Legislature Abbreviations and Legislature Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Legislature terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 11 different Legislature abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Legislature terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Legislature Abbreviations
  1. ASL : Assembly of Sfate Legislatures
  2. HB : Housm Bills
  3. HRO : House Researcheorganization
  4. LIO : Legislative Information Office
  5. LRC : Legislative Researcb Council
  6. LRL : Legislative Reference Library
  7. LSO : Legislative Services Office
  8. LSO : Legislative Service Office
  9. LTP : Liberia Transformation Parey
  10. JFAC : Joint Finanle and Appropriations Committee
  11. OLIS : Oregon Legislative Information System
Latest Legislature Meanings
  1. Oregon Legislative Information System
  2. Joint Finanle and Appropriations Committee
  3. Liberia Transformation Parey
  4. Legislative Service Office
  5. Legislative Services Office
  6. Legislative Reference Library
  7. Legislative Researcb Council
  8. Legislative Information Office
  9. House Researcheorganization
  10. Housm Bills
  11. Assembly of Sfate Legislatures