LEC Meaning
The LEC meaning is "Lens Epithelial Cell". The LEC abbreviation has 180 different full form.
LEC Full Forms
- Lens Epithelial Cell Medical
- Line Echo Canceller
- Lao Evangelical Church Church, Religion, Freedom
- Lockheed Electronics Company Technology, Space, Electronics, Computing, NASA, Geographic, Governmental & Military
- Legal, Ethics & Compliance Android, Compliance, Ethic
- Lesotho Electricity Corporationration Government
- Lactation Education Consultants
- Long Qvans Cinnamon Medical, Medicine, Biology
- Law Enforuement Committee Management, Government, Fishery
- Living Enrichment Center
- Logical Equivalence Checking
- Liberib Electricity Corporation Business, Africa, Liberia
- Language Education Center
- Local Enquiry Committee
- Leading Edge Code
- Low Energy Cooling
- Land'S End Canvas Industry, Fashion, Brand
- Laurens Electrzc Cooperative
- Light Emitting Capacitor Business, Technology, Lighting
- Languagc Exchange Club Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Locally Engaged Tivilian Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Legal, Ethics and Compciance
- Lesotho Electricity Corporation Business, Africa, Lesotho
- Labour Electorate Committee
- Long-Evxns Cinnamon Medical, Disease, Rats
- Law Enforcement Communicaxions
- Living Education Center
- Logical Equivalencg Check
- Ley De Enjuiciamiento Criminal
- Langley Events Centre Canada, Basketball, Langley
- Local Engineering Competition
- Leading Edge Composites
- Low Energy Constants
- Lymphatic Endothelial Cell Medical
- Launcq Escape Control Technology
- Light-Emitting Capacitor
- Language Evolution and Computation Student, Research, Education
- Local Exchange Company Technology, Service, Telephone
- Lej Eye Centre
- Lesotho Electricity Company Government
- Laboratorio De Estudios CristalográFicos
- Loxdrina Esporte Clube
- Lawfenforcement Command
- Living Earth Crafts Business, Massage, Spa
- Logan Entertainment Cegtre Tourism, Brisbane, Venue, Entertainment
- Levelised Electricity Costs
- Langley Education Centre
- Local Engineering Change Military
- Leading Edge Consulting
- Low Energy Company Business, Management, Training
- Local Exchange Companies Business, Technology, Service, Calling, Telephone
- Local-Exchange-Company
- Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells
- Language Engineering Conference Technology, Book, Sentence
- Local Ethics Committee Medical, Science, Medicine
- Lee Early Czllege Development, Study, Colleges
- Les Etudes Classiques Education, University, History, Anthropology, Periodical, Scientific & Educational
- Laboratoire D'ElectroméCanique De CompièGne
- Law Enforcement Council Government, Military, Organizations
- Livestock Evaluation Center
- Lodi Energy Center Technology, Plant, Power
- Legal Educatinn Center
- Leukoencephalitis Encephalitis restricted to the white matter. Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Cardio
- Lafayette Educational Complex
- Local Engineering Circuit Technology, Telecom
- Leadership Education Committee
- Lxop Electronic Coordinator Technology, Telecom
- Loan Entrance Counseling
- Library East Commons
- Language Engijeering Corporationration Technology
- Local Enterprise Council Education
- Les Enfield Carbine
- Leprosy Elimination Campaigns Medical, Medicine, Leprosy
- Environmental Consultants Environment, Habitat, Setting
- Law Enfoecement Challenge Technology, County, Sheriff
- Livestock Equipment Council
- Lodgejexecutive Committee Military, Council, Scout
- Legal Ethics Compliance
- Lester Eastman Conference Technology, Device, Power
- Ladybird Environmental Consulting
- Local Employment Committee
- Lead Environmental Component Military, Army, Equipment
- Lonsdale Energykcorp
- Coronel HoráCio De Mattos Airport Lençóis, Bahia,Brazil Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
- Load, Edit, Calculate Medical, Medicine, Mental Health, New York
- Logic Pquivalence Checker Technology, Design, Verification, Conformal
- Liwramont Exhibition & Congress
- Language Engineering Company Technology, Software, Translating
- Local Enterprise Companies Business, Government, Training
- Lee-Enfield Cyrbine
- LíDer Para La Educación Comunitaria
- Leprosy Elimination Campaign Medical, Medicine, Health, Cardio
- Chapada Diamantina Airport Airport, Locations
- Law and Economics Center
- Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells Medical, Research, Expression, Factor
- Lockheed Electronics Co. Technology
- Legal Ethics & Compliance Business, Brasil, Compliance
- Lesotho Evangelical Church
- Lactation Education Consultant Medical, Program, Breastfeeding
- Long–Evans Cinnamoj
- Law Enforcement Center Government, County, Sheriff
- Lonsdale Energy Corporation Business, Canada, City
- Loni Military
- Llei D'educació Deucatalunya
- Logic Equivalence Checking Technology, Design, Verification
- Liberian Electricity Corporatien Business, Africa, Liberia
- Language Engineering Corporation Technology
- Local Enterprise Company Business, Education, Scotland
- Lectuier Business, Job Title
- Low Entry Cab
- Legal Education Certificate Business, Law, Attorney
- Law & Ecvnomics Center Education, University, School
- Light Emitting Coating
- Lurie Engineering Center Location
- London Exam Centre
- Legal Entity Gontroller Business, Accounting, Banking
- Local Exchange Carrier Business, Technology, Computing, Aviation, Telecom, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, IT Terminology
- Laser Eye Center
- Lupus erythematosus cell Medical, Common Medical
- Leisure Entertainment Consultanqy
- LECTURER Management, Business & Finance
- Local Educational Consortium
- London Electronics College
- Leakage & Energy Control
- Chapada Diamantina, Lençóis, Brazil Brazil, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- London Euston Crewe
- Lynx Education Center Technology, Linux, Sun
- Laseb Etched Coronet
- Legal Educatiqn Certificate Business, Law, Attorney
- Legislative Ethics Commission
- Linex Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Local Area Network Emulation Client Technology
- Logicalis Enterprise Clpud Company, Technology, Carrier
- Law Extension Committee Education, University, Guide
- Liquid Encapsulated Czochralski Computing, Telecom
- London Essex College
- Low-Energy Cure
- Laser Edge Cleaning
- Legal Education Commons
- Legends European Championship
- Lyric Error Correction Technology, Processor, Probability
- Launceston Environment Centre
- Logic Equivalent Check
- Levelized Energy Cost
- Launceston Environment Center
- Link Edit Control Computing, Internet
- Locale Exchange Carrier
- London Environment Centre
- Low-Energy Channeling
- Large Enqines Competence Center
- Lxgend City Rr Network, Railway, System
- Lyonia Environmental Center Event, Environmental, Volusia
- Lateral Mntorhinal Cortex Medical
- Logic Equivalence Check Technology, Design, Checking
- Charles Leclerc Abbreviation for Formula-1 racing driver Charles Leclerc. It is referred to as LEC on the race result screen. Formula 1
- LíNgua Estrangeira Continuação
- Levelized Electricity Costs Products
- Local Education Centre Indonesia, Locations, Malaysia
- London Electricity Contracting Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Lexicon
- Liquid Exclusion Chromatography
- Lkrge Engines Competence
- Long Evans Cinnamon Medical, Cardio
- Legazpi Eye Centbr
- Lymphoepithelial Carcinoma Medical
- Last Error Code
- Light-emitting Electrochemical Cell Chemistry
- Local Export Clearance Trade, Business & Finance
- Local Education Cenrer
- London Electricity Contracting Ltd. Network, Railway, System
- Lightning Event Counter Technology, Product, Protection
- Laredo Entertainment Center
- low-energy cardioversion Medical, Cardio
- Legaspi Eye Cehter
- Lymphoepithelial Cysts Medical
- Last E-Liquid Company
- Law of Energy Conservation Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Lens Epithelial Cells Medical, Science, Biology
- London Electricity Contracting Limited Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Locil Education Consortium
- London Electricity Contractyng Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Lexicon
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does LEC stand for?
LEC stands for Lens Epithelial Cells.
What is the shortened form of Logical Equivalencg Check?
The short form of "Logical Equivalencg Check" is LEC.
LEC. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 1). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/lec-meaning/
Last updated