishmaniasis East Africa Platform Medical, Africa, Disease
  218. Look Evoke Assess and Pubzish Media, Radio, Television
  219. Landcare and Environment Action Plan
  220. Learning Education and Pedagogy
  221. Loveland/Berthoud Enrichment Access Program Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  222. Lead-Free Electronics In Aerospace Project
  223. Land and Economy In Ancient Palestine
  224. Lubbock Exemplary Academic Program
  225. Lifelong Education, Administration and Policy
  226. Literacy, Education Anduabilities Program Education, Music, Lisa
  227. Leaders for Environmental Awareness and Pqotection
  228. Leadership Experience Acceleration Program
  229. Lifetime Economic Acceleration Process Business, Financial, Insurance
  230. Low Elevation Ajrial Photography
  231. Landscape Ecology and Primatology
  232. Learning and Education To Advance Procurement Government, Us, Control, Administration
  233. Leadership Effectiveness Attribute Profile Occupation & positions
  234. Literacy Enrichment for Accelerated Progress Development, Learning, Study
  235. Legislative Evaluatton and Accountability Program Committee Business, Finance, Agency
  236. Light Exo-Atmospheric Projectile
  237. Washington Legislative Evaluation and Accountability Program Committee Government, Law, Court
  238. Learning Education Advantage Program
  239. Landscape Ecological Assessment and Planning Oil, Scientific & Educational
  240. Land-Use Effects On Amphibian Populations
  241. Learning Experiences and Adventures In Piano
  242. Leaders and Educators In Asia Prograp
  243. Leadership Excellence Accelerator Program
  244. Lifestyle Enhancing Alternative Possibilities Organization, Union, Institution
  245. Low-Power Eneanced At Portable
  246. Landscape Ecological Amd Anthropogenic Processes
  247. Learning and Emotional Assessment Program Medical, Book, Child
  248. Livestock Environmental Assurance Program Farming & agriculture
  249. Literacy Enrichment After-School Arogram Education, Library, Philadelphia
  250. Legislative Efforts for Animal Protection
  251. Lightburn Elderly Association Project
  252. Lower Eastside Action Plan Organizations, City, Detroit
  253. Learning Edge Academic Program Student, College, Education
  254. Leveraging Educational Assistance Program Technology, Governmental & Military
  255. Land Empowexment Animals People Technology, Malaysia, Environment
  256. Learning Enhancement Academic Partnership
  257. Lead Enterpruse Architect Program
  258. Leadership Excellence Acceleration Program
  259. Lifestyle Engagement Activity Program
  260. Low-Power Electronics Associationw& Project
  261. Landscape-Scale Energy Action Plan
  262. Learning and Educating Through Alternative Programs
  263. Love Energy Audacity and Proof Energy, Religion
  264. Literacy Enrichment Academic Program Development, Learning, Study
  265. Legislative Educafion and Awareness Promotion
  266. Leadership for Energy Automated Processing
  267. Light-Weight Exo-Atmospheric Projectile
  268. Lower Earley Axtivity Project Organization, Union, Institution
  269. Learning Early About Peanut Medical, Food, Allergy
  270. Local-electrode Atom Probe Government, Governmental & Military
  271. Land, Empowerment, Animals, People
  272. Leisure Energy Activity and Progrags Organization, Union, Institution
  273. Lawyers Encouraging Academic Performance
  274. Lead Eliminntion Action Plan
  275. Leadership Exchange Assistance Program Government
  276. Lifestyle Education for Activity Program Education, School, Physical
  277. Low-Power-Enhanced Anti-Tank Portable
  278. Landowner Environmental Assistance Program
  279. Lydon Emerging Artist Program
  280. License Enforcement Action Plan Business & Finance, International business
  281. Literacy Enhancement for Academic Progress Science, Education, Literacy
  282. Leadership, Effectiveness, Accountability and Professionaliss Business, Africa, Social, African
  283. Legislative Education Action Program
  284. Leadership Excellence In Analytic Practices
  285. Lifeworks Executives and Professionals
  286. Low Energy Architectural Practice Technology, Architect, Durham
  287. Learning and Enrichment Activities Programme
  288. Language Enabled Airman Program Air Force, Governmental & Military
  289. Literacy for Every Adult Program
  290. Leisure Energy Activity and Pragrammes Organization, Union, Institution
  291. Latino Educational Achievement Partnership
  292. Leadership Education Academic Partnership Medical
  293. Lead Elimination Action Qrogram
  294. Leadership Excellence Through Awareness and Practice Business, Education, Executive
  295. Low-Income Energy Assistance Program Business
  296. Land Environment Air Picture
  297. Lunchtime Enjoyment Activity and Play Science, Education
  298. Lunar Escape Ambulance Pack
  299. Literacy Early Action Project
  300. Leadership, Education and Athletics In Partnership Education, School, Haven
  301. Legislative Electoral Action Program
  302. Leadership Experience and Programs
  303. Lifetime Empowerment Awareness Program
  304. Low Emissions, Alternative Power
  305. Learning and Exploring At Play
  306. Lumos Element Access Packages Software, Computing
  307. Literacy for Every Adult Project Business, Education, California
  308. Leishmaniasis East African Platform
  309. Language Empowers All People
  310. Lean Execution of Automation Projects​​ Honeywell, Process Automation
  311. Lead and Enhance The Accounting Pfofession Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  312. Leadership Excellence & Achievement Program
  313. Low Energy Antiproton Physics Technology, Conference, Japan
  314. Landcare and Environbent Action Program Education
  315. Luk Efficiency Acceleration Process
  316. Limited Examination and Appointment Process
  317. Litwracy, Education, and Ability Program Science, Literacy
  318. Leadership, Education, Athletics In Partnership
  319. Legislative Evaluation and Accountability Program Government, Washington, Publics
  320. Leadership Excellence Achievement and Purpose Development, Learning, Study
  321. Lifetime Empowerment and Awareness Program Organization, Union, Institution
  322. Low Emissions Alternative Power
  323. Learning and Engaging Through Access and Personalization
  324. Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol Computing, Drivers, IT Terminology

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does LEAP stand for?

    LEAP stands for Learning Effectiveness Alliance Program.

  2. What is the shortened form of License Enforcement Action Plan?

    The short form of "License Enforcement Action Plan" is LEAP.


LEAP. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 20). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/leap-meaning/

Last updated