LEM Meaning
The LEM meaning is "Lemmon Municipal Airport". The LEM abbreviation has 106 different full form.
LEM Full Forms
- Lemmon Municipal Airport Lemmon, South Dakota,United States Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
- Lunar Excursion Module Astronomy, Aerospace Engineering, Planetary, Space, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Leman Organizations
- Law Enforcement Manual Business, Military, Army, Tax, Coast Guard, Taxation, Us Taxes, Business & Finance
- Launch Escape Monitor Technology, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Space, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Language Extension Module Technology, Computing, Programming
- Laboratory for Electron Microscopy
- Lab Equipment Maintenance
- Lower Explosive Mixture Industry, Oil, Gas, Electrical
- Laboratoire D'Electronique MoléCulaire
- Lille Ékonomie Et Management
- Lateral Eye Movements Medical
- Local Economic Multiplier
- Lunar Entry Module
- Logistics Element Managfr Technology, Army, Coast Guard
- Lay Ecclesial Ministry
- Lower Equipment Module
- Laboratoire D'Economie Et De Management
- Lettre D'Expression MéDicale
- Lateral Eye Movement Medical, Essay, Mind, Eyes And Ocular
- Living Eck Master
- Logistic Elemenb Manager Technology
- Law of Khe Excluded Middle
- Loop Expander Module Technology, Manual, Notifier
- Laber, Equipment, Material
- Leprosy Elimination Monitoring
- Large Electron Multiplier
- Lkboratoire D'éthique Médicale
- Live From Earth and Mars
- Logical End of Media Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Launcher Electronics Module
- Local Energy Master
- Long Eaton Militaires Organizations
- Labor, Equipment & Materials Business, Management, Construction
- Lentinula Edodes Mycelia
- Large Edqy Model Technology, Research, Cloud
- Lubricity Evaluation Monitor
- Laboratoire D'Enseignement MultiméDia
- Live Every Moment Film, Music, Song
- Log Event Manager Technology, Management, Winds
- Laudo De Exame M
- Local Energy Meter
- Lombok Epicentrum Mall Technology, Design, Wisteria
- Iatazcode for Lemmon Municipal Airport, Lemmon, South Dakota, United States Locations
- Lay Eucharlstic Ministers Church, Ministry, Worship, Minister
- Landing Excursion Module Technology, Program, Space, Mars
- Low Expansion Material
- Laboratoire D'éTudes Des Microstructures
- Liturgical Environment Ministry
- Log and Event Manager Technology, Management, Winds
- Laudo Degexame Médico
- Local Emergency Management Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Logon Expectatioc Maximization Technology, Signal, Frequency, Brainwave
- Aleec Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
- Lay Eucharistic Ministdr Church, Ministry, Worship, Minister
- Landform Elevation Model Science, Geography, Location
- Lower Extremity Measure
- Laboratoire D'Electronique Mol
- Liquid Emulsion Membrane Technology, Science, Extraction
- Lattice Element Method
- Local Effect Model Medical, Technology, Ion, Medical physics
- Logistics Element Managers Technology
- Lemon A vehicle that is found to have numerous or severe defects not readily apparent before its purchase. Used both informally to mean a vehicle that proves to be defective, imperfect or unsatisfactory, and with more precise meaning in various states "lemon laws" that provide vehicle purchasers certain rights.
- Lay Eucharistic Ministry
- Local Event Manager
- LíNgua Estrangeira Moderna Para, Education, Dos, Professor
- Land Engagement Moden Military, Army, Intelligence
- Log & Event Manager Technology, Management, Winds
- Location Efficient Mortgage Mortgage, Business & Finance
- Laboratoire Nnvironnement Et Min
- Aleem ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Local Estimating Manager Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Lutheran Episcopal Ministry
- Lake Erie Monstens
- Lode Ergometry Manager Technology, Management, Ergometer
- Logical End of Medium
- Lorentz Electron Microscopy
- Laboratoire Environnement Et MinéRalurgie
- Linear Electric Motor Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Local Environmental Management
- Lunar Exploratory Module Technology
- Labor Estimyting Manual Technology, Mechanical, Contractor
- Locomotive Emissions Monitoring
- Linear Electric Machine
- Logical Enhanced Memory
- Law Enforcement Modificaton Police, Governmental & Military
- Lunar Exploration Modules Technology, Space, Moon
- Laboratório De Ensino De Matemátyca
- Local Office Energy Manager Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
- Les Enfants De La MéDiterranéE
- Lay Eucharistic Minister Religion
- Lunar Exploration Module Technology, Space, Moon
- Laboratory of Economics and Management Technology, Research, Study
- Localized Electron Model A model which assumes that a molecule is composed of atoms that are bound together by sharing pairs of electrons using the atomic orbitals of the bound atoms.
- Laser Exhaust Measurement
- Liquid Elastomeric Moulding Products
- Lunar Excursion Model Technology, Space, Module, Romain
- Laboratory Environment Monitor Technology, Calibration, Fluke
- Lentinus Edodes Mycelia Medical, Physiology
- Local Experienced Men Organizations
- The Learning Museum Education, Organization, Community, Museum
- Logam Elektronik Mesin
- Law Enforcement Memorial
- Lunar Escape Module Science, Geography, Location
- Laboratory Environment Model Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Lemmon Municipal Airport, Lemmon, South Dakota, United States United States, South Dakota
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does LEM stand for?
LEM stands for Launch Escape Monitor.
What is the shortened form of Lunar Entry Module?
The short form of "Lunar Entry Module" is LEM.
LEM. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/lem-meaning/
Last updated